Heart of Steel

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Heart of Steel Page 26

by Samantha M. Derr

  Moving to Kestle at fifteen was the smartest thing she could have done. Lilah had set up her brewery and sold her goods to taverns, travelers, and the workers mining their patches of dirt for treasure. She served a few products, both meads and ales, and she was branching out into lagers. She was popular enough and was now training her own apprentice.

  Sweet boy. Not a lot of boys went into brewing, but Mika was a thoughtful child of fourteen years. She half thought he stayed on with her just because he liked her three cats. Well, soon there'd be more cats. Tippi was pregnant again, the damn thing. They were so good at ridding her of mice that she almost had to start feeding them. Three was good. Any more and they were just pets. Though it was nice coming home at night, the cats chasing each other around, the boy sleeping on his pallet by the stove. It was cozy. She liked cozy. It was better than being hungry, cold, and sleeping with a dagger under your pillow. Though she still did that anyway, out of habit. When she did sleep. Her operation was growing so much she might have to take on a second apprentice. Mika was old enough for that now.

  She wouldn't throw him out, of course. He could stay until he was ready to open his own shop. She liked having him around, mostly, but she liked to do her pictures in the afternoons and liked quiet for that. Lilah drew the adverts for her products and she did sketches for girl's bridal portraits for when their parents were trying to find them a husband. It was a little extra coin and she liked it. Nice change of pace. So usually she sent Mika to market to serve bottles for refreshment on hot days, collect the old ones, and buy whatever supplies they might need. Which wasn't much, at least for the business. She had her bees and her garden. After years in a huge apartment complex basically living in a closet, she liked having her own space and she used all of it on things that pleased her. Though she was thinking of converting her junk room into a bedroom for Mika. He'd be courting soon, and it'd be good for both of them for him to have a bit of privacy.

  That afternoon, Lilah was in her garden when she heard the knock on her door. Persistent and steady. Not a drunk or a friend, who would have let themselves in. She pulled her hat down, the cord resting against her neck. She went back through the house, kicking off her shoes at the back door. The knock continued until she opened the door, revealing the woman on the other side.

  The stranger had black hair with a few flecks of grey, just at the temples. Deep-brown almond-shaped eyes. A long ragged pink scar across her cheek, cutting through her eyebrow. Her skin seemed to be naturally fairly light, but it was tanned from her exposure to the elements.

  "Are you Brewmistress Lilah Petra?" she asked stoically.

  "Yeah, who's asking?"

  "I am Sir Rae of the Royal Guard. I am here to ask you a few questions about your ward, Mika Sunstone."

  Lilah said slowly, "He's not here right now. Is he in trouble?"

  "I just need a few minutes of your time, miss. It won't take long."

  Lilah could see the knight wasn't going to take no for an answer and decided to open the door before she broke it down. "Cold ale?" Lilah offered. "Be nice on a hot day like this."

  "Please," Rae said, her posture relaxing some.

  Lilah went down to the cold room, trying to reassure herself. Mika was a good kid. Hell, maybe the knight wanted him for a squire. Wouldn't that be something? He was big enough, though he was too sweet for it. Still, it might be good for him.

  Lilah returned to the common space with two bottles and handed one to Rae. Rae thanked her and sat in her armchair, glancing around at the bookshelves. Lilah sat across from her and took a swig of her own drink. The knight put her bottle down on the hardwood floor and took out a notebook and writing charcoal.

  "What can you tell me about Mika?" Rae asked. "How long has he lived here?"

  "About two-and-a-bit years now. His ma was in the trade, same as me. I didn't know her that well. We worked different parts of town. Dad wasn't ever in the picture. Mika's fourteen, so yeah, about two years, I guess. He started his apprenticeship a little after he moved in. Ma died and the Guild asked me to take him in and give him a job. So I did. He's a good kid, works hard, never causes any trouble, and I do my best for him."

  "What can you tell me about her?"

  "Well, I think her name was Mivea Rose, but we've got a lot of Miveas in the Guild, so I may be remembering that wrong. Mika doesn't talk about her much. I get the sense she wasn't a great mother to him, but that's just my thinking."

  "And his father?"

  "No idea. Mika never met him. That's not uncommon around here, though. Lot of prospectors here for a season and then gone the next. I figure Mika's dad was one of them. So what's this about, Sir Knight? What do you want with my boy?"

  Rae replied, "I'd rather not say until I see him. Will he be gone long?"

  Lilah thought about lying, but instead said, "He'll be back any minute now. He always comes home for mid-sup. You'll join us?"

  "If it's not a burden."

  "It's just bread, butter, and some salami. I've been busy with orders and I haven't had time to shop much," Lilah said. "I was hoping to have a few tomatoes, but they haven't come in yet. Grab your drink; we'll eat outside."

  "That sounds great."

  Just after they set up on the grass, Mika came in through the front and put away the groceries in the cold room. He came back upstairs and into the garden, his jaw dropping at the sight of the knight.

  "You're Sir Rae!" I saw you defeat the Bear last season—it was amazing!"

  Rae smiled, but Lilah could see she wasn't entirely happy. Was Mika scrawnier in person? Too eager? She couldn't see why a person would be displeased with him. He was broad shouldered, had rusty hair, and his skin was so covered in freckles he was nearly an even brown. And those bright hazel eyes—he was adorable. Lilah was annoyed with herself whenever she felt too maternal about him, but she was proud of her apprentice. If this knight didn't think so, she could suck a lemon.

  "It's nice to meet you, Mika," Rae said finally. "Do you mind if I ask you a few questions, just the two of us?"

  Mika looked to Lilah, who nodded. "It's okay, kid. You can trust her."

  The pair had their meal outside and Lilah let them have some privacy. She went to the front porch and set on her stoop, eating her sandwich peacefully in the sunshine. Lilah was just finishing her drink when she noticed a few soldiers coming down her street towards her house.

  Lilah muttered, "That can't be good."

  She grabbed her dagger from her bedroom and headed back out into the garden. Mika looked up nervously. He had heard the marching.

  "Is there something you'd like to tell me, Sir Rae?" Lilah demanded. "Like why I've got Hares in my neighbourhood?"

  "No," Rae groaned. "Not now."

  Rae pulled out her sword. "Get in your cellar, both of you. Now."

  Lilah grabbed Mika and got him downstairs, locking them in the cold room. She placed her finger to her lips and Mika tried to slow down his breathing.

  "What's going on?" he asked in fear.

  "I don't know," Lilah admitted, "but whatever it is, it's not good."


  Rae went to the front of the house as four knights of the Royal Guard disembarked from their horses. Rae did not sheathe her weapon but lowered it still.

  "Ser Halen, Ser Yao," Rae greeted them. "What brings you to Kestle?"

  Ser Halen spoke first. "Sister, do not make us answer that which you already know. Did you find the brewmistress?"

  "Tell me first what you intend for her and then I will speak truthfully."

  Ser Yao said softly, "Sister, you know what our lord has called on us to do. Neither of us wish to harm you. Please, step aside."

  Rae raised her sword. "I swore an oath to my king, the same you have. If you wish to harm his flesh and blood, you will have to pass through my blood first."

  Halen struck first, but Rae blocked him easily, twirling to meet Yao's slice. The other two soldiers headed towards the house, but Rae was powerless to stop them, stil
l defending herself from her fellow Royal Guardsmen. She knocked Yao out cold, grateful that he still breathed. Halen she could not spare and he soon lay bleeding in the dirt. She bound the wound the best she could before racing back into the house. She raced down to the cellar, shocked to see both soldiers dead on the ground.

  Mika was crying and Lilah was trying to soothe him, but both grew quiet as Rae entered the cellar. Lilah grabbed her dagger and held it to Rae's throat.

  "You will tell me right now what's going on," Lilah demanded with a snarl.

  "I am here to help you," Rae reassured her. "These men came after your ward and would see harm to him, but I am instructed to bring him to the capital where he will be raised as a son of the late King."

  Lilah sighed. "He's not the son of the king."

  "You said you didn't know who my father was," Mika said accusingly.

  "Well, I do," Lilah muttered. "Your mom told me before she died in case it came up. You're the mayor's son, and she didn't want you to end up marrying one of your sisters by accident, so she told me. Sorry, kid, but you're not royalty."

  "If they're not here for him, then who are they are after?" Rae demanded.



  Lilah had always known who her father was. It was one of the more romantic tales her mother had in her relatively sad life. The king had been recently widowed and was in mourning. He'd come to the city of Barroway to hide from his responsibilities and remember his wife in peace. He had stayed at a little college just outside town, only making a trip in every few days to get supplies. Especially mead.

  Lilah's mother, Mun, had been around his age, in her early thirties. He had come by one day, picking up a few more bottles. She had offered to deliver them to his house to save him the trip. Tired and exhausted, he'd agreed. Mun had come by the next night and he'd invited her in. She had already known who he was but had been kind enough not to say anything. They had spent their evenings talking and drinking until one thing led to another. T'hir had stayed with her for a few more weeks, having no idea he'd sired a child. Eventually, he had to go back to his throne. He had offered to marry her, probably feeling guilty, but Mun had politely refused. She cared about him, but she knew she would always be second best. T'hir had written her a few times, but when she'd realized she was pregnant, she stopped answering.

  She hadn't been trying to be malicious, really: Mun was being practical. She was going to have the possible only heir to the kingdom, unlikely as it was. Mun knew her baby would be in danger, so she faded into the hustle and bustle of the city. Then she'd had Lilah, who she absolutely adored.

  Lilah had been raised in Barroway practically at the brewery until she was ten years old and her mother had quite suddenly passed away. Lilah had been taken in by an orphanage where she was not exactly treated well. Now, Lilah knew who her father was, and while she knew to keep it a secret, she was tempted to try to run to the capital and tell him she existed. She used to dream about it. T'hir would be so delighted and hug her and she would never be hungry or cold again. So one day when she was thirteen, she had run away to try to find him.

  Lilah had reached the city on the third day of the tournaments celebrating T'hir's marriage to Kica. She had gone to the dueling match, hoping to catch the king's eye. It was the final bout, where a young Sir Rae had faced off against a great beast of a man from Herbe. Lilah had seen the royal box and started waving excitedly. The king hadn't noticed her, but the young queen had. Only a few minutes later, agents of the Royal Guard had escorted Lilah off site and told her not to return to the capitol.

  Heartbroken, Lilah had gone back to the orphanage, only to escape to Barroway when she could pass for an adult. She didn't much think of her royal parentage after that. There was no point. It popped into her head that if someone knew, it might be a hassle now that the king was dead, but she figured no one really cared enough to find her.

  Except armed soldiers had just tried to kill her, her ward, and her three cats. So now, it was time to deal with it. Even if that meant just going to the capital to tell the queen once and for all exactly where she could stuff that tiara of hers.


  After her confession, both Rae and Mika stared at Lilah in shock.

  "Look," Lilah said, "what do you need me to do? Sign something? Fine. I don't care. Whatever you need to get those people off me and my boy's backs."

  Rae could see it now in her eyes, just that same shape and colour as T'hir's. She had been so foolish. How had she not seen it before?

  "Why are you both looking at me like that?" Lilah asked. "Come on, Lady Knight, you going to tell me what exactly you want here before more soldiers show up? I imagine you had a plan before you marched in here."

  "Are you… sure that Mika is not the king's son?" Rae asked.

  Lilah instructed, "Kid, cover your ears and hum."

  Mika did so with a grumble and Lilah said, "Yeah, his ma told me about that too, just in case. She was already up the spout when she had her little affair, and what they were up to wasn't going to be making any babies if you know what I'm saying. Okay, Mika, it's safe now."

  Rae tried to process this. This was Kica's worst fear come to reality: One child of royal blood. A woman, a grown woman of marriageable age and childbearing years. If Elum had her in his grasps, he might kill her or attempt to marry her to one of his allies in order to control his bloodline. Kica had no real advantage here either, but Rae had promised to bring any of T'hir's children to her, and she kept her word.

  "So what exactly do you want, Ser Rae?" Lilah asked impatiently.

  "You will come with me to the capital and we will make your presence known. My queen will protect you as will I, my lady. We must go quickly."

  Lilah looked to the boy. "Go get your things and head to Ursu's. You can bring the cats if you want to, but they probably won't go with you. If someone asks you where I've gone, just tell them. Don't risk yourself, okay?"

  Mika hugged her and she kissed his forehead. "Go on, Hop, everything's going to be okay. Ursu will take good care of you. I'll be back, I promise."

  "You're not going to," he muttered, shaking his head.

  "Hey," Lilah said. "I promised, didn't I? Go on, get out of here. You don't need to see any of this."

  Mika went up the stairs and the two women followed him. Before entering the living space, Lilah put her hand on Rae's arm, stopping her.

  "I know with all the political bullshit in this country, there's a decent chance I'm not getting out of this alive," Lilah murmured. "If something happens to me, swear to me you'll find a safe place for him. He shouldn't be caught up in this. Swear it and I'll follow you wherever you lead."

  "I swear," Rae said.

  Lilah smirked. "Funny, you almost look like you mean it. Okay, Sir Rae. Let me grab my things. It looks like we're going on a road trip."


  As Lilah could not ride a horse and they needed to move quickly, they shared Rae's steed and headed out of the city quickly. Rae took the reins and Lilah sat behind her, her arms around her waist. Lilah did not speak for a time, but after an hour, she began to question Rae.

  "So, tell me about yourself, Ser Knight."

  "There is not much to tell."

  "Oh, I imagine that's not true. I've heard a lot about you, you know. Mika and his friends are big fans and many of my Guild brothers and sisters have expressed their interest in you. And of course, gossip travels quickly, especially when one's main source of income is getting people hammered."

  "And what sort of gossip does one hear, exactly?"

  "Like that you're the queen's lover."

  Rae's breath hitched, and Lilah chuckled. "I knew it. It's actually romantic, really, her sending you on this valiant quest on your own. It makes me feel better: I'm aiding true love."

  "You do not know of what you speak," Rae muttered.

  "Look, Rae, you and I are going to be spending three days together, and the entire time I'm going to be wondering if som
eone's trying to kill me. You might as well try to chat with me. We can talk about something else if you want, but I only know gossip about your love life and some of your tournament victories, but those are all from the perspective of teenage boys, so are probably pretty far off. Besides, I want to know all about my stepmother, and you seem to be the best person to ask."

  Rae thought of Kica, waiting in her chambers for her to return. Kica had been in bed when she left her, still wet from the bath, her skin soft and fair. Her smile warmed Rae's heart, even from afar.

  "Her Highness is young and beautiful. She is a good queen and will treat you fairly," Rae said quietly. "That is all you need to know."

  "How young? Not younger than me, right? Because that would be weird."

  "If you are nineteen, then she is not much older, no. She was your age when she married your lord father. She would be near twenty-five now."

  "How old are you?"

  "Thirty in the spring."

  "You're not exactly old yourself," Lilah pointed out.

  "Perhaps not," Rae agreed, "but I have been a warrior for over a decade. My bones feel like an old woman's sometimes. And the queen, she is so delicate and lovely, she makes me feel even more worn and tattered."

  "Do you love her?"

  Rae hesitated. "Does it matter how I feel?"

  "I guess that's my answer right there. So if that beautiful queen of yours decides that it'd be easier for her to bring her my head on a platter instead of on my shoulders, would you kill me?"

  "No," Rae said. "I don't think she would ask me."

  "Those are two different answers," Lilah pointed out.

  "Both of them should satisfy you."

  "I see she likes you for your winning personality and charm," Lilah muttered.

  "That and my social graces."

  "Was that a joke? I didn't think you had it in you."

  "I can be quite funny if the occasion calls for it," Rae assured her.


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