Prey to the Heart (Wolves of Wild Junction Book 1)

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Prey to the Heart (Wolves of Wild Junction Book 1) Page 2

by Kristen Banet

  And what was Thomas Marek doing here? Why hadn’t they gone back to South Dakota to reclaim their Pack? Why was he in Kingson’s office?

  “Miss Harris,” Brenton cut into her thoughts and she turned back to him. She was suddenly much more nervous about this entire situation. “Do you know why you are here?”

  “I’m a psychiatrist,” she answered. “I’m assuming I’m here due to recent…events concerning your Pride, Alpha Kingson.” She would address him formally. He ranked high and she was hired help. She knew her place, and this was not a situation to make mistakes over protocol. She was talking to a Kingson and she needed to remember the King.

  “You would be correct,” the lion said, with a mildness that had her wondering how he achieved it. He looked too tired to sound like anything except exhausted. Control. That was her first professional guess about the Alpha behind the desk. It was also an easy one. Alphas always wanted some amount of control, over others or themselves - normally both. “And call me Brenton, please. I don’t stand on those protocols here at home. I would rather leave that for the rest of the world.”

  “Of course…Brenton.” she tested it carefully, keeping her eyes locked with his. He gave a nod and began shuffling through papers as he stood up.

  “Thomas…Can you…” Brenton trailed off, looking to the wolf Alpha who wasn’t an Alpha of anything.

  She knew Thomas Marek’s story. Born to the Alpha of the South Dakota Pack, he was the second son. Both men were born Alphas, but Chris had been the older son. Thomas ran to the Marines when he was old enough. When Chris took charge of that Pack, Thomas went back, leaving the Marines to be his second.

  Abigail knew too much about the South Dakota Pack. It was because the Herd kept up with everything that Pack ever did. It helped them stay out of trouble with the predator leaders of the territory.

  “We just escaped from a large hunter’s compound, not even a few days ago,” Thomas began, sounding tired. He leaned back against the wall and watched her intently.

  Abigail resisted the urge to shiver uncomfortably, resisted the urge to bolt from the room. Wolves set her on edge more than felines. She was a blacktail doe from here in North America. A lion wasn’t her natural predator. But Thomas was a wolf, and he was staring at her. To him, it probably wasn’t a big deal, but to her? It was like she was being sized up for the hunt. He probably wasn’t doing it on purpose, but she didn’t enjoy being pinned by his stare.

  She didn’t enjoy his stare for a lot of reasons.

  “We were captured about a month ago. Over half of South Dakota’s inner circle is now gone,” he continued.

  Abigail gasped. That was news. She privately thanked God that South Dakota decided to install a new Alpha. Their top ring was destroyed. There was no way they could reclaim the state.

  “It was a pretty awful place. The entire Pride was there, brought in a few days before we escaped. Four members of the Pack’s inner circle were hunted like animals and killed. I was hunted, but I made it out. I met Riley Stern, a female from the Pride, on the outside when she survived her hunt. We went back in and were able to break everyone out. We escaped. For some, it was possibly a traumatic experience.”

  “I can imagine…” Abigail whispered, her voice shaky. Sounded horrifying. She knew clinically the toll an experience like that could have on the mind.

  “You are here because I decided it might be good for my Pride members and other survivors to have someone to talk to,” Brenton admitted. “You need to understand a few things before I can give you this job, though.”

  “Oh?” She put her purse down at that, dropping it on the couch and crossed her arms. That didn’t bode well. What could possibly be more serious than understanding that she would be working with shifters who were nearly hunted and saw their friends murdered? “Please explain.”

  “The personal relationships you’ll see in this house are not your business.” Brenton growled softly. It was a command. A statement. But it was one she couldn’t allow, not in her line of work.

  “I’m sorry, but you really will need to explain. Therapy can go anywhere, address anything. If a root of a problem is based in a relationship, my patient and I will need to be able to speak out it,” Abigail told him shortly. “You hired me to do a job, but do not think you can dictate how I do it. If you want to, I’ll just leave. You can hire someone else. I wouldn’t recommend it, though. I’m probably the only shifter you’ll find who’s willing to work with predators without being a threat as well.”

  “I’ll explain,” Thomas cut in. She gave him a quick glance and noticed he had his hands up. As if he were trying to keep them separated from across the room. “The Pride males are in a relationship with their female. Five males together with one female. It works for them.”

  “We don’t want you walking around judging her or us for it,” Brenton grumbled, giving her a hard stare.

  She didn’t open her mouth yet as she processed the information. No wonder he wanted her here to explain and had offered her the option to turn around if she didn’t want to work here, in case of any personal objections.

  Five males and one female. Sounded like a pain in the ass for the poor female, but if it was what she wanted, then Abigail wasn’t going to be so stupid to say anything. There was really nothing to judge, honestly. Not from her standpoint, personally or professionally. It would definitely play into the needs of the female’s therapy, Abigail guessed. She would be right, if she were any good at her job.

  “So, you are in a polyamorous relationship with the female member of your Pride?” she asked, trying to confirm it. She wasn’t going to work further without it coming from Brenton’s mouth.

  “Polyamo-what?” Brenton growled, looking from her to Thomas. Thomas shrugged, from what Abigail could see out of the corner of her eye.

  “Polyamorous. You are in a multiple love/lover relationship. Dependent on open minds, honesty, and trust.” Abigail sighed. “Poly is many. Amor is love. Polyamorous means, literally, many loves. It’s considered a non-traditional form of relationship in current times.”

  “I guess we are, but we’ve never gone so far as to put a name on it,” Brenton confirmed, nodding at her explanation. He even seemed just a tiny bit bashful under her stare. Just the tiniest amount. Most would miss it, but she had long trained her eyes to find what shifters tried to hide. She would fail at her job if she couldn’t see what they didn’t want to show.

  Brenton Kingson. Infamous, dangerous, powerful.


  That’s when it hit her. She was forty and considered not even in middle age for shifters. She only looked maybe thirty, if someone was generously adding years to her. The Alpha in front of her was younger. He couldn’t be out of his twenties, which was insane. After a shifter hits their prime, aging becomes fluid and hard to guess, but she knew this Alpha was younger than her.

  So terrifyingly young to have the reputation he did. And the relationship? Not something she expected from a group of felines. They were generally more possessive than other species.

  “That’s okay,” Abigail told him, shrugging. “There are studies that wonder if humans, and in turn shifters, are meant for monogamy. This information will help me do my job - help me understand each of you, the pressures on you, and the dynamics of this Pride. I won’t use it against any of you.”

  “I appreciate that,” Brenton said, returning to the mild tone. A mask. It was his coping, his control, probably more useful when he felt he couldn’t control a situation. She wondered for a moment if he ever let it go for longer than a few moments.

  As an Alpha, she would guess he didn’t.

  “When do I start?” she inquired, smiling. She knew she was getting this job. “And, Mr. Marek, how many wolves will I be seeing?”

  “There’s only three of us here,” Thomas whispered. “Chris got out too, but he isn’t going to stick around here like I plan to. Those of us left haven’t decided if we want to speak with anyone yet.”

bsp; Chills ran down her spine. Four.

  Nine healthy wolves, all males in their prime, had disappeared. Four walked away from it. He’d said over half the inner circle was gone, but hearing the actual number? That was sickening.

  “I’ll keep my schedule clear at certain times of the day for anyone who wishes to speak to me,” Abigail told him gently. “Anyone.”

  “Good, because we have a bear - the local sheriff. He was shot during our escape. We also had a couple of foxes there with us. One made it out,” Brenton added. “The foxes were twins.”

  “I’ll drag that one in here to make sure he gets some grief counseling,” Thomas cut in.

  She looked between the two males. They were playing off each other like two Alpha allies would. Which made Abigail remember Thomas’ comment about Chris: He was going to stick around Wild Junction, but Chris wasn’t. After something traumatic, the brothers were splitting.

  “That’s good. The fox will need someone to speak with. But don’t force him. Offer it by bringing him here and letting me meet him,” Abigail said, nodding to the wolf. She refocused on what the conversation was about. “I’m going to need medical histories for anyone you can supply right now. For those you can’t, I’ll collect the information when I see them. It’s important I know as much about the patient in terms of their health up front. Any previous issues, physical or mental. Any ongoing issues. I have my own equipment in the car in case vitals are needed. I can prescribe medications if necessary, as long as I can get in touch with a local pharmacy so they can stock what I might order.”

  “I can give you everything on me, James, and Antonio,” Thomas interjected. “No worries, even if we don’t end up coming to you.”

  “I have everything here for you concerning the Pride,” Brenton said, pointing to the papers and folders all over his desk. “And I think I should explain. You’ll be seeing Riley most.” She watched Brenton grow angry and uncomfortable. That told her everything she needed to know.

  “When do I start?” Abigail asked again. She didn’t need the major details right now.

  “Right now,” Brenton huffed.

  Maybe she did need those details right now.

  Either way. She had a job. She needed to call her father and let him know. Maybe she could even skip the visit home for the holidays.



  “Let James take your car to the hotel,” Thomas told her as she grabbed her work bag out of the trunk. She looked over to him and sighed.

  “Fine,” she huffed.

  The meeting had just finished, and Brenton was already rounding up her first patient: Riley Stern. Cheetah shifter. Sexually assaulted in the compound. Abigail had been given a strange warning as well. Miss Stern had a temper, and it was best if she didn’t push harder than Riley would allow.

  Abigail asked if Brenton and Thomas were going to keep treating her like she was an idiot. Obviously she wasn’t going to push a sexual assault survivor harder than necessary. That was foolish.

  She pushed the trunk closed and threw the keys at Thomas. So far, he’d shown no recognition of her. That boded well for her. The few times he would recognize her for were some of the most embarrassing moments of her life. She would prefer if those were never brought up. They all had to do with her ex-fiancé.

  Ethically, she was in the clear to see him and the other wolves as patients if they chose to talk. She knew of them, but nothing more. A couple of runs-in. In the shifter world, there was no way around it.

  “Thank you,” she finally said to him.

  He gave her a soft smile. “Anything to make this easier for you,” he commented, walking away. She watched him go and sighed again.

  He had a nice ass - something Abigail shouldn’t have been staring at, but she was anyways. He had broad shoulders and a trim waist. He wasn’t huge like Brenton or Zachary, but he was obviously fit. And that ass in those jeans? The country girl in Abigail wanted to wolf whistle at it.

  She didn’t, though. She had more professional courtesy than that, and he might become a patient. The urge was present, though.

  She walked back to Brenton’s office and took a deep breath. She dropped her work bag outside of the door and took out her notepad and a pen. Her first patient was in there now. Abigail took in Riley’s cheetah scent and memorized it. Then she opened the door and stepped inside to meet this fiery woman she’d been warned about.

  Long, luxurious blonde waves fell from the tiny woman’s head. She was short. She couldn’t be more than five foot two or three, and it was obvious even though the young woman was sitting on the couch. She hadn’t been expecting that. Abigail’s gaze met amber eyes, an unusual color, and watched something flash in them. This young woman was already ready for a fight. Abigail immediately read the passion in her and could suddenly see why five feline males would want her. She was radiant, pained, and beautiful. She was passion and fire. Riley Stern would be a challenge of a patient, she knew already. Already, she and the cheetah were sizing each other up.

  Abigail made the first move towards the tattooed, pierced feline. “Hello, I’m Abigail. You must be Riley,” she greeted the younger woman.

  Riley just gave her a sharp nod. “Nice to meet you, Abigail.” The cheetah stood up and held out a hand.

  Abigail took it and gave a firmer handshake than she had with Zachary. She needed to prove she could run with this young female, or she felt Riley was going to walk all over her. Brenton had mentioned she was a half-breed and didn’t really have a chance to know many of the regular shifter customs. That he and the males of the Pride had woefully neglected teaching them to her.

  “Let’s start with the easy things, Riley,” Abigail smiled at her, keeping it light. She watched something soften in those fiery eyes. Good. The cheetah wouldn’t rage at someone who wasn’t posing a threat. That meant she was at least in control of many predatory aspects. “Or would you prefer Miss Stern?”

  “Riley is fine,” Riley bit out at her. Abigail noted that. No formalities then.

  “Well then, how are you, Riley?” She flipped open her notepad and waited.

  “I’m fine,” Riley lied to her.

  Abigail shook her head. Many shifters would ignore a lie like that, but Abigail would not. She needed her patient to be honest with her.

  “Riley, I’m a doctor and I won’t let patients lie to me. Now, tell me the truth, how are you? I won’t repeat what you say to anyone else,” Abigail responded, trying to put some authority into her voice. She needed to show that she was strong in her own ways.

  “I’m not doing very hot. But I think that’s normal for…” Riley looked away from her.

  Abigail could make guesses. She could make all the guesses but that didn’t seem right at this point. She was watching a young woman try to be strong, and she couldn’t put words into her mouth.

  “I won’t make any assumptions.” Abigail put her notepad down and just watched Riley patiently. She needed to be calm with the cheetah. No rush. “We can take all day to talk if you want, at your pace, but I won’t ever make an assumption about how you think or feel. Or about what you went through. I might try to lead you to a realization though.”

  “It’s fairly simple, Abigail. I was taken, strapped to a bed, molested, then hunted. They lost, I won.” Riley was curt to her.

  Abigail held back a sigh. Her heart bled for the woman. A nightmare. Riley had been through a nightmare and she was clinging to the fact that she was home now. They didn’t break her.

  “That’s all?” Abigail sat down on the couch and looked the cheetah in those amber eyes. She had a feeling that while the cheetah wasn’t broken, she was definitely cracked.

  “I’m fucking angry at it all,” Riley snapped at her. “If that’s what you want to hear.”

  Yes, that was what she wanted to hear. A patient admitting her feelings. It was a good step. “It’s a start. What, exactly, makes you so angry?” Abigail asked, crossing her legs.

  She let Riley glare
at her and continued to wait. If she bolted now, showed any fear or made any attempt to rush Riley, there was a chance Riley’s predator nature would take charge. She could smell the rage building in the young woman and just kept waiting, not breaking eye contact.

  “All of it! What do you mean? The hunters make me angry! The guy who molested me makes me angry! I’m angry that my Pride thinks I…” Riley stopped abruptly.

  And there it was, Abigail thought. Faster than Abigail would have normally guessed. She knew the moment Brenton began explaining the horrors of the compound that something with the relationship Riley had with them would pop up. Abigail had already been making her own private connections to the entire situation.

  Abigail had more information, though. She’d gotten Brenton to explain to her a lot about Riley and the Pride. All as she was looking through their medical histories, Abigail learned the history of the Pride. Riley had been injured earlier in the year, and apparently kidnapped before.

  Now, hearing that from Riley, Abigail had a sensitive subject to broach. Not their unique relationship, but something else.

  “Riley…” Abigail sighed. “What did they all do to you that ties them together?”

  “What?” The cheetah shook her head. “I’m not sure where you’re going with this.”

  “They all made you a victim. That includes your Pride, Riley,” Abigail told her softly.

  Riley snarled and stood slowly. She didn’t react to the obvious threat. Riley probably didn’t know she was technically threatening Abigail.

  “My Pride-”

  “Your Pride has a lot of demons, and those have affected your life. Their past mistakes brought down a lot on your head,” Abigail held up a hand when her patient tried to interrupt. She would say this now or she felt Riley would never give her another chance. “I am not saying they are bad or wrong. They obviously love you. I’m just telling you a hard truth. You had a normal life before this.” She reached out and picked her notepad up to write down what she was thinking. This anger from Riley was telling. And very feline.


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