A Flare Of Power

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A Flare Of Power Page 10

by Elodie Colt

  I took my time studying her, enjoying the way she surrendered to me, memorizing the curve of her lips, the form of her jaw, and the slope of her delicate nose. Our hips ground in unison, gyrating against each other, and my body started to feed on the energy she was transferring as the Connection set in.

  It was unlike anything I’d ever experienced, causing the blood to pulsate inside my veins, igniting my nerves where my skin touched hers, and making it even harder not to do… more. She wouldn’t feel this invisible link evolving between our bodies, of course. Not as long as she hadn’t gone through the Awakening. It was all I could do to keep our mouths separated and not pull her into my arms to kiss her senseless, so I removed my fingers from her bare skin, resting my hand on the small of her back instead. The Connection broke off immediately, leaving a trail of tingles on my skin.

  I didn’t know for how long we were dancing like that, but it must have been long enough for the crowd to thin. At some point, Lauren approached us.

  “I’m sorry to interrupt you, but I need to snatch my sweetie here away for a minute, okay? I don’t have the pleasure to see her every day.” Haylie gave me an apologetic look, and I watched, still dazed, as Lauren dragged her away.

  I combed a hand through my hair, exhaling audibly as I processed what just happened. Damn, the Connection with her had been stronger than the one I felt when fucking Cassie, all because of a single touch.

  “Finally warming up to our beautiful girl,” Chris chided with a clasp on my shoulder. “Although, she,” he nodded his head toward Cassie, “won’t be happy about it.”

  Cassie’s arms were cradled around Phil’s neck, but Phil’s efforts to get her attention seemed futile as it appeared she was only interested in shooting me the darkest glare she could. She said something to Phil who nodded, and they left, walking to the entrance. Chris laughed as we both watched them disappear.

  “I’m glad you’re amused. You’re not the one who has to pay for it later,” I mumbled in annoyance. Cassie would throw a tantrum, I was sure of it. Hopefully, she’d stay away from Haylie. Cassie was unpredictable when she was jealous.

  Meanwhile, Lauren and Haylie were making up for the time they’d lost. They stood by the bar, talking and laughing. At least Haylie was in good hands because Lauren dismissed every male who came near them quicker than I could have reacted.

  “She’s cute,” Chris observed.


  “Lauren. I like her attitude.”

  “I thought you liked Haylie.”

  Chris chuckled. “Everyone likes her except for Cassie, of course. I’m not blind. Haylie is one of the most beautiful creatures on the planet. I don’t deny I have a hard time not checking her out every time she’s near, but,” he emphasized when I shot him a scolding look that felt as if laser beams were shooting out of my pupils, “I’ll leave her to you if you want to take the chance.” I was about to ask what he meant but was interrupted by Lauren.


  “Hey. Where’s Haylie?”

  “Restroom. A guy accidentally spilled his drink, and it got into her eyes. She needs to remove her contact lenses. Sarah went with her.”

  I threw Chris a meaningful look. We would have to be careful outside.

  “Guys, the club will close soon. Where are the others?” Josh asked when he reached us.

  “Phil’s outside with Cassie. We’re waiting for Sarah and Haylie.”

  “That was one hell of a night. We should repeat it soon,” Josh beamed.

  “Totally. Lauren, should we drop you off somewhere?” Chris asked her.

  “No, thanks. I already bought tickets for the train.” A minute later, Haylie and Sarah joined us. “Everything alright?” Lauren asked.

  “Yeah, but it burns like hell,” Haylie complained, her eyes watering. Although it wasn’t safe, I was glad to see her jaylior eyes again, even if accompanied by fake hair. When Lauren noticed Haylie wearing a wig, she threw her a questioning glance.

  “Don’t ask,” Haylie muttered before Lauren could comment.

  “Ready to go?” Phil asked when he joined us.

  “Where’s Cassie?” Sarah asked.

  “Um… I thought she was with you,” Phil replied, confused.

  “But you just went outside with her.”

  “Yeah, but she came back in again soon after. I had to make a call and told her not to wait for me. She said she’d meet you inside.”

  My phone vibrated in my pockets, and I activated the screen. A text message from Cassie.

  I’ll take a cab, need a few days off. Kiss. Cass.

  “What is it?” Chris asked when he noticed my frown.

  “Cassie got home on her own.”

  “Really? Wow, she must be super pissed.”

  “Why, what happened?” Sarah asked.

  “Tell you later,” Chris said.

  What did Cassie mean ‘a few days off?’ Did she intend to leave the compound for a few days? All because of me? Hmm, maybe it was better this way for both of us. Jimmy wouldn’t be happy, though.

  While we made our way back to the car, Josh told us about the bartender he’d flirted with all night, but I was only half listening. I couldn’t stop thinking about what had happened between Haylie and me. Technically, nothing had happened, but given our relationship status, we’d made a huge turn. No idea in which direction, though.

  All of a sudden, three hooded figures rushed past us, one tackling Haylie accidentally. I swear that girl was a magnet for bad guys, and it annoyed the hell out of me.

  “Sorry!” one of them shouted over his shoulder, not stopping in his tracks.

  “No problem,” Haylie replied, and the guys ran off.

  Chris was in the middle again, his arms draped around Haylie and Lauren. I’ll leave her to you if you want to take the chance, he’d said. Did he think I wanted more from Haylie? Ridiculous. Sex maybe, but I wouldn’t go there. Ever. It would complicate things a thousand times. It had been just one dance, nothing more. Still, I was glad Chris seemed to have found interest in Lauren.

  “Shit, this can’t be happening,” Haylie suddenly called out, patting down her jeans pockets as if searching for something. “Hey, stop! You son of a bitch!” Haylie yelled, sprinting forward.

  “What’s wrong?” Chris shouted after her in bewilderment.

  “He stole my phone!” Haylie yelled over her shoulder. I broke into a run a second later.

  “Wait with Phil in the car,” Chris commanded the others and fell in line with me as we ran through the dark city.

  The guys made a run down the sidewalk, Haylie close on their heels. Somewhere along the way, she yanked off the wig, throwing it into the bushes.

  After rounding a few corners, we came to a junkyard. The guy who’d tackled Haylie threw scared looks over his shoulder as he realized he wouldn’t outrun us. Damn, she was fast. I should have outrun her easily by now, but her condition had improved exponentially. Well, she was a Natural, after all.

  The guy stumbled in his haste to escape and spun to face Haylie. Just as she attempted to jump on him, he fished out something shiny from his pockets. My heart stopped beating for a second when I recognized brass knuckles with deadly spikes wrapped around the guy’s fingers.

  His fist would have connected with Haylie’s chest, but she fell to her knees in front of him, snapping her head sideways in the last second, the fist with the steel rings zipping by her ear. Without hesitation, she rammed her head into his stomach, tackling him to the ground.

  “I’ll take the other two!” Chris shouted and took off following the two guys who were running in the other direction.

  When I finally reached Haylie wrestling with the guy under her, I grabbed her coat, yanking her behind me. In my haste to get her out of harm’s way, I used too much of my power, flinging her off to the side, but she quickly regained her footing.

  The guy who would soon make acquaintance with my fists rolled onto his stomach and frantically tried to get to his feet, but
he had no chance to fight my steel grip.

  Snatching his ankle, I tugged him down so he landed on his front again. Flipping him over with my boot, I kneeled on his chest, aiming a fist at his face, but before I got the chance to execute my punch, a clicking sound made me hesitate for a brief second.

  The bastard had a gun!

  The weapon trembled in his hands as he tried to point it at my head, but I reacted quickly, smacking his wrist away. The earsplitting sound of a shot fired was heard, and I used the edge of my free hand to swiftly break the wrist I was holding. He cried out in agony, but it was the scream coming from behind me that made me whip around in panic.

  Haylie stood a few feet away from me, shock masking her features. Her head bowed slowly downward, and I followed her gaze noticing red smears of blood on her trembling hands.

  No, this can’t be happening. Not like that. Please, not like that…

  I couldn’t see where the bullet hit her, but it didn’t matter.

  It was enough.

  Enough to let me lose all sanity.

  A haze of red layered my vision, and every noise around me became a background hum as Jenna’s haunting eyes stared back at me. She was burning, flames engulfing her body, cries of agony filling the air.

  The darkness driving me was all consuming as the Bluster took hold of me, leaving no space for coherent thoughts or mercy. The creature under me was twisting to get out, but there was no stopping the beast he’d unleashed with pulling that trigger.

  I turned my head slowly toward the pitiful figure, a deep growl of madness my only warning. My fist connected with his jaw, the crumbling of bone and the spraying of blood comforting sounds, but barely fulfilling my bloodlust. One swipe was enough to crush his skull, but it was not enough to satisfy the raging beast. My heart banged loudly in my chest, boosting renewed energy and making me unstoppable.

  No one would hurt my Jenna.

  I couldn’t make out faces, only swirling contours and red auras where human hearts were pumping, showing me my next targets. Everything was a blur, and the distinction between friend and foe became nonexistent.

  Someone was rushing toward me, and I cracked my knuckles in anticipation. Then, something connected with my abdomen, but no pain registered. Whoever was attacking me would pay for it, but before I could kick out, something caught my eye.

  A golden glimmer, similar to a shooting star falling from the skies.

  Jaylior eyes. Jenna. Her fire red hair caught up in flames.

  I needed to save her. It was all that mattered.

  The jaylior eyes were coming closer until they were right in front of me. I needed to protect her. I wouldn’t let Jenna die. Jenna was everything.

  All of a sudden, an enormous force thrust me backward, and I sailed through the air until my back smashed against a solid barrier.

  Something slapped my cheek.

  Once. Twice.

  I didn’t feel it—my body was numb.

  The jaylior eyes came closer to my face until something unexpected invaded me, a familiar scent so sweet and unique and simply impossible to resist. It teased my senses, clouded my mind, and I inhaled deeply, quickly getting addicted. Luscious fragrances infiltrated my lungs and intensified, and suddenly, I could also taste it. I savored the sweet aromas spreading over my lips and tongue, exploding in my mouth like the most delicious dessert. It heightened my senses, kicking me into overdrive and making my heart pump faster.

  I wanted more. Needed more.

  Noises filled my ears. A voice. Screams. Chris?

  Where was Jenna? No, Jenna was in front of me. Jenna was safe. I protected her. I brought her to safety. Jenna was…

  Not the girl I held in my arms.

  It was Haylie.

  Her hands were pressed on either side of my head, her body flush with mine, her lips hovering over my own where they’d just kissed me. When she realized I was regaining my sanity, she pulled back, but I wouldn’t let her. My brain was still too overloaded to think rationally. I needed to taste her again and crushed her to me once more, exploring her mouth one last time.

  Her lips were soft, her tongue teasing, her taste heavenly. The Connection hit me like a lightning strike electrocuting my nerves in a way I’d never felt before. My hands fisted in her hair, pulling her as close as possible. I couldn’t get enough. I needed…

  But no, this was wrong, wasn’t it? This was the girl I swore never to touch. Clearly fighting with myself, I pushed her away, finally coming back to my senses as the red veil over my eyes slowly dissolved.

  Haylie had kissed me to get me out of the Bluster, I realized with utter shock.

  Was she insane?

  Fear layered her eyes. Fear of the monster she’d just helped to cage in or fear of how I would react to what she’d done, now that I was sane again?

  I could still feel the sweet aroma on my lips, but I wouldn’t get time to process what had just happened because Haylie’s knees suddenly buckled, her legs giving out under her. I quickly stepped forward, catching her with one hand around her waist.

  Blood. There had been blood on her hands. Oh my God, she got shot! How long had I been out of it?

  My gaze snapped downward, desperate to find the injury, only to see the bullet had hit her thigh. Thank God, nothing vital…

  I held her by her back, lowering her gently to the ground.

  “Dylan!” I recognized Sarah’s voice and saw the others rushing toward us. The two remaining attackers lay unconscious on the ground where Chris had left them.

  “She got shot.” My voice trembled, my hands still shaking from the aftereffects of the Bluster. Sarah fell on her knees beside her.

  “It’s not that bad,” Haylie huffed, wincing through her teeth.

  “I can’t heal her with the bullet still inside.”

  “I’ll call the ambulance!” Lauren shouted.

  “We don’t need a hospital,” Chris interjected.

  “What are you—”

  “I promise to explain later, but right now, we need to get her to the compound,” Chris ordered, and I scooped Haylie up.

  Phil drove as fast as he could.

  “Tell me exactly what happened, Haylie,” Jimmy requested in his usual, calm voice.

  “Chris already told you the entire story,” I muttered in exhaustion, rubbing my temples. I didn’t want to relive the night’s events again.

  “I want to hear your version.”

  Lifting my eyes, I met the expectant gazes of Phil, Josh, Chris, Sarah, Scott, and… Dylan. He was watching me like a hawk. I wasn’t used to this. He usually averted his eyes whenever I was near, a constant scowl on his face. How much did he remember? Had I reignited his resentment of me?

  “I was—”

  The door banged open, and all of us jerked our heads to see a furious Lauren entering with purposeful strides.

  “You must be Lauren,” Jimmy acknowledged, straightening in his chair but remaining unfazed by her dramatic appearance.

  “Damn right.” Okay, Lauren was pissed. A bad sign.

  “I know you have a lot of questions, Lauren, but I can’t allow you to be in here. We need to—”

  “Seriously? You’re hitting me with the top-secret shit?” she fumed, hands on her hips and eyebrows nearly reaching her hairline.

  “Lauren!” I exclaimed, afraid my best friend had gone too far.

  “Don’t you Lauren-me!” She whipped her head around and pointed a warning finger at me, silencing me with the gesture, then turned back to Jimmy. “My best friend got shot yesterday, I saw a dead guy with his brains spilling out, and then I’m dragged into the underground blindly, while Haylie gets carried away to only God knows where, leaving me behind with nothing but fear for her, and no one wants to give me answers! I have a right to know what the hell happened, and why the fuck I wasn’t even allowed to call an ambulance!”

  I threw a fearful glance at Jimmy, but he kept his face blank.

  “Chris,” was all he said. Chris seemed t
o get the hint, reluctantly strolling forward to take Lauren’s arm and ready to escort her outside. She twisted out of his grip, stepping away.

  “No. I won’t leave her.”

  “Listen, Lauren...”

  “I won’t leave!”

  Chris stuffed his hands into his pockets, clearly uncomfortable with Jimmy forcing this task on him. I wouldn’t want to be in his position, either. He turned to Jimmy with pleading eyes. After a few seconds of silence, the leader gave in and nodded.

  “Alright. Stay if you must, but whatever you’re going to hear, I need your word that—”

  “Yeah, yeah, I know. I won’t tell anyone. I already know Haylie is different, and you,” she swept her gaze over the rest of us, “are the same.”


  Chris stared at her in awe but didn’t say anything. He reached for her again, and this time, Lauren let him lead her to an empty chair. Jimmy eyed her for a few seconds longer, probably debating what Lauren suspected we were. Usually, people didn’t know Roes were different because they couldn’t see what made them different, but Lauren had an uncanny ability to see straight to the core of things.

  “Okay. Let’s hear your story, Haylie.”

  I shifted in my seat, thinking about where to start. “We left the club. Chris, Lauren, and I were the first to walk out. Someone bumped into me, and I saw three guys rushing past. They were just kids.” I huffed. Really, how much could go wrong in one night?

  “Then, I wanted to check my phone, but it wasn’t in my pocket anymore. I was sure one of them took it, so I ran after them. All because of a stupid phone…” I added, my voice faltering, and tears threatening to flow. A reassuring hand touched my shoulder—Sarah’s.

  “I almost had him, but he pulled out brass knuckles, and I ducked. I tackled him, but Dylan threw me behind him to take care of the guy. Chris was busy with the other two, and before I could decide what to do, a shot was fired, and I felt a stinging pain in my leg. The guy had pulled out a gun. Dylan…” I threw a sidelong glance at him, unsure how to proceed. He nodded slightly, indicating for me to continue. “I saw the Flare but didn’t know what it meant. Then he punched the guy. Once.” I emphasized the last word, still appalled at how swiftly Dylan had gotten rid of the guy.


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