Billionaire's Pet 2 (BDSM, Domination and Submission Erotic Romance)

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Billionaire's Pet 2 (BDSM, Domination and Submission Erotic Romance) Page 1

by Christa Wick

  Having agreed to be billionaire Griffin Montgomery's house pet for a week, unemployed charity analyst Katelyn Willow has a new dilemma. Should she honor the contract or flee immediately? There are plenty of reasons to stay, not the least of which is an exquisitely handsome billionaire able to deliver bone-melting, mind-blowing orgasms.

  There's only one reason to leave -- control.

  Griffin holds the reins of power and he intends to use them -- around Katelyn's wrists and ankles, her body tits down and ass up as he dominates every inch of her flesh in an attempt to possess the one thing money can't buy -- her heart.


  Copyright © 2012 by Christa Wick

  Sveva font licensed from astype@myfonts. Cover art © Les3Photo8@dreamstime. All persons and entities are fictional. Not for sale to libraries. No lending outside distributor (e.g. Kindle/Nook) terms of service. Otherwise, re-distributing, lending, or reading this e-book without first purchasing a license to do so is illegal and subject to heavy fines.

  Billionaire's Pet 2 (BDSM, Domination and Submission Erotic Romance)

  Alone in a dark room not her own, Katelyn Willow stared blindly at the black ceiling above her. For a few minutes or hours or days, she had slept. Not that it could have really been days. Griffin Montgomery, the billionaire with whom she had signed the strangest of contracts just that morning, would not have let her sleep that long. So hours had passed, her body too rested for any shorter period.

  Actually knowing the time would have been a simple matter. She need only turn on the lamp next to the bed to see the small brass clock that kept the time in Griffin's world. To do that, however, she would need to move the present Griffin had brought her that night before he fucked her senseless.

  Her thighs flexed at the thought of what he had done to her. He had spanked her for starters and not just her ass. At least one smack had landed against the pussy now growing swollen and wet with the memory of his rough treatment. He had spanked her, fingered her aching cunt and then fucked his cock deep into her until every nerve ending fired in ecstasy.

  In the dark, Katelyn licked her lips, a quiver running the length of her body to draw her nipples into a pout and pull her clit up tight. She moaned. The mere thought of the man who had so thoroughly dominated her will that day triggered small contractions deep inside. Feeling them intensify and quicken, she sucked a ragged breath in.

  Her hand smoothed down her flat stomach, tempted to touch the throbbing spot between her legs. Knowing at least two cameras monitored the room, she wondered whether he had special lenses that could see in the dark. Rich beyond any meaningful measure, he could have easily done that and more. Maybe the room was wired for sound with microphones so sensitive they could hear her muffled groans or the wet slap of a finger between her swollen labia.

  Her body arced involuntarily at the thought of him watching her in the dark bedroom, listening and waiting until she was at the edge before he opened the door and punished her again. Another quiver rolled through Katelyn. Her pussy contracted, every muscle squeezing until a thin cream pushed from between her tightly pressed lower lips to coat the smooth strands of pubic hair. Her hips moved in a shallow grind as her breathing quickened.

  No question about it, wanting him like she did was proof enough that she'd gone completely insane. By surrendering her power in exchange for intense pleasure, she'd already broken a longstanding promise to herself. Worse, she was following down her mother's path.

  Madeline Willow -- Mad Maddy to everyone but Katelyn in the last years before she died.

  Even the grim specter of her mother wasn't enough to drive Griffin from Katelyn's thoughts. Rolling onto her stomach, she slowly drew another deep breath in before pressing her face into the feathered pillow. When she could no longer hold the air inside her lungs, she lifted her head, released it and slowly sucked more in. It was an old trick, one that her runner's body should have responded to with a release of endorphins to reduce her stress and lull her back to sleep.

  No effect -- she still wanted Griffin in the room with her, his hands on her hips as he positioned himself behind her raised ass. She could picture him from their last session, seeing him as she had when she looked back over her shoulder. His cock had thickly slid in and out of her, stretching and filling her until she felt sated and complete. Echoes of that fullness teased her pussy, her muscles knotting in need.

  With a growl, she flipped onto her back, her arm flinging out and smacking the box from Alstrom's. She yanked her hand back and folded her arm across her breasts. The retreat came too late. Thoughts of the box and the mysterious gift it contained replaced the images of Griffin possessing her body.

  Silent and unseen in the dark, the box mocked Katelyn until she eased onto her side and faced it. Even with the light off, she could picture it perfectly. The gold fabric wrapping, the auction house's mark stamped in gold ink. Griffin had ordered her to wait until he left before she opened it, warning her that the contents would decide things for her one way or the other. Either she would truly commit to staying the length of the contract she'd signed or she would break it and flee.

  Griffin was a stranger to her. As brilliant and adept at judging people as he might be, he couldn't know whether something would have that kind of power over her when she could think of nothing that would. But then she wouldn't have believed any man could take her as he had, teasing and manipulating her body until she begged him to let her come.

  Her cheeks heated in shame. No overstatement, she really had begged him, her muscles squeezing and rolling the length of his magnificent cock as, near tears, she promised she would be a good little pet for him if he would let her come.

  "Fuck it!" Swearing at the empty room, Katelyn sat up. She reached for the switch on the lamp, her hand dipping at the last second to lift the lid from the box and explore the gift in the dark. Carefully, she placed the top on the floor between the bed and the nightstand. Returning to the box, she traced its edges before her fingers brushed lightly across a surface of velvety packing tissue. She removed the layer of paper and brushed her hands over the contents.

  Something leathery or latex, she couldn't tell. Whether latex or new leather, it had no business being in an Alstrom's box. They auctioned only high end antiques. Frowning, she removed the present and let it rest across her lap. The gift consisted of nothing more than thin straps and metal rings.

  Unaided by any light, she tried to figure out its shape and purpose. She counted nine metal rings, their diameter that of a quarter. Her brows lifted in sudden realization as to what it might be. With a little snort, she turned the light on and confirmed her suspicions.

  Kinky -- but in no way persuasive.

  Griffin had bought her a barely there one-piece leather harness. Still naked, she stood and held it against her body in front of the mirror. It took a few seconds and experimental positions, but she figured out how the outfit was intended to fit.

  Putting it on, she looked at her body in the mirror. A triangle of dark brown leather framed each breast. The thickest strap ran between her legs but the slit in its center ensured her pussy remained easily accessed.

  Her dripping wet pussy judging by the glistening thighs and the small beads of moisture dotting the ends of her exposed hair.

  Still staring at her reflection, she reassessed the gift. While not capable of causing her to break the contract, she wondered if the present could ensure she stayed. The way her body responded to wearing the outfit -- the hard and swollen nipples and tensing pussy -- it flipped switches she hadn't known she had. Her fin
gers twitched with the need to explore the slitted panel along her crotch, to see how much pressure it took to part the leather and explore her pussy.

  Not her pussy, Katelyn reminded herself. Griffin's pussy -- for the week at least. If she was going to stay, she couldn't touch it without his permission, couldn't come without his permission. With a soft groan, she brought her hands up to tease her breasts and pluck at their painfully swollen tips in search of relief. Tugging the aching nipples, her hips jerked forward.

  Fuck…oh, god...don't come...not allowed...mustn't

  Snatching her hands away from her breasts, Katelyn released a shaky breath and turned to the nightstand. Bending down, she retrieved the lid, her movement slowing as she noticed how much tissue remained in the box.

  Peeling back the layers of paper, Katelyn saw a hint of leather. Old leather but well oiled. Inset within a broad strap was a ruby, a golden grommet holding it in place. She pushed a little more tissue to the side, exposing the straps' edges and another precious stone.

  She wrapped her hand around it and lifted. The leather wrist restraints triggered a six-month-old memory of the last auction at Alstrom's she had attended. It had been right before the charity she worked for exploded with a scandal of embezzled funds and coked up sex parties. Only the director had been involved in that shit storm, but his behavior had tainted everyone working for him. Of the dozen people she worked with, only two had landed somewhere else and only at an entry level position.

  Lifting the restraints from the box, she slowly examined them. Their donation, along with several other items in the deceased collector's gift, had caused a bit of a stir. The auction at Alstrom's had been carried out through a closed circuit broadcast -- the bidders unknown to anyone but the auction house. Dan -- the bastardly director who had fucked everyone over -- had conned Katelyn into assisting the auction master by wearing the restraints, accurately guessing that seeing a pretty girl in them would fuel a bidding war. She'd been uncomfortable in front of the camera -- both because it had been so long since she'd had so many eyes focused on her (no matter how hidden the audience) and because of the restraints around her wrists and the auction master's questions that grew bolder as the bids rose higher.

  She had managed to block the auction's details from her memory until now. Sensations she had denied taunted her, magnifying as her body resonated with fresher memories. Her on the bed, the impact of Griffin's palm still stinging her ass while his fingers explored her wet interior. Her promise to be a good pet and her mewling pleas that he allow her to come.

  All along, he knew the restraints were in the box. Did he know that she had once worn them?

  Suppressing the question, she continued to study his gift. A gold chain had replaced the brass one sold at auction. Opening one cuff, she saw that a new fabric lining had been stitched in. She flattened the leather, her gaze soaking in the calming champagne-colored silk as she slowly tracked the gold embroidered lettering at its center.


  Dropping the restraints, Katelyn staggered. Her leg brushed the side of the bed and she collapsed onto it, her heart refusing to slow or soften its rapid, pounding beat against the back of her sternum. He had to have known about the auction and her connection to them -- that was the source of their power to sway her completely on the contract. But when and how had he pieced together her identity with that of the girl standing at the auctioneer's podium? Less than two days had passed since she stood outside his private garden. Was it possible that he had found someone to stitch her name in the silk and attach the lining to the leather with such craftsmanship in so little time?

  The bedroom door swung inward, the light from the hall silhouetting Griffin's long, lean frame. Black silk pajamas hugged his lower body, the rest of his flesh exposed. His gaze too intense for her, Katelyn closed her eyes but not before she saw him take a predatory lick of his top lip.

  "Wondering when I had your name put in, pet?"


  Griffin watched as Katelyn inhaled deeply and closed her eyes. She was in his bed and trembling. The thought made him harder than he could have imagined. He had her exactly where he wanted, where she was meant to be. The way everything had fallen together felt like fate, starting with a cancelled board meeting and two flat tires on his limo half a year ago. The break in his calendar had left him with free time to watch and bid on Alstrom's kinky live-feed auction.

  He'd been bored at first, seeing nothing but pretty jewel-encrusted toys to please and tease pretty little pets. Then someone had the good sense to coax Katelyn up to the podium and the bidding grew exponentially. She had dressed conservatively for the day, wearing a white blouse and a boxy black skirt that fell to her knees. Her gloriously rich hair had been pulled back for a more severe look that did nothing to hide the sweet softness of her mouth and eyes.

  The buried ember of need that flared in those eyes as the auctioneer slid the cuffs onto her wrists had secured Griffin's initial captivation. Seeing the hitch in her chest and the quiver in her lips as the man cinched the restraints tighter had Griffin unzipping. With one hand busy bidding and raising while the other stroked the length of his cock, he'd spent fifty thousand for the jeweled antique restraints that had last been worn by an Ottoman concubine.

  For a few weeks, he'd been content just to own the cuffs and put them on whatever pet was warming his bed. Finding that none of the women had that same spark in their eyes, he'd put the cuffs back in their box, placed them in his home safe and summoned his head of security with a request to find the girl from the auction. The dossier Devyn Cole brought him a month later had ballooned Griffin's slowly growing interest into a near obsession. From that day on, every daughter of Chicago's upper class who tried to woo him, who unzipped his pants and took him into her mouth, had Katelyn's face.

  Knowing he had to get her out of his system, to use her for a day or a week until she was another blurry set of lips working his cock, he had Devyn put out feelers for what charity she'd moved onto after One Well At A Time had imploded. Then fate intervened once more when a clerk in Human Resources accidentally filed Katelyn's resume in with the batch for a new chief compliance officer.

  Now Katelyn was in his bed and the restraints were out of their box and on the floor, obviously unnerving her. He'd fix their placement soon enough, but he could tell her emotions were fragile at the moment. The tremble hadn't left her body.

  Stepping into the room, Griffin closed the door behind him. Katelyn flinched when the lock clicked into place, her body tightening as if a flogger had just landed on her soft skin. His cock strained forward at the thought of her spread eagle, the gorgeous slash of pussy wet and exposed as velvety suede tails moved in a pattern toward the pink throb of her clit.

  Later, his mind cautioned -- not tonight, no matter how much his dick jumped at the thought.

  Leaving the restraints on the floor, he sat at the edge of the bed. The lamp gently lit her skin, giving it a dark golden cast. With the leather harness on, she looked absolutely edible. A metal ring framed each nipple. Dark silk hairs escaped from beneath the gusset of leather between her legs. Those would be gone soon, by his own hands and with plenty of pauses to suck and play with her beautiful pussy.

  He inhaled deeply, his tongue pushing between his lips to catch more of her flavor. She smelled as delicious as she looked, her arousal warming the scent of her cunt to a heavy spice that made his mouth water and his cock twice as hard as it already was.

  Gingerly, not wanting to startle her, he wrapped his palm around her exposed shoulder. The shaking stopped. He kept his tone gentle but even. "You didn't answer, pet. Don't you want to know how long your name has been embroidered on those cuffs?"

  She didn't respond beyond sucking her bottom lip into her mouth and screwing her eyes more tightly shut. He couldn't stop the chuckle that escaped him. She would likely disagree, but he found her reaction adorable. It was like holding a lattice of fingers over her eyes during a scary movie. Sh
e wanted to know, but she didn't.

  "More than two days ago." He traced the back of her arm, from her shoulder down to her elbow. "More than two weeks."

  She sucked a deep breath in at that, his words making it clear he had been tracking her before she ever filed her resume. He laughed again, his finger continuing down her forearm. She had folded her arm over her breast and his path led inexorably to the pouting nipple. Giving it a gentle tug, he bent to softly speak into her ear.

  "I didn't know I even had an opening for a charity analyst, pet." Feeling her breast push closer to him, he gave another tug, slower and longer than the first. "I was concocting far more devious ways to pull you into my net."

  Another gasp, this one mixed with a moan. Griffin pushed her onto her back, keeping his mouth next to her ear. He brushed his unshaven cheek along the smooth skin of her jaw. Her breast flushed hotter in response.

  Sweet heaven, he loved a responsive partner, a woman who couldn't help but show her arousal. And she was deeply submissive -- not at all surprising with a strong and independent woman who had been forced to shoulder a heavy burden growing up. He growled in appreciation as another quiver rolled through her. His mouth moved down her throat to nip and lick at the flesh as he pinched and rolled her tender nipple between his thumb and finger. "You're going to wear them for me, pet."

  He pinched and pulled at the nipple until she groaned her response. "Yes…"

  "With your eyes open." He lifted his head from the curve of her neck and waited. Her mouth quivered but her eyes stayed shut. Griffin took possession of her other nipple, both swollen buds lifted taut as he squeezed another gasp from her. "No hiding, Katelyn."

  Her eyelashes fluttered and then she looked at him. Her lips parted, showing a hint of white teeth and the pink tease of her tongue. He studied her gaze. More than the ember of submissive heat he had expected, her eyes blazed with the need for him to continue, to dominate her more fiercely.

  Griffin relaxed his grip on her nipples, letting the blood flow back in. Shock spread across her features at the sensation, her lips opening wider as unexpected pain filled the tips. A shiver of need running through his own body, he smoothed his hand across her stomach and down to the slit in the leather gusset. He forced a finger in and found her delightfully soaked. Her muscles grasped at his finger. He rewarded her responsiveness with two more pushing into her tight channel.


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