Invisible Armies: An Epic History of Guerrilla Warfare From Ancient Times to the Present

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Invisible Armies: An Epic History of Guerrilla Warfare From Ancient Times to the Present Page 70

by Max Boot

  162 Ibid., 24.

  163 Mockaitis, Counterinsurgency, 18.

  164 Kipling, Complete Verses, 327. See also Gilmour, Recessional, 119–24.



  1 Assassins: Lewis, Assassins (“genius”: 37; “dared to leave”: 51; “cursed and fled”: 1; “unlike”: xi); Daftary, Assassin Legends; Bartlett, Assassins (50 victims: 68; “dignity”: 97); Juvaini, History; Hodgson, Secret Order.

  2 Fraser, Faith; Williamson, Gunpowder Plot.

  3 Dash, Thug. For a comparison of Thugs, Sicarii, and Assassins, see Rapoport, “Fear.”

  4 Jensen, “Anarchist Terrorism.”

  5 Rapoport, “Fourth Wave.”

  6 Pottawatomie: BSC (“Freedom,” “confidence”: Brown to John Brown Jr., July 9,1858); U.S. House, Special Committee, 1193–206 (“come back”: 1193; “old man”: 1195; “cut off”: 1195); Brown, Truth, 20–41; Oates, To Purge, 126–38 (damp wind: 134); Carton, Patriotic Treason, 187–93; Reynolds, John Brown, 138–78; Villard, John Brown, 148–88 (“WAR”: 189).

  7 Watts, “How Bloody,” 123.

  8 Ruchames, Brown Reader, 38.

  9 Hinton, John Brown, 679.

  10 Reynolds, John Brown, 152.

  11 “Wild”: Brown, Truth, 70. “Strike,” “example”: 68. “Barbarians”: KSH/WJB, 281.

  12 Black Jack: BSC; KSH/JBP; KSH/BBJ; KSH/WJB (“memories”); Oates, To Purge, 152–54; Carton, Patriotic Treason, 207–12; Reynolds, John Brown, 185–88.

  13 Osawatomie: BSC; Brown to family, Sept. 7, 1856, KSH/JBP; Bridgman, With Brown; Reynolds, John Brown, 199–201 (“end”: 200); Carton, Patriotic Treason, 216–20; Oates, To Purge, 169–71.

  14 “Damaging”: Brown, Truth, 70. “Terrified”: 74.

  15 Reynolds, John Brown, 175.

  16 Brown to John Brown Jr., July 9, 1858, BSC.

  17 Renehan, Secret Six, ch. 3.

  18 “All the books”: Hinton, John Brown, 182–83. “Admirably”: 673. “Iron”: Life, Trial, 14. “Preparatory”: Reynolds, John Brown, 241.

  19 Harpers Ferry: Life, Trial (“gory”: 85; “mockery”: 55; “forfeit”: 95); BSC (“cheerful”: Brown to Mary Ann Brown, Oct. 31, 1859); Boteler, “Recollections” (“drizzly”); Green, “Capture” (blue; “tigers”); Daingerfield, “John Brown”; Rosengarten, “Brown’s Raid”; Chambers, “School-Girl”; Moore, “Eyewitness”: Strother, “Invasion” (“variety”); Carton, Patriotic Treason; Reynolds, John Brown; Oates, To Purge.

  20 Thoreau, Writings, 10.234.

  21 Ruchames, Brown Reader, 331.

  22 Fleming, Documentary, 1.455–56.

  23 Rable, No Peace, 26; Zuczek, Rebellion, 160.

  24 Zuczek, Rebellion, 127.

  25 KKK origin: Lester, Ku Klux Klan (“diversion”: 53; “mysterious”: 56; 500,000 members: 30; “kulos”: 55); Fleming, Documentary, vol. 2; Trelease, White Terror, xv–64; Hahn, Nation, 257 (“rubric”), 269 (“guerrilla”); Foner, Reconstruction, 342, 425; Franklin, Slavery, 248–51.

  26 Elias Hill: Unless otherwise specified, all quotations are from U.S. Congress, KKK Report, 5.1406–15, 1477. See also Martinez, Carpetbaggers, 77–78; Lester, Ku Klux Klan (“terror”: 73; “ignorant”: 74; “darkies”: 22) Budiansky, Bloody Shirt, 131–33; West, York County, 83–84; Trelease, White Terror, 371–72.

  27 KKK murders: U.S. Congress, KKK Report, 5.1472, 5.1678–79, 5.1712–41 (Williams); Rubin, Scalawags, 46–47; Zuczek, Rebellion, 54; Martinez, Carpetbaggers, 1–6, 25; Trelease, White Terror, 116, 367; West, York County, 123–25 (Williams); Budiansky, Bloody Shirt, 122–23; Williamson, After Slavery, 260; Lamson, Glorious Failure, 83–84.

  28 Foner, Reconstruction, 437.

  29 Ibid., 434.

  30 Sefton, Army, 261–62; Trelease, White Terror, xxxiv; Gillette, Retreat, 35. 900 agents: Foner, Reconstruction, 143.

  31 1870 Census (online).

  32 York: U.S. Congress, KKK Report, 5.1482 (“sporadic” ), 5.1600 (“powerless”), 5.1602 (600 cases), 5.1465 (“beating, whipping”), 5.1603 (“white community,” “wickedness”), 5.1602 (“game”), 5.1605 (“crushed”); New York Tribune, Nov. 13, 1871 (“German professor”; “dreariness”); Akerman to Merrill, Nov. 9, 1871, ATA (“villainies”); Letters Sent, vol. 1.10, NARA/RPY (“kindly”); “respectable”: vol. 2.64, NARA/RPY; NARA/DOJ-SC, box 1, folder 5; NARA/DOJ-LS, reels 13–14; Casey to President, Aug. 7, 1862, NARA/LM, roll 38 (“talent”); Martinez, Carpetbaggers, 76–106, 133–233; Zuczek, Rebellion, 93–122 (sentences, convictions: 101, 122; Bratton: 120); Budiansky, Bloody Shirt (“just the man”: 136); West, York County, 80–108, 126–30 (Bratton); Fleming, Documentary History, 2. 123–30 (KKK Act); Rable, No Peace, 156 (“no peace”); Trelease, White Terror, 362–80, 401–8.

  33 Lester, Ku Klux Klan, 90.

  34 For an overview of the historical evidence on the “deal” to remove troops, see Kousser, Region, 417–51.

  35 3,000 killed: Budiansky, Bloody Shirt, 7. 650,000 to 850,000 killed: New York Times, April 2, 2012.

  36 Horne, Fall.

  37 Émile Henry: Merriman, Club (“black pants”: 149; Eiffel Tower: 147; Café: 1–3, 149–55; “perfect little”: 185; “kind of society”: 16); New York Times, Feb. 13, 1894; Vizetelly, Anarchists, 157–62; Malato, “Anarchist Portraits”; Review of Reviews (Jan.–June 1894), 9.269 (“loafer”); Guerin, No Gods (“turned my stomach”: 3.41); Lonergan, Forty Years, 172 (“indifferent”); Carr, Anarchism, 65–66; Cyclopedic Review of Current History (1894), 201 (“atoms”); Joll, Anarchists, 136–38; Rudorff, Belle Epoque, 165–67; Butterworth, World, 326–28.

  38 Brousse, “La propagande.” Bakunin had inspired the phrase in 1870: “We must spread our principles, not with words but with deeds, for this is the most popular, the most potent, and the most irresistible form of propaganda.” Bakunin, On Anarchism, 195–96.

  39 Anarchist philosophers: Marshall, Demanding; Butterworth, World; Joll, Anarchists (“despair”: 153); Guerin, No Gods; Kropotkin, Memoirs; Bakunin, On Anarchism; Avrich, Portraits; Kedward, Anarchists.

  40 Jensen, “Anarchist Terrorism,” 120.

  41 Vizetelly, Anarchists, 159–60; Cyclopedic Review of Current History (1894), 208–9; Oliver, Movement (“clumsy”: 104); New York Times, Feb. 16, 1894.

  42 Bowden, Terror, 134–61.

  43 Joll, Anarchists, 130.

  44 Bookchin, Spanish Anarchists, 102; Kedward, Anarchists, 41; New York World, Nov. 9, 1893.

  45 Gage, Day; Davis, Wagon; Avrich, Sacco, 204–7.

  46 Malato, “Anarchist Portraits”; Carr, Anarchism, 63–65; Merriman, Club, 137–46; Vizetelly, Anarchists, 145–54.

  47 Vizetelly, Anarchists, 169; Cyclopedic Review of Current History (1894), 201; Merriman, Club, 174–78.

  48 Vizetelly, Anarchists, 163–64.

  49 Joll, Anarchists, 133; Weber, France, 117.

  50 Avrich, Portraits, 41.

  51 Serge, Memoirs, 17.

  52 Guerin, No Gods, 3.43.

  53 Most, Revolutionary Warfare, 60.

  54 New York Times, April 2, 1881.

  55 Butterworth, World, 373.

  56 Police cooperation: Jensen, “Campaign”; Zuckerman, Secret Police; Deflem, “Wild Beasts”; Ruud, Fontanka, 79–100; Liang, Police, 151–82.

  57 Carr, Infernal, 32.

  58 Guerin, No Gods, 3.42; Butterworth, World, 327–28.

  59 Avrich, Portraits, 111–24; Palij, Makhno; Joll, Anarchists (15,000: 187).

  60 Jensen, “Campaign”; Deflem, “Wild Beasts.”

  61 Tsar hunt: Radzinsky, Alexander II (sentenced to death: 315; “cold wet mud”: 318; “marmalade”: 322; blind eye: 400; “red cap”: xv; “deafening”: 413; “bloody chunks”: 415); Figner, Memoirs (pine grove: 68; “populist socialist”: 74; “prosperous”: 12; “vivacious”: 28; “spark”: 47; “doll” 79; “struck dumb”: 94); Stepniak, Underground (“charming”: 126; “sweet,” “dreaded”: 127); Marshall, Demanding, 284 (“doomed man”); Hin
gley, Nihilists (“peasant-lovers”: 74); Figes, Natasha’s Dance, 9 (Winter Palace); Ulam, Name (Winter Palace casualties: 340–41; “uncompromising”: 353); Lincoln, Romanovs, 442–47 (“dreary”: 446); Seth, Russian Terrorists; Ruud, Fontanka, 46–51; Daly, Under Siege, 31–33; Footman, Conspiracy; Venturi, Roots, 633–720; Kennan, Siberia, 2.433–36 (“Nihilists”); Bergman, Vera Zasulich; Siljak, Angel.

  62 Pipes, Degaev; Ulam, Name, 380–89; Land, Enemies, 207–10; Seth, Russian Terrorists, 158–63.

  63 Pomper, Brother; Naimark, Terrorists, 130–53; Ulam, Name, 328 (emulate), 392–93.

  64 Education: Figes, Tragedy, 93 (literacy), 108 (urban), 163 (university students); Brooks, To Read, 4 (literacy), 112 (periodicals).

  65 Witte, Memoirs, 210.

  66 SRs: Geifman, Thou (airplane: 17; suicide: 74); Geifman, Death, 101 (opera); Savinkov, Memoirs; Hildermeier, Revolutionary (“holy act”: 54); Ascher, Stolypin (18th attempt: 2; suicide bombers: 138–39; assassination: 371–89); Lincoln, Romanovs, 650–68; Ruud, Fontanka, 173–200; Daly, Watchful State.

  67 Trotsky, Individual Terrorism, 22.

  68 Geifman, Thou, 91.

  69 Stalin: Montefiore, Young Stalin (street battles: 128–50; Tiflis holdup: 3–16, 178–81); Deutscher, Stalin, 70–72, 84–90; Geifman, Thou, 21 (2,000 robberies); De Lon, “Stalin,” 182 (“cut throats”), 183–86 (Tiflis robbery).

  70 Avrich, Russian Anarchists; Geifman, Thou, 127–38.

  71 Geifman, Thou, 21; Ruud, Fontanka 16, 278.

  72 Alexander, Once, 224.

  73 Russian repression: Pipes, Old Regime, 281-318 (44 executed: 315; exiles: 311); Deutscher, Stalin, 49 (“education”); Ruud, Fontanka; Daly, Under Siege (8,000 exiled: 181; 3,000–5,000 killed: 182), and Watchful State (100 times fewer, “underpoliced”: 5; 200–300: 7); Lauchlan, Hide-and-Seek (161 employees: 85); Zuckerman, Secret Police in Russian Society; Figes, Tragedy, 139 (Das Kapital); Kennan, “Penal Code” (“unpermitted”); Kennan, Siberia, 2.461 (“swarms”); Witte, Memoirs, 257 (“lethargy”); Geifman, Thou; Montefiore, Young Stalin, 107–15; Deutscher, Stalin, 57–58.

  74 Azef: Geifman, Entangled; Nikolaejewsky, Aseff; Geifman, Thou, 232–37; Savinkov, Memoirs, 312–51; Ascher, Stolypin, 270–71; Seth, Russian Terrorists, 177–292; Ruud, Fontanka, 125–51; Daly, Watchful State, 84–97.

  75 Day, Watchful State, 72.

  76 Geifman, Thou, 249.

  77 Daly, Watchful State, xi.

  78 Fenians: Short, Dynamite War; Golway, Irish Rebel; Kee, Green Flag, 299–351 (2,000 members: 504).

  79 Ambush: Breen, My Fight, 7–35; Dan Breen interview: (“got to kill”); NAI/DB; Hopkinson, Irish War, 115–16; Griffith, Curious Journey, 134 (“farthing”); O’Malley, Wounds, 97 (Small Wars).

  80 Dáil: Freeman, Oct. 12, 1921 (“chairs”); NLI/PBP, 912/14 (“national status”); Kee, Green Flag, 630–31; Hopkinson, Irish War, 38–39, 207–9.

  81 New York World, Jan. 22–23, 1919.

  82 Collins: Hart, Mick (whiskey, cigarettes, swearing: 35; nickname: 105; “fun”: 136; “lightning”: 207; workdays: 244; 12 shot: 212–14; “playboy”: 341); Coogan, Michael Collins (admired De Wet: 13; description: 20; Foy, Intelligence War (“never let”: 40; moles: 44–51); NAI/MCC (“constitutional,” “no jails”: Interview with Gen. Crozier, 422/13); NLI/PBP, 916/4 (Collins to De Wet, Sept. 21, 1921: “inspiration”); Winter, Tale (“Robin Hood”: 345); O’Malley, Wounds, 123 (“hearty”); Barry, Guerilla Days, 241 (“harsh,” “virtually”); Neligan, Spy, 74 (appearance), 88 (“rattled”); Stapleton, “Michael Collins’s Squad” (“extermination”); Kavanagh, “Intelligence Organisation”; NA/IBR, 88 (“nursery”); NAI/JB; NAI/VB (“getting on,” “loved”: 36; “extreme action”: 32); NAI/BCB; NAI/PM (“obnoxious”: 16); NAI/JL; NAI/PL; NAI/CD; NAI/WJS.

  83 Neligan, Spy, 84.

  84 Bloody Sunday: Maj. E. L. Mills, report, Nov. 22, 1920, NA/IRE (“any need”); Proceedings of Courts of Inquest, Nov. 23, 1920, Dec. 8, 1920, NA/IRE (“surround”); Andrews, Dublin (“winter’s day”: 162); IWM/RDJ; NAI/VB, 53–57 (“both fell dead”); NAI/PM; NAI/JL; NAI/WJS (“hysterical”: 29); NAI/JJS; NAI/CD (“spot”: Interview with Gen. Crozier, 422/13); Dalton, Dublin Brigade, 101–9; Woodcock, Officer’s Wife, 20 (“hush-hush”), 61–69 ; Foy, Intelligence War, 140–77 (casualties: 173–74); Sturgis, Last Days, 76 (“black day”); Kee, Green Flag, 693–95 (size of Auxies and Tans: 671); Horgan, Lemass, 17–18; Macready, Annals, 2.507–10; Hart, Mick, 240–42; Neligan, Spy, 122–25; Sheehan, British Voices, 88–90; Hopkinson, Irish War, 46–47 (barracks), 89–91; Winter, Tale, 321–24; Stapleton, “Collins’s Squad” (“laws of God”); Crozier, Ireland, 99–105, 116–17.

  85 New York Times, Nov. 10, 1920.

  86 “Pitiable”: Macready, Annals, 2.470. Pistol in lap: 2.469. “Immobilized”: Winter, Tale, 291. “Evening meal”: Barton, Spurs, 206. “Hunted”: Montmorency, Sword, 357.

  87 Macready, Annals, 2.499.

  88 Gleeson, Bloody Sunday, 55–78.

  89 Lt. W. E. Crossley, “Report on ambush of ‘L’ Coy,” June 17, 1921, NA/IRE.

  90 O’Malley, Wounds, 240.

  91 Callwell, Wilson, 2.264.

  92 Hart, British Intelligence, 29.

  93 Shadow government: Macready, Annals, 2.477–78; NLI/PBP, 913/3; Barry, Guerilla Days, 84; Duff, Sword, 70; Hopkinson, Irish War, 44.

  94 Troop strength: Hart, I.R.A., 113; Kee, Green Flag, 682, 719; Hopkinson, Irish War, 49; Collins, Nationalism, 176. Population: 1926 Census,

  95 Macready, Annals, 2.435.

  96 NA/DRA.

  97 Gilbert, Churchill, 4.461.

  98 Corum, Airpower, 54–57; Omissi, Air Power, 18–38; Jacobsen, “By the Sword.”

  99 Wilson to Macready, June 7, 1920, IWM/NMC, vol. A.

  100 Macready to Wilson, July 13, 1920, IWM/NMC, vol. A.

  101 Churchill, World Crisis, 297.

  102 “Integrity”: Gilbert, Churchill, 4.470. “Conspiracy”: 4.461. “Prussians”: 4.455.

  103 Collins to Kitty Kiernan, Aug. 4, 1922, NLI/KK.

  104 Collins to Kitty Kiernan, Aug. 8, 1922, NLI/KK.

  105 Barry, Guerilla Days, 243.

  106 English, Irish Freedom, 328.

  107 Kee, Green Flag, 744.

  108 NA/IBR, 6.

  109 Maloney, Secret, 23.

  110 Hart, Mick, 199 (4,000); Hart, I.R.A., 30, 66–67; Kee, Green Flag, 671, 699; Hopkinson, Irish War, 201. Collins, Nationalism, 170, gives a lower overall figure (751 killed, 1,200 wounded) but a higher figure for crown forces: 550 dead, 1,027 wounded.

  111 Duff, Sword, 64.

  112 NAI/CD, 13–14; O’Malley, Wounds, 319; Hart, Mick, 220–23; Dalton, Dublin Brigade, 67; Hopkinson, Irish War, 70.

  113 Propaganda war: Macready, Annals, 2.471 (“rankled”), 2.553 (“inability”); IWM/NMC, vol. C (“futile”: Macready to Wilson, March 10, 1921; “blackguard”: Macready to Wilson, March 18, 1921); Kenneally, Paper Wall, 159 (“defiled”), 160 (“lynch”); Montmorency, Sword (“bad Press”: 353; “flabby”: 355).

  114 Marks, Shaped, 17–37; Carr, Infernal, 35; Heehs, “Terrorism.”

  115 IMRO: Djordjevic, Balkan, 178–80, 220–21; Pettifer, Macedonian, 9–13; Gross, Violence, 54–57.

  116 Balakian, Burning Tigris, 45, 103–10.

  117 Laqueur, Terrorism, 120.

  118 Stepniak, Underground Russia, 42–45.

  119 “Monster”: Dostoevsky, Demons, 306. “Crook”: 420. “Louse”: 560. “Destroyed”: 607.

  120 “Pieces”: Conrad, Secret Agent, 56. “Exterminate”: 249.

  121 Montefiore, Young Stalin, 182–83.

  122 Vizetelly, Anarchists, 111–27; Merriman, Club, 70–87; Butterworth, World, 300–302.

  123 Hardy: O’Malley, Wound, 271–77; NAI/WJS, 49 (“special”); Kee, Green Flag, 691 (“variance”).

  124 “Drawn”: Krueger, What Makes, 3. “Curtailed”: 7.

>   125 Reich, Origins, 25–40.

  126 Hart, Mick, 307; Dalton, Brigade, 11–12.



  1 Franz Ferdinand: Smith, Morning; Dedijer, Road; Owings, Sarajevo Trial.

  2 Nazis: Evans, Coming; Kershaw, Hubris; Shirer, Rise; Campbell, SA (500,000: 120).

  3 Japanese militarists: McClain, Japan (Brotherhood: 415); Gordon, Japan, 161–90; Drea, Imperial Army, 163–90; Toland, Rising Sun, 3–34; Byas, Assassination (Chaplin: 28–29).

  4 Neumann, Future, 6.

  5 Aqaba: Jarvis, Arab Command, 28–30 (source of all quotes unless otherwise specified); IWM/FGP, box 4; “Literary Fringes,” IWM/FTB (“huts”); Brown, Letters, 116 (“maddest”); Rolls, Chariots, 238 (“hate”).

  6 Early life: Wilson, Lawrence (“endurance”: 44; bicycling: 40); Liddell Hart, Lawrence; Brown, Letters; Mack, Prince.

  7 Brown, Letters, 69.

  8 Bruce, Crusade, 58.

  9 Lawrence, Pillars, 67.

  10 Ibid., 77.

  11 Ibid., 84.

  12 Barr, Desert, 142.

  13 Lawrence, Pillars, 86.

  14 Ibid., 91.

  15 Storss, Memoirs, 186.

  16 Brown, War, 80.

  17 Bruce, Crusade, 54.

  18 Brown, War, 70.

  19 Lawrence, Pillars, 104.

  20 “Sniping”: Ibid. “Sphere”: Brown, War, 77.

  21 Lawrence, Pillars, 136.

  22 “Detachment”: Ibid., 194. “Gas”: 192. “Soup”: 193.

  23 Ibid., 188.

  24 Abu el Naam: Ibid., 197–203; Brown, War, 111–16; Wilson, Lawrence, 388.

  25 Lawrence, Pillars, 189.

  26 Ibid., 168.

  27 Ibid., 225.

  28 Young, Arab, 162.

  29 Lawrence, Pillars, 312.

  30 Young, Arab, 157.

  31 Lawrence, Pillars, 319.

  32 “Fear”: Young, Arab, 162. Bounty: Wilson, Lawrence, 460.

  33 Brown, Letters, 111.

  34 Ibid., 124.

  35 Ibid., 111.

  36 Rape: Lawrence, Pillars, 441–47 (“torn,” “delicious”: 445); Wilson, Lawrence, 459–61; Brown, War, 165–66; Brown, Letters, 165–67, 360; Mack, Prince, 226–42; Barr, Desert, 201–6.

  37 “Rank and File,” 1936, IWM/TWB.


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