Rescue (The Stork Tower Book 4)

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Rescue (The Stork Tower Book 4) Page 31

by Tony Corden

  Leah laughed and said, “Not even me, Wisp. I want a fully functioning, self-determining, self-aware, self-motivated boyfriend.”

  The console emitted a short beep, and after checking the screen, Leah said, “Two minutes to transition.”

  “What exactly are we expecting again?”

  “If the modelling was correct then we should find a habitable planet with a sentient population who have yet to make it into space. There should be a huge abandoned space station which needs to be explored. The basic scenario is that the sentients on the planet were planted there long ago by whoever built the station. We should find at least one gas giant to provide fuel and resources. Also, I expect a large asteroid belt full of all sorts of heavy metals and rare minerals. If we are fortunate, there will even be some smaller planets and moons to mine or develop.

  “I asked Gèng to research the best way to progress if we hit pay dirt and she says we need to secure and claim the station and then lodge a Title claim over the entire system. We’ll have three months uninterrupted control of the system where the only craft allowed in are those we give access to. After that, we’ll have to have a defence plan in place to protect the claim. We transition in ten.”

  While she’d been talking, her eyes had been focussed on the console’s screen. Both she and Wisp turned at looked to the front view screen to get a glimpse of what they hoped would become the first of several bases to prepare an assault on the Gorgians and to block whatever plans Mahigan had. Right on time, the Betrayal transitioned into the Cosmos Online universe.

  The star was a reasonably young G-type luminous star with a mass of 1.08 solar masses. Without any atmospheric interference it looked almost white, although the instruments showed it had spectral peaks in the blue and green range—in other words, similar to Earth’s sun. The sensors gave a quick snapshot of the system, and it appeared empty of other spacecraft. Over the next hour, Wisp and Leah concluded that they had indeed hit the jackpot. They’d found enough evidence to point to a massive asteroid field and two habitable planets in addition to the one already occupied. The inhabited planet was unusual in that it was a water planet. There was evidence of simple technology and a few radio signals, but that was it. Orbiting the water planet was what appeared to be a lifeless abandoned space station.

  Wisp programmed some drones to do a more detailed survey of the system while Leah worked with Gèng to put together a flight plan to circle the system and then bring them close to the space station early Friday morning. Leah hoped that by then she would have nothing urgent anywhere else in the multi-verse, in cyberspace, or in real life. Once everything was organised Leah and Wisp both logged out of Cosmos Online.

  As soon as she arrived back in the Tower, she said, “Gèng, what did you find in my nervous system that might account for the headache and nausea?”

  Gèng appeared and sat opposite Leah. She said, “You had some swelling around both the basal ganglia and your right parietal lobe. Most likely this is due to the manipulation earlier this morning which accelerated your rate of perception. There was also some evidence of increased neural activity in three areas: The corpus callosum, which connects the two cerebral hemispheres; the somatosensory cortex, which processes external stimuli; and the hippocampus, which deals with memory and higher analysis. I contacted Dr Roberts and she recommends that you should be very careful and suggests, very strongly, that you refrain from any use of temporal manipulation except within the standards of normal Pod use. She did say it that the current neurological anti-inflammatories you are using would help relieve the symptoms.”

  “What does the increased activity indicate?”

  “I have been researching this since observing the activity and have come to a conclusion that I have not shared with Dr Roberts. I hypothesise that the artificially induced neurological activity during your time in my reality activated adult stem cells in your hippocampus and your nervous system is upgrading your sensory system and connectivity by forming new neurones. What the outcome of this is I am not certain of.”

  “I thought our brains didn’t create new neurones.”

  “It doesn’t except under certain circumstances. The presence of these stem cells has been the focus of research for years and some have hypothesised that they exist for just this reason.”

  “But what do you think the outcome will be?”

  “I think it will mean an increase in your sensory capabilities. In 2015, researchers found the existence of a sensory mechanism in human cells to detect electric fields. I think you may develop a greater level of electro-reception, as it is called. The scope of the activity suggests it may even be more than that. Nevertheless, Akia and I believe that it has become too dangerous to attempt further extreme manipulations at this time and we will look for a different way to help restore Akia Prime.”

  “Please thank Akia for her willingness to give up her freedom, but I think it should still be attempted. I’ve almost an hour before I should enter Dunyanin. I plan on ten minutes in what I now think of as your ‘cyber-reality’, then thirty minutes NREM3. If I rest after each time and also give my brain a break, I think I can manage it. Now get Akia ready and let’s do another ten minutes.”

  “Leah, it is dangerous, it is unknown, and it is contra-indicated.”

  “I know. It may also be the only chance we get.”

  Gèng studied Leah’s face for some time before nodding and leading Leah once again out of the virtual-universe and into her cyber-world. The next nine hours, according to Leah’s perceptions, involved learning to 'move' in cyberspace. 360 degrees was an irrelevant concept, as were the notions of ‘up’ and ‘down’, ‘left’ and ‘right’, and ‘forward’ or ‘backwards’. Akia, Gèng and Leah had to find ways for Leah to perceive accessing a data line as taking a step along a branching pathway. She needed to ‘see’ her options in terms of possible steps she could take. She had to have a system to categorise the most likely options as ‘close’ and the least acceptable as ‘far’. The list went on and was nowhere near completed when her time was up.

  Gèng transitioned her straight to NREM3 sleep, but even so, she exited the Pod just before nine AM with a pounding headache and a bout of nausea and dizziness. She struggled to get a meal down but knew her body needed the energy and nutrients. After an extended break she headed back to the Pod and then entered Dunyanin.

  Leah appeared at the top of the mountain. She quickly did a quick check of her surroundings and released Mìng from her statue. She wouldn’t have access to Mĕi for another two Dunyanin days so she would need to teleport, walk, or see if Mìng was ready to fly with a passenger. But first, she needed to work out where the best place to go was. She had only fifteen Dunyanin days left, and she needed to be better prepared. She checked her current situation

  ATHERLEAH (Level 303) (1247525/3950000) (+271%)

  Characteristics: Points Total (Assigned, Racial, Jewellery, Armour, Other), 43 Undistributed

  Strength (S): 358 (190, 5, 60, 33, 0, 75)

  Constitution (C): 345 (190, 5, 65, 0, 55)

  Agility (A): 271 (250, 7, 0, 14)

  Wisdom (W): 539 (199, 2, 318, 0, 20)

  Intelligence (I): 516 (198, 0, 318, 0, 0)

  Luck (L): 103 (103)

  Statistics: (Available, Capacity)

  Health: 100+(S+C)xPL: (213109, 213019) HP

  Stamina: 100+(C+A)xPL: (186748, 186748) SP

  Mana: 100+(W+I)xPL: (319765, 319765) MP

  Ki: 100+(W+[S+A]/2)xPL: (258710.5, 258710.5) KP

  She couldn’t wear the Dragon Armour until she was Level 400 and what she had organised with Sampiyon was unfinished and needed a Grand Master Smith. She’d achieved the level of Master Smith in her crafting but knew almost nothing about armour. Merdiven was out of action and except for the Amber Dragon, most of her weapons were no longer suitable at her level. Even Baris and Adalet were of a lower level than she needed. They were fine for most engagements but just didn’t do enough damage against adversaries with Levels ove
r 400. She could make some knives and maybe another sword, or she could always buy something. She had Tufek Horozu’s War Axe, but she had no idea how to use the axe effectively. She took it from her bag and weighed it in her hand. Even with her strength over one and a half times the minimum for the axe, it still felt heavy. She was glad it was built for dwarves as that meant it was just about right for her.

  Finally, she said, “Gèng, do you have any suggestions for upgrading my weapons? Without Merdiven or the weapons I’d ordered from Sampiyon, I’m not sure I’ve enough firepower to take on the other contestants in the challenge.”

  “My only suggestion is to keep on doing what you have been. Work to meet your obligations before chasing your desires. Be prepared for what comes and hold on with both hands. What do you have to do?”

  “I need to visit Jonathan and Julian. I need to get the dragon eggs to the Dragons, but I’m not strong enough yet. I want to visit Ovalar but only because a clue leads in that direction. There is the plantation where I think Merideath has slaves. I need to work on the disc and solve some clues. I also need to consider how, when and if I should extend the idea of Empire.”

  “When you listed them, did anything stand out as what you should do next?”

  “No. I think the only thing that stood out is that I miss the general excitement of just looking over the next hill or turning the next corner or investigating the next cave. Everything has become so intense.”

  “Then why don’t you wander down this mountain and see what’s at the bottom? Have a day without major obligation. Enjoy the game. Soon enough you’ll be back on the hunt for Catherine, your mother, Akia, or Thad. Just have a break for today.”

  Leah sat and considered that for a while, then she slowly practised her Tai Chi before meditating. It was an hour before she stood and said, “Thank you, Gèng. I feel lighter. I’m ready to take another step and see what new thing there is. This will be fun, even if nothing happens.”

  Mìng headed off to investigate something she’d seen on a neighbouring mountain and said she’d come when called but wanted to feed and sleep for a while. So Leah circled the rocky outcrop at the top of the mountain and picked a path which headed North-East toward the plains. She found it strange walking without a staff and decided she needed to look for clues to the grove where Bazlari had chosen the wood. Maybe heading to see Jonathan made sense; that way, she could achieve at least two of her tasks.

  As she walked, she practised using the axe by moving it through various forms and trying to work out how it could be used. She didn’t have a shield, although she did have the vambraces. She decided that changing the direction of the swing was difficult using just one hand and she began using both arms to slow down the axe after finishing an attacking stroke and alternating her attack to be possible with the weapon in either hand. This also brought the sword into a good position for defence—with a hand at either end she could use it as a staff.

  As she practised, Leah was on the lookout for anything out of the ordinary that might lead to an adventure but even though she saw the tracks of numerous animals and heard the forest sounds, she spent several hours descending the mountain and nothing attacked her or jumped out as odd. She was just getting a little bored when she crossed a small creek, and some messages appeared.

  You are entering an area of play where Player Level determines the attacking MOBs. This area encompasses the entire valley and covers an area of 85 square leagues. The highest level player calculates MOB level for groups. You can, therefore, expect to meet situations aimed at players with a level of 303. Please have an enjoyable day.

  World Achievement: Achieved (1, Opal)

  First to enter a freely accessible Playing Area

  Atherleah (Level 303) You are the first player to enter this playing area. This is your first World Achievement: ‘Achieved (Opal)’.

  You are one of the players who has been first into a freely accessible playing area.

  Reward 1: 100 x 303 = 486540 (+271%) Experience Points (1359938/3950000)

  Reward 2: + 0.5% to all future Experience

  Reward 3: 1 x 1 gold = 1 gold

  Fame: 5 Fame Points (248915)

  A Commemorative Plaque has been placed in your bag.

  She had only moved a hundred paces when something crashed into her from the rear, driving her to the ground and making her drop the axe. Sharp claws raked furrows down her back and dug in. The attacker's momentum carried it past Leah, but with its claws gripping her back the same momentum lifted Leah off the ground and dragged her along until they slid to a stop. Leah was in no condition to Mist, and her HP was dropping fast and already below half. She'd been dragged along on her right side, and all she could think of was to bring her left hand up beside her head and cast Dragon Fire at whatever was behind her. She must have hit something because there was a loud screech and a slight loosening of the claws.

  Now stationary, she reached over her shoulder and grabbing a claw cast Freeze. Leah screamed as both the claw and the outside flesh of her shoulder froze solid. The beast pulled back in pain and Leah dropped face down, suddenly free of the claws. Her health was at twenty-five percent, and she didn't yet know what she was fighting. With a heave, she pushed herself over and away from the beast. As she turned, she saw what looked like a giant mutated rodent. It was just getting to its feet yet still it had its eyes firmly fixed on Leah. She was short on potions, so she used some mana to begin the healing process and came to her feet just as the creature turned face on to renew its attack.

  Its elongated snout had two sets of canine teeth on either jaw, one set at the sides and one at the front. It stood with its head level with Leah's shoulders. Each foot ended in razor sharp extendable claws. Its tail was long, and the last half was covered with sharp needle-like protrusions which Leah could imagine tearing the flesh off her bones if it hit her. Every muscle in its body was sharply defined, even through its fur. The fur itself was mottled and grew in uneven clumps. Leah's plummeting Health had stabilised but still hovered around twenty percent.

  She equipped the Amber Dragon in her left hand because her right shoulder had no range of movement. Leah allowed the flame to flare up along the length of the blade. The rodent hesitated and gave Leah time to both identify it and cast another Heal on her back.

  RAZOR-TAILED FOREST RAT (Level 304) 64321/92416 HP (15200 EP)

  It raced forward, darting to her damaged right side. As she brought the blade across her body to strike at the rat, it turned aside, and both avoided the blade and brought its tail around in an arc to slide along Leah's left arm. She dropped the blade, and before she could retrieve it, the rat had turned around and leapt at her with front claws outstretched. Leah ducked her head down, hunching her shoulders; this didn't stop the rat's front claws from impacting her shoulders, but it did save her head from its rapidly closing jaws which clamped shut and tore out some hair. As she was driven backwards she allowed her fangs and claws to extend, and lifting her face to the rat's neck she fed at the same time as her claws shredded the rat's chest open.

  It was dead before they landed. Leah almost blacked out from the landing but kept her wits just long enough to use their momentum to roll the rat off her. Her health was hovering around ten percent, and it took almost ten minutes before she was able to stand and collect the Amber Dragon. Having fed on the rat, there was little to harvest. She felt nauseous thinking about the experience, and after dry retching many times she rinsed her mouth with the last of her water and decided, once again, that she needed to be better prepared. She retrieved the axe and equipped the vambraces.

  As soon as both vambraces closed fast around her forearms a message appeared.


  You have equipped the Beast-walker Vambraces known as the Ruh Hayvanları. Altin Geyik Efsanesi created the Ruh Hayvanlari to become one with the natural world. The vambraces allow the wearer to take the form of whichever beast is outlined in gold.

  Usually, the wearer must master one form be
fore progressing to another. As a vampire, you have an intimate knowledge of each creature you feed on. This allows you to master their form immediately as long as you make the transition within one hour of feeding. When this method is available, you will see the outline of the beast develop a silver outline. Touch the outline on both vambraces and that beast will replace the current selection. While feeding gives access to a form, it does not ensure long-term mastery or access. To achieve permanent mastery, you must be fully conversant with using the beast's body, including how it moves and what it can sense. Once a form is mastered, it will always be available as indicated by a silver outline. Mastering the form as a vampire will incur an additional cost of 100 BSP and 1000 MP per minute. Parameters for using this method to master forms are found under the Dunyanin Skill (Vampire) - Impersonation.

  You must Beast-walk for a minimum of thirty minutes to have unfettered access to the form in the future (unfettered access is not guaranteed in such a short time and may require multiple sessions of beast-walking).

  Leah checked her Mana and BSP and then after rechecking the spell, she saw the silhouette of a razor-tailed forest rat on either vambrace and both were outlined in silver. She touched them both, and when they became outlined in gold she took a good look at the outlined creature and said, “Let Earth, Water, Air, Fire and Darkness aid me to live in the skin of this beast”.

  Back in the Switch there was a Maori family that lived on the floor below where Leah used to live. The father was huge, both in height and width but the mother was small and slender. She worked as a masseuse and Leah had visited once for a massage to deal with a lingering muscle ache in her neck. All Leah could remember was the strength in the fingers that seemed to reach into the flesh and reshape the muscles. It had hurt, but it had done the trick.

  She felt that same feeling when the spell went to work. Forces dug deep into her muscles and rearranged their order. Not only did her shape change but so did her size. Although the change only took a few moments, it seemed to Leah to be several minutes. The change was far more radical than when she had become a dwarf or an Elfaun. She suddenly had four feet and no hands. She also had a tail which she was able to move. A message appeared.


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