The Wolf's Secret Vegas Bride

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The Wolf's Secret Vegas Bride Page 10

by Eve Langlais

  Rory wanted to scream “yes.” Except Connor placed a hand on his arm, the voice of reason and caution. “She’s not here, dude.”

  He knew that. Sensed it even. Yet that did nothing to quell his rage. The man in front of him had hurt her. Terrorized her. His wolf demanded justice.

  Instead, he had to content himself with a threat. “Stay away from Danita.”

  “Or else what, puppy chow?”

  “Or I will start a war.”

  Chapter 15

  Dani was on a plane back to Canada of all places, with a man she’d never met before but who claimed to be Rory’s real daddy.

  “So let me see if I have this straight. You used to go to school with my dad. You knew my mom. Plus, you’re Theo Elanroux, Rory’s biological father.” A twist she’d not expected. “But Rory won’t talk to you. At all.”


  “And yet, Rory’s other daddy, the one who raised him, invited you to our wedding reception.”



  “According to him, he wanted to mend fences. To right a wrong.”

  Remembering the man she’d met, she found that hard to believe. Her skepticism showed.

  Theo spread his hands. “I know, I was shocked too, but apparently, it is possible for a man, even Jack, to feel regret.”

  “I still don’t get your interest in me. Rory doesn’t want me anymore.”

  “He’ll come around. Especially once he realizes you carry his child.”

  “I haven’t even taken a pregnancy test yet. How come you’re all so certain?”

  Theo tapped his nose. “It never lies.”

  There they went with the whole smell thing again.

  She cocked her head. “What makes you so sure it’s his? He seems to think it’s Kelso’s.”

  At that, Theo snorted. “Your scent is all wrong. You carry my grandchild.”

  “I guess.” She folded her hands over her still flat stomach. “If you want, I can make sure you get visitation once he or she is born.”

  “Rory will come around before then.”

  “I doubt it. Rory never really wanted to get married in the first place.”

  “But let me guess, once you met, he couldn’t help himself.”

  She snorted. “We were drunk.”

  “However, I will wager, when you met again, this time without the influence of alcohol, was the attraction still there?”

  Her cheeks heated. “I’d rather not discuss this.”

  “Very well, let me ask you, once my son met you, did he still want the divorce?”

  “He did at first.”

  “But changed his mind.”

  Curiosity had her querying, “How do you know that?”

  “Because you bear his mark.”

  “This ring?” She held up her hand. “He just put it on me today.” She twisted it off, a heavy lump of metal and stone that meant nothing. “It was all for show at the fake reception party.”

  “Fake? Oh, my dear, you have much to learn.”

  “Is this where you claim you’re going to teach me?” She managed to hold in a snort. Many of this old man’s mannerisms were kind of funny. However, he did provide a way out of a sticky scenario, and a free flight back to Canada. Since running hadn’t worked, she’d need a new plan.

  “I already taught one grandson what it meant to be an Elanroux. I am sure I can do it again.”

  “You keep assuming I’m going to stay with you.”

  “Probably not for long. I imagine once Rory realizes where you are, he’ll come for you.”

  “Doubtful.” She could still hear his hurtful words.

  Theo reached forward and patted her knee. “Don’t be so certain about that. You underestimate your allure.”

  “I’d prefer less allure. Ever since my daddy disappeared, it’s been a non-stop nightmare. I still can’t believe you knew my daddy.”


  Her lips turned down. “Daddy is dead.”

  “Your father?” He frowned. “Are you sure of that?”

  She nodded.

  “We are talking about Gregory Leopold? Big man, blond hair, early fifties but looks much younger?”

  “Yes. He died about two months ago.”

  Theo’s lips flattened. “I’d heard rumors, but thought they were just that, rumors.”

  “It’s true.”

  “How certain are you of his death?”

  Remembering Kelso’s taunting laughter and cruel admission, she said, “Pretty sure.”

  “I can’t believe he didn’t better protect you.” Theo shook his head, his words cryptic. Just what was her father involved in? “Well, you needn’t worry any longer. Staying with me will keep you safe from those like Kelso wanting to take advantage. At least until Rory arrives.”

  “Rory’s not coming.”

  “He will once I call him.”

  She shook her head. “You are not calling him.”



  “He’s your husband.”

  “If you really want to help me, then you’ll help me find a lawyer and get the paperwork started on a divorce.”

  Theo’s mouth twisted. “Rory won’t allow it.”

  “Give it a few weeks.” That was all it would take for him to forget.

  Chapter 16

  If only he could forget.

  But he couldn’t.

  Even as Rory searched and failed to find Danita, the memory of her plagued him. It was if she’d vanished that night at the restaurant. Rory couldn’t find a trace of her, and yet he searched. Commercial airlines. Buses. Trains. Hell, he even had a friend in law enforcement run vehicles stolen the night she disappeared.

  However, someone had covered her tracks well. Monitoring Kelso and his crew proved futile. Either he was pretending to not know her location or he was also at a loss. Rory’s men reported back that Kelso seemed to be hunting Danita, too. Kelso stuck around for two weeks before he headed back home.

  Without Danita.

  The only good thing to come out of the mess was an improved relationship with his father. Yes, father and not stepdad. That was disrespectful of the man who’d raised him, and now that Rory had gotten past his anger, he saw that.

  He also realized that Elanroux wasn’t to blame for everything either. Without him, Rory would have never been born. Seemed kind of dumb to hate the fact of his conception. It also seemed stupid to hate a man who never got a chance to be a father.

  Which was why Rory finally called his bio dad’s number almost a month after Danita vanished into thin air.

  The old man answered, a tad too eagerly. “Rory, son, I am delighted to hear from you.”

  “Don’t call me son.” Holding out a hand didn’t mean he was ready for a mushy kind of relationship.

  “As you wish. To what do I owe the pleasure?”

  “Um…” All the words he’d practiced fled. His usual brash nature hid. What exactly did one say to the man whose life he’d barged into with fiery consequence?

  “Would you like to meet and talk?”

  Yes. Rory wanted to know more about the man whose genetics ran in his blood. “Meet? Um. Not yet. I was just calling to…” say he wanted to start over. That he’d like to get to know him. That… “I like your new company commercial.”

  In an odd twist of fate, his fathers owned highly competitive businesses. His bio dad dabbled in the organic maple syrup business while his father worked with synthetic sugar.

  “You didn’t call to talk about a dancing bottle of syrup.”

  “No.” He sighed. “Listen, I called because—”

  “Theo, what do you want for dinner? Cook is not feeling well today, so I’m going to attempt to cook. I can make tacos or grilled cheese, usually without burning them.”

  Rory heard her voice and froze. “Who is that?” he asked.

  “My, uh, nurse.” Elanroux coughed. “I’ve been feeling a little under the weather.” H
ack. Cough. “Let me call you back.”


  Rory stared at the phone.

  You’ve got to be kidding me. Here he was calling his bio dad to mend fences and the bastard was the one hiding Danita this entire time.


  He fired off a text to Connor. Take a few days off.


  Because he was going back to Canada to fetch his secret Vegas bride.

  Chapter 17

  She awoke with the strangest sensation of being watched. Which was highly unlikely. She’d seen how seriously Theo took his home security, especially once he knew of the danger to her. No one could get into his house without permission.

  Still, the feeling of someone staring wouldn’t stop. She sat up, the pitch-black room silent, and yet she could have sworn she smelled something. Musky and masculine.



  She leaned over to slap at the lamp, the touch pad reacting immediately. It emitted a soft glow, enough to see who sat in a chair across from the bed.

  She gasped. “Rory, what are you doing here?” She couldn’t help but stare at him, drinking in the sight. He would look just as yummy as she remembered. Angrier, too.

  “Why do you think I’m here? To bring you home, of course.”

  The statement startled her. “That’s not my home.”

  “If you don’t like the décor, then change it.”

  “It’s not the house that’s the problem.” She hugged her upper body. “I know you don’t want me.”

  “You couldn’t be more wrong.” His eyes flashed, almost yellow in the murky shadows beyond the pool of light. Something inside her shivered. “You’re my wife, and I want you to come home with me.”

  “I already have a home.” A home she’d feared returning to because of Kelso.

  “Your only place is with me.” He made as if to lunge from the chair.

  “This is crazy.” She tucked the blanket tighter. “We should be getting a divorce.”

  “Not happening, darling.”

  “I’m still pregnant.” She stated it boldly. Chin raised.

  “All the more reason to return with me. Our child is going to have two parents.”

  “Our?” Her brow arched. “I know you don’t think it’s yours.”

  “Maybe it is, and maybe it isn’t. You want to know what I realized that night you left?” He stared at her, intent and serious. “It doesn’t matter who donated the sperm. If my dad could raise me to be the man I am, then I can do no less.”

  “I don’t understand. Why do this? Why are you so determined to have me? You could have any woman you wanted.”

  “Yet all I want is you.”

  The words melted any resistance she might have had. She held open her arms, and he was in them, holding her close. Kissing her.

  And she was kissing him back. The electrical awareness as strong as ever. Their passion too intense for much foreplay.

  “I’ve missed you so much,” he groaned, skimming up her nightgown.

  “I missed you more.” She sighed as he penetrated her, the thick length of his shaft filling her right.

  “I won’t lose you again. I’ll microchip you if I have to,” he grunted as he built a rhythm.

  “Don’t leave me,” she asked softly as she wrapped her limbs around him.

  “Never. You’re mine. Mine.”

  He growled the word as he came, and she raked his back as she joined him, their bodies frozen in a tense moment of intense pleasure.

  He held her cradled in his arms, careful to not crush her with his weight. “I missed you,” he stated.

  “You barely know me.”

  “Yet, we connected enough that you left a hole behind with your departure. Why did you leave?” he asked. No hint of anger, more painful query.

  “I thought you didn’t want me. And I was scared.”

  “Of me?”

  She shrugged. “Everything. It’s been a tough few months since my dad died.”

  “You’re not alone anymore. I will do everything in my power to keep you safe.” He rolled off her and propped himself on his side. “May I?” he asked, raising his hand to hover over her belly.

  She nodded.

  He palmed her belly, still flat, and yet just this past week the doctor had heard a heartbeat. Which seemed early by her research, but the doctor Theo found her seemed happy with her progress.

  In the distance, the sound of sirens broke the night.

  “Is there a fire?” she asked.

  “Those are police sirens.”

  “Police? At this time of the night? I wonder what happened.”

  They found out not long after. The pounding at the door, and the flashing lights illuminating the inside of the curtains, showed the police at the mansion door.

  Rory stood in the hall, grim-faced, as the butler opened the door.

  Upon being given entry, the steely-eyed man in a uniform stated, “We have an arrest warrant for Rory Lupin Beauchamp.”

  “I don’t understand.” She truly didn’t. Especially since Rory didn’t say anything to refute the charges the police officer accused him of. Attempted murder. Arson.

  As handcuffs were placed around Rory’s wrists and his rights read, Danita looked to Theo, who stood frail and old in his robe, his white hair tufted atop his head. “Do something.”

  Theo’s lips pressed into thin lines. “I’ve got a call in to the lawyers, but they won’t be able to do anything until the morning. What I’d like to know is, who ratted out my son’s presence to the police?”

  The police officer began marching Rory out the door. She ran to him, bare feet slapping the floor, her robe cinched tight with her hand.


  He turned to look back at her. “Don’t worry, darling. I’ll handle this. Stay inside where it’s safe. I’ll be back in no time.”

  She flung herself at him for a hard, tingling kiss. Then he was gone. And so was Theo, locked in his office making calls. Danita could only pace and worry. Hours passed, and there was no word. Theo left the house, telling her once more to not worry.

  But she did worry. Worried that now that she and Rory had finally decided to give this crazy thing they had a go, she would lose him.

  And she’d be alone again.

  Please, God, don’t take him away from me.

  She could only keep repeating that as morning waxed into the noon hour. A lack of appetite and claustrophobia sent her to the garden for a stroll. The walled yard would keep her safe. Theo admitted having it erected to protect his wife’s flowers and vegetable garden from deer and other wildlife. Out in the fresh air, she tried to clear her head.

  Everything would be fine. Theo would fix this. Rory would come back to her and…Would they really make a life together?

  They barely knew each other, but he’d been right when he said their lives had changed since meeting. Not just because of the baby. He consumed her thoughts. He satisfied her body. And as for her heart? She’d never been one to believe in love at first sight. Heck, she couldn’t even claim she loved him from the moment they’d met. He was much too cocky and arrogant for her tastes. However, somewhere along their short journey, she’d seen past his outer shell to the man within. A man who struggled with a past that hurt him. A man with so much passion inside him. At times, he could seem so primal. Almost a beast.

  But most of all, he was kind to her. Gentle. Yet fiercely protective.

  What more did she want?

  I just want him.

  And here she was, wandering around outside instead of close to a phone. What if he called? Before she could turn around on the flagstone path, she heard it.

  A scrape of a shoe.

  She began to whirl to see who joined her. A smelly cloth was slapped over her mouth, and she sank into darkness.

  Chapter 18

  The hours in his cell dragged. Not much to see or do. A toilet with no privacy. A sink that was barely the size of a bowl. A cot w
ith a thin mattress and a gray scratchy woolen blanket. Not exactly what Rory was used to.

  It also wasn’t a big space. Certainly not wide enough to accommodate any kind of proper pacing. One step, pivot, one step pivot.

  Attempts to shake the immovable bars and yelling didn’t bring anyone. Glares at the camera watching also went seemingly unnoticed. The worst part of the silence was the wondering what happened.

  The guard who brought his breakfast wouldn’t say. No one would tell Rory anything. It wasn’t until after lunch—a bologna sandwich with mustard and a carton of milk—that someone came to see him.

  “Back of the cell,” she ordered.

  “What’s happening?” Rory asked.

  “I said, back of the cell.” She jerked her finger, pointing.

  He shuffled back and leaned against the wall, arms folded over his dull gray, two-piece prison suit. The rubber slippers and gray socks gave it a nice touch.

  The metal bars clanged as the officer opened the door to the cell and gestured to Rory. “Let’s go.”

  First things first. “I want to call my lawyer.” He’d asked when they were booking him, but they said he’d have to wait until the morning. Which he was pretty sure went against some of his civil rights, but again, not much he could about it until he talked to legal counsel. Known as Connor—who’d been prevented from coming to Canada because some dumbass forgot to renew his passport.

  “You can do whatever you like once you leave,” said the petite blonde wearing the blue uniform. She’d no sooner slid the door open when she gave him her back as she marched away. “You’ve been sprung.”

  About time. He wondered who’d bailed him since he wasn’t even given a phone call. He especially worried about Danita. Someone had ratted out his presence.

  It should be noted he did have some enemies in the area. All the employees out of work because of his actions. His cousin Bryce, with whom he’d gotten off on the wrong foot.

  What if, though, this was part of something more nefarious? What if Kelso had followed Rory?


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