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Alien Colony

Page 61

by Anna Lewis

  As she sipped the rest of her cosmic martini, she turned around to find the bartender poised with a silver cup, ready to pour her another. He raised his eyebrows and she held out her glass, smiling gratefully.

  “Thanks,” she said over the rumble of music.

  “Would you like another olive, Miss Black?” he asked.

  “Yes, please,” she replied, her red lips curling up into a sweet smile.

  The bartender winked and then moved on to a couple standing at the other end of the bar who were teetering a bit. Anna Leigh looked down at her wrist, tapping her middle finger twice against her palm. The thin layer of skin lit up and showed the time: 21:02.

  The beat changed and a roar came from the crowd. Anna Leigh turned to smile at the wave of bodies enjoying the digital artist and raised her glass in praise. A hologram danced on the stage at the front, rocking back and forth to the sound of the bass barreling through the speakers. She took a digital mental picture of the scene and tucked it into her personal photo to put in her scrapbook. As she looked around, the blue man and his remarkably earthy looking friend came towards the bar.

  “Can I get a whiskey on the rocks?” he asked the bartender.

  “Cold or hot rocks?” asked the bartender.

  “Cold, please,” he replied.

  Anna Leigh laughed. The blue man turned towards her with an eyebrow raised.

  “What's that?” he asked her.

  “Oh,” she said while waving her hand. “Nothing.”

  “It seemed like something made you laugh,” he pointed out. “I can't imagine it was my handsome looks.”

  He pursed his lips and smoothed his purple hair away from his face. Anna Leigh giggled uncontrollably, a green hand coming up to cover her red lips.

  “Not at all, sir,” she said sweetly. “I just can't imagine drinking anything cold, at least not with liquor.”

  “It's quite delicious in the earth region. I got it from my friend here. His name is Xander,” he said.

  “Hello, Xander. I'm Anna Leigh,” she said, extending a hand to shake his.

  “Hi,” Xander said with a shy smile.

  “And you are?” Anna Leigh asked the blue creature with sparkling green eyes.

  “Elu,” he replied. “It's lovely to meet you, Anna Leigh.”

  The two shook hands and then stood quietly as the music shifted once more, the hologram at the front of the room changing to a landscape of the northern Nebulai region of planet Gorn. Blues, pinks, and purples filled the front stage and warped into different shapes that resembled cosmic butterflies, caterpillars, and ants. Each shape faded into another and resonated with the sound of music.

  “So, what do you two do?” Anna Leigh asked before taking a sip of her drink.

  “We're mine workers,” Elu replied while leaning against the counter. “What about you?”

  “I'm a nurse in the main log station. My unit was transferred here as part of the new mining project,” Anna Leigh explained. “I like it so far. The atmosphere certainly helps keep me going better than any other stimulant.”

  “I agree. The oxygen-rich atmosphere is a nice change to the iron-rich one we came from,” Elu said.

  “Iron-rich? That sounds awful,” Anna Leigh commented.

  “You could say it was awfully metallic,” Xander joked.

  Anna Leigh threw her head back and laughed at the pun, twirling the stick holding the olive in her martini.

  Xander flashed a winning smile, looking down at his whiskey and stirring it with a straw. He looked up at Anna Leigh, shrugged, and then looked out at the dance floor. He seemed like a shy guy to Anna Leigh.

  “What's there to do around here? We haven't found anything interesting yet,” Elu said.

  “Well, there is the zip line crew just north of here. Then there's rock climbing, the digital free fall, and the hologram trail,” Anna Leigh explained.

  “Digital free fall?” Xander asked. “That sounds a little scary.”

  “Shouldn't be for you two considering your line of work. It's just a heightened jump with a digital net on the bottom. It's completely safe. I've done it about a dozen times already,” Anna Leigh replied.

  “You sound like quite an adventurer. Xander here loves a good thrill,” Elu said while motioning to Xander. “We've got mint mugs from the last time we went space diving.”

  Anna Leigh raised her eyebrows.

  “Well, the mint mugs are actually–”

  Elu shoved his elbow into Xander's side, flashing a smile.

  “They're actually from Mars. Have you ever gone space diving above Mars? It's such a beautiful red hue that it almost looks like a painting,” Elu said quickly.

  Xander rubbed his side and gave a half smile before taking a sip of his drink.

  “Do you guys want to dance? I'm starting to feel this beat,” Anna Leigh said before setting her empty martini glass on the bar.

  “Sure,” Elu replied.

  Anna Leigh took them by the hands and pulled them out to the porcelain dance floor, her dress sparkling under the haze of light. Clouds of mist from the fog machine curled about them as they moved and she pulled Elu closer, rocking her hips side to side. Elu smiled wide and turned her around, pulling Xander in a little closer. She wrapped her arms around his waist and helped him move to the rhythm she established, the three swaying in unison as the music changed again.

  Surrounded by light and laughter, Anna Leigh raised her arms above her head and shook out her long black hair. Her infectious energy caused Xander to smile and lean in closer, whispering in her ear for her number.

  “I'm on social media,” she said over the music. “You can find me later.”


  “Oh, my aching head,” Elu groaned as he lay down on the ground during their lunch break.

  He held a cold bottle of water to his head, using the condensation to cool his throbbing temples.

  “I told you to take your medicine before going out,” Xander said while biting into an apple. “You always complain about your hangovers, but you never bother taking that headache stuff.”

  “I know, Xander,” Elu whined. “Can you give me the aspirin from the bag? I think I might puke.”

  “There's no use giving you medicine if you're going to puke,” Xander said while reaching into his bag. “Why don't you just take the instant stuff? I have the powder.”

  “Alright. Hit me,” Elu said, opening his mouth wide.

  Xander took out a capsule from his bag and pulled it open, dropping the dust into Elu's mouth. It dissolved immediately and Elu waited while taking a sip of water. Within moments, his headache was nonexistent and he sat up with a smile.

  “I don't know why you didn't take one earlier,” Xander said.

  “Well, I didn't have a headache earlier,” Elu said.

  “You always get a headache the next day, but never right after you wake up. I think it's your alien genes,” Xander joked.

  “Hey, I come from a long line of healthy Gorgians. My family has the best skin on Burskai, you know,” Elu said proudly.

  Xander chucked a piece of apple in his direction.

  “Sure you do, chief,” he said teasingly.

  Elu rolled his eyes.

  “Did you bring watermelon caps?” Elu asked.

  “Sure did,” Xander replied while digging through his bag.

  He pulled out a small green pill and placed it on the ground, borrowing Elu's water bottle to add a small drop of liquid. The capsule sizzled and then enlarged rapidly, becoming a nearly full grown watermelon in an instant. Elu smiled and rubbed his hands together.

  “Thanks,” he said while procuring a knife from his satchel.

  He cut a slice, began munching on it, and then quickly cut another to share with Xander who had long since finished his apple. The two ate in silence, enjoying the hydrating watermelon that stained their fingers. After eating the entire fruit, they wiped their hands and cleaned up their mess to head back to the mine.

  “We onl
y need three more,” Xander said as they walked towards the entrance. “And I think I know of a good spot that no one else has hit yet.”

  “Where's that?” Elu asked.

  “Towards the back. We won't descend, but we might get close. I already took my nausea pills so I don't fall again,” Xander replied.

  Elu gave a hearty laugh.

  “Well, I'm glad you took the precaution,” he said.

  “Unlike you,” Xander joked.

  “Hey, let's not get too judgmental here. You might fall. Would you want your last words to me to be judgmental?” Elu asked teasingly.

  Xander exploded with laughter, stopping at the entrance of the tunnel in order to hold his stomach.

  “Elu, seriously,” he said between gasps for air. “You know I'm joking, right? I'd hate for you to think otherwise.”

  Elu patted his shoulder.

  “Of course I do!” he replied with a wide grin. “I love you, buddy.”

  “You, too, man,” Xander said.

  Elu looked down at the ground and kicked up some dirt before stepping over the threshold into the mine. Quietly, he followed Xander to a far corner and helped him set up the laser tool. Elu drilled holes in the ceiling for the straps that would hold him up and used a reaching tool to place the metal prongs inside the holes. They sat in tight and he looped rope through them in order to hoist himself up close enough to the wall to laser through the rock.

  As they started drilling, a jarring crash came from deep in the belly of the mineshaft beneath his feet, causing him to stop drilling immediately. A crack formed in the rocks where they were slicing, cutting across the wall and rapidly heading towards the entrance.

  “No,” Xander whispered.

  “Xan, what was–”

  The ceiling shifted, causing Elu to lurch forward. He grabbed the rope hard and yelped, Xander grabbing him without a second thought and yanking him back towards the entrance. An explosion erupted behind them and dust filled the air as leftover black coax crystals ruptured with every sprint forward. Purple crystals, rocks and dust flew in front of Elu as he ran, trying hard to keep up with the shadow of Xander ahead of him.

  He coughed violently as they sped towards the opening, their eyes beginning to adjust from darkness to the blinding light ahead. Another wave of explosions knocked him to the ground and he screamed:


  A hand appeared through the soot and grabbed him from the ground, yanking him out of the mine and out into the open field where a number of workers were waiting, horrified at the sight of the mine collapsing. They had barely made it out in time. Xander tripped over a fallen rock and fell forward while pulling Elu down with him.


  While coughing, Xander shoved Elu and then sat up, brushing the dirt from his face. He looked towards the mine that was still smoking, crystal dust lining the opening.

  “Elu,” he said while standing up from the ground. “What was that?”

  “I don't know. It looks like something exploded deep down in the mine,” Elu replied.

  He coughed violently.

  “That was wicked close,” Xander said, cradling his head.

  “Are you alright?” Elu asked.

  “I don't know, man,” Xander replied.

  His vision was hazy. The sun was glaring down on his tan skin and causing him to heat up quicker than usual. He stood up as the soot from the mine blew past them. “Damn, all of our tools were in there!” Elu cried while brushing the dirt from his pants and work shirt. “So much for that deposit.”

  Xander looked over at the entrance of the mineshaft that was no longer there, the rocks and dirt covering the large hole in the ground. If anyone was trapped under there, the droids would dig them out within the next thirty minutes. He saw a line of them heading from the medical unit along with a number of vehicles carrying nurses.

  Coughing nervously, Xander looked around at the group of comrades standing around them. Had they seen what happened? He quickly sat down, his head growing heavy and his vision getting worse.

  I don't feel right, he thought.

  Xander hung his head down low, shielding himself from the sun. Elu sat next to him and wrapped an arm around his shoulders.

  “Hey, are you alright?” he asked. “Medic! I need a medic over here!”

  “I'm fine, Elu,” Xander claimed. “I'm just dizzy, that's all.”

  “We should still get you checked out. You might have a concussion and not be aware of it,” Elu explained.

  “Seriously, don't worry about it,” Xander claimed while holding his head between his knees.

  His head was spinning. He just wanted the dizziness to pass, but it seemed to get worse from the heat. Having Elu touch his back didn't seem to help. A medic dressed in white approached and knelt down next to Xander with a small white briefcase. He pulled on a pair of white gloves and then carefully touched Xander's face.

  “Look at me for a moment,” the medic instructed. “And follow this light with your eyes.”

  Xander did as instructed and didn't say a word, following whatever directions the medic gave him. The medic pulled a white packet out of his briefcase, cracked it, and then shook it a few times before handing it to Xander.

  “You have a mild concussion. I would suggest plenty of rest and fluids over the next six hours, but try not to nap any time soon. You should be fine to sleep tonight,” the medic explained and then turned to Elu. “Will you be able to keep an eye on him?”

  Elu nodded.

  “Of course. We're log station mates,” he replied.

  “Good. Just make sure he gets enough fluids and rest, okay?” the medic said.

  “Sure thing,” Elu replied. “Let's get you up, buddy.”

  Xander stood timidly and looked down at the ground that was still spinning a bit. As they made their way to their log station, Anna Leigh appeared in their path.

  “Hey, guys,” she said with a bright smile outlined with red lips. “Are you alright?”

  “Yeah, I'm fine,” Xander replied.

  Her eyes seemed to sparkle in the sunlight, swirling like stars. The night before came back in pieces as he remembered the way she had caressed his body on the dance floor.

  “He's just got a mild concussion,” Elu explained. “We're getting him back to the log station where he can rest.”

  “I can give you a lift in my transporter,” Anna Leigh offered while motioning to her vehicle.

  “That's very kind of you,” Elu said. “Thanks.”

  Anna Leigh helped Xander into the transporter and secured him in the back, inviting Elu to sit up front with her. She looked at him in her rear view mirror and smiled. He blushed.

  “I'm really okay,” he insisted. “Seriously.”

  “It's no problem at all,” Anna Leigh explained. “I had such a good time with you guys last night. I figured I could repay you for the drinks.”

  Anna Leigh pulled away from the mine and headed towards the log station, dust kicking up behind the vehicle.

  “I was a bit worried when the alarm went off,” Anna Leigh admitted from the front seat. “I'm used to dealing with casualties in this line of work, but I still get incredibly worried.”

  “I can understand that. This definitely isn't our first mine collapse,” Elu said.

  “We had a horrible one two summers ago where I broke my leg,” Xander called from the back seat. “I've seen worse days, for sure.”

  Anna Leigh laughed nervously.

  “Oh, wow,” she said. “Yeah, I'd say so.”

  She pulled up to the log station and parked as close to the door as possible.

  “Here you go, guys,” she said. “Please, don't hesitate to let me know if you need anything else.”

  “Of course. We appreciate it,” Elu said. “Thanks again, Anna Leigh.”

  “You're so welcome,” she said with a grin. “Call me later.”

  She waved as she drove away and Xander stood leaning against Elu who eventually turned him to walk
inside. They went straight to Xander's room where he was laid on the bed with the ice pack pressed firmly to his forehead.

  “Are you hungry?” Elu asked.

  “No,” Xander replied. “I just feel funny.”

  “You probably will for a bit. I can get you something if you want,” Elu offered.

  “No, I'll be fine,” Xander insisted.

  “I'm still going to get you some water,” Elu said.

  Xander smiled.

  “Thanks, chief,” he said.

  Elu shot him a dirty look, the grin still plastered to his face.

  “I might poison your water if you keep saying that,” he warned.

  Xander chuckled lightly, leaning back against his pillow and placing the ice pack over his eyelids.

  “Just make it quick,” he joked.

  Elu chuckled from the wall next to the bathroom, the sound echoing across the white tile.

  “Could you turn on the hologram? I want to hear the ocean,” Xander asked.

  “Sure,” Elu replied.

  Xander listened to Elu walk across the room to the window where the hologram was located and tap the keys on the touch pad to open the ocean app. He sighed contentedly as the sounds of seagulls chirping and ocean waves came through the speakers, instantly putting him into a state of relaxation. A hand touched his and he jumped.

  “Sorry,” Elu said. “Here.”

  He handed Xander a glass of water.

  “Oh, thank you,” Xander said while accepting it.

  He took a sip, setting the cold pack aside on the bed and staring off into space. There was more he wanted to say, the words dancing on the tip of his tongue as he recalled how exciting the previous night had been. Having Anna Leigh sandwiched between them was exhilarating and he wanted to repeat it.

  “Do you want to have a picnic tomorrow?” Xander asked.

  Elu turned to him, smiling.

  “Sure. That sounds really nice,” he replied.

  “And maybe we could invite Anna Leigh?” Xander asked.


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