Prey to the Heart (Wolves of Wild Junction Book 1)

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Prey to the Heart (Wolves of Wild Junction Book 1) Page 16

by Kristen Banet

  Now she knew. She had been a show, and he’d gotten his pleasure elsewhere. She thought, with a heaping helping of bitter, if the female he was talking to was one of his partners. And she definitely didn’t find him attractive anymore. If anything, she knew how he used those good looks as a weapon to get what he wanted and that disgusted her.

  “Abigail,” Karli whispered. “Go put some clothes on. They’re here to announce they are merging the Packs. That’s all. Once you’ve changed, I’ll drive you home.”

  “Thanks,” she whispered back, pulling her eyes away from Gavin and the other wolves. “Let’s sneak out.”

  “Let’s,” Karli sighed as they walked quietly to the female section of the building to get her clothing. “I can’t believe they would just show up on our standard day like this. They also weren’t supposed to show up for hours, from what one of the elderly women said. Meeting was for tonight.”

  “They’re Alphas.” Abigail groaned. “The world is on their schedule, not the other way around.”

  “Assholes,” Karli mumbled as Abigail pulled her clothes on.

  “I agree.” She sighed in agreement.

  The whispers were starting. “Is that the wolf she was engaged to?” one young horse shifter asked.

  “Alpha Gavin Davis of North Dakota. We all told her it was bad news. Sure enough, he fucked his way through the females of the Pack and never even gave her membership. She’s always been an embarrassment to Daniel,” an elder doe responded. “She just wanted the pretty boy.”

  “Christ,” Karli hissed, causing people to look at her. “Bunch of damn gossips, can’t even support your own damn community. Let’s go, Abigail.”

  “Yeah,” she groaned. They hustled out of the door and climbed into the truck.

  As they pulled out of the parking spot, Abigail sucked in a breath as Gavin walked out to light a cigarette. He had the audacity to give her a small wave and sad smile. She looked away and crossed her arms, trying to pretend it didn’t happen.

  “I hate that man. Standing there thinking he really didn’t do anything wrong,” she muttered. “Thinks he can give me a wave and smile. He probably thinks I’m pitiful. I haven’t dated since I left him and he probably knows it.”

  “You over-analyze things, but I think you’re right.” Karli sighed. “Abigail, maybe you should leave early. With the wolves sniffing around, and Father being an ass to you - get out of here. Go to LA or back to Wild Junction.”

  “I like that idea,” she murmured thoughtfully. “He’s been ignoring me since I chewed him out.”

  “Yeah, three days ago,” Karli said. “You don’t deserve any of this shit. I’ll cover for you. Say work called you back early. It’s happened before.”

  “I love you. You know that?”

  “Yeah, I do.” Karli laughed as she spoke. “The walk as boring as it normally is?”

  “Damn right it was.” Abigail giggled. “Keep out of the wolves’ way.”

  “Oh, I will. Lewis and Father would gore one of them if they messed with a pregnant female like me,” Karli reminded her.

  They made it home and Abigail went up to her laptop. She was going to buy tickets and get out of here before her father made it home. It was easy to do, but first she had to make a decision.

  LA and her condo. Just to hang out in private for a couple more weeks until January.

  Wild Junction seemed to be calling her there. Riley needed her after what just happened to the Pride and Abigail needed to deal with herself out there.

  The condo in LA sounded, for the first time in a long time, distasteful. She didn’t even get a little excited thinking about it: smog and traffic. Holidays completely alone, not even a friend to say Merry Christmas to in town. Just thick, dirty air and her condo with the radio playing.

  She bought tickets for Denver.



  “Antonio, we’re going out tonight,” Thomas told him with a smile, leaning on the doorframe to Tony’s room. Tony dropped the pen he was writing with to look at his Alpha. “Riley wants to get out of the mansion, Brenton’s taking her to Rocker’s. He wants more guys, though.”

  “Why?” he chuckled. “Why could Brenton possibly want more guys around for a night with his lady?”

  “It’s not just his lady,” Thomas laughed. “He’s out Zachary and Andrew while they heal. Troy and Gabe are at home on duty to take care of them. But that little lioness, Jessie, and a human girl, Phoebe, are going out tonight too. He’s alone with all of them there, right now.”

  “Oh no.” He threw his head back laughing. “Are we being called because it’s a ladies’ night? Does a brother need an assist?”

  “Yeah,” his Alpha confirmed, grinning. “We are. James is getting dragged out too. We need to support Brenton in his time of need.”

  “Didn’t we just do that?” he joked. “I’m not sure what we’re getting out of this, Thomas. We guarded their bodies while they were being hit by assassins and now we’re saving Brenton from a ladies’ night. What do we get out of this?”

  “Get ready, shithead,” Thomas ordered, still smiling. He was nice enough to close the bedroom door and leave Tony to do what he wanted in private.

  He closed his journal and stood up from the desk. He had been writing down his thoughts about the hunting compound, about the brothers they had lost. Just to clear his head. The Pride’s drama had brought him a few troubling nightmares. Howls. Gun shots. Zachary and Andrew in hospital beds reminded him of pelts and graves on the property.

  The last week had been hectic and crazy, so a night at the bar would be fun. He stretched before going to his closet. Night out. He had a feeling he needed to look good for this. A bunch of women getting their drink on? Yeah. He needed to be in tip-top shape.

  He pulled out a fitted black tee and then a black button down to go with it. He knew the other guys wouldn’t get too dressed up. James had no eye for nice clothing and preferred not to wear any. Thomas had a natural ability to just pick nice clothing that worked well on him. Tony? He knew exactly how to dress himself, where to shop, and how to seduce women with it. With the idea of seducing women, he pulled out some black jeans to finish the dark look. With his dark, nearly black hair and green eyes, he was going to kill it tonight.

  He checked himself out when he was done getting dressed. He wished Abigail could see him and then growled softly to himself. She’d run off. If she had wanted it, she would have stayed. He’d made himself clear about how he felt about her, and she’d torn off like her life was in peril. The other guys were a little hurt by it, thinking it was their fault, but Tony was a bit pissed. He hadn’t been drawn to a woman like this in years, probably ever, and she ran.

  He’d never been turned down with such gusto and he didn’t intend to let it happen again. He was going to get laid tonight and stop thinking about her. The longer she was away, though, the more he thought about her. The longer she was gone, the more he looked forward to January, when she would be back. He couldn’t get her off his mind.

  He pulled on his nicest black Converse to complete the look, a bit young but definitely gorgeous. He stepped into the hallway and went out to the living room. James was already waiting, and Tony was impressed.

  “Look at you,” he teased.

  “Shut it,” James growled softly, but he saw a bit of a smile playing on James’ face.

  He was also wearing all black, but he’d opted for leather pants that were a size too small and a long sleeve black shirt that stretched too tight over his pecs. He topped it all by having on combat boots that were pristine and well-cared for. He figured James even shined them.

  “Am I getting old Jay back?” he asked, hopeful.

  James had been playing an act since the hunting compound. He was more solemn now with the Pack even if he kept up some happy demeanor with outsiders. Not even the Pride, who they saw constantly, knew that James wasn’t himself.

  “I think you might be.” James laughed softly. “I’m feeli
ng it, Tony. Dealing with the Pride stuff really brought it all into perspective, ya know? They nearly lost it all, but they kept fighting and none of them are letting it hold them back. I figure it’s time for me to do the same.”

  “Honor them,” Thomas said quietly, walking out into the living room as well. Tony eyed him, nodding, knowing his Alpha meant their fallen brothers. Thomas was also in all black. They were all matchy as shit tonight, it seemed. He was going with slacks, paired with boots and a black button down, with nothing underneath it to show off a tiny bit of his chest. Tony raised an eyebrow at him and Thomas just shrugged. Thomas had put some serious thought into his outfit, that was certain. “I’m tired of going to sleep alone?”

  “I’m glad you answered before I had to ask.” Tony laughed. “Me too.”

  “Come on. He’s blowing up my phone with texts. He’s desperate. Riley’s apparently already two shots in and on the dance floor with Phoebe and Jessie.” Their Alpha chuckled.

  They left as a unit and by the time they were at Rocker’s, the parking lot was nearly full. It was tourist season in Wild Junction, and a Saturday night. Tony looked over the outside of the bar, like he had before, when they drove by it every time they went to the Pride’s mansion. They wanted this one. Owner was willing to sell when the season was over and for a good price. He wasn’t in debt from it, just wanted to retire, like a lot of the older people living in the town.

  They walked in for the first time and Tony sucked in a deep breath. It was a gorgeous bar. Light wood flooring matched with dark marble countertops and deep burgundy walls. There were tons of black tables and the center was cleared for dancing. A small stage held a band, one Tony guessed was local, and a door led to back rooms, probably a kitchen. He knew there was a second floor, but seeing the inside, he decided it must have just been offices up there.

  “This is nice,” Thomas whispered.

  “Yeah,” James agreed just as quietly.

  “I could get used to seeing this every day,” Tony added, still mystified. He’d never wanted to own a bar or anything, but it was Thomas’ dream and that was enough for him. He was good at business, deals, making friends. Anything that gave him an outlet for that was enough. Only a few months ago, it had been the South Dakota Pack, now, it would be this bar.

  “February,” Thomas told them. “We’re allowed to make an official offer in February.”

  “Awesome,” Tony said with an excitement that he hadn’t realized he would feel. “We could rebrand it a little in the off season.”

  “We’ll talk about that later,” Thomas chuckled. “Let’s go save the lion from the women.” Thomas pointed, and Tony followed the direction.

  Brenton was sipping on a beer, looking exhausted. His lover was hanging on him, teasing him about something and Tony watched an indulgent smile come over Brenton’s face.

  They wandered over as a group and Riley didn’t even say hello. She made eye contact and ran off back into the crowd.

  “Help,” Brenton groaned playfully.

  “We’re here.” Thomas laughed. “How’s it been going?”

  “I hate it,” Brenton replied more seriously.

  “I bet,” Thomas sighed. “We’re here for you though.”

  “Heh.” The lion nodded, looking over to the dance floor. Tony just watched the young male’s face.

  The lion Alpha was such a young kid. He was twenty-eight and even Tony could see the weight on his shoulders. Being a Kingson meant something in the shifter world, and it meant even more for the felines. Brenton was the last one, the last descendant of the shifter family that once were literal Kings of their kind.

  Just a week ago, the Pack was living in the mansion again while Brenton went out to play politics. Then another shifter tried to kill the cougar Andrew, and Zachary was shot twice in the back. It was a disaster and the Pack hadn’t known a good way to help. They just went to the hospital and played bodyguards for the felines, who were on their knees.

  It ended when Brenton and Riley flew across the country to meet with another Pride, run by Brenton’s aunt and her husband. Two Prides met that night.

  One walked away.

  “Brenton?” Thomas was frowning at the lion.

  “It’s nothing, Thomas,” he whispered. “It just is what it is. Thank you for watching our backs.”

  “Don’t be afraid to ask,” Tony cut in.

  Brenton looked over to him and raised his eyebrows. Tony never really had a long conversation with the lion Alpha, normally letting Thomas run interference. He knew why Thomas normally stood between the Pack and the Pride. Brenton was an intimidating son of a bitch. He could wreck all three of them, in human form or animal form if he wanted to. At six-foot-four and probably closing in on two hundred and fifty pounds, no one played around with pissing Brenton Kingson off or telling him what to do. Tony swallowed the tiny bit of fear he felt and kept going. “Seriously. And tell your wounded guys that if they need anything, to let us know, too.”

  “Thank you,” Brenton finally answered, looking away again. “I never thought I would have allies in wolves. I know how loyal you guys are.”

  “We’re not as loyal as people say we are.” James sighed. “We try though.”

  “That is all I need to hear,” Brenton responded, keeping his eyes on the dance floor. “It goes both ways, really. If you need to throw my name around to keep the other wolves off your backs, feel free.”

  “Will do,” Thomas chuckled. “I’ll hold you to that. I’ve got a meeting with fucking Heather Davis, the new Alpha of South Dakota, in like two weeks.”

  “I hope she doesn’t bring her shit brother,” James growled softly.

  “Who is her brother?” the lion frowned at them, confused. “Forgive me, I do not keep up with your species as much as I should.”

  “You don’t keep up with shit,” Tony chuckled and then stopped. He met Brenton’s pure gold eyes, again. It was rare, even in shifters, to have eyes like that. Not only did they match his lion form, but they weren’t a natural color for humans, and that made them a very rare color. Then Brenton grinned.

  “You are right, I don’t. I should, though, so please - catch me up.” He waved a hand, a silent declaration for more information to go with his verbal one. Tony let out a deep breath, glancing at Thomas. The wolf had a smirk.

  “Gavin Davis is the Alpha of North Dakota, and there have been whispers of a Pack merger. Sibling Alphas running both,” Thomas told him. “I’ve never liked Gavin. He took North Dakota when he was young, knocking out an older male. He then proceeded to turn the Pack into a frat, basically. Chris was bad, but Gavin was just as much of a problem. They both even took over their respective Packs at the same time. He’s slowed down in recent years, probably because his sister could have knocked his ass down when she wanted, but he’s still an ass.”

  “He’s arrogant, and while he doesn’t hate on females…like Chris, he’s got a few stories floating around about how he’s been known to treat them,” James added. “Total piece of shit. Everything about being a wolf, and done in all the wrong ways.”

  “Such as?” Brenton pressed, waving a hand to call over a waitress. When she got there, everyone silent, he looked over to the wolves.

  “Jack and Coke for me,” Thomas began, pointing at himself. “Whiskey, any kind, for that one,” he continued, pointing at James. Then he looked at Tony. “What fruity shit you want today?”

  “I’ll have a sex on the beach,” he told the waitress, laughing. “I like my drinks to taste good, dickhead.”

  “I’ll get a scotch.” Brenton finished. “Put it all on my tab.” The waitress left, and the lion turned back to them, waiting for more information.

  “Wolves, we’re pretty open about sex and such.” James groaned as he continued the explanation. “Gavin once was engaged to a shifter, but she wasn’t a wolf. None of us remember all the details, but he was fucking a bunch of females from his Pack - normally fine, even for married wolves - but he never told her tha
t he was doing it.” James shrugged. “He cheated on her and used our species’ culture as an excuse.”

  “I knew you were comfortable with the Pride because of your culture,” Brenton sighed, shaking his head. “He is a piece of shit. Good luck dealing with him if he shows up. Poor girl.”

  “Even wolves would consider it cheating,” Thomas informed him. “We’re open and honest about those things. If you are going behind someone’s back, what makes us any different than humans? We have a rule to talk about everything and he didn’t. That kind of shit, repeated over a few years…he has a reputation.”

  “I know how important honesty is, Thomas. When the Pride met Riley, we knew we all wanted her. We were honest about it in the beginning. I did not know how far it would go, but I’m thankful my brothers and I figured it out early. She never felt like she was cheating on one of us to be with another. That was important to us.”

  “You handled it like wolves, real wolves.” Thomas laughed. “It’s why I like you, Brenton. Yeah, you’re all feline politics and you handle a lot of that as a feline, but you are also a little like us.”

  “I’ll take that as a compliment,” Brenton chuckled. “We felines fucking blow a lot of dick. No other species out there trying to assassinate people for a name.”

  Tony winced. That was true. That’s exactly what happened to the Pride. They’d become the target of Brenton’s aunt, who wanted to sit on the Kingson family’s proverbial throne. She’d played the Pride right to the hilt, nearly killing them all more than once. Not just recently, but over Brenton’s entire life. He walked in her house and broke her neck for it.

  That was the difference between felines and wolves. A wolf? They would have battled in animal form and ended it early, the moment one realized the other had something he or she wanted. Felines? Long games. Politics, underhanded shit. Brenton and the Pride had been targeted by hunters because his aunt had orchestrated to get them killed and leave her an opening. Wolves would never do some evil shit like that.


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