Hot Alphas

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Hot Alphas Page 31

by Lora Leigh

  It was after ten when he tucked her into bed and turned off the light, but he didn’t crawl in beside her until about half an hour later, after he’d locked up.

  She was only half awake when the bed dipped and she felt him beside her. He gave her a chaste kiss on the cheek and then curled his strong body around hers. Safe in his arms, she slept through the night.

  This time, Nate was still there when she awoke at dawn the next morning. She heard him moving around in the kitchen, smelled coffee brewing, and the sound of the door opening and closing. By the time she was ready to face him, he was sitting at the bar with his newspaper spread out on the counter. Hers was on the table beside the overstuffed chair.

  “Good morning.”

  He raised his head and smiled at her. “How are you feeling?”

  “Better than I expected.” The bruises were still visible, dark purple to almost black around her throat, but a lightweight turtleneck would hide the worst of them. The cut over her eye was swollen and the stitches on the back of her head itched, but considering what might have happened …

  “Good. Sit. I’ll bring you coffee.”

  Normally, she would have argued with him. Not this morning. She went to her big overstuffed chair and sat.

  It wasn’t until almost ten that they finally went into town to see her father, after Nate had checked to see if the deputies had found out who had assaulted her. They’d searched the area, but found no sign of the man.

  Nate and Cassie found Mac out on the tiny patio near the dining room, sipping a cup of coffee, staring at his newspaper. When he looked up, it was obvious from the shock on his face that he noticed her injuries.

  Or maybe it was seeing her with a strange man. “Good morning, Dad.” She leaned over to give him a hug.

  “What happened to you?” He frowned, staring at the cut on her eyebrow, the bruises makeup couldn’t hide. Then he glared at Nate. “Who are you?”

  Cassie reached back and grabbed Nate’s left hand. “Dad, this is Nate Dunagan. He’s the new vineyard manager.”

  Her dad stared at Nate’s outstretched hand. After a brief pause, he shook hands, but he immediately turned to Cassie again. She was thankful she’d worn the turtleneck sweater, because he studied her with a clarity she’d not seen in him for a long time.

  “Did he hit you?”

  “No, Dad. He saved me. A man attacked me in the wine cave last night when I was doing books. Nate came and scared him off, and then took me to the ER. See?” She grinned and pointed to the stitches. “All those years growing up in the country and these are my first stitches, ever.”

  “That’s because your mother watched you like a hawk. But why would someone attack you? What happened?”

  He gestured toward the empty chairs and she and Nate each took a seat. For the time being, he was so normal, so sharp, it hurt.

  “We don’t know, Dad. He’s tried to break in before. I was wondering if there might be something of importance in the cave other than the wine. There’s not a safe in there somewhere, is there? Or any hidden door or anything that might hold valuables we don’t know about? Maybe something from the previous owner?”

  He stared at her for the longest time, and she noted the moment his mind slipped. His gaze flicked over to Nate, then back to Cassie. “Who’s this young fella, Cassie?” He held out his hand to Nate. “I’m Mac Phillips, Cassie’s father. I don’t think we’ve met.”

  Nate stood, smiled, and shook his hand. “I’m Nate, Mr. Phillips. I’m a friend of your daughter’s.”

  “It’s Colonel,” he said. “Colonel Macon Phillips, but you can just call me Colonel Mac. That’s what my men call me. Colonel Mac.” He frowned and a look of confusion clouded his still-handsome features. Then he turned away, and stared at the roses growing along the edge of the small patio area, smiling at whatever memories held his attention.

  Cassie sighed and shared a sad smile with Nate. Then she stood and walked around to her father, leaned over and gave him a hug and a kiss. He didn’t respond.

  They left him staring at the roses, and headed back to the vineyard.

  * * *

  Nate really wanted to take Cassie back to the cottage, but she insisted on checking the wine cave. She led him through the front part of the cave, into the office nook toward the back.

  “There’s got to be something here, somewhere. I’m thinking there might be a hidden safe or some kind of storage built in to the wall. The cave’s a perfect place to hide things—safe from fire and moisture, good locks on the door—though I haven’t got any idea what we’re looking for.”

  She pulled a couple of flashlights out of an unlocked metal cabinet in the small office, handed one to Nate, and shut the door. It wouldn’t close. She opened it wide and stared at the mess. “I really need to clean this out one of these days. Dad was such a pack rat.” She shoved a tattered briefcase farther back on the bottom shelf. This time the door snapped shut.

  Two hours later, Cassie seemed to run out of energy, though Nate knew her mind must still be spinning. Still, it wasn’t until much later, after dinner, that she finally sat down with a glass of wine and talked about her dad.

  “Today was the worst I’ve seen him. The way he lost it in mid-conversation. I had a feeling he didn’t even recognize me for a moment, but it’s hard to say.”

  “I’m sorry. I know it’s tough.” He sighed and shook his head. “One thing for sure, I don’t think we can count on him for answers at this point.” Nate spun his wineglass between his fingers and stared at the light reflecting off the deep red contents. He wasn’t sure how she’d react when he said, “Someone is still out there. I don’t want you to be alone tonight.”

  She shook her head. “I don’t want to be alone, either.” Then she raised her head and gazed at him with an intensity that hit like a punch to the solar plexus.

  “Not because I’m afraid, but because I want to be with you. I’ve been such a bitch.” She chewed on her lower lip a moment, and then faced him straight on. “I’ve always prided myself on being honest and straightforward, but I’ve been blowing hot and cold with you, and I’m sorry. I’d like to blame the circumstances, but that’s not it at all. I felt such a strong attraction to you so quickly that it scared me. And we had sex when we hardly knew each other. That’s just not me.”

  She shot him a quick grin. “Though I have to admit, it was the best sexual experience of my life, and I really, really want to do it again.”

  That made him laugh, but he couldn’t look at her when he answered, so he went back to staring at the glass of wine in his hands. “Truth? It’s not me, either. I’m not a ‘one-night stand’ kind of guy. Never have been, and what happened between us threw me. I’ve never been with anyone like you, Cass.” He raised his head and smiled at her. “I’m still not a ‘one-night’ kind of guy. I want more nights with you. A lot more nights.”

  “Me, too.”

  “Will you come to my apartment? Stay with me tonight?” He glanced at his dirty jeans and the bloodstains on his dark shirt. The same shirt he’d worn last night. “I need to get a shower and a change of fresh clothes for tomorrow.”

  “On one condition.”

  He was almost afraid to ask. “Which is?”

  She stood and grabbed his hand. “We come back here for real coffee.”

  * * *

  She’d thrown clean clothes, her phone, and a toothbrush into her backpack. It was a beautiful, dark, moonless night, and the stars overhead were magnificent. Cassie held tightly to Nate’s hand as they walked the short distance to his apartment over the tasting room. The new owner planned to use the lower floor for private parties and such, but for now it was merely a nicely remodeled former dairy barn that had once housed their barrel racks and wine-making operation.

  But did it really matter? Cassie realized she was thinking of anything and everything but the man holding her hand. The man she was almost positive she’d been slowly but surely falling in love with.

  How w
as she supposed to know? It had to be love. Either that or she really did have a concussion, because he made her feel things she’d never felt. Made her want things she’d never dreamed of. It was simple, really. Mostly, she just wanted Nate.

  The shower was huge—bigger than the one she had in her cottage, and there was no question at all about sharing. At least tonight she could wash her hair, but it was absolutely hedonistic to have Nate do it for her.

  He turned her so that her back was to him. His hands were so gentle, his touch like magic over her bruised skull.

  “I could definitely get used to this.” She leaned forward and balanced herself with both hands pressed against the tile.

  “Go right ahead.” He kissed her shoulder, then carefully rinsed out the shampoo and added conditioner. His hands were big, his palms and fingers callused. Strong.

  He was so wonderfully strong. As he gently massaged conditioner into her hair, she felt his erection swell against her, riding the crease between her buttocks. She tightened against him, felt him grow larger, but Nate merely rinsed the conditioner out of her hair and stepped back to wash his own.

  Cassie grabbed the washcloth, soaped it, and ran it across his broad shoulders and back, and under his raised arms. His body was ribbed with muscles, yet his skin felt like silk. Even the hair on his chest was sleek and silky. Pressing herself against his back, she soaped his chest, scraping his nipples lightly with her blunt fingernails. She felt his groan, felt his back vibrating against her breasts.

  She stepped away when he grabbed the handheld shower and rinsed off. When he put it back in the holder, she slipped around in front of him and went to her knees on the slick tile. He brushed her damp hair back from her face and watched as she cupped his sac in her palm and then wrapped her lips around the broad crown of his erection. This time she heard him groan as she licked and teased his thick length and then slowly, rhythmically sucked him deep, then pulled almost free.

  After a minute, he clasped her head gently in his palms. “Enough, Cass.” His voice was strained, rough. “Damn. I want us to do this together.”

  He helped her to her feet and finished rinsing the two of them. Then he wrapped her in a big, fluffy towel, dried himself and followed her into the bedroom. She stopped beside the bed, clasping the towel between her breasts. “I brought clothes for tomorrow, but I forgot a nightgown.”

  He leaned close and kissed her. “I don’t think you’re going to need one.”

  “I hope not.” She dropped the towel on the floor and crawled across the bed.

  Nate reached into the top drawer of the bedside table and pulled out an entire box of condoms. Unopened. “This time, I’m better prepared.”

  She took the box out of his hand, studied it, and then gave it back. “Three dozen? Think that’ll be enough?”

  * * *

  Standing beside his bed with a damp towel around his hips and a full box of condoms in his hand wasn’t exactly the way he’d figured tonight would end, but after coming so close to losing Cass—losing her before he’d ever had a chance to really get to know her—made tonight beyond special.

  She challenged him, she made him laugh, she turned him on. Damn how she turned him on, and when he’d raced into the cave and saw her fighting with that guy, he knew then that, impossible as it might be, he loved her.

  But he really hadn’t thought he had a chance with her. Not beyond friendship, and that wasn’t enough. Not nearly enough. He ripped the box open and set it on the bedside table, dropped his towel and crawled across the bed until he hovered over her. Her blue eyes sparkled and she stared at him with a look of pure joy.

  He kissed her, and when that wasn’t enough, he kissed her again. She wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him close. “So, big guy. What’s on the agenda?”

  “Sex. Kissing. Maybe a bite or two.” He nipped the juncture where her neck met her shoulder. She scrunched her shoulder up and her head down and snorted. He sat back on his heels and just looked at her. She sprawled against the stack of pillows he’d shoved to one side, still damp from her shower, her normally fair skin flushed with arousal. Her hair hung in wet corkscrew curls past her shoulders. Her dark, coppery nipples were almost the same color as her hair.

  “Make love to me, Nate.” Leaning forward, she brushed his hair back from his forehead and then pulled him close for a kiss. “I want to feel your weight on me, feel your heart beating against mine. I want you hot and hard inside me. You make me feel safe, Nate. As if none of the ugly stuff can touch me when you’re here. I don’t want to waste another minute.”

  Her eyes were swimming with tears and he thought of brushing them away, but he kissed her instead. Kissed her lips, her throat, the soft curves of each breast. Then he sheathed himself and parted her feminine folds with his fingers. She was so lush, so wet and hot and ready for him, and when he entered her, when he filled her completely and their bodies connected as deeply as their hearts, he knew this was right.

  She arched into him and he filled her, over and over again. So quickly it seemed they balanced on the edge, hovering for such a brief time before tumbling together, all harsh breaths and thundering hearts, soft cries, and sweet kisses. Pressing deep, holding still as his climax ebbed, as her feminine muscles slowly rippled around him with her orgasm, he felt her slowly relax. He rested his weight on his elbows and cupped her face in his palms. “I will keep you safe, Cass. You can trust me to watch over you. I won’t ever let anyone hurt you.” He kissed her.

  She smiled. Her eyes drifted shut. It was obvious the last couple of days had finally caught up with her. Once again he brushed his lips across hers, but this time he whispered what was in his heart. “I love you, Cass. I never expected this, but I love you.”

  Her eyes remained closed. She didn’t say a word. He wasn’t even certain she’d heard him. That was okay. He was a patient man.

  * * *

  She was drifting … drifting in the vineyard, floating between the rows, and Nate was there beside her. She saw her mom sitting by one of the old vines near the creek and tugged on Nate, dragging him over to meet her. “He’s mine, Mom. And I love him.” Her dad was there, holding Mom’s hand, smiling, and Cass was holding on to Nate, and all of them were laughing, the sun was shining, and grapes hung heavy on the old vines.

  “Cassie? Cass, wake up.”

  “What?” It was still dark in the room, but she reached out and felt denim. Nate was dressed. “What’s wrong?”

  “I hear voices. Sounds like they’re over at the wine cave. At least two men. I’ve called the sheriff, but I want to go over and see what’s going on.”

  “I’m coming, too.” She was out of bed, pulling on her jeans and slipping her feet into her boots. No idea where her socks or underpants were, but that was okay, and damn it all but where was her shirt? She found her tee on the chair and slipped it over her head.

  “Here, put this on. It’ll keep you warm. It’s chilly out.”

  She took the heavy dark blue fleece coat Nate handed to her. It was big, but blissfully warm. “Flashlights are downstairs. I’m ready.”

  She followed him quietly down the stairs and took the small but powerful flashlight he handed to her, but she didn’t turn it on. Instead, it went into her pocket along with her cell phone. She checked to make sure the sound was muted.

  Outside, even without a moon she could make out the lighter crushed gravel of the driveway. The night was absolutely still. A coyote howled, and then others picked up the sound. The soft rush of the creek grew even quieter as they moved farther away, closer to the road.

  She heard voices and tugged on Nate’s sleeve. He covered her hand with his and put a finger to her lips. They reached the gate and she could see them—two men in the beam of the overhead light that illuminated the front of the cave.

  It was him. The one who’d attacked her. But the other? It couldn’t be!

  She grabbed Nate’s arm and tugged him close, whispering. “The one trying to do the code? That�
��s my father.”

  “Damn. I thought it looked like him. But why?”


  Their voices were faint, but still audible.

  “C’mon, Colonel. You know you can do this. The country depends on you.”

  “I know. I understand, but it’s been a long time. Maybe Cass changed the code.”

  “I hope not. I’d hate to have to bring her out here.”

  Her father raised his head. “You will leave my daughter alone.”

  “Then open the fucking door, old man.”

  Her father stopped and stared at the man.

  “Nate.” Cassie whispered against his ear. “He’s got a gun.”

  “Where the hell’s the sheriff?” Nate leaned down and kissed her. “I need to get closer.”

  “Follow me.” She led him through the darkness to a section of downed fence. They stepped over the loose wire and ran quietly across the road, then moved closer to the cave using a row of grapevines as cover. At this distance, the voices were much clearer.

  Her father had sounded like himself a moment ago. Now his voice had that quavery, confused tone she’d heard more and more lately.

  “Tell me again why you want me to open this?”

  “To protect your daughter. Bad people want those papers, remember? You asked me to take them somewhere safe.”

  “That’s right. The briefcase. I knew it was important.” He tried another combination on the door. This time it swung open, and the younger man rushed inside. Cass’s father just stood there, looking more confused than ever.

  Nate grabbed her hand. “The briefcase in that cabinet. That’s what the bastard wants.”

  “I have no idea what’s in it, but Dad did some really sensitive stuff during those years. It could be anything.”

  “Crap. I was afraid of that. Stay here.” He leaned over and kissed her.



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