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A Flare Of Power

Page 11

by Elodie Colt

  Chris had told Jimmy that Dylan killed the guy with one swing of his fist. Apparently, being a Fighter caught in the Bluster was a deadly combination. It had been terrifying and mesmerizing to watch at the same time. I’d never seen such pure and carnal strength driving a person.

  “Chris took care of the other two and rushed to my side. He shouted at me to run, and I realized Dylan was in the Bluster. Chris tried to snap him out of it, but it didn’t work. Dylan would have…” Killed Chris, I wanted to say but swallowed. “But I couldn’t just stand by and watch. I assumed Dylan got in the Bluster because he was reminded of Jenna.”

  Dylan straightened where he was leaning against the wall but didn’t interrupt me. I winced, not wanting to add to his pain.

  “I shouted for Josh, knowing he’d hear me and debated to wait until the others arrived, but everything happened so fast. I didn’t think, I just acted. I pushed Chris out of the way and crushed into Dylan. I pressed him against a crane, barely able to hold him. He was screaming Jenna’s name over and over. He thought I was her. I knew he’d kill me because he was too caught up in his rage. So, I… distracted him.”

  Right at that moment, I would have gladly traded my ability for one making me invisible as I felt the leftovers of my dignity slowly evaporating.

  Without wasting a second thought, I’d pressed my lips to Dylan’s. I still couldn’t believe it had worked. Dylan was on bad terms with me, and kissing him should have made him even more furious. Did he remember? Did he remember he’d grown completely still as soon as my lips touched his? That he’d nearly crushed me in his tight hold to get me closer to him? That he’d kissed me back fiercely and with a passion I’d never felt before?

  I didn’t want to look, but my gaze swept back to him. His eyes were still riveted on me—probing, analyzing—but the animosity I thought I would find was nowhere to be seen. No, but there was something else. Fear? Disbelief? Awe? He was hard to read, emotions so rare on his face.

  “Where is the dead body now?” Jimmy directed at no one in particular.

  “I disposed of it,” Chris spoke cryptically, but Jimmy seemed to be satisfied with the answer.

  “Do you have any idea what danger you put yourself in?” Jimmy asked me quietly after a pause, thankfully not prodding for more details.

  I nodded mutely. Dylan could have killed me. Correction—killing me would have been inevitable, the chance of survival not existing, yet I was alive.

  I scratched the skin above my thigh where the bullet resided the night before. Chris had removed it to allow Sarah to heal me. Only a tiny pink dot was visible, but it still itched like hell.

  Lauren was still silent as a grave. My story must have been Greek to her, but instead of looking confused or shocked, she looked sad. Silent tears were running down her cheeks as she was still in shock of nearly losing me. Chris held her hand, squeezing it. I nearly started to cry, too. She was the best friend in the world.

  Jimmy continued to analyze me with his probing gaze. “You said you pushed Dylan back into a crane. How did you do that? How did you get hold of a Fighter like him?”

  I eyed Lauren, debating what to answer. “I… used my ability.”

  Jimmy straightened, and I noticed Dylan square his shoulders in my peripheral vision. Apparently, this was news to both of them. “On purpose or accidentally?”

  “Both. I doubted it would work, but it did. I guess my fear gave me enough control this time.”

  “You could say that,” Chris threw in with a whistle. “The crane had a dent. Look at this.” He strode over to Jimmy to show him something on his phone. Jimmy’s eyes widened. Must have been a snapshot of the mangled crane. Chris wanted to show me, but I declined. I could do without seeing the destruction I was capable of creating. I’d seen it once, and it was enough to terrorize me for a lifetime.

  Jimmy threw his pencil on the desk in a frustrated gesture. “Now, I assumed we thought of everything to protect you from the Hunters out there, but we forgot simple rogues.” He huffed a deep sigh. “Okay, change of subject. What about Cassie?”

  I exhaled audibly, relieved to end the discussion. “Don’t look at me. I wouldn’t know.” Jimmy’s eyes switched to Dylan.

  “She went home on her own and texted me she needed a few days off.” His voice was deeper than usual as if the events from last night were still pressing down on him. Well, that made two of us.

  “And what was the reason?” No one answered. “Well?”

  “Cassie got jealous,” Chris informed him at last.

  “Of who?”

  “Of who? Really, Jimmy?” Chris scoffed, shaking his head. They all seemed to know who was who, except me. Were they talking about Dylan and me? That wouldn’t make sense. Sure, we shared a dance, but Cassie knew as well as me that a thing between the two of us was as likely as Scott to quit smoking weed.

  Jimmy eyed Dylan questioningly. “You must have pissed her off for good this time.”

  “It’s not his fault. Cassie overreacted, as always,” Sarah came to his defense.

  “I didn’t say it was his fault, it’s just not like her to behave like this. I know she’s a drama queen, but disappearing and leaving everything behind because of a stupid crush?”

  “She’ll come back,” Dylan reassured him.

  “Where do you think she is?”

  Dylan shrugged. “With her sister, maybe. She lives not far from here, but the compound is her home.”

  “Alright. As I now lack one teacher, I want you to take over Cassie’s Intermediate class for the time being,” he directed at Dylan, whose expression remained stoic. It seemed as if his mind was somewhere else. “Haylie, I’ll switch you from Scott’s class to lessons with Lisa starting tomorrow. And,” he added, rustling through some papers until he found the ones he was looking for. “Dylan gave me regular reports on your progress. You’re doing exceptionally well. Speed, strength, condition, reflexes… outstanding. Because of last night’s events, you’ll get the afternoon off. From tomorrow on, you’ll be part of Dylan’s Intermediates.”

  Hearing this, I shook my head in disbelief. After everything that happened, he still wanted me to train with Dylan? I cast a fearful glance in Dylan’s direction, afraid of his reaction to Jimmy’s announcement.

  “She needs more than that,” was what he said instead from where he stood in the corner, and all eyes flickered to him.

  “What do you mean?”

  “Her progress is faster than the average. She needs half the time to learn than the rest. We’re wasting valuable time, even if you upgrade her to the Intermediates. I suggest personal training and maybe, after a few weeks, physical training in combination with her ability. She’s a magnet for disaster and needs to be able to defend herself.”

  “And who should be this personal trainer? You?” Jimmy asked with a chuckle, laughing at his own joke and spinning in his office chair. I refrained from moaning and slapping my hand against my forehead. This was so not funny…

  Dylan straightened and cleared his throat, uncomfortable with all the eyes resting on him. “Yes.”

  Jimmy stopped spinning his chair, his brows knitted in confusion. A snort came from behind that sounded like Chris, Sarah gasped, and my heart dropped into my stomach as I replayed his answer in my head.


  “Nice,” Scott commented, a lazy grin on his face.

  I was glad Cassie wasn’t around, or I would have had to worry about my safety. Jimmy threw me a questioning look, as if expecting me to help him out with answers, but I was just as stupefied. He frowned and glanced at Chris, but he just threw his hands in the air in a don’t-ask-me gesture.

  Dylan wanted to train me? Where the hell did that come from? I didn’t understand the world anymore…

  Jimmy’s eyes landed on Dylan at last. They were staring at each other for a few seconds, as if Jimmy wanted to test Dylan’s sincerity. My eyes bounced to Dylan, but he didn’t back down. After the silent stand-off was over, Jimmy announced his

  “Alright, personal training with Lisa and Dylan it is, then. I’ll give you the schedule later. Now for the difficult part,” Jimmy declared before facing Lauren.

  “Say something,” I pleaded with her, my personal issues with a certain, sexy guy forgotten for the time being. I prayed I hadn’t shied away my best friend.

  Lauren stared at me with tears in her eyes. Then she smiled. “I always knew you were special. I’m glad you found the place where you belong,” she sobbed and rose from her chair. I met her halfway, and we jumped into a bone-crushing hug.

  “You’re crazy, you know that?” I sniffed into her hair, her familiar, exotic fragrance calming me.

  Lauren laughed with a tremor in her voice. “Yeah, right. I am the crazy one here.”

  After our little episode was over, I shifted my attention to Jimmy. “What now?”

  “We have to take Lauren home. I need your word you won’t tell anyone about the compound, the people in here, or anything that happened last night.”

  “Of course. Your secret is safe with me.”

  One of the many good sides of Lauren was that she didn’t force answers. Never. What she’d heard today must have been mind-blowing because she didn’t know anything of the Roes’ world. I owed it to her to clear everything up one day.

  “It was nice to meet you, young lady. Josh will take you home.”

  Lisa’s office was not what I expected. It looked like a mixture of a psychiatrist’s office and the esoteric rooms of visionaries. The light was dim, the air heavy with incense, and burning candles in different colors dotted the room. A low table stood in the center, surrounded by big, cuddly pillows to sit on.

  “Hello, my dear. I was looking forward to finally meeting you,” came a soft, female voice from behind me.

  I turned to see a beautiful, elegant woman in a dark blue gown, midnight black hair waving down her back and framing a sweet face with rosy cheeks. She was maybe in her forties but looked very young for her age. She moved with extravagant grace and eased down on one of the pillows, motioning for me to do the same.

  Lisa gave me a dazzling smile, and I greeted her in an equally friendly manner. I immediately liked my new tutor.

  Something was different about her eyes, though. They spoke of wisdom, and although I recognized the Flare, the flash of light somehow appeared alleviated. Instead of sparkling with a bluish silver, only dull shades of gray made up her eyes, which were staring straight ahead.

  I gasped as I realized the woman was blind. She seemed to have no difficulty with making out my exact position, and she was navigating through the room as if she was able to see every detail.

  “I’m sorry, I didn’t want to frighten you. I lost my eyesight when I was young. I hope it’s not too distracting.”

  “No, no! I’m sorry, I didn’t want to… I mean…” Okay, I’d stared, but Lisa couldn’t have noticed for obvious reasons, could she?

  Lisa laughed in a musical voice. “Don’t apologize, my dear. You couldn’t have known. Living in a dark world like I do forces me to use my ability differently.”

  I wondered what ability she was talking about. Was she a Tracer? I remembered what Scott had told me about how he could collect personal knowledge by using his powers.

  “What do you think I am?” Lisa asked, as if reading my thoughts.

  “I don’t know,” I confessed, earning a beaming smile from Lisa. “You seem to know what I’m thinking. I don’t know about mind-reading abilities, but Tracers are very similar.”

  “Good way of thinking, but no, I’m not a Tracer. I have to apologize. Maybe I’ve confused you. I forgot you are still so new to our world… I’m a Watcher.” I blinked, unsure what to say. Was she joking? “I lost my eyesight, but I can see with my mind. You see, everyone emanates energy in various vibes, and as Roes are stronger and more developed, the energy they exude is more powerful. It took me years to make them out and interpret them.”

  She gave me time to process. “So, you can still use your abilities as a Watcher without actually seeing?”

  “That’s right. It confirms our abilities go way deeper than we think. Your vibes, for example, are unique.”

  “What do you mean?” I asked dubiously. Everything about me was always different or unique or special, or whatever the others called it. Couldn’t I be normal, for once?

  “It’s hard to explain something so inviolable, yet so complex,” Lisa explained, her many necklaces jingling with each movement. “Each person gives off individual vibes, differing in color and substance. Have you ever learned about the meaning of colors?”

  “Um, maybe at school, but only the basics. You know, yellow for happiness, red for love, green for envy, and so on.”

  “Of course. Well, the meaning of colors goes way deeper. For example, a bright yellow stands for spirit and intellect, whereas a dirty yellow stands for greed and hubris. It’s a rather complex and vague science. Usually, the vibes of Roes are gray in their basic line. Gray stands for wisdom, dignity, and indomitability. It has many shades, such as ashen, slate gray, silver gray, and so on. I don’t want to bore you with the details.”

  For some reason, I found my thoughts wandering to Dylan and Fifty Shades of Grey at the same time. The color gray suddenly had a very different meaning for me. I shook my head to put the dirty fantasies aside for now.

  “Fighters’ vibes, for example,” Lisa continued, thankfully oblivious to my inappropriate daydreams, “are also very rich in shades of red. They are passionate, aggressive, and unfold in battle. They are also very sensual, and have a reputation for being passionate lovers,” she added with a smile.

  I was glad Lisa couldn’t see me blush, assuming I didn’t emanate bright red vibes at that moment, of course. I didn’t doubt for a second Dylan was exceptional in satisfying women, and it was all I could do not to think about how well he could satisfy me.

  “Vibes are usually, let’s say, misty in their substance, like smoke hanging in the air. So, you,” she pointed her forefinger at me, “are the first Natural I have had the pleasure to meet, and your vibes are quite different. They rush toward me like waves, adding substance. Similar to water, I should say. And there is no gray in there,” she mused, still smiling. If I were the first Natural she had come across, I assumed she hadn’t been in the compound yet when Jenna had been part of the team.

  “Is that bad?”

  “Not at all, my dear. Yours are brown or more like topaz. Probably this is how jaylior looks, but as I lost my eyesight before I was old enough to see the two rare colors, I can’t say for sure. Brown is unique. There is no brown light, no brown in the rainbow, and no brown in the sky, although the sky can adapt nearly every color existing in nature. Nevertheless, we’re familiar with it from time immemorial. It indicates stability, warmth, clarity, modesty, and vitality. You’re one of a kind, and you can’t imagine how comfortable I feel in your presence,” Lisa finished in awe.

  I let out a shaky laugh. “Wow, you flatter me. But I’m sure you’re missing some bad vibes because since I found out what I am, I’m constantly afraid of losing control again.”

  “Well, Jimmy sent you to me to change that, right? I’ll try to increase your awareness of the power inside you. Granted, I’m inexperienced in working with Roes who have yet to undergo the Awakening, so this is also a first for me, but I’m positive we’ll make progress.”

  “What is it with the Awakening process everyone is talking about?”

  Lisa laughed richly, her melodic voice echoing through the room likes chimes in the wind. “Why does it not surprise me Jimmy is still keeping you in the dark? I guess he’s overprotective, as always.”

  “Must be something bad, then. Awesome,” I huffed. Hadn’t I suffered enough already?

  “Not necessarily, but if Jimmy didn’t find it important to tell you, then it’s not my place to act against him. So, let’s start, shall we?” she added with a smile.

  I was tempted to press for answers about the
Awakening, but it could wait until later. If Lisa was able to help me, then that was my priority.

  “Jimmy told me about the situations when your ability broke through. They were all triggered by fear, am I correct?”

  “Most of them, yes. Well, the most intense ones, I should say. But I’ve figured out that rage or anxiety can also be triggers. Maybe any negative emotion if it’s strong enough. I don’t know for sure.”

  Lisa nodded. “It’s a self-defense mechanism of your body, but without control, it can also harm you. It’s like having the ability to run without knowing how to use your legs because you’ve never done it before. Where do you feel it when it starts?”

  I frowned, not knowing what Lisa was referring to. “What do you mean?”

  “Every power takes center inside a human body, like a muscle that’s formed for this specific purpose. Racers feel it in their legs, Fighters in their arms, Regenerators in the pectoral area, Shifters in their neck, and the other three, Catchers, Watchers, and Tracers, feel it in their mind. It usually takes a long time to locate it, especially with passive powers, but yours is an active and powerful one. I’m sure you have physical sensations whenever it invades your body.”

  “Well, it usually tingles in my belly. Like butterflies in your stomach during a fall.”

  “That makes sense. Your center of power is in line with your balance point. The perfect basis for manipulating nature’s greatest power,” she said in awe, as if I’d been graced with a special gift I should be thankful for.

  An uncomfortable feeling settled around me as her words registered. Lisa was right. Gravity was nature’s greatest power. A power mankind never managed to manipulate, no matter the technology used. Why God above found it to be a good idea to gift one fragile human with this power was beyond me.

  “Anything else?”

  “Yes, but it’s hard to describe. My perception changes. Every sense is suddenly on high alert. The first time it happened was when I was jumping over the fence in the alley.” I threw a glance at Lisa who nodded, indicating no further explanation was necessary because she already knew the background. “It suddenly felt as if my brain was working differently. I could process information as I’ve never been able to do before.”


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