Alien Colony

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Alien Colony Page 38

by Anna Lewis

  She could feel the tension of his muscles as he controlled the bike, weaving it through traffic and making her heart race. She could barely breathe and she didn’t dare to move. The landscape rushed past in a dizzying blur and she swore that the road never seemed to move this quickly in a car. It was all consuming.

  And although the terror still pounded in her heart, Maria felt a new emotion overcoming her. Elation. This was incredible. This was amazing, and freeing in ways that Maria never thought she would be allowed to feel. This was nothing like the dank little hole and mysterious meetings that enshrouded the world of dragon hunters.

  This was nothing like boring days at the office, and dull days in front of the television—the most exciting things happening on a screen. This was nothing like the life she was running from, and nothing like the life she thought she wanted.

  This was something different. This was something new. It set Maria’s heart ablaze and she wanted to call out at the top of her lungs, wanted to let go of Lucas and lift her hands to catch the breeze. She stayed glued to the spot, though, clutching the leather of his jacket, breathing in the scent of smoke and cologne and freedom. The wind tasted incredible, felt amazing on her skin.

  It was as if all the dark clouds were being chased away, the panic, the worry, the fact that she wasn’t even here willingly. For an instant, none of that seemed to matter and Maria was left only with the majesty that was the open road, that was a bike speeding down a clear highway, flagged only by dessert and bush.

  And suddenly, Maria couldn’t hate Lucas. The resentment and anger she felt at him for bringing her here seemed to melt away into nothing. He might have dragged her into this mess, but he didn’t start the war.

  She might want to be home, but if she was, she would never have experienced the joy and freedom of the wind through her hair, the beauty of this moment. And for that, regardless of what else she felt, she would always be grateful. This was something else entirely, and she could never have imagined it.

  Maria felt like her eyes had been opened and she was suddenly seeing more than the limited two sides she was seeing before. There was more.

  There was a third side. There was something different, something wild, something dangerous.

  And to Maria’s horror, she found that she loved it.

  * * *

  “What do you mean I can’t see him?” Maria found herself yelling, voice rising far higher than she had expected or meant for it to. She was tense, muscles tight through her arms.

  She’d been asking about talking to Jake since they’d set up camp and Lucas had been frustratingly cryptic and dismissive. The blur of the drive had softened her towards him, but right now, she wanted to strangle him.

  “Look, sweetheart…” he looked her up and down and Maria hated how he made her feel as if she wasn’t wearing any clothes at all. He sighed, “There’s no reason to stress. If you need something, ask me.”

  Maria glowered at him. “You can’t help me with this. I need to talk to Jake.” She paused, “Unless you are the one in charge of this?”

  He darkened at that, at what Maria now recognized as being a sore spot. “I don’t need to be in charge of the whole club to tell you to shut the fuck up.”

  “How dare you?” Maria felt indignation rush through her. She wasn’t used to being spoken to this way and it made her burn with indignation. He was charming and sexy and strong, but he swung widely between treating her with respect and treating her like she didn’t have a say in this.

  And while she didn’t have a say in this, it still drove her crazy.

  “I’ll do whatever I like.” Fire flashed between them and his eyes narrowed. Then Maria turned on her heels, ignoring the fear coursing through her, and stormed in the direction of the largest tent. She’d start there and keep going until she found Jake herself.

  Lucas’s hand caught her wrist and she gasped in frustration as he pulled her close. “Let go of me,” she snapped.

  “Then stop making my job so hard!” he snapped back. Maria turned sharply and found herself face to face with Lucas, only an inch or so away. If she moved, their lips would touch. She noticed the blue of his eyes, which never failed to take her breath away.

  Anger danced behind his gaze, and for eyes so blue they were certainly full of fire. For a moment, Maria thought he’d be the one to kiss her. The fire in his eyes was almost possessive, dark and deep and she felt herself getting lost in them, just for a moment.

  It wasn’t until she heard someone cough that she was broken out of the reverie. She jumped back, startled. Lucas let go of her quickly, “What?”

  He rounded on the man who stood beside them. He was smaller than Lucas, younger too, but amusement danced in his eyes. “Jake wants to see you…if you aren’t too busy.” He grinned.

  Lucas glowered, “Watch the princess then.” He shot her a dark look and turned to leave.

  The younger man was grinning openly now. “Both of you.”

  Lucas swore under his breath, and turned to him, “Really?”

  “Mhmm…his orders.”

  Lucas swore again and glanced at Maria. “Hurry up then. This is what you wanted, isn’t it?”

  Then he turned and strode away. Maria had to run to catch up. Anxiety twisted in her stomach. Yes, this was what she had wanted, but this was also terrifying. She felt sick and nervous and frightened. Anger bubbled beneath the surface. She was about to meet the man who had killed her father.

  There were no words to prepare her for that. Nothing she could do to ease the burning feeling in her heart. She just had to face this and move on. Face this, find out what she could, and move on.

  It was easier said than done. When they entered Jake’s tent, Lucas gave her no time to prepare, no time to settle her own fears. He marched right in and Maria followed behind. Jake leaned back in a camping chair, looking like he was surveying a battle field.

  There was a dark, mean look about him and when he looked up, Maria saw that a scar ran through one of his eyes. It gave him a lopsided look, matching the tattoos that flooded his skin, up his neck and down his arms. His heavy leather jacket seemed to reflect in the light, as if it was made out of scales.

  The thought made her stomach twist. He was good looking, even with the scars, but it was hard to look past the hostility in his eyes. When they entered, he smiled. The smile stretched slowly across his face.

  “Lucas. You made it.” His eyes flickered towards Maria. “And you brought our guest.”

  “Of course.” Lucas shifted his weight, folding his arms, “What do you need, Jake?” He was polite, although tension crackled between them.

  Maria didn’t give Jake a moment to reply. In fact, she surprised herself. “Are you the one in charge?”

  Jake raised an eyebrow, looking surprised. “You’re not surprised.”

  Anger raised its head, pushing down the terror. “No. Why would I be? I know who you are.”

  Maria glared at him, staring him down. Jake laughed and it was an ugly sound. He slowly rose to his feet, his size impressive as he glanced at Lucas. “I’m sure she’s given you plenty of trouble.” He grinned, a predatory smile.

  Maria clenched her hands into fists. “Cut the pleasantries. You didn’t call me hear for that.”

  Lucas glanced at Maria. “What are you doing?” he hissed under his breath, but Jake just chuckled.

  “No, no pleasantries.” He held all the cards and he knew it. It made Maria’s blood boil, low and deep beneath her skin.

  “You killed my father.” The words were out of Maria’s mouth before she could stop them.

  Maria heard Lucas’s intake of breath, but she didn’t stop. “But you’re a fool. They don’t care what happens to me. You’re not safe.” She spat.

  Jake’s eyes darkened and Maria could tell that she had awoken his anger, crossed the line. “Get her out of my sight.” His voice was a low rumble and even Lucas didn’t argue. He grabbed her hand and dragged her out of the tent.

When they stepped outside, Maria couldn’t help herself. Angry and shaking, she burst into tears right there and then.

  Her father’s killer. And she hadn’t done a damn thing.

  * * *

  Lucas moved in, lifting Maria into his arms. He didn’t ask what was wrong, didn’t argue, and didn’t heed her protests. He just took her back to the tent and set her down. Maria couldn’t stop the tears from coming, couldn’t help the way her shoulders shook in great heaving sobs.

  She was just thankful that she had been able to wait until she had left Jake’s tent before it happened. She couldn’t even imagine the embarrassment at crying in front of him. Crying in front of Lucas was bad enough. Maria wiped her eyes and took a deep breath.

  When she looked up, Lucas was still there, sitting beside her. He offered her a bottle of water and Maria took it, taking a few deep sips. She had looked into Jake’s eyes and seen nothing. No remorse, nothing that hinted at regret for the pain he had caused. Her dad might have been a bit misguided, but he hadn’t been a bad man.

  Maria wiped her eyes again, and took another drink of water. Confusion swirled around her chest, emotions that she didn’t know how to name. Her fingers itched to find a phone and call the dragon hunters and make sure that everything went to hell for their stupid little motorcycle club.

  Then her eyes met Lucas’s and all of that fell away into nothing. The pain still thudded in her chest, but thoughtless revenge fled from her. Lucas hadn’t done it. At least, Maria didn’t think he’d had any part of it. His blue eyes were stormy, a million emotions fighting behind them. She could tell he was conflicted too, and she had the strangest suspicion that Jake had been keeping a lot from them, too.

  After the longest time, it was Lucas that broke the silence, “Was that true?”

  Maria sighed, a low, slow sigh, “My father was murdered by a dragon shifter, the leader of this club.” She cast him a long look, her voice cracking, “And he didn’t deny it, did he?”

  Lucas took a deep breath. “That’s why they’re after us?” Thunder was building behind his eyes and Maria felt herself feeling torn, drawn to the storm clouds and propelled away.

  “I think so.” She shot him a glare. “I’m not a dragon hunter. My parents were, and they’re trying to enlist me into their little club, but I want no part of it.” Maria narrowed her eyes. “Though I’m starting to see their point.” Her words were harsh and she wrapped her arms around herself.

  “Hey, we’re not all like Jake.” Lucas shot her an angry glare. “Don’t put us all in that box.”

  “Well you’re not doing much to stop him either, are you?” Maria’s voice was rising now. “And that’s just as bad!”

  “Shh! You want the whole camp to hear?!”

  “Maybe I do!” Maria’s voice raised again and even she could hear the hysterical edge to it.

  Lucas grabbed her, strong hands gentle, but firm, around her shoulders. “That would be a stupid move.”

  “I don’t care!” She struggled, trying to pull out his grip. He was close, less than a couple of inches away. She could feel his breath on her skin, smell the scent of him. And then, without warning, his lips were on hers and they were kissing.

  Suddenly, Maria stopped trying to pull away and Lucas pulled her even closer. She almost fell against him, leaning against his strong chest, feeling the muscles beneath his shirt. He kissed her like she’d never been kissed before. He was all passion. Demanding and full of desires, Maria couldn’t resist him.

  His tongue wound around hers and she swore that it shouldn’t be that expert, that skillful. Maria moaned and kissed him back, groaning softly against his lips. She moved so that she could feel more of him, feel the tight, hard warmth of his muscles, the way he shifted against her. His arms moved, circling her waist. One hand moved to stroke her hair, strong fingers tangling in it firmly and making her gasp. Her shirt was riding up, exposing her lower back, her curves beneath the fabric. Maria felt the buttons bunching and straining and she blushed, tugging down her shirt.

  Lucas’s hands caught hers and pulled them away. His hands were on her shirt, undoing the buttons like they were nothing at all. Her blouse fell open, revealing her lacy underwear, the curve of her breasts and her navel, the way she had goosebumps all over her skin from the electricity of his touch.

  Then Lucas was pushing her onto the bed, kissing her neck, his weight pushing into her. Maria was moaning and squirming beneath him. His breath, hot and deep, was running all over her skin as his hands slipped around and played with the clasp of her bra.

  “Do you want this?” His voice was husky and low and suddenly, Maria felt like she would die if she didn’t have him right now.

  “Yes.” She trembled as she spoke the word, her eyes falling shut as she bit her lip. Then the clasp of her bra was undone, and she was shifting beneath him, squirming out of her blouse and her bra. Maria’s hands tugged at his jacket, pulling up his shirt, wanting to feel his skin as much as he was feeling hers.

  She moaned as her breasts hit the cool air, her nipples hardening invitingly as she did. She tangled her hands in the white cotton of his shirt, determined to pull it over his head and see more of the toned muscles beneath.

  Lucas shrugged off his jacket, then tugged off his shirt, and Maria bit her lip at the sight. Gorgeous. Toned abs and tight muscles that seemed to go on forever. He was a big man, strong and tall and broad in every way. The way he moved, though, with a sort of predatory grace, made her shiver. His eyes were flashing and Maria reached out, her hands finding his shoulders for support.

  He chuckled, a low sound, and Maria gasped as he shifted, his lips kissing a trail down her skin. When they found her breasts, Maria bit her lip, trying not to make a sound. A soft moan still escaped her and she gasped with pleasure. He felt incredible, and all consuming, and it was getting harder and harder to think straight, to focus past the twisting pleasure in her stomach.

  Her head was spinning and she felt dizzy. It was almost like the first time she had been on the back of his bike, the wind flying through her hair. It was freeing, it was terrifying, and it was blissful. Maria gasped, her hands grabbing his blond hair.

  He groaned softly and she shivered, thrilling at the sound. His hands tugged at her pants, undoing the buttons and lifting her hips so that he could pull the fabric from under her. She gasped as she was left in nothing but her lacy panties.

  She blushed as he looked down at her, a fire in his gaze, threatening to burn her to the ground. She shivered, feeling the heat trickle down her body, spreading to the place between her thighs.

  Damp heat overwhelmed her and she moaned softly, wiggling her hips. Lucas didn’t need any more of an invitation. He pulled the fabric down over her thighs. This time, he took things slowly and Maria blushed as his gaze took in every part of her naked body, resting against the sheets. She was sure that she looked a mess, but his eyes were rapt, his attention glued to her.

  Maria gasped as he parted her legs, pulling them gently away from each other. She was lost in the stormy color of his eyes, the way his breathing came in quick, deep pants. He shifted, lips back on her skin, on her neck, making her gasp and writhe beneath him.

  When she felt his fingers pushing at her entrance, Maria almost cried out. She bit her lip and moaned, squirming as he slowly pushed inside her. She knew she felt tight around him and she gasped at the sensation.

  The burning heat was crawling up her skin, burning within her core and making her groan and gasp. She arched as he thrust his fingers inside her a little further, just a little more. It was too much for Maria and she trembled.

  It was overwhelming and all consuming. The fear and pain and panic of the day felt like it was fading into nothing, nothing at all. She knew that she had problems, had things she should be worrying about, concerning herself about, but at the moment, she just couldn’t focus on what they were.

  All she could see was his eyes, the hard knots of muscle as he moved, the smirk that pulled at the c
orners of his mouth. All she could smell was the smoky, burnt smell that somehow smelled so incredibly sexy. All she could feel was his body against hers. His fingers pushing and staying within her. She moaned and gasped, everything a blur.

  It was too much. He felt incredible and she couldn’t stop the soft gasp that left her, “More!”

  He obliged, a low chuckle rumbling from his chest, “With pleasure.”

  Then his fingers were leaving her, pulling out and making her gasp. Maria didn’t get much of a chance to breathe, to consider, to shift. All she got was the feeling of his breath on her neck and the feeling of him pressing against her.

  Then he was pushing within her and Maria almost screamed. He was so big, more than she had ever felt before. He was strong and he gripped her firmly, holding Maria in place as she squirmed and writhed and he slowly pushed his girth within her.

  Maria almost exploded with pleasure right there and then. Her body was trembling, her mind was blank, she couldn’t think much beyond the fact that he was huge and he was amazing and that she never wanted this to end.

  It didn’t matter if she was human and he was a dragon shifter. It didn’t matter that her parent’s clan wanted her to do the unspeakable. None of that mattered, because she was with Lucas and he was moving in a way that called little moans from her throat.

  He thrust and Maria moaned loudly. Then his lips were on her and she felt the heat passing between them. Sweat beaded on his skin and Maria felt a flush working its way up her body, up her neck. It resonated from her core, from the overwhelming heat between her legs.

  Lucas thrust harder, his hands on her breasts, his lips kissing her more passionately than Maria had ever imaged possible. The scent of smoke and danger, the feeling of his strong body against hers, the way he rocked in rhythm.

  Maria shifted her hips, gasping as the friction sent shivers down her spine, bringing her so very close to the overwhelming pleasure. She moaned and Lucas obliged, pushing in harder and deeper.


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