The White Witch of the South Seas gs-11

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The White Witch of the South Seas gs-11 Page 38

by Dennis Wheatley

  `Yes, he's a clever devil,' Gregory admitted; then he added, `How comes it that he told you so much about his plans?'

  She raised her eyebrows and spread out her hands. `Why not? It was natural that he should, since he meant to use me as his emissary. How could I give you a clear account of his intentions unless he told me of them? His spies have informed him that James is in love with Olinda, so he is counting on that to bring the two of you to heel and send a transfer of the licence out to him as her ransom. Of course, he knows nothing about how you and James have been away for a good part of the night attacking Roboumo's island. But he has given you a few hours to think it over. Either you send out the licence to him before dawn or he means to up anchor and make off into the blue with Olinda. I am most terribly sorry to have to tell you all this, darling. But there it is. I had no option.'

  `What has he done with the Pigalle?' Gregory asked.

  `When he had me put ashore he was about to tow her out to the far side of the mole, then, after he had transferred the treasure and his stores to the Boa Viagem, scuttle her. The Colons must have been working on shifting their cargoes from the Pigalle for the past hour.'

  It was at that moment that James burst into the room. His handsome face expressed a queer mixture of triumph and concern.

  `We've done it!' he exclaimed. `It was all over in ten minutes. We had to shoot half a dozen of Roboumo's men then he arrived on the scene himself, and urged them to greater efforts. Aleamotu'a brought him down by a bullet through the thigh. It has always been a custom in the islands that immediately one leader or the other is rendered hors de combat his followers should cease fighting. That is what happened. His men surrendered.

  `Then your two messengers reached me with the news that you had got away with the White Witch. When I announced it Roboumo's men went down on their knees and grovelled to me begging for mercy. I assured them of my forgiveness and protection, provided they obeyed me without question.

  My first order to them was that they should tie Roboumo to a tree and shoot him. It was a tense moment, but they did; so summary justice was done on him and he will give us no more trouble.

  `Next I told them that I required them to show further their loyalty to me by aiding in an attack on the Pigalle. There were more than a score of them unwounded and still fighting fit. Unhesitatingly they beat their chests and cried, “Bole! Bole!”, their challenge to an enemy, and followed me down to our boats.

  `From your two men I learned that you were on your way back to the harbour, so we went there to pick you up. I expected to find that you had taken the White Witch to the Boa Viagem. But the yacht was not there. She has gone. I was amazed and filled with fear. What has become of her?'

  As quickly as he could, Gregory told James of the new and menacing situation.

  When he realised what had occurred James let out a wail of grief and cried, ` Olinda! My love; my sweet one! She is in the hands of those devils. We must go at once. I will transfer the licence to this brute Lacost. it is the only way to save her.'

  `No,' said Gregory firmly. `I'm damned if I'll let you throw the sponge in now, when the odds are in our favour. With the body guard and Roboumo's men to give them a lead, we'll have the upper hand. Lacost is there waiting for us; but by now the moon must have set. Under cover of darkness we will be able to approach the yacht unseen. The Colons number half a dozen at the most. We will have ten times their numbers. With twenty ruthless, well armed fighting men, backed by forty others, they won't stand a chance against us.'

  Manon, wide eyed, cut in. `You'll not pull it off. I beg you not to try. I don't think I told you, but Lacost said I was to let you know that if more than one motor boat with three or four men in her approached the yacht he would open fire with his machine guns. Such an attempt could not possibly succeed. It would lead only to a massacre.'

  `You are right,' muttered James miserably. `Oh, you are right! The only way I can save Olinda is to go out and transfer the licence to Lacost.'

  `Pull your wits together, boy!' Gregory snapped. `Haven’t you the sense to see that transferring the licence will not now be enough? Possession of it might just be sufficient to excuse Lacost having fired upon us and those French gendarmes yesterday. But not for this act of piracy in having boarded and seized the Boa Viagem. If he is caught, and he certainly will be, the only way in which he can clear himself of that is by coercing Olinda into writing a series of letters, purporting to show that you had been detaining her here against her will, and begging him, as her late husband's partner, to rescue her. Convincing letters of that kind cannot be thought out and written in the space of half an hour while we lie alongside the yacht in a motor boat. Lacost will take the licence from you, then tell you to go to hell and carry Olinda off with him. How could you possibly prevent him from doing that? If you mean to save Olinda the only chance you've got is to go in and get her.'

  `You have reason on your side,' James muttered unhappily. `I suppose that is the only hope of saving her. But if Lacost intends to fire on us should we approach the yacht with more than one boat, how can we possibly hope to get the better of him?'

  `God knows! I don't,' Gregory said with a shrug. `But with luck I'll think up some way to trick him.'

  Turning towards the white haired woman who still lay unconscious on the sofa, he looked at her, then added, `At the moment the last thing I want to do is to leave here. I want to bring our pseudo Witch round and hear her story. But it is up to you, James. If you want to get your girl back I can't let you down, so I'll come with you. But dawn can't be far off, and we'll stand no chance at all unless we can attack under cover of darkness. So if we are going to make the attempt we must leave at once.'

  James nodded. `Thank you, dear friend. Yes; let us go.'

  Gregory took another long look at the Witch, then he said to Manon, `I don't think for a moment that Roboumo would have been such a fool as to give her a deadly poison, because he would have thought there was a good chance of his warriors successfully defending the village. But he must have made her swallow something pretty potent for her to have fallen into such deep unconsciousness, and the sooner it is out of her system, the better. Get some mustard from the kitchen mix it with hot water, then force it down her throat. Even if she doesn't come lo, it will make her sick. And remember, she has never been our enemy, but an unhappy prisoner; so if she does come round, treat her with the greatest kindness and get her to bed.'

  `Of course I'll look after her,' Manon promised.


  Gregory turned and followed James out of the bure.

  Directly they were outside James said, `The whole of our force is down on the harbour. I brought Roboumo's men back with me in our boats, so that they would be with us to receive our instructions about attacking the Pigalle. I came up to the bure only because I was told that you had taken the White Witch up here; and I would not have dreamed of launching the attack without your counsel.'

  `We've not lost much time,' Gregory replied. `The moon cannot have set much more than a quarter of an hour ago; and instead of having to go right round to the site of the wreck, where the Pigalle was anchored, we now have to go only a mile or so on the far side of the mole.'

  James, who was in great distress, then began to give vent to his fears for Olinda, but Gregory cut him short by saying, `Dear boy, I know how you must feel, but please don't talk about it now. I've got to think to think hard of a way in which to trick Lacost, and I've got little enough time to do it in.' So, for the rest of the way down the long slope of the garden, across the open space in which the Meeting House stood and through the sleeping town, they walked in silence.

  When they reached the harbour Gregory said, `What we have to do is to prevent Lacost from taking alarm, ordering the yacht to forge full speed ahead and shooting us to pieces before there is time for our flotilla to come up. I've had one idea how we might achieve that. Whether it will come off or not, God alone knows. If it doesn't, you and I will be dead within the next half
hour. But I see no alternative to trying it. To play this trick I'll need two pieces of strong fishing net, each about twenty feet square, and a dozen pieces of wire all about three metres long and a third of a centimetre thick:

  Beckoning to one of his men who normally was a wharf hand, James told him what was required; and he went off to knock up a nearby ship chandler, who would have the type of wire required, and who could quickly cut it into lengths.. Aleamotu'a then joined James, and Gregory briefed them on the tactics that he had thought out.

  The Ratu's cabin cruiser was to be used by the two of them, James' coxswain and Kalabo. The, boat was to approach the Boa Viagem unaccompanied, and tie up under her stern. James was to parley with Lacost and refuse, for the time being, to go on board. He was to show the licence, upon which Lacost would say that it was useless to him without a transfer. James would then go into the small cabin and spend several minutes writing one out. Lacost would require that it be witnessed. James would have this done by Kalabo and his coxswain. Next, James would refuse to hand over the papers until Olinda was lowered into the boat. It was certain that Lacost, suspecting that he meant to make off with her, would refuse. An argument, which James was to keep going as long as possible, would then ensue. When they reached stalemate James was to flash a torch on to the papers and hold it there for some moments, pretending to do so in order that Lacost, by peering over the stern rail, might see that they were in order, then offer to hand them up simultaneously with Olinda being put over the side. As Lacost leaned over, James was to drop the papers, throw the torch high into the air, leap up, seize Lacost by the wrists and endeavour to drag him over into the boat. If he succeeded he was to hold Lacost in front of him as a shield against being fired upon.

  Meanwhile, the other nine most speedy motor boats in the harbour would have been manned. The crew of each was to take with it two or three anchors from small rowing boats and canoes. These, with lengths of thick rope attached to them, were, when the boats came alongside the yacht, to be thrown up as grapples, so that they would catch on the rail of the yacht and boarding parties could swarm up the ropes dangling from them.

  The flotilla was to muster on the inner side of the mole. Two watchmen were to be stationed on it. When they saw the light of James' torch, as he threw it up into the air, that would be the signal. Led by Aleamotu'a, the boats were to round the end of the mole and make at all possible speed for the yacht. Each crew was to act independently of the others, board the yacht and show no mercy to the Colons, capturingg them if they surrendered or killing them without hesitation should they put up the least resistance.

  Aleamotu'a translated into Nakapoan such parts of Gregory's instructions as applied to the main force, shouting them so that all could hear. They responded eagerly, crying 'Bole! Bole!', beating their chests and each boastfully declaring that he would kill two three four Colons at the least.

  As they dispersed to make their preparations, Gregory's party went on board James' cruiser, taking with them the pieces of fishing net and wire for which Gregory had asked. Five minutes later the cruiser rounded the end of the mole and headed towards the Boa Viagem, the position of which could be seen by her riding lights as she lay at anchor about a mile away.

  Gregory went into the low cabin, took off his clothes and emerged a few minutes later, stark naked. As he appeared, James exclaimed anxiously, `What on earth…! Oh, my dear friend! What are you about to do?

  'Have a dip,' Gregory smiled. `The wash from our propeller will scare off any sharks that may be about. I shall be dropping over the side when we get to within about two hundred yards of the yacht. You must slow down so that I can continue to hang on. Then I want you to drape the bundles of fishing net over each side of the boat's bows so that they look like bumpers.'

  `How do you mean to use them?'

  `You'll see, if my idea comes off. I wish to God that we had half a dozen of the gendarmes' grenades, but we couldn't possibly spare the time to dig old Elboeuf out of bed and get his authority for the police to let us have them. Still, I'm hoping the nets will serve our purpose.'

  By then they were within a quarter of a mile of the Boa Viagem. They could make out her outline quite clearly, but there was no sign of the Pigalle, so evidently the Colons had by this time transferred the treasure to the other yacht and had scuttled their old tub.

  A few minutes later the cruiser slowed down and Gregory slipped overboard into the warm sea, with the lengths of thin wire looped round his neck.

  As they approached the yacht, a hail came from her and a small beam light was switched on; but when it focused on the boat Gregory could not be seen as his head was below her gunwale and he was being drawn along with her only by the clutching fingers of one hand on it.

  James answered the hail and was told to come alongside. Instead his coxswain brought the boat close in under the stern of the yacht. As the beam of light showed clearly that there were only three men in the boat and none of them was carrying arms, no protest was made at this manoeuvre. A moment later, Lacost, holding a pistol in one hand, was peering down into her and speaking in French to James.

  The conversation between them proceeded on the lines that Gregory had planned. Meanwhile, he had drawn the whole of one of the bundles of fishing net into the water and, as swiftly as he could, was wrapping it round the starboard propeller of the yacht. It was no easy task as the propeller, being well under water, could not be seen in the darkness caused by the overhang of the stern of the yacht, and every minute or two he had to come up for air.

  When he had managed, as well as he could, to entangle the propeller in many folds of net, he twisted six of the lengths of wire round the bundle to keep it in place.

  Coming up for a longer breather, he listened anxiously to the conversation going on above. It had reached the stage where Lacost, now angry and impatient, was telling James that the transfer of the licence he had just written out would not be legal unless it was witnessed.

  Swiftly Gregory dived under the prow, came up on the far side and drew the other bundle of net down into the water. Alternately going right under, fumbling wildly in the dark, then coming up to gasp in air, he fouled the port propeller in the same way as he had the starboard one.

  But after having firmly twisted together the ends of four lengths of wire he felt he dare stay no longer, and surfaced with the two remaining lengths of wire still round his neck. Immediately he saw that a stronger light glowed in the vicinity of the boat, so knew that the critical stage had been reached when James would be holding up the documents for Lacost to see, and shining his powerful torch upon them.

  A moment later the light dimmed, for James had thrown his torch high into the air. There came a cry, the crack of a pistol and a tremendous thump. That told Gregory that Lacost had fallen into the trap that had been set for him. James had jumped, grabbed Lacost's wrists and pulled him over the rail so that they had crashed on to the deck together. But that shot. Had James been killed or wounded?

  In awful suspense Gregory waited, holding on to the prow of the boat with one hand. He heard the sounds of curses and a struggle only a few feet above his head. Excited, angry shouts came from the stern of the yacht. Then James' voice came clear and loud

  `I have your Captain! Now I've got him, I'll kill him unless you do as I say. Bring the Señhora

  . Bring her and lower her into the boat and I'll give you the papers and him in exchange.'

  James' inspiration for making the best use of his captive was an improvement on Gregory's hastily made plan, and he gave him full marks for it. The offer must result in creating just the delay needed for the flotilla to make the greater part of its way from the harbour. And, in making the offer, James must know perfectly well that if he had to carry out his promise to give up Lacost and the documents, he would get both back after his men had captured the Boa Viagem.

  A heated argument broke out up on the stern deck of the yacht. Evidently all the other Colons were assembled there. One cried, `Don't shoot! D
on't shoot! You will kill Pierre.'

  Another was for abandoning Lacost and making off.

  Lacost's voice came from close overhead in a furious bellow, 'Felix, you are an imbecile! Without me as your leader you would be captured in a week.'

  The others, too, shouted down the man who wanted to cut and run.

  `No I No! Pierre has the brains. And we must have the licence.'

  `Yes, we dare not sail without the licence.'

  `The licence! Yes, it would be as much as our necks are worth to leave without it.'

  ` Pierre is the only one among us capable of marketing our haul.'

  `What does the woman matter? Once we get the money we'll have scores of the bitches.'

  Again Lacost's voice broke in urgent, commanding. 'Alphonse, go and fetch the Señhora

  The excited shouts fell to swift murmurings. Now that the, Babel had subsided, Gregory, his face only just above water, listened intently. At once he caught the purr of motor engines. Down there at sea level was the best place to catch distant sounds, but he knew that in a few minutes the men above him must also hear them.

  Another two minutes passed. Again the voices up on the stern deck grew louder. Then came James, his voice vibrant with relief and delight. ' Olinda! Olinda! Thank God you are all right. I have been worried out of my wits.'

  She called back to him, `James! My James! How wonderful! I… I can hardly believe I am not dreaming.'

  Racked with anxiety Gregory continued to listen. He could now hear the approaching flotilla more distinctly.


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