Destined to Kill: A Destined Novel (Destined Novels Book 1)

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Destined to Kill: A Destined Novel (Destined Novels Book 1) Page 9

by Jourdyn Kelly

  "Holy crap! What is this place?" Amanda exclaims. She, as well as all the others, look around in complete awe at the estate. I had to bring them here. There's no way I'll be able to train them all in my tiny apartment.

  "This is where we’re going to train. It would be helpful if everyone could come here after school every day. Maybe you guys can even stay here while we train. There's plenty of room."

  "You mean spend the night?" Zac asks.

  "Yes." I raise my hand, cutting off the next question. "Let’s go in and we can discuss everything." I unlock the door and push it open, ushering everyone in. Their awe continues as they walk in. These kids had money–well, their parents did at least–still I can’t imagine they’ve seen the likes of this place. I let them gawk.

  "Ms. Gale, welcome home."

  Bernard startles me. I wasn't expecting him to be here, and I especially wasn't expecting the 'Ms. Gale'. To my utter shock, he is dressed as a butler. Having him on my property was one thing. Having him in my house was something else all together. This time, I intend to find out how he got in.

  "I imagine it will be easier to explain me as your servant, than what I truly am," he whispers to me as the others wander around.

  "How did you get in?"

  "I've been around awhile, Anala. You learn a thing or two."

  "I don't appreciate you using those skills on my home." One of my first projects, change the locks and amp the security. "You’re not my servant, Bernard, and I don't think you should be here."

  "I do not mind acting as such to aid you. I would like to help."

  "Bernard, training is not a spectator sport. It is customary that only other Hunters be present when training is in session." I cut him off before he can argue. "You are the one who brought the rules of the Society up when you made me do this. Deal with it."

  "Right. Well, I have set up the dining room to serve as a sort of conference room. I thought it would be a good place to teach the young Hunters or speak of plans. I also have refreshments."

  I sigh. He thought of everything. Yet, I still don't feel comfortable having him here. "We’ve already eaten."

  "Well, perhaps just drinks."

  I almost groan. I really need a drink, I'm starving. And, it's a hunger no burger could satisfy.

  "Thank you for setting everything up, but you still have to go," I tell him. "I'm sorry. Rules are rules."

  Whatever else he was going to say was cut off when Amanda came running in.

  "Ana! This place is uh-mazing! I mean, totally…just amazing! Seriously, whose place is it?" Everyone else follows her back into the foyer where Bernard and I were having our conversation. They were all murmuring about the place.

  "It’s mine."

  Amanda’s jaw drops. I’m not sure if it was shock or anger, though. Knowing her, I can imagine she would be pissed at me for keeping something like this from her.

  "It’s been in my family for years," I say by way of explanation.

  "I can’t believe you didn’t tell me this!"

  "I’m sorry, Amanda. I’ve just never had a use for it, until now. It’s only me; it would’ve been silly to live here by myself."

  "Could you imagine the parties we could have in this place?" This nugget of brilliance is from Jeremy, the ‘genius’ quarterback. Thank God he was good at football, because academics are not his strong suit. His brawn and athleticism will be his biggest assets as a Hunter.

  "We’re not here to party," I snap irritably, and sigh, again. "Look, I know everyone has a lot of questions. And, I want to be able to answer them for you. But for now, I think it’s best to show you where you’ll be spending most of your time." I push Bernard towards the door. "Goodbye. I'll be in touch."

  After the grand tour, I take some time as the others roam around to fix a ‘drink’ for myself. God, I hate that it tastes so good and satisfies me like nothing else can. It doesn’t energize me like I know taking blood from a live human would, but it's good enough.

  I check the clock above the mantle. It's a school night, so it's too late to start training tonight after all the 'oohing' and 'ahhing' that's been going on. Truth be told, I just don’t feel motivated to start training. This group isn’t anything like the Hunters from years ago. They're undisciplined and unruly. Of course, there's also the fact that they have had absolutely no hunting training whatsoever in their lives, no sword training–except for the kids that fenced–no real knowledge of Cursed Ones at all. It's like taking infants and teaching them to walk and talk. I don’t know if I have the patience for this. Even after all of the years I’ve lived, the one thing I never learned was patience.

  I take my drink outside onto the terrace and look out over the expansive yard. The yellow, full moon was slowly rising in the sky and looks huge. I wish I could just lose myself in the vastness that surrounded me and not have to deal with the death and sadness that was sure to come.

  "How am I supposed to do this again?" I ask the emptiness around me.

  "Ana?" Amanda strolled out onto the terrace. I should’ve known she was there, but I didn’t. Damn it! My keen sense of awareness eludes me sometimes when I’m stressed. That worries me. I'm going to need time to myself at some point to practice everything my parents taught me. My body is strong, that I don’t doubt. What I doubt, is my ability to be strong in my mind and soul. Quickly I drop my glass into the bushes below and smile.

  "Hey. Did everyone get settled in?"

  "Yeah, but, I mean, are you sure it’s a good idea for them to stay here? I can just see the fights now. Well, after the orgies, that is."

  I can’t help but chuckle at the prudish ‘eww’ she let out.

  "Once we start training, no one is going to have the energy to do much of anything but sleep. Don’t worry so much, Amanda."

  "Don’t worry? Ana, you come to me and tell me that vampires are real and that I’m one of the ‘chosen’ ones to fight them. I mean, how am I not supposed to worry? What if I can’t do it?"

  "Amanda, I know this is hard for you to understand, or even believe. I get that." I look her straight in the eyes, needing her to know that I believe in her. "But, you’re a Hunter. The ability is in you. All you need is the confidence."

  "Hmm," is all I get from her in return. She leans up against the railing of the balcony and looks everywhere but at me. "So, who’s going to be training us? That old guy?"

  "Old guy?"

  "Yeah, your butler or whatever he is."

  "Bernard?" I laugh a little at the old guy comment. Imagine if she knew how old I really was. "First, he’s not my butler, he was an associate of my father's. But, no, he's not going to be here. I’ll be training you guys."

  Now she looks at me. "You? Sorry, Ana, I mean, do you even know what you’re doing?"

  I grab at my heart, pretending to pull out a knife. "Ouch! Of course I know what I’m doing!"

  "How about you tell me what you're doing."

  "Sam!" I hear a bit of panic in Amanda’s voice when she sees her brother. Hell, I feel a little panicked myself. "How did you…why are you here?"

  If Sam found out about this place, he must have been checking up on me. That’s all I need. And, apparently, he likes to just invite himself in. Instead of confronting him, I keep silent. For now.

  "You should be at home, Amanda. It’s a school night."

  Well, now I know compulsion doesn’t completely work on him. I will have to keep that in mind.

  "You said I could stay with Ana tonight. Don’t you remember?"

  "Yeah, well, I changed my mind."

  He looks as confused as Amanda does about him changing his mind.

  "That’s too bad," Amanda says boldly. "I’m staying. In fact, I’m going to have to stay here for a while."

  Sam laughs. "Are you crazy? There’s no way."

  Amanda looks at me with an apology in her eyes. "I have to tell him, Ana."

  "Amanda, that’s not a good idea." Now I'm really panicking.

  "Tell me what?" Sam is sudde
nly suspicious.

  "Maybe he can help. I’m sorry, Ana, but he’ll never let me stay if I’m not honest with him. Besides, if I’m…what you say, doesn’t that make him one, too?"

  Of course it does, but...well, shit, isn’t this just great.

  "Somebody better tell me what the hell is going on, and soon." Sam does not look amused at all. This is going to be fun.

  "Ana?" Amanda waits for me to answer.

  Damn it, I really don’t need this! My life was so simple just weeks before. Now I have to deal with Cursed Ones, untrained Hunters and Sam.

  "Do what you have to do," I tell Amanda and go inside.

  I can't imagine him wanting to let us, especially his young sister, put ourselves in danger. Being a cop, he will think this fight is the job of the police force. Boy, is he in for a surprise. I can’t persuade him to fight with me. I can't use compulsion on him. I can’t make someone risk their lives. I'm going to have to hope he doesn't make this too difficult for me.

  I look out to the terrace. I can hear Amanda telling Sam what I told her about Cursed Ones. "He’s never going to believe her," I say aloud.

  There is only one way he, and possibly everyone in this house, is going to believe me. I'm going to have to go hunting.

  For now, I keep an ear on the conversation going on between Sam and Amanda. I have to admit, I’m a little surprised that Amanda recalled the story I told her very well. At least I know she was listening. When I hear Sam snort out laughter I know exactly why I left him off the list. This is definitely going to be a hard sell.

  "Here we go," I say as Sam came storming inside.

  "Vampires? Really? This is the shit you’re feeding my sister?" He's angry–what else is new when it comes to me.

  "I’m not ‘feeding’ Amanda anything, Sam. Just because you can’t believe doesn’t make it untrue."

  "And, just because you say it’s so doesn’t make it true," he counters. He throws his hands up in frustration. "Okay, let’s say it is true. You’re telling Amanda that she has to fight them? If I were to believe this crap, I certainly wouldn’t let that happen."

  "Sam, I didn’t tell Amanda she had to fight. I simply gave her the information, and she made the decision herself. I didn’t force her or anyone else to come here and train with me."

  "Anyone else? You’ve told others about this?" He puts up his hands to stop me from answering. "Never mind. The only thing I want to know right now is if you have proof."

  I can’t help but sigh. The burden is beginning to overwhelm me. "I can get it," I tell him. "Give me an hour and you’ll have your proof." I start to walk away, but Sam grabs my arm. If I hadn’t been so confused by how I felt when he touched me, I probably would’ve either broken his hand or thrown him across the room. Okay, maybe not, but I still didn’t like being manhandled that way.

  "No," he says. "If you’re going somewhere, I’m going with you."

  Damn, he really does think he's in charge, doesn’t he? "I don’t think so." Yes, I'm bitchy, and yes, I snatch my arm away. So what? He doesn’t deserve any better with the way he's treating me. "If you want proof, you’ll stay here with Amanda and let me do what I need to do."

  I don’t wait for a response; I just leave him with his sister and walk out.

  I'm going to need to stop by my apartment. If I have to bring them proof, I'm going to need my equipment.

  I slowly open the locked chest at the foot of my bed. I never thought I would have to wear these clothes or wield these weapons again. I dress the part, making sure all of my weapons were secure in their place. I'm nervous. Will I still be the Hunter I was almost 600 years ago? "We're about to find out," I say aloud, and pull the hood of the cloak over my head.

  Hunting certainly is not the same as it was so many years ago. I knew where the Cursed Ones would be then. Small villages full of food for them, it wasn't hard to determine where they would be heading. But, now, with millions of options for them, I had to think more carefully about where they may be. Where would I go if I were hunting humans for food? I take into consideration that vampires must have evolved more since I last encountered one. I would use surprise, stealth and possibly even some help from humans being silly enough to walk alone in an area with few witnesses, that's what I would do. So, I end up standing on the roof of a small bar overlooking an empty lot. The street lamps are either not working or have been busted out. I, and those like me, would be able to see their prey, but humans would not know what is lurking in the shadows until it was too late.

  Unsuspecting fools stumble out of the bar, laughing and cursing about not being able to find their car. Remarkably, it doesn't take long for me to find a Hybrid. They always were less patient than their makers. Left to fend for themselves after being turned, they usually ended up dead by a Hunter's blow before their 'life' could even begin. They were drawn to the first smell of blood and were far too eager. By the looks of it, this Hybrid has just recently been turned.

  He is far enough away from the stumbling couple that I could most likely get to him before he got to them. With any luck they won't realize anything is even going on around them. I take a running start from my perch on the roof and jump when I get to the edge. My leap is timed perfectly as I hit the Hybrid before he even comes out of the shadows. With an "oomph", he falls back and I tuck my head under, somersaulting off of him as he skids across the asphalt from the force of the impact. He recovers quickly, but I'm already on my feet and ready. I would love to take my time and see just how much of being a Hunter I remember, but I told Sam to give me an hour. Being on a deadline was definitely a bummer.

  I dodge his first attempt to grab me - okay, so I can't resist just a little dance with the Hybrid. He lunges once again and I grab his arm, twisting it behind him. He's strong. I'm stronger. Holding him captive from behind with one hand, I use the other to grab a stake from my belt. With a swift jab, I stake him in the heart.

  At first, I think the stake has somehow gone all the way through him and into me. But, I am still standing while the Hybrid slumps to my feet. I touch my chest, over my heart, tenderly, hoping there is no blood. There's not. Why the pain? I shake my head. I will have to worry about that some other time. I can't just stand here taking my sweet time with this thing paralyzed at my feet. I drag him to an even darker corner by the building, leaving him there until I can get my car.

  My hour was up fifteen minutes ago, but I still take my time. The hell if I'm going to let Sam dictate the way I do things. He's going to have to see that things will have to be done my way if he plans on becoming a part of this Society. I change my clothes, making sure to carefully hide my cloak under my car seat. Now, how to get the Hybrid inside. He's not that big, but I think I'd have a hard time explaining it if I just threw him over my shoulder and carried him in. What would papa do? He seemed to always be able to figure out how to make things easier. A wheelchair or gurney would be great right about now. Too bad you're not at a hospital, Anala.

  I blow the hair out of my face with an exasperated sigh. Screw it. I hoist the Hybrid up over my shoulder and run to the small building behind the house. The room I want to put him in is in the training area - thank God - and I'm pretty sure no one will be out there. I push my way through the door and unlock the room. Despite the fact that I thought all Cursed Ones were gone forever, I still had this training area built. Along with this room. I don't know why I did it, but I'm grateful for it now.

  The room is surrounded by glass covered by thick curtains. The glass is thick and impenetrable, even for me. Inside stands only a silver chair with silver chains that are encased in the wall. I know the chains are not only built into the walls, but they are also buried six feet into the ground in cement. Did I really think, when I built this place, that I would need this again? Hunters are always prepared. Mum's voice echoes in my head. They taught me well, I think, as I look around the room that reminds me of the crude room papa had built in my childhood home.

  I secure the Hybrid, and take a minute
to study him. Young, I think. Mid-twenties maybe. Tattoos cover most of his skin that I can see. I wonder what he was like before this happened to him. I shrug it off. Nothing I can do for him now. He's my proof, and perhaps my ticket to getting these untrained kids to take me seriously.

  "It's been an hour and a half. She said an hour." Sam paces the room. He's not worried, just pissed. I appreciate the concern, I think sarcastically.

  "Do you think she's okay?" Amanda asks nervously. Thank you! At least someone cares!

  "I'm fine. Sorry I'm a little late, but I had to stop for supplies." I see Amanda visibly relax when I walk in.

  "Supplies as in fake vampire teeth?" Sam seethes.

  "Yes, Sam. Don't forget the fake blood and contacts," I retort. Wow, he really is annoying. "Gather the others," I tell Amanda, "and meet me in the training area." I don't wait for a response from either of them. Frankly, I don't care what Sam has to say.

  I'm standing in front of the small room when the others arrive five minutes later. The curtains are drawn, so they can't yet see the Hybrid.

  "I know that most of you…and, if we're being honest, all of you," I glance at Amanda, "are having a hard time believing everything I have told you. Sam, our friendly neighborhood detective, challenged me to find proof." I saunter up to Sam and smile. "I'm going to borrow this," I say and grab his gun from his holster. I hightail it into the room and lock it before he even figures out what I did. Ignoring the banging on the door, I pull the curtains open.

  Gasps came from everyone - even the huge football player. I know that what they see is different from what truly is. They see a young man, slumped in a chair with a stake in his heart.

  "What have you done?" Sam asks incredulously. "You killed someone?"

  "Of course not. It is against the code of the Hunters to kill innocents. You will have to get acquainted with those rules soon." I know I'm pissing him off even more with my flippant attitude. I'm a spiteful, spiteful girl.


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