Mythos (2019 Re-Issue)

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Mythos (2019 Re-Issue) Page 38

by Stephen Fry

  love affair with Adonis, 263–64

  protects Echo, 267

  frees Echo of body, 273

  and sexual license in Cyprus, 280

  and Pygmalion’s sculpture, 281, 283–84

  festival in Cyprus, 283–84


  birth, 93

  qualities, 96, 204

  slays Python and sent to exile, 97–98

  and Delphic oracle, 98

  white cattle stolen by Hermes, 100–104

  and creation of human race, 119

  falls for Persephone, 138

  drives sun chariot, 173, 177, 250

  as father of Phaeton, 172–73

  and Phaeton’s driving chariot, 173–80

  and death of Phaeton, 181

  takes Coronis as lover, 210

  at birth of Asclepius, 210

  kills Cyclopes and punished by Zeus, 212–13

  slays Otus and Ephialtes, 216

  Niobe on, 233

  musical competition with Marsyas, 235–38

  depicted in Arachne’s weaving, 243

  love for Hyacinthus, 261

  love for Daphne, 279

  Pan challenges to musical competition, 306–7

  Apollodorus of Athens, 321

  Apple of Discord, 31

  Apuleius, 146, 321

  Aquarius (constellation), 250, 294

  Arachne, 239–44, 245

  Ararat, Mount, 130

  Arcas, 246

  Ares (Mars)

  birth, 74

  qualities, 74–75, 90

  fails to free Hera, 78

  at Aphrodite’s wedding to Hephaestus, 81

  as father of Eros, 145

  as supposed father of Harmonia, 184

  and killing of Ismenian Dragon, 189, 191, 194, 206

  and disappearance of Thanatos (Death), 226

  and Sisyphus’s avoiding death, 229

  jealousy of Adonis, 263

  Arestor, 168, 169

  Arges, 22, 55, 212

  Argonauts, 216

  Argos, 168

  Arguros, 296–99

  Argus (Panoptes), 169–70

  Arion (horse), 70

  Arion (musician), 288–94

  Aristaeus, 206, 316

  Aristides (king), 146, 147–48, 153

  Arne of Thessaly, 243

  Arsippe, 243

  Artemis (Diana)

  birth, 93

  demands to be huntress and to remain chaste, 94–95

  qualities, 107

  Actaeon discovers bathing, 206

  attacks Phlegyantis palace with plague arrows, 210

  Niobe on, 233

  kills Niobe’s sons and daughters, 233

  expels Callisto, 246

  cares for Procris, 252–53

  jealousy of Adonis, 263


  birth, 210

  medical skills, 211

  administers Gorgon’s blood, 212

  killed by Zeus, 212

  healing temples (asclepia), 213

  raised to heavens as constellation Ophiuchus, 213

  staff of, 107, 211

  Asia, 172. See also Clymene

  Asopos, 192, 196, 198, 200, 222–23

  Asphodel, Meadows of, 67, 134, 227

  Assaracus, 248

  Asteria, 243

  Astrapos, 296–99

  Athamas, 216, 219

  Athena (Minerva)

  birth, 86, 87, 88

  qualities, 88–90, 107

  and owl, 88

  kills friend Pallas and bears name, 90

  beauty, 93

  and Zeus’s creation of mankind, 116–17

  breathes life into first human figures, 117, 119

  teaches first female human, 124

  and birth of Erechtheus, 171, 172, 300

  Erechtheum, 171

  and founding of Athens, 171

  rewards Asclepius with gift of Gorgon’s blood, 211, 212

  invents aulos, 234

  weaving duel with Arachne, 241–44

  gives olive to Athens, 300

  Athens, 88, 90, 171, 182, 245, 300

  Atlantis, 65


  born to Clymene, 172, 312

  fate (to hold up sky), 27, 64, 79

  seven daughters (the Pleiades), 99, 184

  Atreus, house of, 218

  Atropos, 61–62

  Auden, W. H., 57

  Aulocrene, Lake, 235

  Auloniades, 63

  aulos (wind instrument), 234–37

  Auriga (constellation), 181

  Aurora. See Eos Autolycus, 221–22

  Autonoë, 194, 196, 198, 199, 204, 206

  Auxesia (Auxo), 61


  Babylon, 275

  Bacchus. See Dionysus

  Baucis, 295–99

  bees, 81–83

  Boeotia, 188, 206

  Boreas, 285

  Bosch, Hieronymus, 214

  Bosporus, 170

  Botrys, 203–4

  Briareos. See Aegaeon bride-price, 214

  Brontë family, 22

  Brontes, 22, 55, 121, 212

  Broteas, 217

  Byron, Lord, 133, 286, 287

  Byzas, 171


  Cadmean Vixen. See Alopex Teumesios

  Cadmus (Kadmos)

  childhood, 182

  seeks sister Europa, 183–85

  travels with Harmonia, 184–90, 194

  sows dragon’s teeth, 190–91

  founds Thebes, 191–92, 300

  marriage and children with Harmonia, 192–94

  changed into snake, 194–95

  returned to human form for death, 195

  dynasty, 206

  and Cilix, 275

  caduceus, 107, 211

  Calanthe, 146, 147–48, 153–58, 161–62

  Calasso, Roberto, 184, 192, 193

  Callimachus, 213

  Calliope (Muse of epic poetry), 57, 59, 83, 236

  Callirrhoë, 248

  Callisto, 246

  Calypso, 25, 65

  Campbell, Joseph, 322

  Canis Major (constellation), 254

  Canis Minor (constellation), 254

  Carpo, 61

  Cassandra, 265

  Castalia, 98

  catasterism, 181

  catharsis, 214

  Cecropia (city). See Athens

  Cenchreis (queen of Cyprus), 262

  Centauros, 215

  Cephalus, 250–54

  Cephissus, 266

  Cerberus. See Kerberos

  Ceres. See Demeter

  chaffinches, 267–69

  Chaos, 18–20, 28, 56, 112–13

  charisma, 91

  Charites (Gratiae; the Three Graces), 61, 124


  birth, 31

  appointed ferryman of underworld, 68, 132, 133

  and Sisyphus, 228, 230

  Charybdis, 245

  Chiron, 202, 206, 210–11, 215, 316

  Chloris, 203

  Chthonius, 192

  Cilicia, 185, 275

  Cilix, 182, 185, 275

  Cleitus, 256–57

  Clio (Muse of history), 58

  Clotho, 61, 62, 218

  Clymene (Asia)

  consorts with Iapetus, 25

  offspring, 26–27, 54, 64, 112, 129, 131, 312

  as mother of Phaeton, 172–75

  Clytemnestra, 184, 218

  Clytius, 316

  Cocytus, 68

  Coeus, 22, 26, 84, 91, 243

  Colophon (Ionia), 239

  Concordia. See Harmonia

  Cornucopia, 45

  Coronis (princess of Phlegyantis), 210

  Corvus (the Crow), 210

  Cosmos, 19, 35, 56

  Cottus, 23

  Creon, 253

  Crete, 41–45, 183–84

  Cretheus, 219, 221

  Crius, 22, 26

  Crocus, 203, 261

  Cupid. See Eros


  birth, 22, 23, 24, 35

  rewarded by Zeus, 65

  create trident for Poseidon, 69–70

  assist Hephaestus, 79, 121

  Cygnus (Cycnus), 174, 181, 290

  Cyllene, Mount (Mount Kyllini), 99–102

  Cyprus (island), 37, 72, 262, 280, 283

  Cythera (island), 36


  Dalmatae, 194

  Damaris (queen), 146–48, 153

  Damysus, 316

  Dante Alighieri, 57, 68, 214, 314

  Daphne, 279–80

  Daphnis, 280

  Dardanus, 184

  death and the dead, 132–34. See also Thanatos

  Deioneus (king of Phocis), 214

  Delos, 92, 97–98, 173, 233

  Delphi (Pytho), 27, 98, 130–31, 173, 185–86, 219–20, 280, 320

  Delphinus (constellation), 294

  Demeter (Ceres)

  Kronos swallows, 39

  spewed out by Kronos, 49

  Poseidon invents horse for, 70

  qualities, 70, 207

  and bountiful Mother Earth, 119, 138, 295

  and daughter Persephone, 138–42, 217

  and Persephone’s periodic return, 141–42, 295

  and Phaeton’s driving chariot, 180

  wreaks vengeance on Erysichthon, 207–9

  and absence of Death, 226

  jealousy of Adonis, 263

  temple in Eumeneia, 295

  demure, meaning of, 91

  Deucalion, 129–31, 135, 219, 243, 299

  Dia (queen of the Lapiths), 214

  Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 274

  Diana. See Artemis

  Diké (Justitia; goddess of justice), 61, 226

  Dione (queen of Lydia), 217, 232

  Dionysus (Bacchus)

  birth, 201, 222

  makes wine, 203–4

  passion for Ampelos, 202–3

  qualities, 204

  admitted to Olympian Twelve, 204–5

  and disappearance of Thanatos, 226

  depicted in Arachne’s weaving, 243

  and Teumessian Fox, 253

  Theias opens shrine to, 262

  Arion devotes musical talent to, 288

  shrines, 295

  Silenus visits, 302–3

  grants Midas’s wish, 303

  worshippers react against prudence, 314

  kills Typhoeus, 316

  Dis, 68

  Discordia. See Eris

  dithyramb, 288

  dodecatheon, 72, 108


  associated with Apollo, 96

  associated with Eros, 146

  Poseidon presents first to Amphitrite, 70

  and name Delphi, 98

  rescue Arion, 288–94

  Doom. See Moros Doris, 25, 70, 77, 278

  Drakon Ismenios. See Ismenian Dragon

  Drury, Henry, 286

  Dryads, 63

  Dryope, 142

  Dysnomia (Anarchy), 129


  Echidna, 28, 69

  Echion, 192, 194

  Echo, 265–74

  echolalia, 274

  Eirene (Pax; goddess of peace), 61, 226

  Ekdusia (festival), 279

  Ekenhead, Lieutenant William, 286

  Electra, 184

  electrum (alloy), 305

  Eliot, T. S., 265

  Elis, 219, 221

  Elpis (Hope), 129, 314

  Elysian Fields, 133

  Emathion, 258

  Emphytos, 316

  Enceladus, 316

  Endymion, 255

  Enipeus, 243

  Eos (Aurora), 25, 176, 177, 178, 250, 256–61

  Epaphus, 170, 172–75, 179, 181

  Ephialtes, 216

  Ephyra (Corinth), 219

  Epidaurus, 213


  as son of Clymene, 27, 172

  sides with Titans, 54

  and early race of man, 120

  meets and marries Pandora, 126

  children, 129

  qualities, 312, 314

  and creation myth, 312–13

  Erasmus, Desiderius, 125

  Erato (Muse of lyric and love poetry), 59

  Erebus, 20, 30–31, 33, 48, 67, 68, 113, 128

  Erechtheus, 171–72, 250, 300

  Erechthonius, 171

  Eridanos (river), 180, 181

  Erigone, 243

  Erinyes (Eumenides; the Furies), 35, 60, 61, 68–69, 108

  Eris (Discordia), 31, 129

  Eros (Cupid)

  as leader of Erotes, 144

  qualities, 144–45

  love for Psyche, 147, 151–52, 156

  wounded and withdraws, 162

  marriage to Psyche, 164–65

  eros (form of love), 144

  Erotes, 143, 144

  Ersa (Herse), 250

  Erysichthon (king of Thessaly; Aethon), 207–9

  Eumelus of Corinth, 54

  Eumeneia, 295, 298, 299

  Eumenides. See Erinyes

  Eunomia (goddess of law and legislation), 61, 226

  Euphrosyne (Euthymia), 61

  Euripides, 204

  Europa, 133, 182–85, 188, 243, 276

  Euryale, 63

  Eurymedon (king of the Giants), 316

  Eurynome, 61, 77

  Eurynomos, 134

  Euterpe (Muse of music), 59, 83, 237

  Euthymia. See Euphrosyne

  Evslin, Bernard, 322


  Fates. See Moirai

  feet, as measurement, 317

  figs and fig tree, 252, 316


  Zeus forbids human possession, 118

  Prometheus steals for mankind, 120–23

  humans use, 125

  Fishburne, Laurence, 32

  Flora. See Thallo

  Forster, E. M., 56

  Fortunate Isles (Isles of the Blessed), 133

  Fraus. See Apate

  Frazer, James, 322

  Furies, the. See Erinyes


  Gaia (earth)

  origins, 20, 21

  and germination of thought and meaning, 22

  union and progeny with Ouranos, 22–23

  plans to kill Ouranos, 24–31

  and castrating of Ouranos, 33–34

  withdraws into inaction, 38

  supports Rhea against Kronos, 39, 41

  children by Pontus, 63

  as planet Earth, 71

  creates Python to protect Omphalos, 97

  breath rises to Delphic oracle, 98

  celebrates forming of dodecatheon, 109

  and creation of humans, 119

  creates new race after Great Deluge, 131, 135

  gives birth to Erechtheus, 171, 172

  as mother of giants, 315

  Gaiman, Neil, 32

  Galatea (and Acis), 278

  Galatea (Pygmalion’s sculpture), 280–84

  Galatea (wife of Lampros), 278–79

  Ganymede, 248–50, 256–59, 266

  genealogy charts, 14–15

  Gerana (queen of the Pygmies), 242

  Geras (Senectus; old age), 31, 32, 128

  Gigantes (Giants)

  birth, 35

  in war with Titans, 55, 315–16

  Gilbert, Albert, 144


  origins, 50

  war with Titans, 54–55, 315

  jealousies and animosities, 189

  relations with humans, 214

  Greeks view as imperfect, 314

  Golden Age, 119–20, 127, 128, 129

  Gordian knot, 301

  Gordias (king of Phrygia), 300–302

  Gordium, 300–301

  Gorgons, 63, 89, 211–12

  Graces, Three. See Charites

  grasshoppers, 259–60

  Gratiae. See Charites

  Graves, Robert, 322

  Great Flood, 130, 219, 299

  Greece, extent of, 182, 32


  qualities, 320

  view of imperfect gods, 314

  Grimm’s Law (phonetic), 317

  Gyges, 23


  Hades (Pluto)

  Kronos swallows, 39

  spewed out by Kronos, 49

  given control of underworld, 67–69

  fails to free Hera, 78

  welcomes dead to kingdom, 133

  and Elysian Fields, 133–34

  abducts Persephone, 138–42

  Psyche enters realm of, 164

  objects to Asclepius using Gorgon’s blood to revive dead, 212

  and return of Thanatos, 227

  and Sisyphus’s avoiding death, 229

  Haemus (king of Thrace), 242

  Hamadryads, 64

  Hamilton, Edith, 11, 181, 321, 322

  Handel, George Frederick, 278

  Harmonia (Concordia)

  genealogy, 184

  travels with Cadmus, 184–90, 194

  and founding of Thebes, 191–92

  marriage and children with Cadmus, 192–94

  given cursed necklace, 193

  transformed into snake, 195

  returned to human shape for death, 195

  Hawthorne, Nathaniel, 322

  hearth, 66

  Hecate, 139, 316

  Hecatonchires, 23, 24, 33, 35–36, 54–55, 64, 65, 108

  Hedone (Voluptas), 165

  Hedylogos, 144

  Helicon, Mount, 57, 267–68

  Helios (sun), 25, 139, 172, 177–78, 181, 250, 257

  Helle, 216

  Hellen, 219

  Hellespont (Dardanelles), 285–87

  Hemera (day), 20, 30, 48, 113

  Hephaestus (Vulcan)

  birth, 73–74

  Hera rejects, 74, 77

  manufacturing skills, 76, 77, 79

  frees Hera from enchanted throne, 78

  Cyclopes help, 79, 121

  given workplace, 79

  wedding feast with Aphrodite, 79–81

  cures Zeus’s headache, 86

  makes bow for Artemis, 94

  makes winged sandals and helmet for Hermes, 106, 107

  fashions female human, 124

  passion for Athena, 171

  as father of Erechtheus, 171–72, 300

  carves shoulder for revived Pelops, 218

  temple in Eumeneia, 295

  attacks Mimas, 316

  as mythical figure, 318


  Kronos swallows, 39

  spewed out by Kronos, 49, 71

  consorts with Zeus and bears children, 73–75

  qualities, 71–72

  trapped by enchanted throne, 75–78

  wedding feast, 79–81

  jealousy of Zeus’s affairs and offspring, 91, 93, 205, 267–68

  denies Leto land on which to give birth, 92

  sends Python to kill Leto and children, 97, 98

  meets Hermes, 106

  status among gods, 108

  gives qualities to first human female, 124

  as patron deity of Argos, 168

  and Zeus’s infatuation with Io, 168–70

  takes revenge on Semele, 197–98, 201


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