Crossroads 3: Gut Instinct (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

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Crossroads 3: Gut Instinct (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) Page 10

by Dixie Lynn Dwyer

  “Sonya. Oh my God, you made it,” he exclaimed, and she walked closer toward him.

  He stepped forward and kissed her cheek. “Oh My God. I can’t believe it. You actually showed up.”

  She looked at all his gear and then gave a soft smile.

  She wouldn’t tell him that she had completely forgotten about him until she’d run along this stretch of woods and spotted him. That wouldn’t be a nice thing to do, and he seemed authentically thrilled that she’d appeared.

  “So, what do you need me to do? I have some plans in a little while,” she said, being sure he understood that he didn’t have her assistance for hours.

  His expression changed slightly, and then he looked over her attire. Of course this morning was pretty chilly, only fifty-five degrees out, so she wore leggings and a long-sleeved jogging shirt that kept her warm but didn’t make her get overheated. She had a decent wardrobe, especially for the fall and winter months since she lived up north, but she didn’t have that many. Jogging attire was expensive.

  “Well, I was just taking in the sight of the sun cascading along the lake and that patch of land in the center. If you could hold these things for me and hand me the lenses as I need to readjust my shots that would be great. I’ve been at this for a couple of hours, and damn, my arms and shoulder are aching. I thought you jogged earlier in the morning.”

  She lifted up a bag, took the one with the lenses, and held it in front of her then walked along with him.

  “Oh, I usually do go earlier, but I had a late night with friends.”

  “Selina and the girls?” he asked.

  She shook her head and wondered if she should say her boyfriends. Would he be angry or think less of her because she was involved with four men? Some people were like that, and considering he dated one woman, maybe that would be the case. They got closer to the water. Why should she care what anyone thought? She loved the guys, and they made her happy. That was a first ever for her, that feeling of belonging and being part of something, being important to someone, and she was important and loved by four men.

  “My boyfriends and I. We were out late.”

  His expression definitely changed in an instant from a smile, to a look of disgust. This was probably a reaction she would get from time to time.

  “Did you say boyfriends in the plural?” he asked, setting his stuff down by the water’s edge where there was a small metal rowboat. She also noticed a duffel bag, and then her cell phone rang.

  “Yes, boyfriends,” she stated with a bit more confidence this time. She loved them so much, she didn’t care what anyone thought.

  “How long have you been seeing them? I didn’t know. They weren’t with you at the fall festival or out with you at Crossroads the other night.” He reached into his bag and started placing things into the boat.

  “It’s very recent.” She reached into the pocket on her lower back and pulled out her cell phone.

  “Hi,” she said, hoping it was one of the guys but also happy it was Felicia.

  “Where are you? I was going to swing by your place to see if you wanted to do a little shopping today.”

  “Oh that would be great.” She turned away from Kenneth a moment to talk to her friend. “What time should we meet?”

  “Well, what are you doing now?” she asked, and Sonya turned back to see Kenneth placing items into the boat and then setting up the tripod to take a picture of the scene behind them, which was quite stunning.

  “Selina and I met up with Kenneth and his business friends Friday night.”

  “I heard about Marcus. I guess she hit it off well with him because she had a date with him last night.”

  “Really? So cool.”

  “And you had one with your boyfriends. Lucky girl. So glad that you took a chance with them.”

  “Yes, me too. I’m actually just helping Kenneth out now by the lake.”

  “You are? Why? I thought you thought he was creepy? Just because he has a girlfriend doesn’t mean he doesn’t want to make a move on you. I’ve seen it a thousand times before.”

  “You think so? Well, I guess I can meet you shortly.”

  “Good. Tell him something came up and you need to go.”

  She glanced over her shoulder at Kenneth, who had the camera and was taking photographs.

  “I will. I can meet you within the hour, and I’ll call you when I get to the car to check the plans.”

  “Sounds good. See you in a little while. I’m so excited I get to take you lingerie shopping.”

  “Lingerie shopping?” she asked, surprised, and then Felicia chuckled and she ended the call.

  She looked at Kenneth and felt uneasy about breaking the news to him.

  “Are you all set?” he asked.

  “Actually, that was my friend.”

  “One of your boyfriends’?” he asked as his eyes swept her body from head to toe. He seemed turned off and seemed to be looking at her differently. Either way she didn’t like the feeling she had.

  “I actually need to get going. We had plans for some shopping today, and I forgot about the time we were supposed to meet. I can help you for a little while. Like fifteen minutes.”

  “Lingerie shopping?” he questioned, and she felt really uneasy now.

  “That was my friend being a wise guy.”

  “So you don’t like lingerie?” he asked her, looking at her differently than a moment ago. His eyes zeroed in on her breasts and it was as if he was undressing her with his eyes. Her gut clenched and she felt concerned. She should just get out of here now. Who cared if he got offended?

  “I don’t know. I never shopped for it. She was just teasing anyway.”

  He stepped a little closer, his one camera in hand.

  “I could imagine you in something soft, sheer, in maybe pale colors like pink or cream. You’re so angelic.”

  The uncomfortable meter just shot up, and she knew she needed to change the direction of this conversation.

  “You buy Lidia lingerie? Does she like it?” she asked, offering a simple reminder that he had a girlfriend and he should not be asking another woman about lingerie and telling her what he could imagine her wearing.

  “Lidia is a slut,” he said and stepped into her space.

  She went to step back, but his arm came around her waist fast. She grabbed onto his shoulders.

  “Maybe you’re more into red and black lingerie? Fucking multiple men.”

  She was shocked by his words, by his tight hold on her and the fact that he actually was hitting on her and jealous.

  “Let go of me, Kenneth,” she demanded as she began to apply pressure to his arms where his elbows bent.

  “Whatever you do, don’t tell my brother you’ve fucked multiple men. He won’t like it, and he’ll punish you greatly in a need to cleanse your body.”

  She shoved at him, not understanding what he meant about a brother and cleansing her.

  “Get away from me? What the hell are you talking about?” She stammered backward.

  “You’re coming with me.” He started pulling her toward the water.

  In an instant she remembered what Caleb, Jay Bird, and Big Guns had taught her about self-defense. She shoved at him hard in the throat, stunning him. He stepped back, and she screamed at the top of her lungs for help as she started to run. She dropped her cell phone as he slammed into her body. She turned as they rolled to the ground, and she struck him hard, cracking his lip. Blood splattered, his camera went flying by her, and she shoved at him again, stunning him.

  “You stupid bitch. He won’t be happy. He won’t stand for this.” He rolled her to her belly and kept his knee in her spine, making it feel as if he could crack it. She was crying, screaming for help, when she felt the prick to her neck.

  She felt the numbness at the spot and then it began to expand down her shoulders, over her arms and her back to her legs. She couldn’t move.

  He stood up, and she felt her head fog as he lifted her roughly up into th
e air and then over his shoulder. She bounced as she hung from him, the ground beginning to shift and sway. She tilted her head up and caught sight of something a good distance away. Was that a person running?

  “Help. Help,” she said as she tried lifting her arm up.

  But then the person went to the right, down another path, not even noticing her. Kenneth placed her into the boat on her back. He got in and tossed in the last bag. His lip was bleeding, and he looked angry, like some monster. His lip was bleeding, he had spit dripping form the corner, and his eyes looked dark, demon-like as he began to get the small row boat moving.

  Why was this happening to her? What had she done to deserve this? Someone help me please. Big Guns, Jay Bird, Caleb, please, I need you. I need you.

  She cried as the boat began to move and the sun got brighter and brighter as they moved from the lakeside woods and out into the open. Her last sight was the bright fall sun cascading upon her face, warming her before darkness overtook her vision.

  * * * *

  “She’s not answering any text messages. Where could she possibly be?” Caleb asked as he looked at the cell phone and then at Jay Bird and Big Guns.

  They were standing outside of the main training center awaiting word on whether they could leave or not. There was talk of a situation a few towns over outside of the city that might need to involve SWAT if the local authorities couldn’t resolve the issue.

  “It’s not like her not to answer. By now she would be finished with her jog, already had lunch, and would be waiting to hear from us,” Jay Bird added.

  “What’s going on?” Niko asked as he joined them by the back of the truck.

  “Have you called Suzette?” Caleb asked him.

  “Yeah, just spoke with her real quick. Why?”

  “We’ve been trying to get in touch with Sonya and her phone keeps going to voice mail. Is she with any of the girls do you know?”

  “I don’t know. Maybe she forgot her phone at home or forgot to turn it on.”

  “I don’t think so. I mean maybe. I don’t think so though. I don’t know if it’s just being away from her that makes me feel uneasy or if it’s something to worry about,” Big Guns said.

  “We’ve all been feeling uneasy, especially leaving her this morning,” Jay Bird said.

  “Oh shit, you guys are official?” Niko asked as he rested his hand on his gun and holster, smiling.

  “Yes,” Caleb answered quickly, his tone firm. He was starting to get that sick feeling in the pit of his gut.

  “Congratulations. She’s a really sweet young woman. I’m happy for you guys.”

  They all thanked him.

  Miles headed over joining the conversation. “What’s the congratulations about?” he asked as the other guys from Team Venom approached, Striker leading the way.

  “These guys are seeing Sonya,” Nikko told them.

  The guys all started giving their congratulations and then, of course, teasing them about being whipped and having a woman.

  “Shit, I can’t believe it. No longer on the pussy prowl. You’re poor whipped suckers,” Beats said to them, and everyone laughed.

  Striker shook his head. “Team Venom is turning into Team Old Men. Next thing will be someone getting their woman pregnant and kids popping out.”

  They all laughed.

  “Like that would be such a bad thing?” Miles asked.

  “A little Miles walking around with a chip on his shoulder? A mini you? Hell yeah that would be bad,” Striker added.

  Then they started talking about mini versions of themselves and who would kick whose little ass, but Caleb wasn’t really paying attention. He was worried.

  “Caleb, they’re only teasing,” Niko said to him, and the teasing stopped and they all looked at Caleb.

  Caleb glanced at Big Guns and Jay Bird. Their hard expressions matched how he felt.

  “Something isn’t right,” he said, and Niko took out his cell phone.

  “Let me call Suzette.”

  Niko made the call as the others tried to make them feel as though it was no big deal Sonya wasn’t answering. Maybe she was out shopping or had forgotten her phone.

  Niko hung up and looked at him. “She said she hasn’t heard from her but is going to call Felicia and Selina. She’ll call me right back.”

  “Thanks, Niko. I hope they know where she is and that everything is okay,” Caleb said.

  “We do too. She’ll be okay, and we’ll find out where she is,” Miles said.

  “Then, when you have her tonight, you lay down the law about keeping in touch with you at all times so you know she’s safe. Lay those rules down firmly and fast or else you three won’t be any good to us on the job,” Striker said to them firmly. They nodded.

  “Look at you, Mr. I’m-never-going-to-settle-down, giving advice about keeping women in line and knowing who is in charge,” Miles said to him.

  “Hey, whomever I’m with knows I’m the man and knows to stay in line and not piss me off. It’s for her own protection and safety. She doesn’t like it then she can hit the road. I don’t need the worry or the fear getting in the way of me doing my job,” Striker replied firmly, his serious attitude obvious by his words and tone.

  Niko laughed. “Definitely spoken like a man who has never been in a committed relationship with a woman in his life.”

  They all laughed, and Striker winked.

  “Maybe I have been and never told you guys. Maybe I know more about what makes a woman tick and what turns her on beyond anything else. A protective, possessive man. Now that’s a natural aphrodisiac for sex anywhere, anytime. Take it from me.” He rubbed his knuckles up and down on his shirt then blew on them as if he was the sex master of all time.

  Of course the others all started making fun of him, lightening up the atmosphere momentarily and making Caleb think of spanking Sonya’s ass as soon as they saw her tonight. There were things they needed to work out and get used to in this new relationship, and he was ready for the challenge. He loved her so much the thought of not having her in his life was just too painful to imagine. Please be with one of the girls, Sonya. Just text us back. Please, baby, I need to hear from you.

  * * * *

  “Something is wrong,” Felicia told Suzette when Suzette called her to find out if she knew where Sonya was.

  “I talked to her this morning, around eleven when she was jogging in the woods. She met up with Kenneth, that guy from the party over a month ago.”

  “The creepy one?” Suzette asked.

  Felicia had an uneasy feeling. She didn’t care for that guy or the way he kept his eyes on Sonya all the time. He gave off this vibe like he liked her but yet he had a girlfriend and acted like he wasn’t interested in Sonya. He was hard to read and she really wasn’t sure if he liked Sonya or not.

  “Yes, but remember I told you we were all hanging out on Friday night and Selina started talking to some business associates of his and hit it off with the one guy? They went out last night. Plus Kenneth has a girlfriend.” Felicia explained about the girlfriend and about the phone call and how Sonya said she was going to leave shortly and that Kenneth would have heard the conversation.

  “I don’t like this. Caleb and the guys are worried because she hasn’t answered any calls and her cell goes to voice mail. I’m calling Niko back. Where are you now?”

  “I just went by her place, but her car isn’t there. I’m going to head to the park where she usually parks,” Felicia told Suzette.

  “Okay, but don’t go looking for her alone. Wait for Niko and the guys.”

  “Oh God, do you think something happened to her? Do you think Kenneth tried something?”

  “I don’t know, but I don’t feel right at all.”

  “Neither do I. This isn’t like Sonya. Hurry up and call Niko. I’ll wait at the park if her car is still there I’ll call you,” Felicia said, and Suzette hung up the phone.

  * * * *

  Mitch was going over the reports with Tie
gen, making more connections to the victims and to the potential killer. A leak in the department had caused the media to catch wind of the potential killer and the seven bodies that had been discovered by the lake. Chief Cummings was trying to play interference to avoid a panic, but suddenly he burst into the main room where Tiegen, Mitch, and the other investigators, plus federal agents, were going over their next steps leading closer to identifying the killer.

  Mitch and Tiegen looked up.

  “I just got a call from Niko. Sonya is missing,” the chief said.

  “Sonya Brothers?” Mitch asked.

  “When was she reported as disappearing?” Tiegen asked, and this caught everyone’s attention in the room.

  “Just about an hour ago. She left Jay Bird’s place this morning and parked her car at the lake to go for a run. She spoke to Felicia around eleven, and they made plans for later in the day. Her phone keeps going to voice mail.”

  “So maybe she decided to go farther for her run or turned her phone off,” one of the agents said.

  The chief’s cell phone rang, “It’s one of my officers,” he said.

  “I’m here with the federal agents and Mitch and Tiegen. So her car is still there? Who was she with?” the chief asked and then covered the phone with his hand.

  “He says that Felicia was talking to Sonya about this guy they met weeks ago at a party. Based on what she’s telling me, we might have a suspect. A man named Kenneth. He has to be the last guy she was seen with.”

  “Do you have a picture of this Sonya and this guy?” one of the federal agents asked.

  “Here. I was with her and her friends at the fall party at Wellington too,” Mitch said and scanned through his cell phone then showed the agents and Tiegen.

  “Brown hair, petite, voluptuous figure, sweet looking,” the agent said.

  “Fuck. Tell your guy to ask Felicia if she knows what the guy looked like or his last name,” Tiegen said to the chief.

  The chief listened. “She’s sending it through to you, Mitch.”

  His phone went off, and they looked at it.


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