Alien Colony

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Alien Colony Page 54

by Anna Lewis

  She nodded.

  Carefully, his hand kneaded her breast in small circles, causing the tingle between her thighs to grow. She moaned into his kiss. His other hand gently caressed her side and slid down further, his thumb smoothing over the fabric covering her thigh. She shivered.

  “Can I…?” he asked.

  “Yes,” she replied quickly.

  Eager hands lifted her dress and massaged her thighs, her soft moans echoing off the cement wall. His lips decorated her shoulder with kisses and pressed into the nape of her neck, causing her to tilt he head back. She teetered and caught herself on his shoulders.

  “Maybe we should move,” he suggested.

  “That might be wise,” she replied.

  Without another word, Robin lifted her from the ground and carried her behind the table to a small brick opening in the building. It looked like it used to be a window. Nina leaned back against it and spread her legs open, pulling the prince down into her bosom. His lips fell to her breast and pulled the fabric aside, sucking her erect nipple into his mouth. She moaned softly, gripping the hair on the back of his head.

  His lips suddenly detoured south and he lifted her dress, burying himself beneath the fabric to find her rose bud that was engorged with desire. A tongue tickled her clit and she giggled, shoving his head down further. She leaned back into the brick with her mouth agape and eyes squeezed shut, twitching with every stroke of his feathery tongue.

  As he sucked diligently on her swollen clit, he slipped a finger inside her entrance and she gasped in response. Her hips bucked forward as he slid in and out, continuing to lick fervently at her wet vulva. His tongue slid down and back up to her clit while his fingers increased their rhythm. It overwhelmed her with pleasure, her gut bubbling with excitement at the potential of being caught.

  She rocked forward into his mouth, the sound of him sucking her skin causing the tension in her solar plexus to increase. She could feel her climax approaching. For fear of losing control, she pushed his head away and raised it up to her mouth where she kissed him hard, her hands reaching down to unbutton his slacks.

  They hit the ground quickly, his boxers following suit, and she gripped his plump cock. She pulled him close while spreading her legs further, pressing her soaked entrance against his swollen member. He groaned and pressed his face into her neck.

  “Oh, Nina,” he whispered.

  “Yes?” she asked.

  “You're so wet...” he replied.

  She moaned and wrapped her legs around his waist, coaxing him to push inside. Fingers tangled into his hair as he slipped into her secret entrance, inspiring her to gasp and tighten her grip around his waist. He paused briefly, allowing her to become comfortable with his girth before pushing even deeper. A grin crossed her lips as he slid out, her hips twitching forward for him to get back inside.

  As his flesh fused with hers, the sound of the city surrounded them, masking the moans that were growing in a crescendo as he pushed deeper and deeper. The brick was beginning to hurt her bottom, but she ignored it, honing in on the sensation of his cock filling her up. His greedy mouth took bold possession of hers, silencing the sounds that threatened to give away their position.

  Heat and power radiated between them as his cock dipped in and out of her entrance. It ignited a hunger deep inside of her for him to pound mercilessly, her hands gripping his shoulders as he increased his rhythm. It was damn potent. He lifted his shirt to reveal a lean torso, his muscles flexing with every thrust.

  She looked up into the green eyes that were watching her face contort, their gaze sucking her in deeper. He lifted her legs above his shoulders and pressed forward, bouncing hard while eliciting low, sultry incoherent mews from her lips. He was making mincemeat of her will. The coil tightening in her pelvis threatened to snap, her hand flying over her mouth as the sensation elevated.

  A squeak erupted from her lips as her body began to convulse. He pounded harder as she shook, her gasps growing louder while she released the tension that had been building all evening. The explosion was incredible. Her eyes rolled back and she bit her lower lip, attempting to muffle the sound of her pleasurable detonation.

  Inspired by her climax, the prince sat up and flailed wildly into her thighs, his cock twitching inside her entrance. He grunted and fell forward while pulling out, his hand quickly replacing the warm pocket that had caressed his cock. A few rapid strokes sent him into a fit as his hot honey coated her inner thigh. The warm fluid trickled down her leg and she giggled while peering down at the spent prince lying on her stomach.

  “My...goodness…” he gasped.

  She ran her fingers through his matted hair, brushing away some of the sweat from his forehead.

  “Yes?” she asked.

  “You're amazing,” he replied with a huff. “And I'm quite spent now.”

  “We can rest for a minute,” she said.

  “I believe you've sucked the energy from me, my darling,” he said while sitting up slowly.

  Nina giggled as he reached up to cup her face, his thumb trailing over her lips while his eyes admired her.

  “I wish we could just stay like this,” he whispered. “And be in perpetual pleasure for the rest of our lives.”


  Nina sighed as she approached the curtain of the catering tent. It was only 7:30 PM and she was already exhausted from preparing food for the evening. The party had barely even started. People were still trickling in. They were hosting a gala event for a local art dealer who insisted on having his event outside in the dreary evening air.

  It was cloudy and the air smelled dismal. Still, Nina plastered on her customer service smile and pulled back the curtain to walk out with her back straight. She walked up to each person who made eye contact, offering them snails. They smelled disgusting to her, but people seemed to eat them up with ease.

  As she mingled through the crowd and offered the snails, she listened to the intermittent pieces of conversation that she picked up in passing. It wasn't her style to eavesdrop. However, it was relatively difficult to ignore the juicy pieces of wealthy information that these rich mouths seemed to drop at any given moment.

  “Margaret is pregnant again. Can you believe it?”

  “Seth never found me attractive, but at least Joey does.”

  “—has to deal with another stalker. If she would just get a bodyguard, it wouldn't be such a problem—”

  “This art is trash.”

  Nina shook her head and giggled silently, keeping her polite smile plastered on her lips as she offered snails to another guest. When her plate was empty, she went to the corner of the large yard and scanned the area, looking to see if anything needed to be refilled. Another conversation caught her attention almost instantaneously.

  “He's such a hunk. I can't believe he called me,” said a woman wearing a purple dress. “And he's invited me over to Othio with him.”

  Nina perked up.

  “How did you manage to wrangle in a prince?” asked the woman next to her.

  “It wasn't hard. All I had to do was give him the eyes and he practically melted,” the purple dress replied.

  “You sly fox!” the other one giggled.

  “If I can land a proposal with this one, I'll be set for life,” the purple dress said pointedly.

  “Please, take me with you. I need adventure in my life,” the other one begged.

  “Well, he's got a brother,” the purple dress said.

  The two tittered girlishly as Nina stormed off, making a heated path between guests as she burst through the curtains of the tent and slammed her aluminum plate on the table. Allyah looked up angrily.

  “Hey, I know it's rough out there, but you don't have to cop an attitude,” she warned.

  “I'm sorry,” Nina grunted.

  “Sorry won't cut it. You need to start passing out the wine. Let's go, girl,” Allyah commanded.

  Nina rubbed her temples and took a deep breath, focusing hard on the food in fron
t of her. It was difficult to concentrate when there was another woman competing for the prince.

  How could he have failed to mention that? Especially after asking if I had a lover. What nerve! She thought to herself.

  She shook her hands a few times and exhaled hard as Allyah continued to glare at her.

  “I'm getting to it,” Nina snapped.

  “Do you need a break already? We're only two hours in. Don't make me send you outside,” Allyah warned.

  Nina rolled her eyes and started gathering the wine to be poured, setting glasses up on an aluminum tray. She could practically do this in her sleep. Having another woman as a distraction wouldn't make it any more difficult than usual.

  Within minutes, the glasses were set and she had poured the chilled white wine without spilling a drop. No sooner were they in her hands and she was passing them out, her award-winning smile on her lips once again. Time seemed to rush by as she did this until every guest was holding a glass, even the snooty women in the corner who were just gushing about her prince. She rolled her eyes at them and retreated back to the tent where she finally sat down in a plastic chair.

  The smell of cigarette smoke wafted from the other side of the tent and Nina looked back to find Allyah standing outside. She stood to join her.

  “Let me have a hit of that,” Nina said.

  Allyah looked puzzled.

  “You don't smoke,” she said.

  “No, but I feel like I need it,” Nina said.

  “I don't know, Nina,” Allyah said. “It doesn't feel right.”

  She hesitantly held the lit cigarette to Nina who took it gratefully. After a few puffs, she coughed and blinked hard against the black spots that danced across her vision.

  “Damn,” she said.

  “Yeah, it's a menthol,” Allyah said.

  “I can taste it,” Nina said.

  “What's going on with you? This isn't your usual behavior. You're always on your game,” Allyah said.

  “Is that why you've been so hard on me tonight?” Nina asked.

  “Of course. It's only because I care about you,” Allyah replied.

  “I feel like a mess,” Nina commented.

  “So, tell me about it,” Allyah said.

  Nina sighed and looked down at the ground, her black shoes reflecting the dim light coming from the lanterns in the yard. She kicked a stray leaf.

  “I heard some women talking about Robin,” she said.

  “Who?” Allyah asked.

  “The prince, you ditz,” Nina replied.

  “Sorry. My brain is fried from frying food. What were they saying?” Allyah asked.

  “One of them was talking about seeing him romantically. It really didn't strike me until she mentioned his home country,” Nina continued.

  “Uh oh,” Allyah commented.

  “I know,” Nina said with a sigh. “I knew it was too good to be true.”

  “I mean, it can't be all bad, right?” Allyah asked.

  “How can it not? Just the other night he set up this romantic dinner with me and then asked if I was seeing other people. I said no,” Nina said. “And now he's seeing other people. I feel like a fool.”

  Tears were welling in her eyes. She stared at the moist ground, her vision blurring as a tear slowly trickled down her cheek. She wiped it away and sniffled.

  “That's terrible,” Allyah whispered.

  “It is. I can't really believe it. I don't want it to be true,” Nina went on.

  Allyah wrapped Nina in a hug, pulling her in close while rubbing her back. Nina took that moment to allow the flood gates to break. Tears soaked Allyah's shirt which Nina apologized for profusely, pulling back to wipe the blouse that was growing wetter by the minute.

  “Don't be sorry. Just let it out,” Allyah whispered while pulling Nina back in.

  Nina allowed the embrace to comfort her, keeping her arms tightly coiled around Allyah who soothed her into a quiet calm. The tears had finally stopped. Applause came from the other side of the tent. It sounded like the artist might have given a speech. Nina didn't care about it.

  “Listen, we have to clean up soon. I can let you take a longer break if you want,” Allyah offered.

  Nina sniffled.

  “I think that might help,” she said.

  “Just no longer than twenty, okay?” Allyah said.

  “Thank you,” Nina whispered.

  “Of course,” Allyah said.

  She gave Nina a comforting smile and then stubbed out her cigarette before walking back into the tent. Nina took a deep breath and looked up at the night sky. Stars twinkled in the distance. It was difficult to see them in the city, but they were far enough away from the dazzling lights that she could actually make out some of the constellations. It was a comfort to see them brightly shining in the dark sky, the clouds appearing milky against the obscure blue.

  “What a night,” she whispered to herself.

  After another deep breath, Nina walked inside the tent and started gathering plates to be washed later. They would have to transport them back to their original kitchen in town. It would take thirty minutes to get there and then another few hours to clean everything up. The leftovers would likely go bad if they weren't sealed immediately.

  “This party is taking forever,” Nina said.

  “Tell me about it. I'm just ready for a beer,” Allyah said.

  “You know, I could go for one, too,” Nina added.

  “Yeah? Maybe we should grab one after everything is cleaned up. We can hit that bar near your apartment—or is it still my apartment?” Allyah teased

  Nina giggled and shook her head.

  “I mean, it doesn't matter anymore,” she replied.

  “Don't say that, Nina. I'll come spend the night if you want,” Allyah offered.

  “What about your husband?” Nina asked.

  Allyah waved her hands.

  “He can last one night without me. You need me more right now anyway,” she said.

  Nina smiled.

  “I really appreciate that,” she said while dumping some leftovers in a bin. “Let's break down this party so we can get a beer.”


  “I'm not answering that,” Nina whispered to herself while setting the phone on the counter.

  It was late. Allyah was passed out on the couch with Maxie on her chest, her soft snores filling the air. Nina sighed. Her phone was buzzing again across the counter with Robin's name in digital letters across the screen.

  “Stop it,” she said while glaring at the screen.

  But the phone persisted to buzz. It bumbled across the counter and nearly fell off the edge were it not for Nina catching it. She pressed the answer button by accident and then stared at the screen while listening to Robin call for her on the other end of the line.


  His voice sounded so distant. Another soft snore rose from the couch and Nina turned around to look at Allyah, sort of imploring her mentally for some strength to face the prince. She sighed, raised the phone to her ear, and headed for the back patio.

  “Hello, Robin,” she said.

  “Goodness, Nina. I was worried you were ignoring me,” he admitted.

  “I was...I was sort of trying to do that,” she said.

  “Why? What have I done and how can I fix it?” he asked.

  Nina took a deep breath and sat in one of the chairs she had on her balcony, listening to the distant sound of sirens bouncing between buildings.

  “I know you're seeing someone else,” she replied. “And I'm pretty frustrated over that.”

  “What are you talking about, Nina?” he asked.

  “I'm talking about that woman who you've been seeing who was at a gala event tonight,” she replied. “And I heard what she said about you. I heard that you're taking her back to Othio with you.”

  “I'm not seeing anyone. You must have misheard her,” he said.

  “No, I didn't! I heard what she said about you! I'm not stupid, Robin,” s
he went on.

  “I would never lie to you. I'm not seeing anyone else,” he said.

  “That's a laugh. I'm sure you misunderstood me when I said I'm not deaf,” she scoffed.

  “I didn't say that, Nina. I'm trying to tell you I would never withhold such information,” he said.

  “Don't, Robin. Just don't. I know what you're playing it. You're just like every other man in this city. I thought you would be different because you're cultured, but you're not. Apparently, you just wanted to get something out of me,” she said. “And you did.”

  Tears were falling again. She couldn't handle the pressure growing in her gut, the anxiety and panic beginning to take over as she placed her wrist over her mouth to stifle the sobs threatening to surface. It was overwhelming trying to control herself.

  “I'm sure you're no saint yourself, Nina. I asked whether you were seeing anyone because I wasn't seeing anyone, but it seems like you're looking for an excuse to back off,” he accused.

  “No, that's not what I'm trying to do,” she blubbered.

  “Well, what is it? I've told you this is false and yet you continue to berate me as if I had done something wrong,” he said.

  “I'm telling you what I've heard. It just seems undeniable. You're the only prince I know from Othio,” she said.

  “What exactly did you hear? Tell me, Nina,” he commanded.

  “I am not one of your subjects that you can boss around!” she cried.

  A yap came from inside and she peeked over her shoulder to see Maxie standing as Allyah stirred.

  “I really can't talk about this right now. It's very late. I've had a few drinks and I need to sleep,” she said.

  “Fine. We'll discuss this tomorrow,” he said flatly.

  “Fine,” Nina rebutted.

  After getting off the phone, she wiped her eyes and then rested her chin on her hand, looking out between the iron bars of her porch to look at the city lights in the distance. Everything was dying down. Behind her, she heard scratching at the glass door. She turned to see Maxie whimpering.

  Sighing, she stood from her chair and opened the door to let the Corgi out on to the porch. Maxie jumped up and down, yapping more as Nina reached for the leash to take her for a walk. Behind Maxie was a stumbling Allyah who went to the fridge for some water. She set the glass on the counter and leaned against it, watching Nina walk by.


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