Alien Colony

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Alien Colony Page 6

by Anna Lewis

He gazed at her with longing, his eyes moving down and lingering on her breasts before shifting back to her face. He was making her wait so long it was killing her. She could feel herself becoming damp between her legs as he seemed to undress her with his eyes.

  “You’re getting what you want tonight,” he told her boldly. “And so am I.”

  She wrapped her arms around his neck and stretched up on her toes as he leaned forward to kiss her on the lips. They met in a passionate kiss, both eager to taste each other and to satisfy their mounting desires.

  He pushed his tongue into her mouth and she let him in willingly, her own tongue dancing with his in an erotic fashion that made her want him so badly. His hands moved toward her buttocks, squeezing them and pulling her closer to him.

  She gasped as she felt his growing hardness rub against the sensitive area between her legs. She could feel herself getting wetter with yearning.

  His lips moved to her neck, kissing her sensually as he helped her to move down to the ground with him. She found herself lying underneath him, her breasts heaving as she breathed deeply and quickly. He then kissed the supple skin on the top of her breasts, making her utter a moan as her desire escalated.

  As his lips and tongue pushed back the fabric of her dress to reveal her nipples, she felt his fingers snaking up her inner thigh and making their way beneath her underwear. She was softly panting as two fingers briefly played with her curls before pressing past the tangles and folds and contacting her sweet spot.

  She moaned, louder this time, the sound merging with that of the crashing waves.

  “Lindy…” he whispered her name sweetly, seductively, as his fingers rubbed her up and down, gently at first and then eventually moving faster.

  “Ohhh Kristan…” she moaned, her hips rising to meet the pressure of his fingers as her own fingers clutched the strands of his now messy hair.

  He moved his fingers in a circular motion, causing her desire and passion to climb higher and higher until she burst in sexual gratification.

  After she came, he removed his fingers and swiftly pulled her panties all the way down. He opened her legs as she was breathing heavily, still recovering from the remnants of her climax. He took his time undoing the button of his pants, his bluish skin emanating a faint light that blended with the dark surroundings.

  She had waited so long for this. He lifted her skirt and brought his stiffness to her entrance, sliding inside and filling her completely. His hard shaft rubbed against her delicate walls, increasing her ecstasy once more and moving her towards a second climax.

  They moved in unison, moaning and groaning in pure desire and pleasure, until she felt him explode inside her and warm, thick liquid erupted within, warming and tickling her. Some of it trickled down her inner thighs, but she didn’t mind at all. She too was enveloped in sheer sensual rapture.

  He rolled to her side and gave her a soft kiss on the forehead. The simple gesture filled her with greater bliss. It was nothing like she’d ever felt before.

  She smoothed down her skirt and lay peacefully on the crumpled blanket, not caring about the sand that had gotten stuck on her exposed skin. Cuddled in Kristan’s arms, they gazed at the twinkling stars above them, the witness to the start of an unforgettable affair.

  Chapter 10:

  It had been a long, tiring day for most of the cleaners, but not for Lindy. She had something to look forward to.

  When all the cleaners had packed up in the mansion, she waved goodbye, saying, “I’ll catch up later. I just need to go to the bathroom.”

  After they had all gone, she went into one of the huge guest bedrooms on the ground floor. She closed the door behind her, staring at the empty room decorated impressively. Throwing her bag on a nearby chair, she proceeded to the adjoining bathroom to take a shower.

  She thoroughly cleaned herself, letting the soap slide across her naked body while the water poured from above. With her eyes closed, she imagined Kristan’s hands stroking her breasts, massaging her back, caressing her legs. She was instantly aroused and was so engrossed in her thoughts that she didn’t hear the bathroom door open or the shower curtains pulled aside.

  She felt somebody’s presence behind her, making her pop her eyes open. She smiled widely as her eyes rested on the well-built nude body of Prince Kristan.

  With his eyes blazing with never-ending desire for her, he seized her in a fiery kiss, to which she responded with much vigor. Their bodies rubbed against one another, the soap making their skin glide smoothly.

  He pushed her gently to the wall, the water of the shower hitting parts of their bodies and slickening their skin. Her hands caressed his back before moving to his waiting rock-hard shaft. She wrapped her fingers around it slowly, careful not to hurt him. Then she made a rolling motion with her hand, making him groan with pleasure as they passionately kissed.

  It wasn’t long before he stopped her with his hand and pressed her harder against the wall, lifting one of her legs before adjusting his position to enter her. He shoved hard into her over and over again, making her pleasure shoot up into incredible heights. He devoured her breasts as he kept on pounding harder and faster.

  Finally, they came at the same time.

  That evening, she didn’t to go home for the first time since they began their affair.

  “Kay might come looking for you in the morning when she wakes up…” Prince Kristan said as they lay on the bed after a few more rounds of sex.

  “She’ll be worried sick,” Lindy agreed. “But I’ll just have to return very early. I want to spend the night with you…if you don’t mind…” She not only wanted to stay close to him and spend more time with him, but she was worried she would never get to do it if she waited too long.

  On top of that, after almost two weeks of sneaking around and having sex in different areas of the house and the island, she was becoming concerned about her growing feelings for him. She always managed to brush them off, though, especially since she knew he could read her mind except when he was too exhausted or feeling ill. She just didn’t want to be the one to complicate things.

  As for the prince, he never once made a comment that showed if he’d caught on to her worries. She believed she was having a positive overall effect on him. He was a lot more relaxed and much friendlier now, even though he was still tough with the soldiers’ during their training sessions. He remained determined to make their army the very best in the entire universe.

  “How are the investigations progressing?” Lindy asked as she served him dinner in bed. It was also her first time to cook for him, which made her ecstatic. He’d made all the servants go home so they had the house to themselves except for the bodyguards surrounding the structure.

  Kristan was seated on the bed, enjoying what she’d cooked for him. “This is really delicious,” he remarked.

  “Thanks!” Lindy replied, beaming. She felt like their relationship was moving to a level higher. It made her both worried and excited, but she didn’t want to deal with the confusion at the moment.

  “Do you mean the investigations on our suspected spies?” he asked. He was giving her a funny, strange look, probably reading her mind and knowing she was more concerned about their relationship.

  “Yes,” she answered, plopping down on the bed beside him and watching him gobble up the meal. “Can’t you just interview them directly and read their minds to see if they’re lying?”

  “It’s been more than a week since I have asked some trusted officers to observe them. Nothing odd yet, so far…except…”

  “What?” Lindy pressed on, curious.

  “Calzone isn’t our spy,” he said with conviction. “He’d been sneaking into the training grounds because he’s been sleeping with several different cleaners.”

  “What?! Who?!” Now this was something that Lindy wanted to know.

  She was shocked to learn that it involved some of the women she worked with, whom she considered her friends. Well, at least these were females who h
ad never been close to Kay. She suspected that it had already been going on when Calzone and Kay were still together.

  “Well, it’s none of our business,” Kristan said, shrugging to show he didn’t really care. “What’s important is that he’s not with Kay anymore and he’s not disrupting anyone’s work. But I’ve already asked someone to warn him not to sneak around in the training building.”

  A thought then occurred to Lindy. “But what if…?”

  Kristan read her mind before she could finish her sentence. “Yes, it’s a possibility. He may be using this as a cover for something else he’s doing. I have yet to speak with him directly and try to read his mind.”

  “And Branzon, the young soldier?” Lindy wondered.

  “Off the hook too,” Kristan said. “I actually talked to him and his mind was as clear as day to read! He’s just very ambitious, that’s all.”

  “What about Elixir?”

  Kristan was thoughtful for a moment. “So far he hasn’t been caught going anywhere else except in the servers’ area. I’ve also spoken with him, and his mind’s clear. Well, lots of other issues there but nothing to do with trying to destroy our chances of winning the war.”

  “Okay, I’m glad.”

  He threw her a funny look. Was it of jealousy? She ignored it and asked, “You did gather other suspects, right?”

  “Yes, and they’re not our spy either,” he said, looking frustrated. “Whoever the spy is, he or she is doing a damn great job of undercover work. This past week, I have talked with almost everyone. I should have detected a dishonest mind by now. This spy must know of my ability.”

  Lindy looked thoughtful.

  “Anyway, we’re keeping closer watch and the spy probably knows we’ve increased all our security surveillance and even the guards. He’s lying low now.”

  “Maybe it will drive him away… But I’ll keep watching out for anything suspicious or out of place,” Lindy offered.

  He placed an arm around her and brought her closer to him for a warm hug. “Thank you. I can always count on you.”

  Chapter 11:

  On the day of her birthday, Lindy made it a point to wake up earlier than everyone else so she could spend time on the beach doing her favorite thing—watching the sunrise. It always gave her hope that things would sort themselves out, or that there was a beautiful future awaiting her.

  Indeed things had been looking up since she’d started seeing Kristan. He’d been treating her well, and they had spent as much time together as they could.

  Kristan was the icing on the cake, because she’d really begun to consider the community as her own home. She could no longer imagine her life without these people she had grown to love. And as for the prince, he seemed to fill that emptiness and longing in her heart that she’d always had while growing up.

  However, she wasn’t sure where the relationship was headed. Even if she chose never to leave the island, she didn’t know what would happen when the war finally came. If the Vortons won, maybe that would mean Kristan and the others would be heading back to their planet. Would she be able and willing to live there too? She had no answer to that yet.

  To top it all off, she also wasn’t certain if there was a real relationship in the first place. Sometimes she could tell that Kristan was reading her mind. She wished he would comment about it, even if it was something she didn’t want to hear. But he never said anything. And when he could sense her steering the conversation to that, he’d immediately change the topic. Maybe he didn’t care as much about her.

  Another thing that bothered her was her own fulfillment. Would she be happy living this kind of life for long, even if they could possibly stay on the island forever? She’d been so career-oriented for so long that she somehow knew in her heart she’d soon be looking for that sense of accomplishment again. Though she’d been getting it from her small achievements in cooking and cleaning, she knew she was capable of so much more. But an important role in a Vorton community was probably out of question.

  Sighing, Lindy literally shook her head to shake off all the negative and uncertain thoughts and feelings. It was her birthday, after all. She’d gotten so used to big celebrations that this time, she simply wanted to keep it all to herself. For the first time in a long time, she was looking forward to keeping her special day a secret and not being made the center of attention.

  As she walked in the direction of the beach, she heard the inviting sound of the waves gently gliding across the ocean, and then collapsing on the shore repeatedly. She smiled, her blue eyes brightening.

  Nearing the ocean, she was taken aback by the sight of a gathering on the beach—a group of people were gathered round a bonfire, enjoying a unique barbecue party. The women were all wearing pink and blue flower garlands on their heads while the men had Hawaiian-like leis around their necks.

  Lindy’s eyes widened as she began to make out the figures. These were the community servers she was closest to.

  They stood up as she approached and began singing a happy chant-like song while dancing around the fire.

  Lindy was touched. The huge blaze illuminated something written on the sand with stones. It read, “Happy birthday, Lindy! We love you!”

  Her heart constricted, the gesture was so moving. It was so unexpected she became tearful.

  Kay came forward and placed a garland on Lindy’s head. “Happy birthday, Lindy!”

  “How did you get here?” was all Lindy could blurt out at that moment. “I… I just saw you on your bed!”

  Kay laughed. “My trick worked. You had no idea, huh? Those were just pillows under the sheets!”

  “You got me!” Lindy laughed. Then she gave her friend a warm hug. “Oh, thank you, thank you…”

  The song ended then and everybody shouted, “Surprise! Happy birthday!”

  Lindy hugged each of them and couldn’t stop saying thank you. By this time, she could not hold back her tears any longer. It was just moving to see such new friends making an effort like this for her. “You guys!” she cried out. “You didn’t have to go to all this trouble. We still have work, and we’re all going to be late!”

  “Naaahhh…” Kam, Kay’s sister, answered. “We got special late passes.”

  Everybody laughed.

  “What do you mean?” Lindy asked.

  “From the one who planned this all!” Kay quipped, excitement apparent in her eyes.

  Lindy gave her a questioning look.

  Their other friends were grinning and hooting.

  Suddenly, to her surprise, she felt a warm hand on her shoulder, a familiar touch. Her jaw dropped open even before she turned around.

  “Hey, you…” Prince Kristan said with a lopsided grin. “Like my little surprise?”

  “You planned this?!” Lindy could not believe it.

  More tears fell down her cheeks. He reached over to gently wipe them away. “Yup, I’m the culprit,” he admitted.

  “Thank you!” Lindy said, hugging him. He surprised her by hugging her back in front of everybody.

  Quickly she pulled back, gasping. Then she looked toward the others who were all looking delighted at the scene unfolding in front of them. She turned back to Kristan with an accusing look.

  He threw up his hands in the air. “I didn’t do anything!”

  She laughed despite herself. “What did you tell them!” she hissed.

  “Nothing, I swear!” He was laughing hard by now.

  Everybody else had gathered near the bonfire again, gladly munching on their breakfast on sticks as they watched the sun rising on the horizon and painting breathtaking strokes of color onto the sky.

  Kristan took Lindy’s hand and squeezed it. He led her to a spot that was more private and there they sat beside each other, watching the sunrise with Lindy’s head leaning on his shoulder. She couldn’t have asked for a better way to celebrate her 36th birthday.

  “How did you know it’s my birthday?” Lindy asked after a while.

  “I got s
ome info from my secret source…” he said mysteriously with a smile.

  “What! That’s not a good enough answer!” Lindy protested, punching him playfully on the shoulder.

  He laughed. “Alright, alright. Someone on the island saw your ID floating on the water… I happened to pass by so he surrendered it to me.”

  “Really? What a coincidence!” she exclaimed, sounding suspicious. “Maybe you were really trying to find clues about me!”

  “Okay, fine,” he said, giving in.

  “But why?” Lindy asked, suddenly bothered. “Don’t you trust me?”

  “I completely trust you, Lindy. And I can read your thoughts. I’m telling you they’re just figments of your wild and certainly not-to-be-trusted imagination.” He placed a friendly arm around her shoulders and pulled her closer. His voice dropped to a whisper. “I’m just like that, you know… when somebody becomes special to me…”

  Her heart started beating faster again. But before she could react, one of the boys came to offer them food. They joined the others for a fun-filled morning.

  The hour passed by quickly and everybody had to head back to prepare for work. Lindy was about to follow them when Kristan stopped her.

  “Just because they now know doesn’t mean you can give me special treatment,” Lindy pointed out. “It’s now even more important for me to show them that I’m no different than I was before.”

  Kristan smiled, his brown eyes intensifying with admiration and respect for her. “I understand that and I admire that in you, Lindy. But please just stay a bit longer…”

  “Okay, what is it?” In her head, she knew she really wanted to be with this man for the rest of the day.

  “Hmmm… I can grant that,” he said, referring to her thought. “It’s your birthday, anyway.”

  Lindy crossed her arms on her chest and gave him a pretend glare. “Stop reading my mind,” she said.

  He only laughed. Then without warning, he pulled her closer to him and started kissing her in broad daylight, with nothing to cover them. He seemed not to care, and she was totally fine with that. They kissed passionately, their hearts soaring together.


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