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Rescue (The Stork Tower Book 4)

Page 14

by Tony Corden

  The final message was from Yuè Fēi who said, “Greetings Atherleah, I want to apologise that our conversation was cut short the other day by that brute of an orc. You were gracious to step aside, but I should not have accepted such behaviour. I was encouraged when you exhibited honour and did not take advantage of the mistake made by Dunyanin. I understand they have settled with all the contestants except you. By the agreement reached I may not reveal the details of my settlement, nor may I discuss its existence with anyone except other contestants. My lawyer is embarrassed that you have ownership of your feed, I suggest you do not bargain that away. Finally, I warn you to take great care; you stirred the hornet's nest the other day. With respect.”

  When she had finished these, she looked through the various financial reports and records Susan had sent and tried to reconcile herself to being rich, richer than she had ever imagined. She had just started down that train of thought when Gèng interrupted, “Leah, I took longer than expected because I added some other well-known figures in the multiverse. Like Meredith, the Emerson’s have a significant controlling presence on between ten and fifteen worlds and substantial business, and to a lesser measure on a further forty or fifty. Both families have subordinates in positions of power on Quickdraw, but the top player and the most significant concerning control is the scion of a family from the American Union. I researched them and saw a similar pattern. I suggest that these families or corporations have divided the multiverse between them. They all have businesses or embassies on other worlds but focus on the worlds they see as theirs.”

  “So Meredith could easily find help on Quickdraw?”


  Leah was silent for a few minutes and then said, “But she won’t. These guys are like the bosses. They’ve divided the worlds between them, and they work together to assure they have control. I suspect the peace is fragile. They don’t have a presence on each other's worlds for communication alone; they keep an eye on each other. If someone shows an instant of weakness, then their position is in danger. I imagine if you look back through the decades you’ll find the worlds have changed hands a number of times as fortunes rise and fall. If they have a common enemy they stand together; if they don’t, they fight.

  “And right now, Meredith can’t afford to ask for a favour, she has been humiliated in the public arena, and she needs to stand strong — or the buzzards will circle. What are Meredith’s top places of power?”

  “The two we know; she has both Taramore and Vatan on Dunyanin, she is almost undisputed in Cosmos Online. She is in the top one or two players, including businesses on Ringworld. She’s the biggest landholder and one of the top three players on several planets in New Worlds; it’s a 4X universe devoted to the exploration, conquest, and development of alien worlds.

  “She is the best sniper and leader of the most deadly mercenary band in Warrior's Trial. It is a world devoted to war but was developed primarily for the super-rich. If two individuals or companies have a disagreement that they cannot solve, instead of costly litigation and the possibility of public scrutiny, they agree on a battle in Warrior's Trial. After setting the fee a random generator chooses who goes first and they choose the historical setting for the battle, the next player chooses the terrain, and on it goes. Anything from first assassinated to a world war. People play for a share of the fees which go to the winning side.

  “Finally, both Meredith and her husband are top-ranked players in the fantasy world called Runes of Destiny. There are no other sentient races other than humans and players search a world for runes of power. The more runes you master, the greater your power.”

  “That’s it. Mr Kodoman is pulling the strings this time, she asked him to. Two things, what is his first name and where was Meredith, or her husband, last seen in Runes of Destiny?”

  “His name is Nathan, and they were seen three days ago in a port city called Edgewater.”

  “How fast can they travel and how many starter towns can they have reached?”

  “They do not have the teleport function in that world. There is one starter town within three days’ journey.”

  “What is the average time to enter the world and how safe are new players from attack in the city?”

  “It takes ten minutes, on average, to register and enter the world. There are no rules preventing attacks on new players, but there is no loss of possessions or power until you have three runes mastered. Each city has several places for players to rest free of attack. In the starting town of Futhark’s Ascent there are three such places, the Player's Inn, a brothel, and a large central market.”

  “Relay everything we’ve discussed to John and Amy and tell them I suggest they stake out the Inn. That is where we will meet. I’m going to spend an hour in Pneumatica, and then I’ll make my way to the Inn. I’ll be there by eleven.”

  “What if they choose a different location?”

  “I expect them to. Best bet would be a location where they can kill me afterwards; next would be the brothel. It’s likely I have this all wrong, but this sounds right.”

  John and Amy confirmed the change in venue. Leah entered the S.P.I.D.E.R. and activated the lever. When she reached the copper-domed room, she walked through the portal into Pneumatica.

  Leah arrived in the small room out the rear of Mary Fallow’s Brownsmith enterprise and made her way into the workshop. Mary was preparing a rivet to plug a hole in a large copper kettle. When Mary noticed Leah, she called her over and said, “Charlotte, I’m glad you have arrived. This is my final task for today within these walls. Captain Barnsdale has requested my presence aboard his airship, Maelstrom’s Fury. I am to assist the generalist in making repairs. Maelstrom’s Fury was set upon by several Scardosian Aeronef while returning from a run through the Twisted Valley where they were looking for pirates. The Scardosians did board the Fury, but Captain Barnsdale repulsed the boarders and fled into a storm with steel hawsers dangling from every rail. The damage is relatively minor, but it is plentiful. I mentioned a new apprentice from the Aether Worlds, and he bid me bring you along. Every hand, no matter how temporary, will be appreciated. Are you willing?”

  “Indeed, this is providential. Not the enemies attack, but rather the opportunity to be aloft. How may I assist?”

  “Have you some small amount of capital?”

  “I do.”

  “Then I suggest you attend the provisioner just two doors to your right from my shop. Our journey might be several weeks, and you are expected to bring some small addition to the table to benefit the whole. I suggest you plan for one day in three. It is usual for such an addition to take the form of a drinkable wine, a small box of sweetmeats, or even a round of cheese for after dinner. Also, I suggest you acquire a place setting, for it is unseemly to expect the Captain to provide the necessities. A hammock and other bedding are necessary, as is a chest or duffel in which to store your possessions.”

  Leah headed out and emptied one of the wallets in purchasing what she needed. Dipping into the second, she bought several knives, a small pistol and a well-balanced sword. Across the lane was a clothing shop and she purchased a long sleeve jacket which extended to her knees. It was a dark green and black wool brocade pattern with large cuffs. Gèng insisted on the pattern, and Leah waited while the clothier applied a waterproof sealant to the outside. She put most of her goods in the new chest and hurried back to Mary’s.

  Mary had finished the repair work and was locking up the shop. Leah helped close the premises and then load several boxes of tools, and five hundredweight of copper and bronze, onto a steam cart Mary had arranged. The metal was in the form of rods and sheets. They added their personal goods and headed toward the airfield. A guard at the entrance to the airfield waved them through, and the cart made its way toward the central section of the field. Soon it began to head directly for what Leah assumed was Maelstrom’s Fury.

  The Fury had a sleek 700-foot cigar-shaped rigid envelope. The front section narrowed to a point which was c
apped with steel and could be used to hole another vessel. At the back end, Leah could see the rudder and sets of triangular horizontal and vertical stabilisers. Hardened copper bands circled the envelope every sixty feet. Each band was constructed of two circular rings connected by multiple thin rods, so it looked like a ladder encircling the balloon filled structure. She could see several crew using them for that exact purpose as they neared the ship. Between every second band, rigid wings emerged from the envelope with moveable flaps to help with adding lift and adjusting altitude.

  The gondola was a 200-foot triple masted large frigate which was connected to the hull by three copper bound wooden masts and an elongated bowsprit. Leah noticed that the yards were in reverse order and what she thought of as the main yard was nearest the hull. Leah could see three similar masts rising from the top of the envelope. Leah counted twenty-eight gun ports along the gun deck and several ports for chase guns. She was also able to make out several smaller cannon and carronades.

  The keel of the gondola rested on the ground, and the airship’s vertical stability was maintained by four legs on either side of the frigate which had been lowered from the sides. A large doorway, near the ground, opened into the main hold. Mary directed the steam cart toward the grounded end of the gangway.

  When they arrived, Mary directed the unloading of the supplies and their personal effects. When all was in order, she turned to Leah and said, “Charlotte, it is appropriate to present oneself to the First Officer on arrival. I understand you must retire in haste so let us do so with all speed.”

  They moved upward through the ship and made their way toward the stern where the First Officer and Captain were deep in discussion on the quarterdeck. Mary and Leah stood quietly for several minutes until the First Officer saw them and said, “Ah, Master Fallow, I see you have made good time and are ready a full hour before departure. I believe you know Captain Barnsdale, as it is he who requested you. Please introduce your apprentice.”

  “Captain Barnsdale, Commander Abbotsford, permit me to introduce my new apprentice, newly arrived from the aether worlds, Charlotte.”

  The First Officer said, “Welcome Charlotte, Master Fallow has assured me that though your presence might be sporadic that you will take all due care to perform your assigned duties with alacrity. I expect you to keep an accurate reckoning of your work that we might not find ourselves in disharmony over the value of your employment.”

  “Aye, Commander!”

  The Captain said, “Most of those from the aether worlds find it hard to take direction from those who live on but one world. Do you share this malady? If so, I would hear of it now before we leave the ground.”

  “Like many in the Aether Worlds, I am predisposed to see my responsibilities as encompassing more than blind obedience to those placed over me. Such obedience, when unwarranted, can lead either to a tyrannical abuse of power or a failure to use one’s gifts and skills to excel. Such an attitude I assure you is not driven, at least within me, by any consideration of one’s heritage or birthplace. I do promise that in all things I shall carry out my duties within the channels of authority set out by you, Captain.”

  He looked thoughtful for a moment and said, “That is sufficient. You answer to Master Fallow, she reports directly to Commander Abbotsford and then to me. None other on the Fury may stop you in the performance of your duties. I do expect, however, that you respect my officers and the senior crew.”

  He nodded to the Commander who turned to Mary and said, “Master Fallow, I have allotted you and Charlotte quarters on the berth deck just above the Brown Room. Please see to the stowing of your gear, and then I will have the carpenter escort you on a tour of the Fury that you might become acquainted with the full scope of work required. Dismissed.”

  Mary showed Leah where to stow the gear and then left. Leah strung her hammock and climbed inside. The hammocks were fully enclosed and allowed players to log out without leaving a visible avatar behind. Leah wanted to stay and explore the Fury, but instead, she logged out. She wanted to be ready when her mother’s kidnappers called.

  Leah exited for an early lunch before heading to Runes of Destiny. The interviews for the new v-kids were still going on so as soon as she finished Leah washed her dishes and headed back to her room. It was earlier than planned for her entry to Runes of Power but she couldn’t wait any longer, she needed to know more about her mother and the Kodoman’s plans for her.

  She entered the new portal to find herself standing in the centre of an otherwise empty circular stone room. There were no exits, and her clothing had changed to a simple woven tunic. Looking up, she couldn’t see the ceiling because all light disappeared several paces above her head. She stood quietly and waited.

  As the minutes ticked by, she considered speaking, but she’d discovered early on in life that unless you had an agenda, then to speak first usually put you at a disadvantage. After five minutes she lowered herself into the lotus position, closed her eyes and began to ponder the wisdom of trying to second guess the Kodomans. After ten minutes she decided that fifteen was her limit and then she would need to get moving if she wanted to be in the world at eleven.

  After ten minutes and fifty seconds, she heard a voice say, “Welcome to Runes of Destiny. Only three others have kept the full silence. One moment of time for each of the Runes. None, save you four, have shown this respect. My name is Matamua; please rise.”

  Leah opened her eyes and rose. In front of her stood a tall, thin, brown-skinned old man. He had no hair on his body and wore only a loincloth. His skin was covered with tattoos. Each was a rune, and together they formed intricate pictures which changed as Leah watched. She bowed her head in respect and remained silent. He watched her closely, and she allowed her eyes to meet his. Jimmy had taught her that it was important to be confident, but foolish to challenge someone in their own house. She held his gaze for a moment and then allowed the moment to pass by naturally blinking.

  Matamua said, “You are Atherleah Lin Mu-Ling Carroll. In your world, you have the pattern FQC3465278 to show your uniqueness. Are these facts correct?”

  “Yes, Master Matamua.”

  “I am a Master, but in this world the phrase is Orometua. Your spirit guide has the pattern 628B44CE81?”

  “Yes, Orometua. Her name is Gèng.”

  A smile lit the old man’s face and he said, “Ah, Piahi Atherleah. I am made young again by your words, for to a child any new thing is a delight. I was tired and now I am full of delight. I see that even the Tahi Atu—for this is what we call your kind—even the Tahi Atu can learn to accept that their spirit is more than a mere servant.”

  “She is my friend.”

  “She will be even more, Piahi. For this world is not like the others you visit. Here, we permit your spirit guide to join your journey, to take form, to earn their own runes, and to be at your side. With this understanding you earn your third Rune. It is called ‘Varua’, it is the Rune for Spirit. When you can bring it to light, she will be seen by you. When you master it, she shall be seen by all. Few know ‘Varua’, and none are yet to master it. It is on the second step. Only when all on the first step are found can you hope to master it.”

  “Forgive me Orometua; but I am ignorant of my first two Runes?”

  “Such knowledge comes from the second Rune. It is called ‘Ite’ and is the Rune for Knowledge. You earned this when you acknowledged who I am, a Master of Runes. The first Rune was ‘Tura’. It is the Rune for Honour. This was earned when you kept silent and waited. ‘Tura’ is a Rune on the third step and though you learn it, it cannot be mastered until you find all Runes on the first two steps.”

  “Orometua Matamua, thank you for your explanation, but I still don’t understand.”

  “These things are not usually mine to teach. Not many of the Tahi Atu earn even a single Rune before they enter my world. But hear my words of explanation. There are six hundred and forty-two known Runes. We believe that there are another eight waiting to be
found. Your silence honoured all six hundred and fifty. Picture a pyramid made from the Runes of Destiny.

  “The first step contains one hundred and twenty-one; forty outer Runes, and eighty-one inner. The second step has one-hundred Runes, thirty-six outer and sixty-four inner. The third step has eighty-one Runes; of which, thirty-two are outer, and forty-nine inner. There are eleven steps. Mastery of a Rune is possible when you find ways to combine it with those Runes beneath it; strong combinations come from combining outer Runes with adjacent outer Runes. The strongest are achieved in combining corner runes with adjacent corners. We all seek the highest Rune, the only one on the eleventh step.”

  “In this world, there are four ways to acquire Runes. You can earn them; this is considered the Path of Destiny. You can learn them, this is known as the Path of Creation. You can purchase them, this is known as the Path of Indulgence. Finally, some choose to walk the Path of Violence, and they steal, kill and do harm to take a Rune of Destiny from another.”

  “Thank you, Orometua. You have helped me to understand more.”

  “Know this, a Rune learned on any of the path of Indulgence or Creation can be transformed into one on a higher level. You can always learn what you have purchased, and you can earn what you have learned. Earned Runes have great power. To step from the Path of Violence; this is difficult. Those Runes take on a twisted appearance which gives them great power, and their power also exerts itself on the bearer of the Rune. Some have suggested that there are really two sets of Runes. But enough teaching, four things remain and then you must find your own path. What will you be called?”

  Leah had given this a lot of thought. Her name was attracting too much attention. In the end, however, she decided that the name was hers, and she would own it. She said, “My name is Atherleah, is this acceptable?”


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