The Pony With No Name

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The Pony With No Name Page 5

by Tracey Corderoy

  But so what? She was going to see Red again, and right now that was all that mattered.

  Bryony’s heart was in her mouth as she waited outside the Manor’s smart oak door.

  It opened and there stood Arabella Brook in an oyster-coloured silk dress, her shiny blonde hair in a neat and very glamorous side bun.

  ‘Oh, Bryony!’ she said. Bella was smiling but she looked a touch uncertain too.

  ‘I’ve come to see the pony!’ blurted out Bryony. ‘A-and Georgina!’ she added as an afterthought, blushing.

  ‘Oh, dear!’ Bella’s face suddenly fell. ‘I’m sorry, Bryony, but Georgie is poorly. Yesterday she came out in blisters and, well – it’s chickenpox!’

  Bryony felt her heart sink. This meant, after plucking up the courage to come, she wouldn’t be able to see Red. Not today – or probably for a whole week, at least.

  Bella looked thoughtful. ‘But if you’ve already had chickenpox,’ she said, ‘then by all means do come in!’

  With that, Bryony noticed movement the stairs. It was Georgina, come to warn her off. She was in her nightie and plastered in calamine lotion to try and sooth her itchy blisters. She looked very sorry for herself but still managed a glower.

  ‘Or if you haven’t had chickenpox,’ Bella went on, unaware that her daughter was eavesdropping, ‘I know it’s a cheek of me to ask, but maybe you wouldn’t mind looking after Georgie’s pony? By yourself, I mean – just until she’s better? I know nothing about ponies, you see. We only bought him for Georgie because I know how she loves riding, and competing in gymkhanas, especially. But if you think it would be too much for you, just say . . .’

  Look after Red! By herself. Bryony could hardly believe her luck!

  Bryony had had chickenpox. But the Brooks didn’t know that, did they?

  Georgina was glaring at Bryony with a ‘don’t you DARE!’ look on her face.

  ‘I . . .’ gulped Bryony, crossing her fingers behind her back. Two lies in a week. What was happening to her! But this lie, she quickly told herself, was for Red.

  ‘I haven’t had it, no,’ Bryony fibbed, trying her best to sound convincing. ‘So . . . yeah, I’d love to look after Red by myself – if that would help?’

  Smiling, Bella stepped outside and closed the front door behind her. Bryony was most relieved. She was sure Georgina had been all set to storm down and slap her.

  ‘To the stables, then!’ Bella smiled, sweeping Bryony along. ‘I’m sure Georgie will be so grateful!’

  ‘Um,’ mumbled Bryony, who knew full well she wouldn’t. ‘Yes – right!’

  They arrived at the stables. And there was Red, gazing out of the stable door. Bryony knew he recognised her at once as his dark eyes widened, his ears shot up and then the left one flopped to the side. He wanted a tickle! How adorable was that! Bryony felt all warm inside, like her heart was melting.

  She longed to run over and throw her arms round his neck, but she’d have to wait – just a little while longer, until Bella left.

  ‘Now,’ said Bella. ‘Are you totally sure you don’t mind looking after him? I’m clueless with ponies, as I said, but hopefully there won’t be too much for you to do?’

  Bryony opened her mouth to answer but Bella spoke again.

  ‘So,’ she continued, ‘let me see . . . Georgina rides him, I do know that, and makes sure he’s happy!’

  At this, Bryony had to bite her lip to say nothing.

  ‘As for all the grooming and mucking in . . .’ Bella frowned.

  ‘Out!’ corrected Bryony. ‘Mucking out.’

  ‘Ah! Quite so!’ Bella nodded her head. ‘Well, a member of my staff does all that.’

  ‘I-I’d like to do it all!’ chipped in Bryony so forcefully she surprised herself.

  ‘I mean,’ she said more quietly, ‘grooming is great. So relaxing, a-and according to my pony books, it helps the pony and his owner to bond. And as for mucking out . . . well,’ Bryony continued, ‘that’s all part of having a pony, really. Um, at least, I think so, anyway.’

  She didn’t want to sound like a know-it-all. But she wanted Bella to be reassured that Red would be in good hands.

  ‘Oh!’ Bella looked most surprised. ‘I see! Well, if you’re sure, there’s some equipment to help. Come, I’ll show you!’

  Smiling, she led Bryony across the stable yard towards a black painted door. As they walked, Bryony glanced back over her shoulder. ‘Won’t be long,’ she mouthed to Red – who, she heard, replied with a soft gentle nicker.

  Bella opened the black door and Bryony followed her in.

  ‘All this kit that comes with them . . .’ Bella shook her head. ‘Completely flummoxes me! Shovels and bridles and saddle-y things. A whole roomful of – what’s it called – tick – or, um, tock?’

  ‘Tack!’ blurted Bryony, trying to hold in a giggle. ‘It’s called tack.’

  Bella nodded. ‘It’s so dreadfully complicated. Poor little pony, leave him to me and goodness – what a disaster! I mean, how often should one feed, or bathe, or trim his nails? And arranging his hair – I mean how?! Why, I only know how to do my own because they show me at that dreadfully expensive salon I drive to every week in Nettleton! But, anyway, here are a few bits and bobs to help you exercise, groom and ride him. Do please use whatever you like!’ Bella smiled.

  As Bryony gazed around the tack room she saw so much equipment that looked expensive but not much used. On a nearby shelf was a grooming kit with various brushes, combs and hoof picks. And just beside that, Bryony saw a few pony books too.

  Another room just next door was kitted out with the various bits to keep Red clean and fed. This included oats and hay for him to eat and some straw for his floor and bedding. Finally, there were pitchforks, brooms, shovels and a wheelbarrow for mucking out.

  ‘Wow! This all looks great!’ said Bryony.

  ‘Really?’ replied Bella. ‘Well, if there’s anything else you need, just ask.’

  ‘Thanks, but there’s everything I’ll need right here!’ said Bryony.

  As they went back out to the yard, Bella said that Bryony did have to make sure that her mother was happy with the arrangement too.

  ‘Oh, Mum will be!’ Bryony answered at once. ‘I know it!’

  Thanking Bryony again, Bella left. As soon as she’d gone Bryony wasted no time in racing to Red’s stable and throwing her arms around the little pony’s neck. How she’d missed him! Just a few days apart had seemed like for ever.

  ‘I’m going to look after you, Red,’ Bryony said. ‘It’s going to be perfect, I promise!’ The pony snorted softly and nuzzled his head into her shoulder. Bryony could feel that he was excited too.

  ‘We’re going to have the loveliest adventures,’ she smiled. ‘You’ll see!’


  After a quick phone call home to check with Mum that this was okay, Bryony returned to Red’s stable to get started.

  She took him into the paddock right away, deciding to groom him out there. Not only was Bryony keen to get Red out in the fresh air, but here she could also start to get to know what he liked, or what tended to spook him outside. Red had to get used to her too. In any new partnership you had to take things slowly and find your feet together.

  It was a hot afternoon, very peaceful and calm. The grass in the paddock was soft and green. Bryony let Red graze for a bit. That way, when she started to groom him, he wouldn’t be distracted by the feast right under his hooves!

  When he finally stopped munching, Bryony saw both his ears slowly flop to the side. She knew that one ear flop from Red meant: ‘Please tickle me?’ But a double ear flop, what did that mean . . .?

  Bryony had brought out one of Georgina’s pony books she’d seen in the tack room earlier. Opening it, she looked up ‘double ear flop’ and discovered that ponies did this when they felt very relaxed.

  ‘Well, that’s perfect!’ smiled Bryony. A relaxed Red was just what she needed as she groomed him. ‘Come on then.’

  Bryony kept thi
ngs nice and calm as she led the little pony to the fence and tied him to it with a quick release knot. If Red were to get twitchy and start pulling as she groomed him, she’d be able to open this special knot quickly so he didn’t hurt his neck.

  ‘Right,’ said Bryony. ‘Time to get you smart!’

  She began by picking out the dirt from Red’s hooves with a hoof pick, nice and gently. As she did, Red stood still and calm. ‘Well done!’ Bryony praised him lots. ‘Good boy!’

  Now using a curry comb, Bryony brushed his coat in lots of little circles. This was to dislodge loose bits of hair and dirt so that later she didn’t just brush over them. If not removed, these bits would irritate Red once his saddle was on – and Bryony was planning to ride him today too!

  As she continued, Red let out a curious blow, stepping backwards as he did. Bryony guessed she was brushing him slightly differently to whoever had done it before. She stopped at once, showed him the comb and let Red give it a sniff.

  ‘All good to carry on, then?’ Bryony asked. Red bumped the rubber comb with his muzzle.

  ‘I can? Oh, thank you!’ Bryony smiled. ‘Well done!’

  Next she used the dandy brush to remove any dirt or loose bits of hair that the curry comb had unearthed. Red seemed to like this hard-bristled brush as he stood very still as she did it. Bryony was beginning to realise how much this little pony liked a scratch!

  As she brushed him all over in short brisk strokes, she avoided all the sensitive areas like his face, ears, tail and mane. Bryony felt so important to be the one looking after him and was determined to do her best. She’d longed for her own pony ever since she could remember and even though she knew Red wasn’t hers, what harm could it do to pretend he was for a week or so?

  Bryony finished off with a soft brush all over, even down the legs. It was amazing how Red’s coat came up now – quite as shiny as a toffee apple!

  When his mane and tail had been brushed too, Bryony led a beautiful Red back up to the stable yard and into the tack room.

  ‘A quick lick of oil on those hooves now,’ she said. ‘Then we’ll tack you up and go for a little hack.’

  A hack! Bryony felt ever so excited. She was actually going to ride Red. A few days ago she’d never have even dared to dream it!

  Red waited calmly as Bryony mixed the hoof oil and applied it onto his hooves with a small brush, being careful not to put on too much. The smell of the oil and the saddle leather took her back to the times when she, Fran and Becky would get the riding stable ponies ready for a gymkhana.

  Bryony felt happier that afternoon than at any time since coming to Brook Dale. It suddenly struck her how lonely she had been.

  Finally she got Red all tacked up. First the saddle pad, onto which she gently placed the saddle. To this she attached the girth, making sure it wasn’t so tight as to pinch when he moved. As Bryony carried on getting him ready she kept talking to Red in a soft voice, telling him how very good he was being for her.

  The bridle came next. Bryony always found this the hardest part. But Red accepted the bit without any fuss and stood still as she slipped the bridle over his ears. Some ponies would get all skittish. Not Red.

  ‘Maybe you’re just good for me,’ she smiled. She’d certainly love to think so!

  After a final safety check, as she’d been taught at Park Lodge, she slipped on a pair of Georgina’s riding boots, one of her hats and a body protector which all fitted really well.

  ‘Right then, Red,’ Bryony said with a smile, ‘off we go!’

  Bryony led Red out into the yard and was just about to mount him when she stopped.

  ‘Butterflies!’ she gasped. She had butterflies in her tummy. This was it – but what if something went wrong? What if Red didn’t like being ridden? What if he got scared and threw her?

  ‘No, don’t be silly!’ she told herself. Red had liked her enough to trust her from the very moment they had met. Well, now it was time for her to trust him too . . .

  She mounted swiftly and carefully. Best to do it decisively, she knew. Before she moved Red off, Bryony took a few moments just sitting in the saddle getting used to him. Being on a new pony’s back always took a bit of adjustment.

  Red was a little taller than quite a few of the ponies she’d ridden before, especially Peppermint, who’d been short and sturdy. Until now Bryony had liked Peppermint’s shape but Red was far more comfortable, being smaller around the girth. Bryony’s legs felt more relaxed on Red – far less like she was doing the splits! So far so good.

  Bryony touched Red’s flanks with her heels and he immediately started to walk on. ‘Good boy!’ she said in a sunny voice. ‘That’s the way!’

  Red felt bright and springy when he walked, like he had lots of energy. So did Bryony. But where should they go on their very first hack . . .?

  ‘Ah, wait!’ said Bryony. ‘I know just the place!’

  ‘Bryony!’ called Grandpa from his garden gate. ‘Why, I see you’ve made a new friend.’

  Bryony beamed back as she rode Red along Grandpa’s little lane. She brought him to a halt and Red gave a cheery nicker.

  ‘Sure have, Gramps!’ Bryony smiled back. ‘A great friend!’

  Grandpa stepped out to say hello to Red. He patted his muzzle and Red’s eyes twinkled, clearly loving all this new attention!

  Grandpa looked curious. ‘But, Bryony,’ he said, ‘I thought you weren’t going back to the Manor?’

  ‘I wasn’t,’ she replied. ‘Then I just couldn’t bear not seeing Red again. I haven’t told Mum about Georgina, though,’ she added quickly.

  ‘I see,’ Grandpa nodded. ‘Well, you know what I think. But it’s your decision.’

  Smiling gratefully, Bryony said she had to go. She wanted Red’s first hack with her to be short and sweet.

  ‘Bye, Gramps,’ beamed Bryony, setting off again.

  ‘Have fun, and take care,’ Grandpa called behind her.

  ‘I will!’


  This first blissful day of looking after Red was followed by more and more!

  At first Bryony felt bad about leaving Mum alone (as Josh was always out with his new mates). But Mum assured her that she was fine, and said it was lovely to see Bryony so happy.

  So every day, at the crack of dawn, Bryony would skip along to see Red when the sky was pale apricot and no one was about, save for rabbits and small, singing birds.

  And each morning he’d greet her with a happy snort, which she’d answer with a cheery ‘I hope you slept well too!’, swiftly followed by a juicy red apple!

  A breakfast of hay and oats came after that. Then she’d muck Red out, give him a quick groom, tack him up and away they’d go on their daily adventure!

  These adventures started very close to home, just ambling through the fields around the Manor. And just like their first trot out to Grandpa, Bryony would keep them nice and short, as it was important to build up Red’s confidence gradually.

  When Red seemed fine with all of this, they went further, exploring the lanes and bridle paths dotted around the place. Finally they went on longer hacks through the woods and up the hills.

  But there was one place Bryony longed to take Red just as soon as she felt that he was ready (and before Georgina got better!). And as she hurried to him one beautiful morning . . .

  ‘Today!’ said Bryony suddenly. Everything just felt right. She and Red would make that special trip today!

  Bryony felt a ripple of excitement. She started to run and didn’t stop until she reached Red’s stable door. She opened this with a breathless ‘Hello!’ and Red snorted back his morning greeting. Then he clattered over and nuzzled her arm for his apple.

  ‘Oh, Red!’ panted Bryony, holding it out and waiting as he started to nibble. ‘Today’s adventure is the most exciting yet, so let’s hurry!’

  Bryony flew through her morning chores, and soon Red was all tacked up to go.

  ‘So today, Red,’ beamed Bryony, ‘we’re off to the beach – h

  As she climbed into the saddle, Red replied with a whinny starting low but ending very high-pitched. This usually meant: ‘What? I don’t understand.’

  ‘Don’t you worry,’ beamed Bryony. ‘You’re going to love it – trust me.’

  Bryony had checked with Bella, and Red had never been to the beach. Best get there nice and early then, to beat the crowds.

  Bryony touched Red’s flanks with her heels and walked him out of the yard. They followed a long, winding path behind the house which led up and out through the back gate. It was peaceful and not a whisper of wind. The perfect day!

  The leafy lanes were pleasantly sunny as Red clip-clopped along cheerfully. They passed the allotments where an old friend of Grandpa’s, Cabbage Patch Charlie, was tending to his runner beans. When he heard Red’s hooves Charlie stopped and brought Red a carrot, like he’d done all week.

  ‘Off on another day trip?’ he asked.

  ‘Sure are!’ Bryony nodded.

  ‘Lucky pony!’ Charlie chuckled.

  ‘Lucky me too!’ smiled Bryony.

  Trotting off down the lane, they continued until they reached some pretty fishermen’s cottages not far from the beach. Bryony’s grandpa lived in one of these.

  ‘But Gramps looks still asleep, Red,’ said Bryony, for most of the cottages, including her grandfather’s, still had their bedroom curtains closed.

  The postman, though, as usual, gave them a wave and Bryony smiled and waved back. They also saw the paper girl who always hurried past with a nod.

  Bryony was starting to get known around town as the ‘new girl with the cute bay pony’. And she’d never felt prouder than when showing Red off to everyone!

  Grandpa’s lane brought them out in a little side street just across the road from the beach.

  Checking around to make sure there was no traffic coming, Bryony walked Red across the small road to the prom on the other side. This was a narrow walkway, rather like a pavement, which ran the length of the seafront. At intervals it had benches for people to sit on and watch the sea.

  It also had sets of steps and sloping sandy pathways leading down onto the beach. Bryony and Red were surprised to see a group of riders coming up one of these pathways nearby.


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