Tattered on My Sleeve

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Tattered on My Sleeve Page 4

by Autumn Jones Lake

  We hiked through the woods. John pointed out a large stone amphitheater-type area to us. Looked exactly like the kind of place a cult would use to sacrifice virgins, but I kept that thought to myself. We kept hiking, finally reaching a clearing with four windmills. Motherfucking windmills. Unreal. John explained the setup to Rock and Sparky while I wandered around and took in the views. The setup couldn’t be more spectacular. For someone like me, who hated cramped spaces, it was perfect.

  Was it weird to have an MC out in the middle of nowhere? Yeah, probably. But living off the grid, how we wanted, with no one sticking their nose in our business? That was about as free as one could ask for in this life.

  On the way back, we spotted the solar panels lining the roof. Sparky almost came in his pants over the second alternate energy source. John explained they were installed only a year ago and should be good for another eight to ten years. He warned us it would be a big expense when we had to replace or upgrade them.

  He led us into the kitchen and handed over the paperwork about the solar panels, generators, warranties, info about their deal with the power company for the windmills—crap that fell under Rock’s job description. Next, John handed over a contract. While Rock looked it over, I wandered through the kitchen. Appliances were all new, top-of-the-line shit.

  It hit me hard how much I wanted this to work out.

  In the truck on the way back, Rock asked Zero and me what we thought. Z was as pumped as me. Sparky was so busy going over his notes, none of us bothered him. We all knew how he’d vote.

  “Let’s call Glassman and drop the contract off to him. We have forty-eight hours before they go to the next buyer.”

  Wrath hunkered down at the end of the bar around eight o’clock. He came in alone. Even though he went to the trouble of programming his number into my phone and texting me to explain why he skipped out early, I was surprised to see him again. He didn’t strike me as a guy who’d be interested in a repeat performance. Especially since I’d been a bit of a bitch.

  Without a word, I made my way to him and set a bottle of Jack and a glass on the bar. His eyes met mine and I winked, then returned to my other customers. The next free moment I had, I brought him a glass of water and took the bottle of Jack away. A corner of his mouth lifted.

  As I turned to wait on a customer, he reached out and caught my hand. “What time are you done?”

  Shivers worked through me. His voice was such a damn turn-on. “Ten.”

  A slow grin spread over his face. “Want to go for a ride? Or are you tired tonight?”

  Was that some sort of hint that I might be exhausted after our hot night of wild monkey sex?

  “A ride sounds good. Any place special in mind?”


  “Are you going to tell me?”


  It didn’t matter. We already established last night I’d do whatever Wrath wanted. Someone called me. Well, actually, they yelled out, “Hey, bar wench.” Wrath growled and leaned over the bar to catch who said it. I placed my hand over his and shook my head. “I got it.”

  Storm showed up at ten after ten. Immediately, she headed for Wrath instead of putting on her apron and asking me what needed to be done. You know, her fucking job. They spoke for a second before Wrath pointed at me. Her face screwed into a scowl, but she finally ran over.

  “Sorry I’m late.”

  “It’s okay. I’m heading out. Crowd isn’t too bad tonight.” I ran over everything she needed to do for the night. At the last minute, I remembered to ask how her hand was. She held it up in front of my face. It was bandaged but not bad enough to get in the way.

  “I’m surprised you came in.”

  “Marky said he’d cover the hospital bill if I didn’t call in,” she said, as if that made him some sort of hero

  “Uh, he should cover it anyway since it happened on the job.”

  “We get paid under the table, Trin. Not like we have workers’ comp.”

  Good point. I patted her shoulder and took off with only a small twinge of guilt.

  Wrath waited for me at the end of the bar. As I approached, he held out a sweatshirt to me.

  “What’s this?”

  “So you’re not chilly tonight.”

  Stunned, I stared at him like a moron for a few seconds before accepting it. “Thanks,” I said softly as I slipped into it.

  He held the door open and fixed my hood when we stepped out onto the sidewalk.

  We took the quickest route out of the city. Within twenty minutes, we were cruising through backcountry roads. The cool night air rushed over me. Aside from last night, I felt more alive than I had in a long time.

  The bike climbed through the mountain roads with ease. As the road evened out, he let off the throttle and we cruised through an area with sparsely scattered houses. After a while, the houses disappeared and he slowed to a crawl. We seemed to have entered some sort of park.

  We coasted over some grass and stopped in the middle of a grove of trees. Slipping both our helmets off, he placed his finger against his lips.

  “Where are we?” I whispered.

  “It’s a surprise. Be quiet though.”

  He grabbed a few things from his saddlebag and took my hand. “Watch where you step,” he cautioned.

  We trudged through… the woods I guessed. Crunching over leaves and twigs, ducking under branches. I didn’t think we were being very quiet. Finally, our feet touched something more solid and less noisy. Pavement?

  “Look up, Trin.”

  Before me was the most beautiful nighttime view. We had to be looking over the tri-county area. I spotted the city of Empire straight ahead and a little to the right. Ironworks had to be to the left, and much farther right must be Slater City. Hundreds of lights from tiny villages and towns twinkled in between.

  “We’re at Fletcher Park at night? How beautiful.” I sighed.

  “The park is closed and does have a patrol person, so we have to be quiet.”

  “Okay,” I whispered back. On instinct, I rocked to my tiptoes and pressed a quick kiss to his jaw. The gesture seemed to take him by surprise, and he glanced down, cupping my cheek and holding me for a full kiss. He dropped whatever he was carrying and wrapped me in his arms, lifting me off the ground. Our kisses escalated until our tongues were licking and stroking. I pulled away, dazed and out of breath.

  He brushed his fingers through my hair. “Follow me.”

  We stepped up and over the low stone wall designed to keep people from falling off the edge of the cliff. Wrath assured me there was a wide ledge and took out his cell phone to shine the light and prove it. Reassured I wouldn’t go flying off into the night, I watched as he spread a blanket right up along the wall.

  He sat with his back to the wall and pulled me down between his legs. We both faced the breathtaking view.

  “Are you warm enough?” he asked, while snaking his arms around my waist, holding me tight to him.

  I leaned against his chest and stared up at him. “Yes.”

  He rustled around in his bag and handed me one of those clear, plastic takeout food containers. “Chocolate or strawberry?”


  “Cake. I thought most girls like chocolate, but I wasn’t sure. There’s a piece of triple chocolate cake or strawberry shortcake.”

  “Oooh, chocolate, definitely.”

  It was so dark neither of us could tell which was which, so I popped open one of the tops. Inhaling the rich, chocolate scent, I knew I had the right one. He pushed a plastic fork into my hand, and we ate our cake, looking out over the view.

  The cake was so rich I could only eat half of it, so I passed it back to Wrath. I’m pretty sure he finished mine off before stuffing the empty boxes back in his pack.

  “Milk or water? My drink options were kind of limited,” he asked.

  “Milk. I hear it does a body good.”

  “Your body’s already good, baby,” he teased in his low, sensual voice
that made my brain fuzz. He pressed a small, cool bottle of milk into my hand. I uncapped it and took a sip. “Oh, this is whole milk. Can I have the water instead?”

  We swapped bottles. “Sorry, babe.”

  “No, that’s okay. Thank you.”

  One of his arms was still wrapped around me, his hand restlessly moving over my leg. “Did you have a good night at work?” he asked after a while.

  “Eh. It was okay. Nothing exciting until around eight thirty when this really hot guy came in.”

  “Oh yeah?”

  I turned and sat back on my knees. “Yeah.” Reaching out, I ran my fingers through his hair. “He’s got this awesome blond hair and these big, ocean-blue eyes.”

  Wrath chuckled, low and deep. “Ocean blue, huh?”


  His hand circled my wrist, bringing me closer to kiss my fingers. “Come closer.”

  It would’ve been hard to get closer without straddling his lap, so as gracefully as possible, that’s what I did. Somehow I arranged myself without kneeing him in the groin.

  We were almost nose to nose. “I was surprised you came in tonight.”

  He cocked his head. “Why?”

  Because you could have any girl you wanted. “I don’t know.”

  “I told you I was sorry I had to cut out this morning. Rock had an early meeting he needed me at.”

  “Club business?”



  He thought about it for a minute. “We’re in the process of buying a bigger place for our MC.”

  “Oh yeah, I think Rock mentioned that yesterday.”

  Wrath’s eyes narrowed and he studied me for a minute. “Really?”

  “Yeah, he told me to come to your party tonight. I guess that’s the other reason I was surprised to see you.”

  “Would you have stopped by if I hadn’t come in?”

  Willingly walk into an MC clubhouse by myself—no fucking way. But I didn’t want to offend him. “Probably not.”

  He nodded, and I wasn’t sure if my answer was what he wanted to hear. Did he want me to come looking for him? It was so hard to read him in the dark.

  I shouldn’t have been falling for this big, dangerous biker, but between the thoughtful date and his focused attention, I felt as if I’d taken five steps forward and jumped right off the ledge.

  Clearly, Trinity wouldn’t have come looking for me at the clubhouse. I didn’t mind. She didn’t need to be anywhere near my brothers. The thought of any of them getting within ten feet of her triggered a torrent of rage in me. Why, I had no idea yet.

  “Give me that lovely mouth, Angel Face,” I whispered.

  A sweet, breathy sigh fell from her lips, chocolate breath washing over my skin. Threading my fingers in the hair at the back of her head, I pulled her to me. Lips parted and wet, she let me in immediately. My tongue stroked over hers, and she pushed her breasts into my chest. The slow, seductive thing I was trying out would be a massive failure if she kept that up.

  “Are you warm enough?” I asked her.

  “I’m burning up,” she whispered.

  Fuck yeah.

  Unzipping the hoodie slowly, I set it next to us on the blanket, then carefully worked her T-shirt up. She must have been wearing another one of those sexy fucking push-up bras because her pale skin overflowed and glowed in the moonlight. Cupping her breasts with both my big hands, I tested their weight, kneading, stroking my thumb over her lace-covered nipples. She tossed her head back, exposing her long, graceful neck. Pulling the lace cups aside, I took one hard nipple into my mouth, running my tongue around it and lightly scraping my teeth against her flesh. She jerked in my lap, grinding herself against my stone-hard dick.

  “God, you’re perfect,” I rasped, coming up for air.

  Slowly, she lifted her head, looking down at my hands cupping her breasts. “I feel so tiny in your grasp.”

  “You are tiny next to me,” I answered with a laugh.

  “I like that. No one’s ever made me feel that way.”

  I wasn’t sure what she meant by that, but it sounded good to me. Anything I did to her first made me really fucking happy.

  I showed my appreciation by sucking her other nipple into my mouth. Her hands searched for something to hold on to and finally gripped my shoulders. Over and over, I slid my tongue across the hard peak. When she whined, I gently tugged and nipped. Her hips jerked in my lap, her nails digging into my shoulders.


  Letting her nipple go with a soft pop, I kissed my way up her chest, stopping to suck on her neck before continuing to nibble on her ear. “Yes, Angel Face?”

  She ground against my cock restlessly. “Please? I need…”

  A slow grin turned my mouth up. “What do you need?” I asked with my lips pressed against her neck.

  More grinding, shifting. Christ, I was gonna come in my pants if she kept it up.

  “You, please.”

  Fuck, I wanted to drown in the sound of Trinity begging for my cock. “Where do you need me?”

  She pushed out a frustrated breath. “In-inside me.”

  Running my finger over her bottom lip, I pressed the tip inside. “Inside you here?”

  She sucked on my finger while shaking her head no.

  Dropping my hand to her lap, I pressed my fingers against her pussy. Through her jeans, I could tell she was hot and wet for me. “Here, baby?”

  She made this deep moaning sound before answering, “Yes, please.”

  That simple “yes, please” fucked me up in a big way. That might be the exact moment she ruined me for any other woman.

  Coiled tight against me, she rocked her hips against my hand. It wasn’t enough and she was quickly frustrated.

  “Sit back, babe.”

  She leaned back enough for me to work her jeans open. Lifting her ass a little, I tugged her pants down her legs, slipped off her sneakers, then worked her pants off the rest of the way.

  My hand immediately dove for her spread pussy. “You’re really wet, baby.”

  She moaned as my fingers glided over her slippery skin. So fucking sexy.

  “You know you have to be quiet, right?”

  “Oh. Oh, I don’t think…”

  She couldn’t talk because I eased one finger into her snug, little pussy, slid out, then thrust it back in again. When I thought she was close, I eased off.

  “You want it bad, don’t you?” Even though it was torture on my dick, I loved teasing her.

  “Please, I want you. Make me come.”

  “You’ll come on my cock when I say so.”

  “Yes, okay. Please,” she whimpered. With those words, she reached inside my chest and stole a chunk of my heart.

  I flicked my thumb over her clit and squeezed one nipple with my other hand.

  I shook off whatever I was feeling and decided to stop tormenting myself. My dick hadn’t done anything wrong to deserve this suffering. I was ready to fucking explode.

  “Lift up, baby,” I coaxed.

  Her head lolled to the side, but she lifted herself enough for me to work my cock out. Snagging a condom from my pocket, I rolled it on.

  “Okay, come here. I’m gonna take care of you.” I slid my hands under her ass and pulled her toward me, easing her down my cock nice and slow.

  “There we go. That better?” I couldn’t help but smirk, but she was so out of it, I doubt she minded.

  Her hands settled on my shoulders and she sat up a little straighter. I grunted as the movement pushed her farther down my dick. “Yes. So good,” she whimpered.

  Fucking love that.

  She lifted up a little and her lips parted. I covered her mouth with my own, swallowing her cries. I was vaguely aware she was sliding up and down my dick faster, grinding into me harder on each down stroke. Slicking a finger over her clit brought on another scream I barely caught in time. She was soaking by this point, and I glided in and out faster. She tightened and r
ocked, her head falling back, teeth sinking into her bottom lip.


  Keeping her hips still, I hammered up into her fast and deep until I shot so hard, all breath left me in a rush.

  An unexpected tidal wave of emotion crashed over me. Wasn’t that supposed to happen to chicks with amazing sex? Not me. Never before. But there it was.

  She bent forward and placed soft kisses along my jaw. “Thank you,” she said so sweetly.

  Game over.

  Present day…

  Trinity’s trying hard to make me lose it tonight. I grip the bottle of Jack in my hand so fucking tight, I won’t be surprised when it shatters all over me.

  Fucking Teller and Murphy. I want to smash the bottle over both their fucking heads. My brothers.


  A voice in my head reminds me it’s not their fault, because I never opened my fucking mouth.

  More Jack should drown out that voice.

  I shouldn’t be letting a bitch get between me and my brothers. The fact that she is and has been for years pisses me off even more.

  Cookie struts over to me and straddles my lap. “You look tense, Wrath baby. Can I help?”

  Throwing another glare at Trinity, who is oblivious to anything other than grinding her ass into Teller’s dick while Murphy gropes her tits, I nod at Cookie. They’re dancing in the middle of the room with a bunch of people. But they might as well be fucking. I’m sure in another twenty minutes, they will be.


  “Yeah, hon.” I push her off my lap onto the floor and free my half-hard cock. Not the first time I’ll get a blowjob on this couch in front of everyone. Hell, I’m not even the first person tonight to get sucked off out in the open.

  Cookie’s rubbing up and down my shaft with enthusiasm, but it’s not doing much for me. Watching Teller suck on Trinity’s shoulder while her arms are looped around his neck is pissing me off way too much. I close my eyes.


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