Rescue (The Stork Tower Book 4)

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Rescue (The Stork Tower Book 4) Page 27

by Tony Corden

  “Without too much detail, the issue is I need someone to act as the CFO of a new company I started a few days ago and possibly for several others. I don’t have the time, the inclination, or the skills to manage it myself. I do have very firm ideas on what the money can be used for though. I have several ideas running round in my head that might grow into speculative investment areas, but that can wait until I find a financial officer. I trust Susan when she says you can do the job efficiently and effectively, so my only other requirement is that I visit your world, if only for a moment.”

  “Ah, now I understand. Peter did not mention you but he has insisted that my brother, and I, have our personal v-spaces inspected by a security company. If it suffices, I will provide their certification that my space is now clear of all malware. If it was you, and I suspect it was, who brought this issue to Peter’s attention, then I thank you.”

  “The certificate will suffice, thank you. I know the interview is short, but I am satisfied and would offer you the position now, but do you have any questions for me?”

  “Three! Can you give me a hint on several of your speculative investments to help me evaluate my ability to do the task? When would you like me to start? What is the remuneration?”

  “Remuneration first, I’ll either pay your normal consultancy fee per hour or a flat annual salary based on the consultancy fee with an estimated fifteen virtual hours per week focussed on the affairs of my company. My AI’s research shows that to be an hour more than you should need, averaged over the next twelve months. We can renegotiate if the task becomes greater.”

  “That sounds about right and is acceptable.”

  “I’d like you to start today. And finally, some ideas, let me share the three at the top of my mind at the moment. I have an idea on how to make a multi-element nanite replicator which will improve on the various multi-element 3D printers currently available. I want to open a Level 4 or 5 research facility into the physical sciences here near the Switch. I also want to expand Gèng Enterprises to provide similar Pod facilities in other major centres throughout Australia.”

  Leon and Susan glanced at each other and then Leon said, “I’m in, if only for the challenge. I just hope you’re giving Peter similar challenges.”

  “Not yet, although I do have an idea that will probably be a challenge for him. Now if all that is ok, I’ll leave Susan to bring you up to speed and get moving. I need to head to Dunyanin.”

  As Leon nodded, Susan said, “Stephen wants you to see him first. We finally reached a tentative agreement with the Dunyanin Administrators, and all that is needed is for you to sign off on it. It would be best if you do it before you enter the world, he’s waiting in his office and double checking everything. My opinion is that it is fair and just.”

  Leah smiled, “That’s the best news I’ve had in a few days. I’ll head there now. Thanks Susan for all you’ve done on that.”

  “You’re welcome and don’t forget you’re paying for my time, so your thanks is backed up with remuneration. The only thing I’d change in the future is to charge a percentage rather than a set rate.”

  After a final goodbye, Leah left and had Gèng provide a portal to Stephen’s office. When she arrived, he waved her into the office and said, “Thanks for coming, Leah. I think we have everything we want from Dunyanin; we just need your agreement.”

  “Good, why don’t you take me through the points?”

  “That’s probably the easiest way. The document begins with an admission by Dunyanin of less than satisfactory service when it comes to their security and your account. First, they admit that someone inside the organisation—or from outside, they are still investigating—obtained information concerning your account and manipulated several high-level AI to malign both your online persona and your real identity. Also, they admit that their client services department handled the situation poorly and they will undertake a review of all policies and protocols. In the process of dealing with the fallout, they also admit that one of their client service managers inadvertently revealed some confidential information. They agree that the resulting issue was also handled poorly and believe the previously mentioned review will resolve this issue. Finally, they admit they jumped the gun when reporting your acceptance and can understand fully the implication that this was a fraudulent claim.”

  “So far, Stephen I have to be honest: I haven’t seen much admission of anything.”

  “And you won’t. That is as far as they’ll go with an admission of liability and even then the agreement is confidential between you and Dunyanin. Now let me explain what they offer you in exchange for keeping it private.”

  “Stephen, I don’t want to be paid anything to keep it private. All I want is what’s been fairly achieved. I don’t care what they admit or don’t admit. I’m happy to cross the whole paragraph out because it doesn’t change anything.”

  “Leah, I know I won’t change your mind but believe me, you won’t change theirs. Now let’s get to the achievements you were denied. They’ll agree that you have claimed an ancient city but have removed it from the Merkize list and will amend the disc to provide another city for you. You still have the World Achievement First One (Diamond). They acknowledge you receive the achievement for ruling the Elfauns and the Dryads but will not give you the others until these are acknowledged to you personally by the rulers of those groups.”

  “Fair enough!”

  “They acknowledge you are a legitimate claimant to the newly formulated Imperial throne and you will receive the achievement. All the other notifications you received after this they acknowledge and will publish. Broadcast of your feed will resume immediately, including copies of the missed days. They acknowledge you have the right to broadcast your own copy of the feed but would prefer if you did not. Finally, they have provided a signed affidavit that no contestant in the Merkize competition was provided with any clues. Instead of compensation equalling the mean payout, I insisted that as you had not yet received compensation for the trauma you had been put through they needed to do better than that. They agreed to give you an equivalent sum to the highest agreed payout.”

  “Good, and thank you. So everything is back on as normal, and I don’t have to worry about it anymore. Please delete all their waffle on admissions of this and that. Just say I agree the matter is closed and accept the restoration of my account and achievements. I’ll sign that, and we can keep moving.”

  “Why? Why won’t you accept their statement?”

  “Because it lets them off the hook, Stephen. If I sign that as it is, then it’s as if I accept their mediocre explanation and insincere admissions. It comes across in the long term as if the benefits I received from playing are given as compensation for their acknowledgement, rather than there being as two separate issues here.”

  “They won’t understand it that way; I’m not sure if they will understand it at all, but I’m certain they will accept it.”

  “Either way, thank you, Stephen, for the work you and Susan did. Could you please let Sharon know and then I need to get back into Dunyanin.”

  “Aren't you interested in the payout?”

  “Sorry, I should have asked, how much will they pay for breaking the Merkize Agreement?”

  “Fifteen million virtual credits.”

  “That will be useful. I'm surprised people let them off the hook for so little.”

  “Little? That means they actually paid out over one hundred million.”

  "The numbers themselves do scare me, Stephen. It is just that I likely earned almost seven million just from showing one day of my feed. Dunyanin itself must be making much much more. Anyway, thanks again for your hard work on this. I’m sorry to run but I best keep moving."

  Leah headed to the Tower and then as she moved to the Dunyanin portal she said, “Gèng, can you please let Sharon know that everything is settled with Dunyanin and ask if she could please let the Spectator people know. Also, as soon as I arrive please send me the messages th
at I didn’t look at yesterday. I’d best deal with them first.” Then she stepped through the portal.

  Just as she’d requested Leah received some messages as soon as she arrived in the room she’d been taken to the night before.

  Merdiven, the Imperial Staff, is Broken

  Merdiven was companion to Bazlari founder and First Mage of Sihirbazlari. It was said that so much mana had infused the staff that it would talk with Bazlari and at times even fight on his behalf. Merdiven was claimed by the Empress Atherleah and broke when the God Suzluk intervened on behalf of his servant Büyük in the Battle for Dag Tarafind.

  For Merdiven to be made whole, it will need to be returned to the grove where it was first chosen by Bazlari. Merdiven's Morningstar was made from molten steel from a volcano on the smallest of the Adalari Islands and formed in situ at the crater’s edge.

  Level 6 Unique Individual Event (Celestial)

  Defeat the forces of Büyük

  You have completed the unique Individual event Defeat the forces of Büyük. This is your first Level 6 Unique Individual Event

  The demigod Büyük has become enraged by the Bell of Ascension which sought to obligate Büyük to recognise the Empress Atherleah as its superior. Büyük has collected one hundred of its Shamirii, all of which have a higher level than you, and seeks to destroy you and the Bell of Ascension which it believes to be a weapon left by the gods to prevent it from attaining godhood. You must defeat the Shamirii and save the Bell.

  Reward 1: 20000 EP x 289 (+249%) Experience Points (3100000/3100000)…(3168925/3400000)

  Reward 2: 1 Diamond x 10 = 10 Diamonds

  Reward 3: +5% to Experience Points

  Reward 4: 5000 Fame Points (232410 FP)

  A Commemorative Plaque has been placed in your bag.

  World Achievement: First 1 (8, Painite)

  Demigod Destroyer

  Atherleah (Level 295) you are the first Player to single-handedly destroy a Demigod. This is your eighth World Achievement: 'First 1 (Painite)’.

  Reward 1: 10000 x 295 = 9095400 (+254%) Experience Points (3400000/3400000) …(3261925/3550000)

  Reward 2: + 10% to all future Experience

  Reward 3: 8 x 10 Diamond = 80 Diamond

  Fame: 15000 Fame Points (247410)

  You have achieved the title: Demigod Destroyer

  A Commemorative Plaque has been placed in your bag.

  Note: Due to the unique nature of this achievement it will be published on the Dunyanin achievement forum.

  Level 5 Named Personal Achievement

  Create a Divine Artefact - First 1 (3, Painite)

  Atherleah (Level 298) you have completed the Achievement Create a Divine Artefact. You are the first player to gain this achievement. This is your third Level 5 NPA ‘First 1’

  Reward 1: 10000 x 298 = 10847200 (+264%) Experience Points (3550000/3550000) … (3309125/3750000)

  Reward 2: 1 Diamond x 3 = 3 Diamond

  Reward 3: +4% to Experience Points

  Reward 4: 1000 Fame Points (248410 FP)

  You have created the Eight Llanetli of Atherleah. Each Mana-filled stone was formed from the condensed curse of the God Suzluk. The Llanetli contain both his power and his malice. The stones will give whoever uses them direct access to the Suzluk's Mana regardless of Suzluk’s will. Many will desire the stones to fuel their spells and to magnify their power. Already news of their existence has spread via the Gods to their servants and throughout Dunyanin. The God Suzluk is now aware of their existence, and he will do anything to have them destroyed, or brought to him. While they exist, Suzluk's power is weakened. Be aware however that anyone using the stones will be affected by Suzluk's curse and eventually be overcome by despair.

  Keep them safe.

  A Commemorative Plaque has been placed in your bag.

  Level 4 Named Personal Achievement

  Quickest to Reach Level 300 - First 1 (4, Diamond)

  You have completed the Achievement 'Quickest to Reach Level 300'. You have surpassed the previous fastest player by a period of 78 Dunyanin Days.

  Reward 1: 5000 x 301 = 5538400 (+268%) Experience Points (3750000/3750000) … (1247525/3950000)

  Reward 2: 10 Platinum x 4 = 40 Platinum

  Reward 3: +3% to Experience Points

  Reward 4: 500 Fame Points (248910 FP)

  A Commemorative Plaque has been placed in your bag.

  Leah read them all but would much rather have had Zarif alive. She understood that Zarif had merely been a segment of code yet the responsibility she’d recognised the day before continued to weigh on her.

  There were guards outside her door and after asking them to let the Council know that she was back from her travels, Leah had them accompany her to the Council Room. She had only been there for a few minutes when High Mage Zor Kimse arrived and said, “Welcome back Empress. Are you recovered?”

  “From the physical hurts, yes. From the loss of my people, no.”

  “I have begun to realise that that is a quality that we mages have lacked during our time as rulers. We failed to recognise that good leadership exists only on the foundations of accepting responsibility and looking to the best interests of those you serve. Empress, this brings me to a question which has been on the Council's agenda all through the night. What plans do you have for the future?”

  “High Mage, that is the right question to ask this morning. It leads to a topic I wished to discuss with the Council. I have various quests to finish and other parts of my Empire to visit. I don’t want to leave here so quickly, but events outside this valley demand it. However, before we discuss this in more detail, I would like to send word to the tunnel guards that my Dragon, Mìng, will need safe passage through the tunnel and should be offered protection as she travels to the city.

  “After she arrives, I plan to leave with her. We will leave either later today or early tomorrow. Before then, I have information for the Council, and we need to discuss what will be happening in my absence. Does this answer your question?”

  “It does. I will send word to the tunnel guards, and I will convene the Council. We also have several issues to discuss with you. Since yesterday evening we have met twice, and we have a proposal to bring before you.”

  “I see. How long before we can meet?”

  “I have summoned the Council members already, and they await your pleasure.”

  They talked for another five minutes until the other members of the ruling council arrived. When everyone was seated, Leah said, “Let’s begin. First, I believe the threat from both the worms and from Büyük is over. No longer will they attack en massé like they did yesterday. I would encourage you, however, to remain vigilant in case one of the remaining worms find their way into the valley. I suspect you should reinstate the worm-hunters to protect the people.

  “Next, the Dryad Valley is currently being repopulated with Dryads. When they emerge, I wish for there to be peace between your two peoples. I am their Empress, just as I am yours. In fact, I am Empress of many different species, races, kingdoms and tribes. You need to understand that as such, I have responsibilities beyond this valley that require my attention. I believe that each of these different cultures, or social groupings, who make up the Empire will best be served by a stable and mostly autonomous government. Each society should adopt a system to oversee, protect, and rule their land which aligns with their unique identity. Each of these systems will look different, and possibly even strange to those from outside, but it must suit the culture of those it serves.

  “Now, while I believe this council will be an integral part of the Elfaun government, I believe the appropriate move is to restore the Throne of Cet Veller Çizgisi. The heir is not only the rightful ruler of Dag Tarafind, but he is someone who will rule wisely, justly, and in accord with my wishes. Let me hear your thoughts on this suggestion.”

  Finally, Zor spoke into the shocked silence that followed Leah's announcement. “You know the whereabouts of an heir to the throne?”

/>   “I do.”

  The ensuing discussion went back and forth for almost thirty minutes with the final consensus being that the idea was an appropriate and logical way forward. Firstly, it would give the Elfauns a focus when Leah was gone. It would also work to overcome the idea that the same regime was still in power. The overall feeling was that the majority of Elfauns would want their king returned to his rightful position. Leah suggested that she have the king declare himself later that day in the throne room by ringing the bell with the Sceptre of Ascension.

  After this had been decided, Leah said, “Now, Zor mentioned that the council had an issue it wished to raise with me.”

  Zor replied, “We do. Rather, we have two issues. The first we raise because the whole city was awake last night with stories of your battles. More importantly, they were aflame with the recitation of your words to Büyük. They want to see you, they want to acknowledge you, and they want to show you their allegiance. We, the Elfaun nation, would like formally to accept you as our Empress. We want to do this before the entire community. Please understand, while we the Council have already done this, as have the High Lords, it is the people who have asked for this opportunity. Now, I can see hesitation written on your face, but I ask that you think first of what your people need. They need to do this. It will help to bring cohesion and solidarity to the nation. It will cement the changes you have made even more firmly in place. And, if at this time you also introduce the king, it will help to cement his position in their hearts and to give him their loyalty. Before you respond, please consider the proposal, as you have promised, and please weigh my counsel and the counsel of this united council.

  Leah pondered the idea and then with a rueful sigh said, “I can see your reasoning and I understand that this is almost certainly the right thing to do. Not only for me but also for the newly declared king.”


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