Tides of Vengeance (The Montclair Brothers Book 4)

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Tides of Vengeance (The Montclair Brothers Book 4) Page 17

by Terri Marie

  “You’re just in time. The plane is boarding, so if you hurry, you won’t miss your flight.” The chipper woman behind the counter seemed like she wanted to chat, but Renee couldn’t have any of that. She took the ticket and ran. She got through security without any lines or delays, then bolted to the stewardess standing at the entrance to the gate. Not one time did she consider turning back to the hotel. Saving her family meant more than anything, and if she angered those she loved in the process, so be it.

  The worst part would be the two and a half hours on the plane. There was more than one flight leaving the airport, bound for Metro, so she had to assume Tyler was right behind her at all times. After she got in her car, she’d have to haul ass; to where exactly, she had no clue.

  All Renee knew was that she’d have to be creative to flush Robert out of hiding. The encounter wouldn’t last very long. She was going to kill him, no matter what it took.

  Renee hadn’t had any sleep. She didn’t dare doze off while lying next to Tyler. As exhausted as she felt, she’d have missed her flight. This mission was going to be a onetime chance. If she didn’t succeed it’d mean the end of her life, and that of her baby. Failure wasn’t an option. Hopefully, if Tyler came after her, Brian wouldn’t follow. Right now Renee had a target on her chest, but little did Robert know, so did he.

  The only person she knew who had a gun was Carrie. But she didn’t have a key to Vincent’s house, nor did she want to get arrested for breaking in. Again, she’d have to be creative. One thing she’d always have over Robert is intelligence. He had a criminal mind and wasn’t stupid, but he’d underestimate her, leaving himself open. Then she’d be all over him. He’s a giant compared to her, but that wouldn’t stop her. Her need to protect her family was way bigger than him. Robert would know that though, and all it would do is fuel his rage and make him want to torture her more. That’d been the sole reason for him trying to kill everyone she loved. Now, that threat was gone and he’d lost his leverage. She’d take that monster out of this world or die trying.

  When the plane landed, Renee removed the battery from her phone and hurried off the plane. The airport was starting to get crowded, so she weaved around the people and headed straight for the doors. With her senses on high alert, she ran out of the building, straight for her Cadillac. Her mind was racing, sorting through different plans. It was now twenty minutes after six, and she knew she was now in a race to get away from Tyler and head right towards Robert.

  Let the hunt begin…

  ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞

  “Renee?” Tyler sat up in bed and rubbed his eyes. He got up, threw on his jeans and went to the bathroom. When he came out, he saw that Brian was still asleep. She must have gone downstairs for the complimentary breakfast. He’d given everyone clear instructions about not going anywhere alone, so she had to have gone downstairs with one of the girls. Tyler turned on the shower and got in. The warm water felt good, but the pressure wasn’t the best. Renee would be happy when she realized the shower was all hers when she got back.

  He finished up and got dressed. Tyler left the bathroom ready to greet her, but she wasn’t in the sitting area. He went back to the bedroom and Renee wasn’t there either. Enough time has passed. She should have been back by now. He put on his shoes and quietly walked out the door, making sure it locked behind him.

  Tyler looked for her, or one of the other girls in lobby, but none of his group was there. Something’s not right. He called Renee, but it went right to voicemail. Racing back to the elevator, he walked to his brothers’ rooms and knocked several times on their doors.

  “What’s wrong, Ty? Didn’t you get any sleep?” Vincent stepped out into the hallway.

  “Is Carrie with you?” Tyler’s voice sounded urgent.

  “Yeah, she’s sleeping.” Tyler left him standing there and knocked again on Sean’s door. He quickly answered.

  “Woah, Ty, easy. You’re going to wake up the boys.”

  “Is Elissa here?” Tyler tried to see over Sean’s shoulder.

  “Yeah, she’s in the other bed with Miles and Noah.”

  Vincent and Jacob both came up behind them. “What’s going on?” they both asked.

  “Renee’s missing!” Tyler raised his voice.

  “Shit,” said Vincent as he hurried back into his room to get his shoes and shirt on.

  Jacob asked Tyler if Renee’s purse was in the room.

  “Nothing! She’s gone!” He got out his phone, and pulled out his credit card. After reciting the numbers, he hung up. “She’s charged an airline ticket back to Metro! Get Brian from our room. I’m going after her.” Tyler ran to the elevator while calling the airlines. The next flight wouldn’t be leaving for two more hours. His heart felt like it was going to explode.

  The shuttle was getting ready to leave, but Tyler was able to stop the driver. He climbed on and sat through a very slow drive to the airport. Tyler jumped out before the shuttle stopped. The guy yelled something at him, but he didn’t look back. He ran to the counter and purchased the ticket.

  “Are you sure there isn’t another flight leaving sooner?” He hoped to God there was.

  “I’m sorry, Mr. Montclair, but this is the earliest flight to Metro.” Tyler paid for the ticket, then headed towards the boarding area to wait. He attempted to call Renee again, but he wasn’t having any luck getting through.

  “Dude, you run fast.” Sean sat down beside him with a ticket in his hand. “Please tell me we’re booked on the same flight. Oh and before you ask, Vincent’s rearranging everyone. They’re all safe.” Sean compared his ticket with Tyler’s.

  “You need to stay here, Sean, where you’ll be safe too. I know Renee went after Robert. I feel it in my gut.” Tyler rested his face in his hands.

  “Listen, Ty. Robert’s in hiding. He knows that the cops are after him. There’s no way Renee can find him if they can’t.” Sean patted his back.

  “She’ll get him to come after her so she can ensure we’ll all be safe! She’s going to give herself to him as a sacrificial lamb!” Tyler’s worst fears were going to come true. Robert would kill her and the baby.

  “It’s not like she can get him to answer a door. Renee’s not going to be able to find him. She’ll have to do something to make him come to her.” Sean nodded his head and patted Tyler’s back again.

  “What the hell, Sean?” Tyler looked at him and rolled his eyes.

  “The media, Ty. We’re going to have to buy the papers and watch the news.” Tyler and Sean locked eyes.

  “Oh God, you’re right!” Tyler stood up and began to pace.

  “So wherever she wants Robert to show up, we’ll hightail it there too. Sit down, Ty. We’ve got about an hour before they’ll let us board the plane. For now, there’s nothing we can do.”

  “He’s got a gun, Sean…”

  “And I’ve got a crowbar. Have a seat before you make me crazy.”

  ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞

  Robert drove the Flea Infested Piece of Shit down the side streets. He didn’t have to worry about attracting attention to himself. This Hunk of Crap would blend in anywhere. Hopefully Pock Ass and his blood wouldn’t start to reek; he was sensitive to smells and made sure his cleanliness stayed a top priority.

  He drove for another hour until the Hunk of Shit was almost out of gas. Showing up at the pumps wasn’t the brightest move, but Robert the King wouldn’t do anything Stupid. Pretty soon he’d have to make his way back to Southfield and destroy his Ex and the Shitty Shack she lived in with Numb Nuts. She found herself a Sugar Daddy, and I’m going to cut his arms off. Robert laughed at the thought of The Clown running around hemorrhaging out of his stumps.

  Finally Robert found a sign to a city that made him laugh so hard he had to stop. “Welcome to Hyde. The Friendly Place.” He could barely see the road in front of him. Who the hell names their town Hyde?! “I’ll be friendly and skin your hide!” This made him think of a new song. He began singing it loudly. “Please abideeee, while I skin y
our hide…all because you lied to meeeee. Don’t be shyyy, while I melt you with lyeeee…in a blue barrel just like on T.V….”

  Robert hummed his new song while he slowly drove through town. It looked like a Shitty Town to him. Most of the cars looked worse than Pocked Boy’s, but he couldn’t find a Crap Hole Motel anywhere. When he reached the other side of Happy Hides, he saw a sign for Madeline’s Bed and Breakfast. Perfect, thought Robert. He looked at the wad of cash on his front seat. He got out of the Flea Bucket and knocked on the door. Madeline was Antique. She’s at least a hundred years old! What a Battle Axe.

  “Can I help you?” The Old Fart was in a Stupid Housecoat.”

  “I’m looking for a room and some breakfast.” Robert tried to sound as pleasant as possible. Who names their kid after a Damn Doll!

  “How many?” One room for one person you Senile Wench!

  “It’s just me and I only need one room.” Robert gritted his teeth.

  “Well come on in and I’ll show you to your room. We have cable and there’s a bathroom right here on your left. Breakfast is served at nine and checkout is at eleven.” I’ll need you to pay upfront for your stay and fill out a form.”

  “What kind of breakfast?” Robert wanted to raid the Old Bat’s fridge right now.

  “Two eggs, toast, two slices of bacon, two pancakes, coffee, and orange juice. If you want something different you’ll have to go to a restaurant.”

  “Is it real bacon or that turkey crap?” Robert could no longer hide his irritation. Why must Stupid Jerks mess with a perfect thing? Bacon is bacon. Leave it the hell alone!

  “Well it’s turkey bacon but it tastes like the real thing.” Robert couldn’t help but stick his foot out when the woman was starting to go back down the stairs.

  “Oops!” yelled Robert as he watched her tumble. He had to turn his head when she landed. She looked just like a Cartoon.

  “Help! I can’t feel my legs!” she yelled. Robert was getting pissed off. He checked the other rooms upstairs, then he stepped over the Dumb Wreck on the floor and searched the rest of the house. They were alone. He wanted to roar like a Brave Lion again.

  “Let me help you!” Robert said with fake concern.

  “I can’t feel my legs!” Robert picked the Skinny Wench up in his arms and hauled her up the stairs to one of the rooms. He tossed her on the bed and watched as she bounced up and down. “Now shut it!” he warned as he pointed his finger at her face.

  “Help!” she yelled. “Call me an ambulance! Help!” You just don’t learn.

  Robert picked up the pillow and sat on the Old Bat’s chest while holding it over her Gnarly Face. “I said, Shut Up!” He laughed hard when he looked back and saw that her legs couldn’t even twitch. The Old Shit tried to claw at him, but he knew she couldn’t harm Robert the King!

  After his hard work, he took a shower in the Stupid Flowered Bathroom, and put his white boxers, compliments of the Southfield P.D., back on. He went downstairs and threw the pound of bacon in the Shitty Skillet with the Wobbly handle, and in another pan he cracked open six eggs. The Antique Toaster was right on the counter, so Robert began to toast his six slices of bread. When The King’s breakfast was done, he sat down and drank straight from the pitcher of orange juice. Slathering on the butter and jam, Robert dug in.

  Dipping his toast into his eggs, reminded him of Pocked Boy’s head leaking. He laughed to the point he almost choked. Another swig of orange juice washed it all down. Old Fart was totally stupid; she bought the kind with pulp!

  When he let out one last belch, he climbed the stairs and went to his Stupid Room. More Flowers. He picked up the remote and turned on the news.

  “This just in from the news room: Raymond, what’s going on with the Preston situation?” Her hair looks like an Ant Hill! Robert chuckled. Speaking of Ants, he couldn’t wait to hear how the Dumb Cops were running around in circles.

  “Well Martha, Robert Preston remains at large, but his ex-wife is here to make a plea for him to turn himself in.”

  “My name’s Renee Montclair and Robert, if you’re listening, do not hurt anyone else. You need to turn yourself in immediately. If you do, the judge may show some leniency. Thank you.”

  “Hopefully he’s listening and he’ll take your advice.” Raymond, you look like a Loser!

  “I hope so. I’d also like for Robert to know that I’m staying at the Southfield Inn if he’d like for me to go with him. I know how difficult it is to be alone during such trying circumstances.”

  He watched the Stupid Bitch smile at the camera. How stupid does she think I am? “I’m coming for you Asshat, and I’m going to bash your skull in…”

  ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞

  When the plane landed, Tyler and Sean took off running through the doors to the passenger drop off area.

  “My keys are gone which means she’s taken the Cadillac. We’ll have to grab a cab to my place and get my car.” Tyler flagged a taxi down and jumped in the backseat. He promised the driver an extra twenty dollars if he hurried.

  “Wait, Ty, we should just get my Jeep.” Sean suggested.

  “My Mercedes is faster than your Jeep. Right now, we have to move!”

  “My Jeep’s here in the lot.” Sean looked at him. “Snap out of it Tyler.”

  “Can I drive?” Tyler pleaded.

  “Oh hell, no. Come on.” Sean began jogging through the lot, with Tyler right behind him.

  Thankfully Sean could drive like a madman. Tyler wasn’t in the mood to have to prompt him to step on it. Sometimes his brother’s driving scared the shit out of him, but today wasn’t one of those times. Then, suddenly, traffic came to a halt. “I can’t believe this!” he shouted.

  “Relax, Ty, we’ll get there. I run late for every meeting. But I’m a master at cutting through side streets and parking lots. Hang on.” Sean drove up the shoulder of the road with his flashers on and took off down the first exit ramp.

  “Don’t kill us!” Now he was scaring the shit out of him. Tyler held on for dear life.

  By the time they pulled onto his street, Tyler was as white as a sheet. He jumped out of the Jeep as Sean was putting it into park. Opening the front door, he began running from room to room. When he came back down the stairs, Sean had already restarted the engine.

  “She’s not here.” Tyler was breathing hard.

  “I know. We’re going to my house to watch the news, just in case Robert plans on a visit here. I don’t feel like getting fire-bombed today.”

  Sean opened the garage door as they rounded the corner to his house. Once they ran in, Sean flipped on the news, and there she was.

  “Oh my God! Fly downtown Sean!” Tyler took off towards the garage door. “Remember, we have to be careful, Brother. The asshole has a gun.”

  “Yeah, so I’ve been told.” Sean squealed his tires as he sped out of the driveway. “We’ll find him, Ty. And we’ll kill him.”

  “Not with your crowbar we won’t.”

  “Jeep versus gun. I’ll win.”


  ROBERT WAITED UNTIL two in the morning before getting up to put The Goon’s clothes back on. He tucked the guns in the back of his pants and walked out with a feeling of satisfaction. He’d kill The Bitch and he didn’t care who saw him. Let the Clown Cops come and haul him off. He’d live just fine in prison, just as long as he had the sweet memories of kicking in his Stupid Ex’s face.

  He started up the Shit Box and pulled out of the driveway. There was a spot on the ground which looked like oil or blood, but Robert didn’t care. Let the flies have a feast! Hopefully Pock Ass would be nice and ripe when the Dumb Cops popped the trunk. He couldn’t help but laugh at the thought.

  As he drove out of town, Robert remembered the empty gas tank. It pissed him off so bad he wanted to punch it, but he’d have to save his strength to take care of business. Finally, he found a gas station. It looked like it was from the Damn Stone Ages. He pulled up and went inside. The cashier was a Dumb Ass, reading h
er Girlie Magazine and ignoring him. He cleared his throat as loudly as possible.

  “I need to buy some gas,” Robert demanded, as he was reaching into Goon’s pocket for some money. The bags of cheese corn caught his eye. He almost did a jig but stopped himself. There were six bags on the rack and Robert bought them all. The Stupid Twit didn’t even bother to thank him or say bye. He gave her the One Bird Salute as he drove away. He immediately tore open a bag of cheese corn. Stuffing fistfuls of it in his mouth, made him feel like he was in heaven.

  By the time Robert had made it to the freeway, he’d polished off three bags of the Delicious Kernels. He laughed as he pictured getting orange on Stupid Renee’s face when he punched it.

  When Robert reached Southfield, he knew he had to use his Great Eagle Senses to avoid being captured before he was ready. There were still a handful of cops patrolling that Robert had counted, and some were in unmarked cars. They think I’m stupid. Guess What?! You are! He laughed hard as he drove right past one.

  Robert knew he couldn’t park anywhere near the Southfield Inn. He was sure that Stupid Liar’s television speech was Phony Shmoney, and that the Clown Cops were going to be there with handcuffs. He’d park a few blocks away and wait until she walked out of her room. Once he bashed in her Stupid Skull, he’d throw her in the dumpster and let the rats chew her eyes out. Hell, maybe he’d dig those out before he dumped her. She thought he didn’t see all the times she rolled her Ugly Eyes at him. Now he’d pull them out and toss them in the road. Maybe he’d get to see a car smash ‘em before he got arrested. Robert opened the last bag of cheese corn and stuffed a handful in his mouth.

  ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞

  “We should call the cops, Ty, and have them camp at the Inn.” Sean was slowly driving around the streets downtown.


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