Invisible Armies: An Epic History of Guerrilla Warfare From Ancient Times to the Present

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Invisible Armies: An Epic History of Guerrilla Warfare From Ancient Times to the Present Page 90

by Max Boot

  Princip, Gavrilo, 270

  Principles of Revolution (Bakunin and Nechaev), 228–29

  printing, printing press, 54–55, 286, 462, 567

  prisoners of war, 308, 348, 361–62, 363, 488

  proletariat, 241, 242, 332

  propaganda, xxvi, 55, 531

  Algerian War and, 374

  Arafat’s use of, 462

  bin Laden and, 519, 523

  Castro and, 437, 440

  hijackings and, 452

  liberals’ use of, 59, 76, 112, 122

  Mao and, 331, 338–39

  “Propaganda by the Deed,” xxii

  Protestants, 46, 101, 256, 264, 392

  Plymouth Brethren, 292–93

  protests, 324

  Proudhon, Pierre Joseph, 228, 229

  Proust, Marcel, 178

  Provincial Reconstruction Teams, 180

  Prussia, 53, 89, 102, 109, 118, 256

  Bismarck in, 115, 119–20

  France’s war with, 119–20

  in War of Austrian Succession, 60–61

  psychological warfare, xxii, 23, 55, 386

  Huk Rebellion and, 404–5

  public opinion, xxvi, 19, 63, 393, 559–61

  Afghanistan and, 494

  Algerian War and, 374, 376–77

  American Revolution and, 75–77, 79, 338, 376–77

  anarchism and, 228

  Boer War and, 193

  Chinese civil war and, 338–39

  Greek independence and, 105–6

  Indochina War and, 362

  Iraq War and, 533, 534

  Irish policy and, 256, 257, 338, 376–77

  Philippines Insurrection and, 198

  torture and, 366

  Vietnam War and, 79, 393, 420, 425, 494

  Pulaski, Tenn., 219

  Punjab, 172

  Pyongyang, 319, 346

  Qaddafi, Muammar, 257, 467

  Qana, 511

  Quantrill, William Clarke, 212–13

  Quebec Liberation Front, 456

  Quebec meeting (1943), 301

  Question, The (Alleg), 366

  Quiet American, The (Greene), 400, 413

  Qurashi, Abu Ubayd al-, 524

  Rabat, 124, 182

  Rabin, Yitzhak, 453, 454, 469, 470

  race, 484

  racism, 307–8, 323, 362, 375

  see also Ku Klux Klan

  radical chic, xxv–xxvi, 394–95, 397–477

  “Radical Chic” (Wolfe), 398

  radical Islam, rise of, 478–79, 481–549

  radio, 289, 294, 373, 374, 392, 405, 486

  Hezbollah and, 508, 513

  Raid on Entebbe (Film), 455

  railroads, 129, 152, 229, 409

  Hejaz, 278–80

  in tsarist Russia, 236–37, 242

  Ramadi, 478, 533, 545

  Ramallah, 463, 470, 471–72

  Ramdi, xxviii–xxix

  Ramírez Sánchez, Ilich, 466

  Randolph, Benjamin Franklin, 221

  rangers, 61–63, 67, 290

  Rangoon, 267

  rape, 221, 281, 354

  Rathenau, Walter, 271

  rationing, 321

  Ravachol, 263

  Rawlinson, Lord, 196

  razzia, 45

  Reagan, Ronald, 476, 482

  Afghanistan and, 497, 498

  Hezbollah and, 506

  Rebels of the Sierra Maestra (CBS program), 437

  reconcentrado camps, 192, 381

  “reconcentration” policies, 390

  in Malaya, 381–82, 385

  see also concentration camps; reservations

  Reconstruction, xxv, 218–25

  Rectification Campaign, 338

  Red Army, Chinese, 334–38, 341, 456

  as Eighth Route Army, 343

  in Tiananmen Square, 468–69

  see also People’s Liberation Army, Chinese

  Red Army, Soviet, xviii, 233, 308, 310, 399

  in Afghanistan, xxvi, 485–88, 490–95, 519

  “jackals” in, 494

  in Manchuria, 344

  in Yugoslavia, 312

  Red Army Faction, see Baader-Meinhof Gang

  Red Brigades, 394, 456, 458

  Red Eyebrows, 39

  Red Front Fighters’ League, 271

  Red Guards, 341

  Red River Delta, 356–57, 423

  Red Scare (1919–20), 232

  Red Sea, 266, 274, 276, 280, 395, 478, 518

  Redshirts, 116–17, 271, 439

  Red Star Over China (Snow), 339

  Reformation, 45


  Afghan, 492, 493, 499

  Jewish, 325

  Palestinian, 461, 463, 467, 501

  regicide, 206

  Reichstag, burning of, 271–72

  Reitz, Deneys, 189–90, 196

  Remnants of an Army, The (Butler), 168

  Renaissance, 45

  rendition, 224, 526

  Republican Guard, Iraqi, xvii–xviii

  Republican Party, U.S., 218–22, 225

  reservations, 146–47, 151, 172, 192

  “revenge, renown, reaction,” 523–24

  Revere, Paul, 65

  Reveries (Saxe), 63

  Revolt in the Desert (Lawrence), 285

  Revolutionary Guard Corps, Iranian, 503, 507

  Revolution in the Revolution? (Debray), 442

  revolutions of 1848–49, 112–14

  Rhodes, Cecil, 189, 195

  Rhodesia, 404

  rice, 382, 386

  Richardson, Louise, 523

  Rif Mountains, 182

  Rimush, 14

  Rio Grande do Sul, 110

  Risorgimento, 112, 115–18

  Riyadh, 521, 528

  Robert I, King of Scotland, xxi, 46–50, 52

  Roberts, Lord Frederick, 170, 175, 187, 191

  Robespierre, Maximilien de, 80

  Robin Hood, 51

  Rochambeau, Donatien, 99

  Rockingham, Lord, 77

  Rodriguez, Felix, 446

  Rogers, Robert, 61–63, 142, 290

  Rogers’s Rangers, 61, 62

  Roman History (Dio), 7

  Romans, Roman Empire, 8, 10, 19–35, 41, 52, 75, 86, 129, 196, 403, 417, 560, 561

  antecedents of terrorism in, 208, 209

  auxilia in, 173

  bonding with local elites and, 23–25

  China compared with, 35, 38

  citizenship in, 24–25, 308, 384

  counterinsurgency of, 19–25

  Eastern, 30

  European empires compared with, 177

  fall of, xxxii, 25–30, 39, 44, 51, 52

  Jews vs., xxxii, 1–4, 7, 21, 23, 24, 25, 54, 154, 209

  longevity of, 24

  military manuals of, 54

  Nazis compared with, 308

  resiliency of, 170

  Spain and, xxxii, 20, 22, 54, 215, 507, 565

  Rome, 113, 118, 233, 394, 466

  Roosevelt, Franklin D., 301

  Roosevelt, James, 291

  Roosevelt, Theodore, 108, 177, 198, 232, 433

  Rorke’s Drift, 128

  Rossini, Gioacchino, 230

  Roxane, 6

  Royal Air Force, British (RAF), 173, 284, 286, 289

  in Burma, 299, 300

  Royal Irish Constabulary, 248, 253

  Royal Marines, British, 289, 325

  Royal Military Academy, Woolwich, 292, 293

  Royal Navy, British, 78, 79, 99, 286, 289

  Exodus affair and, 325

  in Middle East, 276

  Royal Observatory, 230

  Royal Sardinian Navy, 110

  Royal Tank Corps, 284

  Royal Ulster Constabulary, Special Branch of, 257

  rubber, rubber seeds, 380, 381, 386, 388

  Rules for the Conduct of Guerrilla Bands (Mazzini), 110, 342

  Rumsfeld, Donald, 533, 534, 538

  Rural Guard, Cuban, 428, 432, 436

  Rusk, Dean, 413
br />   Russia, 109, 159

  Chechens vs. (1990s–present), 509, 511, 514, 528

  Russia, tsarist, xxv, 53, 89, 102, 123, 125

  Afghanistan’s relations with, 170, 171

  anarchism in, 228–29, 232, 233, 235, 243, 260, 263

  Chechnya and Dagestan wars of, xxv, 154–63, 174

  French invasion of, 88, 90

  Greek independence and, 107

  internal passports in, 194

  terrorism in, 203, 209, 210, 235–45, 252, 260, 261, 264

  U.S. compared with, 157, 158, 163

  in World War I, 271, 311

  see also Soviet Union

  Russian Civil War, 233, 234, 273

  Russian Revolution (1905), 244, 245

  Russian Revolution (1917), 247, 260, 332

  Rwanda, 509

  SA (Sturmabteilung), 271

  Saadi, Yacef, 369, 370, 372, 373

  Sabena Airlines, 453

  Sabra refugee camp, 467, 501

  Sacco, Nicola, 230

  Sadat, Anwar, 520

  Sadr, Moqtada al, xix, 532, 544

  Sadr City, 544

  Sadullah of Swat, 174

  safe-crackers, 291

  Sahara Desert, 181

  Saigon, 319, 395, 410

  Greene’s visit to, 400, 407

  Indochina War and, 351, 353, 357

  Lansdale in, 407–8, 412, 413, 416, 421–23

  underworld in, 353

  Saigon Liaison Office, 421

  St. Clair, Arthur, 150

  Saint-Domingue, see Haiti

  St. Petersburg, 203, 233, 236–39

  Winter Palace in, 237, 238, 239, 241

  Saito, Makoto, 272

  Saladin, 207

  Salafist Group for Preaching and Combat, 478

  Salafists, 483, 533

  Salameh, Ali Hassan, 465

  Salan, Raoul, 374, 375

  Salang Highway, 489

  Salazar, Antonio, 326

  Sale, Florentia, 165, 167–69

  Sale, Robert, 167

  Salisbury, Harrison, 336

  Salisbury, Lord, 193

  salt, 73

  Salvador, Santiago, 230

  Samarra, 532

  Sanchez, Ricardo, 539

  Sand Creek Massacre (1864), 143, 145, 368

  Sandinistas, 397, 448

  San Martín, José de, 102, 123

  Sanna’s Post, 188–89

  Santa Clara, 439

  Santayana, George, 555

  Santiago, 394, 428, 438

  Moncada army barracks in, 432, 439, 440

  Santo Domingo, 95

  Saragossa (Zaragoza), 57, 81–85

  Sarajevo, 266, 269–70

  Saratoga, British defeat at, 70, 77, 78

  Sardinia, 114

  Sargon, 13–14

  Sartre, Jean-Paul, 375

  SAS, see Special Air Service

  Saudi Arabia, 395, 451, 478, 482–83, 513, 517–18, 520–21, 523, 527–28, 531

  Afghanistan and, 496, 497

  al Qaeda in, 521, 547

  bin Laden expelled from, 516, 521

  formation of, 283

  intelligence in, 519

  Khobar Towers bombing in, 507, 521

  madrassas funded by, 499

  PLO and, 464, 466

  Wahhabism in, 481, 483

  Sauk, 140

  Saul, King, 9

  Savage Wars of Peace, The (Boot), xxvii

  Savannah, Ga., 70, 79

  Savoy, 116

  Saxe, Marshal de, 63

  Saxony, in War of Austrian Succession, 60–61

  Sayeret Matkal, 453–55, 458, 465

  Sayyid Qutb, 481, 518

  scalawags, 219

  Schamyl, 215

  Schiller, Friedrich, 51

  Schiller, Moritz, 270

  Schlesinger, Arthur M., Jr., 398

  Schmitt, Daniel A., 552–55

  schools, 201, 209, 559

  “Science of Guerrilla Warfare” (Lawrence), 286

  Science of Revolutionary Warfare, The (Most), 232

  Scipio, 53

  Scobell, Harry, 195

  scorched-earth tactics, xxvii, 50, 158, 541

  Scotland, 46–51

  England vs., xxxii, 46–50, 557

  rebellion in (1745), 78, 107

  Scottish Highlanders, 63

  Scythians, Scythia, xxxii, 6, 17–18, 151

  SEALs, 288

  “search and destroy” missions, xxvii, 54, 389, 419

  Second Intifada, 294, 470–74, 478, 509, 513, 562

  Second Seminole War (1835–42), 124, 140

  Secret Agent, The (Conrad), 230, 262

  Secret Army Organization (OAS), 374–75

  Secret International Terrorist Organization, 310

  Secret Service, 224

  Secret Six, 215

  Section Administrative Spécialisée, French, 368

  segregationists, U.S., 210, 213, 217–25

  Seleucids, xxxii, 3, 6, 7

  Seljuks, 17

  Selous Scouts, 404

  Seminole, 124, 140, 157

  Senate, Roman, 24

  Senate, U.S., 214

  Church Committee of, 414

  sepoys, 166, 167

  September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks, xx–xxi, xxvii, 231, 465, 496, 500, 523–27, 548

  cost of, 522, 525

  origin of idea for, 524–25

  responses to, 176, 232, 525–28, 549

  Serbia, Serbs, 261, 311, 509

  assassination of Franz Ferdinand and, 270–71

  Sergei Aleksandrovich, Grand Duke, 241

  Sertorius, Quintus, 20, 52, 86

  Service des Affaires Indigènes, French, 368

  Services Office, 519

  Seven Pillars of Wisdom (Lawrence), 283, 285

  Seventh U.S. Cavalry Regiment, 141, 150, 152, 222, 224

  Seventy-Five Years’ War, 273

  Seventy-Seventh Indian Infantry Brigade, 299, 304

  Seville, 85

  Shaanxi Province, 34, 319, 335, 337–40

  Shah Shuja ul-Malkh, 165, 166, 170

  Shamil, 156–57, 159–62, 348, 489, 533

  Shamir, Yitzhak, 474

  Shanghai, 328–29, 332, 570

  Sharon, Ariel, 471

  Shatila refugee camp, 467, 501

  Shaw, George Bernard, 284

  Shebaa Farms, 510

  Sheehan, Neil, 412

  Shelley, Percy Bysshe, 123

  Shelton, Ralph, 445

  Sher Ali, 170, 487

  Sheridan, Phil, 142

  Sherman, William Tecumseh, 151, 173

  Shi Huangdi, Chinese emperor, 33


  Amal movement of, see Hezbollah

  in Iraq, xviii, xix, 529–32, 544, 545

  Ismailis, 206–8

  in Lebanon, 501, 503, 505, 506, 508, 512, 513

  weakness of, 505

  Shin Bet, 463

  Shining Path, 507, 511

  Shultz, George, 498

  Shy, John, 68

  Siberia, 157, 244

  Sicarii, 208, 209

  Sichuan Province, 319, 336–37

  Sicily, 51, 116–17, 118

  Sidi Bou Othman, 182

  siege warfare, 44

  Sierra Madre, pursuit of Geronimo in (1882–86), 124, 148–49, 195

  Sierra Maestra, 428, 436, 437, 438

  Sihanoukville, 395, 419

  Silesia, 57, 61

  Silva, Anna Maria Ribeiro da, see Garibaldi, Anita

  Sima Qian, 35, 38

  Simon bar Gioras, 54

  Simrell, Samuel, 221

  Sinai Peninsula, 454

  Sinan, Rashid al-Din, 207, 208

  Singapore, 324, 362

  Sinn Féin, 220, 247–50, 255, 256, 391

  Sino-Japanese War, 343–46

  Sioux, 17, 53, 129, 145, 148, 151, 152, 157, 186

  Sirhan, Sirhan, 206

  Sitting Bull, 152

  Six-Day War (1967), 464

xth Colonial Parachute Battalion (Bataillon Bigeard), 347–49

  Sixth Legion, Roman, 2

  Skorzeny, Otto, 288

  slaves, slavery, 42, 92–96, 123

  abolition of, 95, 119

  in American Revolution, 71–72

  in Haiti, xxv, 92–95, 98, 100

  John Brown’s opposition to, 211–12, 214–17, 447

  in Kansas, 211, 212

  white, 168

  Slavs, 54, 261, 270, 307

  Slim, William, 301

  Slovenians, 509

  smallpox, 136, 137

  Small Wars (Callwell), 199–200, 247, 541

  Small Wars Manual (U.S. Marine Corps), 199–200, 399, 541

  Smith, John, 133–34

  Smuts, Jan Christiaan, 189–91, 197

  Snow, Edgar, 339, 350, 436, 437

  Snow’s Island, 73–74

  “social bandits,” 51, 242–43

  Social Democrats, Russian, 242–43

  see also Bolsheviks; Mensheviks

  socialism, socialists, 55, 209–10, 244, 330, 392, 397, 475

  French, 368

  in tsarist Russia, xxv, 203, 210, 234

  Socialist Revolutionary Combat Organization, 503

  Socialist Revolutionary (SR) Party, 241–42, 244–45

  Social War, 24

  Society of United Irishmen, 101

  SOE, see Special Operations Executive

  Sogdiana, 6

  Soloheadbeg Quarry, 246–49

  Somalia, 10, 53, 395, 452, 509, 514, 524, 548, 570

  al Qaeda in, 517, 521

  Somoza, Anastasio, 448, 449

  Sons of Iraq, xxix, 533, 544

  Sophie, Archduchess of Austria-Hungary, 269, 270

  Sorley, Lewis, 421

  South Africa, 197, 367, 395, 544, 566

  Churchill in, 289

  mercenaries from, 443

  in World War II, 197, 297

  see also Boer War

  South African Women and Children’s Distress Fund, 192–93

  South America, 9, 10, 51, 56, 124, 202, 394, 444

  anarchists’ immigration to, 229

  Garibaldi in, 110–12

  Guevara’s trip across, 434

  South Asians, 451

  South Carolina:

  American Revolution in, 56, 70–75

  KKK in, 218, 220–21, 222

  South Dakota, 152

  South Korea, 319, 346

  South Lebanon Army, 509–10

  South Tipperary Brigade, 247

  South Vietnam, xxiii, 195, 319, 345, 395, 413, 416–24, 456, 473, 474, 533, 564

  creation of, 363, 407–12

  “reconcentration” policies in, 381

  Strategic Hamlets program in, 416–17

  South Vietnamese army, 410–11, 417

  South Yemen, 318, 391

  Soviet Union, 80, 266, 319, 388, 395, 449, 476, 479, 567

  in Afghanistan, see Afghanistan, Soviets in

  anarchism in, 233

  breakup of, 261, 326, 476, 477, 487, 499, 564

  Chiang Kai-shek and, 335–36

  Chinese Communists and, 331, 343, 344, 355

  Congo and, 443

  Cuba and, 440, 441, 442

  Nazis in, 308–9

  Palestinians and, 452, 465

  Stalin in, xxiv, 245, 308, 340, 343, 346, 476, 562

  Vietnam War and, 420, 424, 495


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