A Place to Call Home

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A Place to Call Home Page 7

by Dixie Lynn Dwyer

  “Here, this should do,” one of the other guys said and handed her headgear.

  She started to put in on when Culter stepped closer, already set, and adjusted the straps for her. “Okay, so I heard you say this is a weakness and you need more training?”

  She nodded.

  “We’ll start off slow and basics first, then build up the intensity. We get real here. It’s all part of being able to take this class. There’s another one later in the morning that’s not so intense.”

  “No, it’s good so far.”

  “You do this with Corey?” he asked her, and she nodded.

  Again, his eyes narrowed, and then they began. He was easy on her at first and she appreciated that, but then felt like she had something to prove. As he struck harder, and she had to really move quickly to defend herself, she felt good, and countered pretty quickly. He was tough on her though. Yelled at her a lot. “Harder, Hannah! Strike. Counter!” He would yell and she would come at him to the point that she was hardly catching her breath. When he went to kick her, she jumped and then struck him in the chest. He countered with a kick by her head, and she knew he could have made contact and knocked her on her ass, but he didn’t. He was a very good instructor and read her well.

  As she started to slow down, he made his move and took her feet out from under her. She fell to the mat and he reprimanded her about not seeing that coming. About being on her toes and aware at all times. “This was do or die.” His words sunk in and she nodded, and then the time was up.

  She sat on the mat, drenched in sweat like everyone else in the class. They talked about some of the moves the guys made on one another and laughed.

  “You working tonight, Hannah?” one of the guys asked her, and she nodded. “Great, we’ll see you there then,” he said, and winked at her before he headed to grab his bag.

  “Your moves are impressive. Definitely have had some good training. Culter is the best, and his brothers Fox and Chase, holy shit, they are bad ass. They should be home soon. Hey, Culter, your brothers get in yet or what?” Nash asked.

  “This morning.”

  “So they’ll go out tonight? I haven’t seen them in like nine months.”

  “Yeah, they’ll be there, I think. Hard to tell when they return, you know?” he said, and Nash nodded.

  Nash gave Hannah’s knee a tap. “Good guys, real intense, too. I’ll see you tonight at Harper’s,” he said, and then got up.

  He waved good-bye and she looked at Culter, who stood there, arms crossed and looking a bit upset.

  “You okay?” she found herself asking. He nodded. “You don’t seem okay.”

  “I’m good.”

  She wondered if it had something to do with Nash’s comment about his brothers about whether or not they would return. She understood the whole military thing. Her brothers would disappear for months, over a year a few times. She missed them terribly, and wished they were alive. They would protect her. They would ensure Matias never found her.

  “My brothers leave for missions and shit, and don’t return for long periods of time. We never know really.”

  “I know soldiers, and it’s tough when they leave and even tougher when they don’t come back.” She stood up.

  “What do you mean?” he asked her, and she knew she shouldn’t have said so much.

  She was feeling comfortable, and there was something brewing inside of her. This attraction that she knew she had to resist. She would be putting anyone who was even friendly with her in danger if Matias found her. “Nothing,” she said, and then picked up her backpack.

  “It didn’t sound like nothing. It sounded like you know exactly what I feel.”

  She stared up at him, and when he reached out and stroked her jaw, she turned. He closed the space between them and slid his arm around her waist. Her whole body ignited in flames, and then went tight with fear.

  “You’re so damn beautiful, and your eyes, Jesus, you look so…” He started to lower down like he might kiss her, and she shoved from his arms, nearly stumbling.


  She shook her head. “Don’t do that again. I don’t date. I don’t fool around. I’m not interested. Thanks for the class.”

  “You’ll come back?”


  “What do you mean maybe?”

  “I don’t know. It might not be wise. I’ll feel guilty for quitting on Corey. He’s helped me a lot and truly focused on my training and nothing more.”

  “Shit, I’m sorry if you feel like I’ve stepped out of line. I shouldn’t have, but I’m not sorry for feeling attracted to you. For looking into those eyes of yours and wanting. I’m not. I don’t date either. I don’t fool around and neither does Kane.”

  She shook her head. This was turning into a mess she couldn’t handle. Not after such a bad, restless night. “Thanks again,” she said, and ignored him as he called after her, and then said he would see her tonight.

  Chapter 4

  Harper’s was crowded as Kane, Culter, Chase, and Fox entered the place. They were greeted by friends and other locals, and big cheers as Fox and Chase appeared and were welcomed back. Fox was trying to avoid this, but his curiosity about this young woman, Hannah, that seemed to snag even Culter’s attention today at the dojo made him want to ensure this woman was not pulling some shit on his brothers. A lot of young women liked older men and came around town because of the ménage relationships, looking for some fun. Hell, he obliged a time or two in the past but never in town. As he shook hands with some fellow soldiers active and not active duty, his eyes went to the bar as a roar of laughter brought his attention there. He didn’t focus on the guys pushing a friend of theirs away, his shirt all wet and him looking embarrassed. Instead, he stared at the sexy, voluptuous brunette, her hand holding the soda gun and aimed at the guy still as she asked if any others needed to learn some respect.

  In a flash both Culter and Kane were over there finding out what happened, and then telling the guys to leave. Fox looked at Chase, who whistled low. “God damn, I wasn’t expecting her.”

  His gut clenched and his eyes narrowed. Was he going to be the only one thinking with the right head here or what?

  “What happened? Are you okay?” Kane asked the woman. She exhaled and placed the soda gun back into the holder as Ade came by and put his hand on her shoulder. He whispered into her ear and she laughed.

  He then looked at Kane. “I think I’m in love,” he said, and she gave his belly a slap, and he laughed, walking away as other guys by the bar said they were in love with her, too.

  “Hannah! Hannah! Hannah!” A few of them cheered. She shook her head and her face flushed, but Fox gazed at her body, her full, large breasts, her toned, defined arms, and gorgeous face. When she looked up and started wiping down the bar she apparently soaked while handling an aggressive patron, she looked up at Kane, who covered her hand, and she gasped. “Are you okay?” he repeated.

  “Yes, Sheriff, it’s all good.” Her eyes then went to Culter, then Chase and Fox. She quickly looked away as if he scared her. Culter glanced back at him with a hard expression. “What can I get you gentlemen?” she asked, and placed down some coasters.

  Kane rambled off Murphy’s all around, and then she nodded and stepped down a few feet to the taps and started pouring the stouts. His eyes never left her. She looked exotic, like she could pass for European. Her eyes were a deep jade green, eyelashes thick and long, lips full and plump, and her skin like silk from what he could tell from here. Her brown hair was pulled up into some fancy style, indicating a classiness about her, including the way she stood with perfect posture. She was young, Jesus, what the hell was Kane thinking? Kane was already forty and they were all pushing close to forty. She wore hardly any makeup, lip gloss maybe, and her uniform was different than Maya’s or the other ladies working there. They exposed more skin, their shirts were short and tight, low cut and two sizes too small. Hannah’s was to the waist of her snug, fitting blue jeans,
and when she lifted up, he could only see a glimpse of skin. A total tease as to what lay beneath that shirt.

  Culter had said she was cut and defined, with perfect abs, and a tight, hard body with curves in the right places. He spoke about her ass, her breasts, and how incredibly experienced she was in the class she took. He expressed curiosity about her need for such training, and her hint about understanding soldiers having to leave for long periods of time for tours of duty. They made some assumptions, but he didn’t pay too close attention until now that he saw what she looked like.

  She placed down the stouts and Kane handed her money. When she turned to go to the register, he was able to get a good look at her backside. Sure enough, her ass stuck out in the blue jeans she wore, her legs looked long and muscular and her waist narrow, her shoulders and sides trim. She returned with the money as some other friends of theirs approached, greeting Fox and Chase hello and telling them they were glad to see them back and safe at home. It was something most of the soldiers said to one another when they returned. Too often guys didn’t return, and their town had been hit with such tragedy repeatedly.

  She disappeared to go take other orders and Kane watched her, and then looked at Chase. “Now I know why you two are acting the way you have. She’s special. Got the looks, the body, the personality, and obviously a bit of spunk. I wonder what that dick said to her,” Chase asked, and took a sip from his beer.

  Ade came over. “Hey, look who’s back. Glad to see you guys.” He reached over the bar to shake their hands hello.

  “Good to be back,” Chase said, and he looked back down toward Hannah.

  “I see your brother coaxed you into coming out tonight. Didn’t you just get back this morning?” Ade asked, crossing his arms in front of his chest.

  Just then a few women walked by. “Hey, Ade,” one called out, and Ade gave a nod and a wink

  The women came closer. “Excuse us, could we come in and order a few drinks?” one blonde said to him, and Fox stepped to the side.

  Chase looked over the women. “Hi, Sheriff McCabe. You look so different in uniform,” another woman said, flirting with his brother.

  “How are you doing, Gloria?” he said, and then looked away.

  Gloria reached out and touched his arm. “Uniform or not, you still look real good, Sheriff. You looking for some company for the fight?” she asked as Ade chuckled and started making some drinks the blonde asked for.

  Then the blonde caressed Fox’s thigh. He covered her hand and shook his head, and as she pulled back, he looked at the bar and saw Hannah shaking her head and rolling her eyes. She then said something to Ade who nodded, and then Ade and Fox watched her walk to the other end of the bar. She said something to Maya, and then Maya nodded and she came toward their section. Culter and Kane told the women they weren’t interested and to get their drinks and move along. They were disappointed, but Kane, Culter, and Chase looked pissed as they realized Hannah was no longer in this section as Maya joined them.

  “The McCabe brothers all together and grabbing the attention from the ladies. Do you need another round?” Maya asked.

  “One more and then we’ll head to the table,” Fox said to her, and she smiled and then got them another round.

  “Why did Hannah move to the other end of the bar?” Chase asked.

  “Could have something to do with the women who were just in our space looking for some action,” Fox said, and glanced toward Maya who was smirking.

  “Why would she do that? We just got here and were talking to her and Ade,” Culter said.

  “She must not be interested,” Chase said.

  Maya placed down the beers. Chase handed over the money. They were all looking down toward the other end of the bar and Fox noticed Stan Bravalo covering Hannah’s hand as he leaned closer over the bar. She pulled back, placed her hands on her hips and said something that got the guys next to him making a ruckus and looking down toward Fox and his brothers.

  “What the fuck did he say to her?” Culter asked. As she turned around and pulled out some beers and then walked toward the guys next to Stan, he could tell she was angry, and Stan was in a dead stare at her ass.

  “Fucking Bravalo brothers have been flirting with her since Thursday night.”

  Kane said and took a sip from his beer.

  “You warn her about them?” Culter asked.

  “What do you think?” Kane replied.

  The place started to erupt in cheers and they knew it was time for the fight on TV to start. They pulled away from the bar and took the table right on the side that Hannah was working on. Cheris would be their waitress.

  Athena was just trying to work and get through the night. She really wasn’t too sure about this bartending thing and honestly, she would decline any more hours working. She wasn’t used to the attention she got. She didn’t even show off skin like the other ladies who worked here, yet it seemed like she was drawing more attention to herself. Maybe she shouldn’t have sprayed that jerk with fountain club soda, but he deserved it. He was drunk and kept asking her bra size, and then asked if he could pay her to flash him. He was annoying and relentless, and when he reached out like he might grab her chest, she reacted. She had the sprayer in her hand after starting to prepare a vodka and a seltzer, and she sprayed him. Thank goodness Harper didn’t get mad, or the guy for that matter who laughed it off as his friends pulled him away from the bar.

  Then the sheriff and his brothers showed up, and holy moly, were they one more intimidating than the next. That one brother, Fox, was staring at her like he could read her mind. Chase seemed to inhale deeply every time she was close, and then, of course, the women came over to flirt. She felt jealous and that was stupid and upsetting at the same time. She was in no position whatsoever to have any feelings or an attraction to anyone. What if Matias found her? What if he had someone watching her and saw her flirt with a man or men. What would happen to those men? That fear made her feel protective of the McCabe brothers which told her she definitely liked them. Who the hell wouldn’t? They were beyond eye candy. They had muscles, good looks, capabilities, but also a darkness to them, like they were capable of things she didn’t want to know about. They were soldiers and more than likely they killed before. That didn’t really bother her because in their positions it came down to them or the enemy. Matias killed to get ahead, to push his power, to show force and position. They beat people who didn’t come through on deals, they beat men to death for lying, or trying to steal or for things as simple as looking at her with interest. She gulped down the lump of emotion as she wiped down the bar and waited for the crowd to clear out.

  Maya came over and gave her hip a nudge. “So?” she said, and turned her back toward the tables past the bars. “You have got the single women and men going crazy,” she said, and chuckled.

  “What are you talking about?” she asked.

  “It’s absolutely wild that you got the sheriff interested in you, but his brothers, too? Holy shit, girl, those have got to be some of the most intense, bad ass men of this town. They don’t date, they don’t fool around, at least not around here, and they all have military experience. Chase and Fox were gone for nine months on some mission. They work privately for an agency or something top secret. Culter and Kane were in the Marines. Both are extraordinary martial artists and beyond.”

  “I don’t know anything about them really. I don’t want to get involved with anyone or need any trouble.”

  “Well, you’re on their radar, and it seemed pretty obvious that they didn’t care who saw them flirting with you tonight.”

  “They weren’t flirting.”

  “Well, they were staring at your body and watching you.”

  “Not when those women came along flirting.”

  “They blew them off fast like they do to every woman who throws themselves at them. You, however even snagged Fox and Chase’s attention. That just doesn’t happen.”


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