Nemesis Alien Hybrid

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Nemesis Alien Hybrid Page 27

by C. S Luis

  “But I thought—” Dr. Klein began to say before Mr. Nicholson interrupted him.

  “The girl is the only important element, nothing else matters." Mr. Nicholson said.

  “But what about the alien?” Dr. Klein asked, pointing towards the container holding Q.

  “I thought he was important to your experiment.”

  “He matters not—Seal it and have it transferred to our holding containment.” Dr. Klein looked confused.

  “Don’t despair, Doctor, he may still offer some use, but it’s the girl I have always been after,” Mr. Nicholson added with a grimace.

  “Acquiring the source was the plan all along. Find the alien and I find the source,” Mr. Nicholson grinned.

  I struggled in his hold, pulling my face from his grasp. Realizing then what they meant to do with Q.

  Dr. Klein gazed down at me in disbelief.

  "No! Q!" I managed to free myself from Mr. Nicholson and ran up to the container holding Q, then began to pound the surface of the glass.

  "Q, wake up! Please wake up!" I screamed. “Please, help me!”

  Quentin stopped screaming and looked around. He seemed to be alone in the hallway, but clearly, he heard Claudia calling him.

  "Pet-tricia!" he called out to her.

  "I am here." He was convinced the markings proclaimed he was right once again.

  "Q!" her voice called.

  At once, he sprang up from his place and swept the hallways, one at a time, up and down the staircase like a blur in the air looking for her, hearing her voice calling him.

  "I am here!" Q cried.

  He stopped and looked about. Nothing. The halls were empty and not a single person roamed them, and certainly no ‘Pet'. And again, he heard her and he dashed through the hall, yet nothing but emptiness stared back at him.

  He paused for a moment listening and when he didn't hear her again, he let out a great bellow that shook the very walls of Milton High and cracked them.

  "Where are you? Why do you keep her from me? She is rightfully mine!" He collapsed to the ground, defeated by his longing and confusion. Did the markings mean nothing?


  The Link

  The container suddenly cracked further. Mr. Nicholson grabbed me and put his hand over my mouth.

  "You are strong,” he hissed, impressed as he held me still.

  "How did she do that?" Dr. Klein asked, bewildered.

  "She’s the link to him," Mr. Nicholson cleverly said. “An unfortunate distraction I want severed.” He held me firmly and my feeble attempts to escape his grip seemed pointless.

  “Severed?” Dr. Klein questioned. “She’s a Minder?” The doctor realized, and stared over at me in amazement.

  “Yes.” Mr. Nicholson answered, holding me still.

  “The only one I’ve come across in a very long time—but not just any Minder, nor a mere link to this alien,” he said, glancing over at me. “Her existence is of great importance and value to me. Without her, I cannot continue my project. That is why I need her,” he beamed.

  “But she is just a Minder…” Dr. Klein said again. “The Company created a few like her, called counterparts, to control the alien population until they were destroyed. How she escaped elimination, is the intriguing part.”

  ‘Counterparts,’ I thought, what did they mean? What were they talking about?

  “She is not one of those things created by The Company—She is nothing like that! There is something special about her, something different. Something that tells me she is the one I have been in search of. The source is far stronger than any Minder. It draws, it lures…That is the source…a conductor of energy, and that is what she is, I’m certain.”

  “How can you be sure?”

  Dr. Klein looked far more confused and it seemed Mr. Nicholson didn’t care to explain to him in detail his reasons for why he wanted me. Mr. Nicholson seemed to ignore his last question.

  “Not until now has my work taken such great importance,” Mr. Nicholson said once more.

  “I don’t understand why her. She’s just a Minder—so what does that have to do with the alien?”

  “Exactly, you don’t understand—just do as I say and sever the tie. Do what you can. I want no interference. Kill it if you must. I refuse to share her with this creature. There are far too many links attached to her already…” Dr. Klein looked far more confused now than before.

  What did he mean by that?

  It looked like Dr. Klein seemed to ask the same by the expression on his face.

  Dr. Klein looked astonished by his words. He didn’t know what to say, only signaled the lab assistant silently standing alongside him. At once, the lab assistant ran to the back of the classroom and rolled out a strange device draped with a white sheet. He lifted the sheet away and pushed a strange machine towards where Mr. Nicholson and I stood.

  Mr. Nicholson pulled out a chair and forced me onto the seat as the same lab assistant strapped me to it, binding my arms and legs.

  “Are you sure you want me to use the machine on her?” Dr. Klein asked, slightly worried and glancing over at me.

  Mr. Nicholson grimaced while reaching down, I felt his hand touch the side of my face. I tried to pull away but he held my face tightly to him. His manner seemed obsessive and it frightened me.

  “It’ll definitely kill him, and, well, her, she might not be the same after,” Dr. Klein advised looking over at Mr. Nicholson. “She might lose her memory.”

  Mr. Nicholson hastily lifted my chin so I was looking right at him, stroking locks of my hair back. I watched the pale blue swirls of his eyes set right on my trembling face.

  “If that is the extent of what will occur to her. I’m willing to proceed. Perhaps the lack of memory will convince her to accept our union. Then she might cooperate without resistance.” I pulled away as he smiled over at me, moving aside.

  I was immediately connected to the machine; strange small metal devices were placed all over my forehead with red and blue wiring that led back to the machine next to me.

  Mr. Nicholson moved to leave, he only stopped when I tried to bravely respond to his threats. “You’ll never get away with this, Mr. Slater will stop you.”

  He immediately approached, stepping over to me. He looked rather frightening, “When John realizes what I intend to accomplish, he will see it through far more than anyone. He’ll see the big picture and won’t dare to stop me.” I panicked suddenly.

  “Relax, Miss Belle, my only intention is to have you see your place in all this—help me.”

  Help him? I thought biting my lip, holding back what I wanted to snap at him but dared not to. He scared me far more than I wanted to admit. Because I believed everything he said, his threats, his promises of hurting those I care about.

  “You’ll understand soon enough…”

  He paused, gazing hard at me. He drew closer and squatted in front of me. I wanted to move away but couldn’t as he tenderly brushed away a portion of my hair. There was a long pause as his eyes found me again. I trembled as he examined me. There was something about the way he looked at me, nothing of what I had seen before. I felt like I was the alien in all this now.

  “Don’t make me convince you by any other means. I wouldn’t hesitate to use force on those you care for. You’ve seen what I can do if I don’t get what I want. And I would hate to harm someone as lovely as you...” I turned away from his hand. He said nothing else and rose turning to one of the men in black military armor by the door.

  "Guard this room, make sure no one is allowed in or out."

  "Everything is ready, sir," another trooper in black military armor said upon entering the room.

  Mr. Nicholson turned to Dr. Klein.

  "We'll leave just as soon you’ve severed the tie. I want nothing to go wrong."

  Dr. Klein nodded as he began his examination.

  "Stop! You can’t kill him—he has done nothing to you! Leave him alone. Please,” I said trying, to sound brave
. Trying to plead with him, if it was possible.

  “He has what I want—and that is reason enough,” Mr. Nicholson said to me.

  "Please, I’ll do anything you ask,” I pleaded. He merely gazed over at me with that same condescending look on his face that both frightened and paralyzed me.

  “I know you will, Miss Belle. Proceed, Dr. Klein, and notify me when everything is complete. There is something I must attend to." He looked at me one last time and disappeared through the door, followed by two men in black armor.

  A strange surge of energy knocked me back and I felt my will slipping away from me.

  "Stop fighting," Dr. Klein harshly said. "It'll make it hurt. Just relax"

  The strange energy filled my body and I felt like I was falling. In desperation, I called out to Q. Perhaps if he heard me call his name out loud, he might be able to hear me mentally.

  I closed my eyes for a moment as my head spun around and I felt light-headed, and when I opened my eyes again, I was in the hallways of Milton, no longer strapped to the chair as I had been. It was as though I had never left. I looked around until I saw him, lying on the floor just a distance from me.

  "Q!" I raced to his side and fell to the floor beside him. His body lay motionless as I reached out to him and turned him over, placing his head on my lap.

  "Q, speak to me please!" His eyes slowly opened and he gazed straight at me with a smile.

  "My pet—I thought I had lost you." he weakly whispered.

  "Q, you'll never lose me," I answered. He slowly rose on his own and sat beside me and I wrapped my arms around him.

  "I heard you calling me…" I whispered. "I heard you."

  "I knew you would..." he softly replied, as I pulled away and stared into his large purple eyes. I felt safe again with him and I knew I always would. Q pulled away and immediately rose to his feet, looking toward the end of the hallway warily.

  "We should go now, my pet," he said, his voice shaking as he nervously glanced about.

  Then I sensed it too. He immediately pulled me up beside him and I could feel his body tense up and his eyes dart back towards the end of the hallways with dread.

  "Q, what's wrong?" I softly asked, glaring suspiciously down the hall.

  And then I knew someone else was there. Just as he knew it and feared it. Which was strange, for he feared nothing.

  Q turned to me at once. "Run..." he said, it was almost a whisper. And then again, with an urgent dread, "Run now!"

  "I'm not leaving you," I gasped, then from all around us, the hallway rattled and a misty fog gathered, emerging from the cracks.

  "It's Him." Q's lips quivered and he pushed me behind him, moving back slowly as a form stepped out of the cloud of air in front of us.

  I shuddered in horror for I already knew who he meant. I knew because Q did.

  "I would have thought you would be happier to see me," Mr. James said.

  Then from the mist beside him, Michael appeared. I could see the others in the distance standing like statues lost in a ghostly fog, staring back at me expressionless, dead.

  I leaped forward but Q immediately stopped me, keeping me from doing so.

  "My pet, we must get away," he pleaded as he held me tightly. His voice filled with panic.

  "But he has them, Q, we have to get them back. Please…" I pleaded with him. Then I looked over at Michael.

  "Everything is going to be alright," I said to him. "Q is here. He'll make things right. He'll save you, he'll save all of you and we'll be home soon. I promise!"

  Michael shook his head at me and walked back into the mist, disappearing completely.

  "NO--stop!" I screamed. "You said you would let them go," I yelled, looking toward Mr. James.

  Mr. James took a step forward, staring deeply into my eyes. His expression calm and emotionless.

  "I said I would if you come with me… Wasn't that your offer to me? Their lives, in exchange for yours."

  "What offer?" Q growled and suddenly released me. He glared over at me, looking betrayed.

  "Oh, he didn't know…" Mr. James innocently gazed over at me.

  "Know what?" Q asked, there was pain in his eyes, and fear at the same time. Although he did his best to hide it, I knew it was there.

  "My pet?" he whispered glancing at me, disbelief filled his face, as he realized what I had done. I couldn't hide it from him. He swallowed the lump in his throat as his lips quivered, and then sadness became anger and rage.

  "What have you done?" he hissed and fell forward; I grabbed hold of him. He pulled away and gazed up at me in anger.

  "I did it to save them—and to save you," I softy admitted. Q shook his head in denial, refusing to believe it.

  "No, say it isn't so…" he gasped. "No!"

  "Oh, but it is…" Mr. James grinned as Q's terrified eyes found his grimace.

  "You bastard! You can't have her!" he cried and leaped toward Mr. James, "I won't let you!"

  Mr. James simply grabbed him without the slightest effort and pushed him aside. Q landed on the ground just a foot from him. I immediately rushed to Q's side.

  "My dear, I've been generous allowing you to live, giving you my valuable time. Extending your existence upon this plane. And here you are wasting it on him," Mr. James said. I turned and glared back at him in desperation.

  "Please don't hurt him."

  "Then come now, it is time to go," Mr. James spat, as I knelt beside Q.

  Q angrily pulled away from me.

  "Q, please forgive me. I had to save them," I admitted, feeling guilty for not telling him of my plans.

  "Why?" Q softly asked, directing his words to me. "Why, my pet? I need you. You belong with me. Don't you realize what you have done?" he sadly asked.

  "I've saved you," I said in response. Hadn’t I?

  Q turned away sadly, "No, my pet—you have doomed me. You have doomed us both,” he said and quickly rose as he said those words. I looked at him in confusion. What did he mean? And I felt the increasing alarm of his words stirring a knot inside my stomach.

  Q wandered away from me and moved to challenge Death who stood at a distance, calmly observing with his head up high. Was he picturing me by his side?

  "You have a contract with me, not her," Q said, lifting his hand to show Death the mark of the deal.

  "I am the Master: that is the order. I command you to release her at once."

  "I'm afraid your contract is no longer valid." Mr. James grimaced.

  Q glanced at his hand, the mark was beginning to fade, and then it was completely gone. At once, he spun around and grabbed my hand, as I suddenly noticed a strange marking start to take shape within my palm.

  "No!" Q yelled. "You can't have her!" he roared. Mr. James smirked, slightly amused.

  Q leaped forward again grabbing at Mr. James, but Death easily shoved him back, again tossing him into the lockers.

  Mr. James laughed. "I’m so disappointed. After all this time, I expected more of a fight from you."

  On the floor, Q gathered the last of his strength and rose to his feet again, darting forward as Mr. James came towering toward him.

  "You’re weak and undeserving of my time. But she…"

  "Stop!" I cried, rushing protectively in front of Q. "Please don't hurt him.” I said, “I'll come, but don't hurt him."

  Mr. James simply smirked. "I won't hurt him, my dear…" he laughed and glanced over at Q who stood behind me, bearing down at him with a rage I could feel pour from within him.

  "You should be proud, she shows promise. Perhaps she will prove to be a much better subordinate."

  I moved from his side and Q reached for me, "Don't..." he whispered as I stepped away from him.

  "You belong to me…" he whispered, I stopped and glanced back. He sounded so selfish, even now, all he could think of was himself.

  But then I heard Michael's voice and as I turned, I saw him in the distance. Mr. James tilted his head back and I could see Michael approaching like a faded image
toward us. I left Q's side and raced to him. As he came closer, he reached for me and I held him for a moment.

  "What is it, my dear?" he softly whispered. He didn't know, I could sense it.

  "I missed you…that’s all," I whispered unable to keep myself from crying.

  I closed my eyes, feeling at peace with the rhythm of his heartbeat. But when I opened my eyes again, he was gone.

  "Michael?" I called but instead Mr. James's grim stature was standing before me.

  "It's time,” he vacantly said. "He has been released from my hold as promised," he added to assure me.

  "What about the others?" I asked. I was of course referring to Mr. Claypool, Mr. Vasquez, and the two security guards, Thomas and Sam. Perhaps, yes, even Mr. Cortez.

  "They will follow once you stand beside me," Mr. James replied. He extended his hand and motioned me to him.

  "Come along now to ensure their liberation," Mr. James said. I nodded with difficulty and extended my hand to him.

  Then I felt a weak sensation running down my entire frame, and I fell to the ground. Mr. James seemed to grow faint and blurry, as I looked up at him, unable to keep my eyes open enough to see what was happening. But then I heard a voice I so clearly recognized. It was Q.

  "Forgive me, but I won't lose you, not to Him."

  I managed to glance up as he now was standing over me. I couldn't move, my legs had given way and I was on all fours before I completely collapsed. All I heard was his voice fading away and the shrieking sounds of Death fading into the darkness as I lost consciousness.

  "Pet-tricia, wake up!"

  The sound of a voice awoke me and I soon realized I had missed my opportunity to save my friends.

  "Q?" I blinked, opening my eyes and glaring down at the marking on my hand. Perhaps this meant my friends were still alive? The markings were barely visible but, nevertheless, a sign something had happened. I had the marking of the reaper, the distinct form of a scythe carved into my palm.

  I blinked, trying to focus my eyes and found a figure hovering over me, happily concluding that it wasn't Mr. Nicholson but a Hispanic fellow. A brawny fellow with long, shoulder-length black hair stared back at me. He was dressed in a black dirty jacket, with a grimy, white, long-sleeved shirt beneath. He had the appearance of a bullfighter, minus the hat. His face was covered in a dark tan and he had thick, dark eyebrows and dark brown, mysterious eyes. He didn't appear threatening.


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