A Flare Of Sorrow

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A Flare Of Sorrow Page 4

by Elodie Colt

  She swallowed hard, her eyes riveted on our joined hands. “I… I might not have any control over my body.”

  “And you don’t want me to watch you,” I concluded when she stopped, my throat going dry just thinking about what I’d witness if she just let me.

  “Well, yes… No. It’s… you know… if you stay here, next to me, I’m afraid of what could happen.”

  I frowned. She was talking in circles. “Are you afraid I’ll take advantage of you? I hope you know I would never do that,” I added more sternly this time, although I wasn’t so sure. Would I be able to refrain from touching her when she was writhing in ecstasy next to me? Would she even notice if I did?

  “No, it’s the opposite, actually,” she muttered, leaving me in confusion. What was she saying? “Dylan,” she said in a more urgent tone when she saw I didn’t get it. “If a sexy man is lying next to me on this bed, half-naked, while I… you know…” She gestured wildly with one hand in the air. “I’m only human, okay, and it’s been a while… You get the picture.”

  My heart made crazy little jumps in my chest. I laughed to lighten the mood despite the heat rushing through my veins, quickly gathering south.

  “You think I’m sexy?” I mocked with a crooked smile, satisfied to know it had been a while for her.

  Haylie sighed, rolling her eyes as if the question was stupid. “Dylan, I think you know the answer, so please don’t make this any more awkward than it already is.”

  I would have liked to press for more details, especially because her embarrassment was so ridiculously cute, but I had pity on her. It was good to know I affected her in some way, at least.

  “Haylie, if groping or jumping me is what you need, then I’m all yours.” Hell, yes, please do. “I’m here to help you with everything I can, and if that’s what it takes, then I won’t stop you.” Not if my life depended on it. In fact, she would have to be the one to stop me before I made a mistake I’d regret later.

  “But you and I… I don’t know where we stand. Everything seems to be so complicated, and I don’t want to mess this up.”

  “You won’t,” I replied firmly as I removed my hand from her wrist to interlace my fingers with hers. Haylie eyed the movement with interest, and I was shocked how familiar her skin felt to me. Such a simple gesture but with so much meaning.

  We were lying in bed next to each other, cuddling like lovers, even if we were miles apart from having something close to a relationship. It messed with my head, but this was not the time to wrack my brain about it. “Whatever happens, it will stay in this room, and it won’t change anything between us, okay?”

  “So, you want to stay?”

  “I want to make sure you’ll come out of this alive, no matter the consequences. So, the question is, do you allow me to stay?”

  Her eyes still shone with uncertainty, and I used my other hand to wipe a strand of hair behind her ear. Her lip quivered ever so slightly, and I wanted to repeat the movement just to witness her reaction a second time, but I didn’t want to overdo it.

  “Okay,” she finally whispered, her voice barely more than a breath, but it shot through my body as if she’d shouted the words over the entire country.

  Jesus Christ. This would be the first time I could pay witness to the Revival of another person. And it would be Haylie, a Natural, and literally the girl of my dreams.

  I thought back to how my Revival had been...

  I was lying there in a run-down motel, in an unfamiliar room, in an uncomfortable bed, completely alone, but I enjoyed every second of it. I didn’t fantasize about what I usually visualized when jacking off, which, in general, consisted of a faceless woman with big tits giving me the blow-job of my life.

  No. This one time, I allowed myself to think about something I’d probably never have a taste of. Trust. Love. Passion. Sex that meant more than just an animalistic act to release sexual tension.

  A beautiful, gorgeous woman with long, brown hair and an athletic body clothed in nothing but a lacy, white slip, a stark contrast to her tan skin glistening in the moonlight. Her legs were long and lean, her breasts and her tiny ass just the right size to fill the palm of my hands.

  She sat on top of me, straddling my hips while giving me one of her disarming, playful smiles, her hair falling like a curtain to one side and tickling my shoulder. She bent lower and trailed kisses down my neck, over my collarbone, my chest, and stomach while she reveled in the feeling of my steel-hard body.

  I guided her on with one hand tangled in her hair, but just as she reached the spot I desperately wished to be kissed, she retracted, kissing the same trail up to my neck, muttering words of love and affection in my ear. Her hips ground against me, her damp underwear making me hard with need. Then, she sat up, sliding a finger over one of her breasts, down her stomach, and right to her lacy underwear. Her finger slid over the rim of the fabric, slowly shoving it to the side.

  She would continue teasing me if I allowed it, but I couldn’t stand it anymore. I took matters into my own hands and quickly pushed inside her, guiding her down with my hands on her behind, and her gasp of surprise was enough to make me come undone.


  I’d torn apart the pillow to fight against shouting out my release, it had been that intense. And my fantasy hadn’t even come to the best part, yet.

  I wouldn’t tell Haylie, though. This was my secret to keep. Haylie was too close to the woman I’d been dreaming about that day.

  “Could you put your shirt back on?” Haylie asked, quietly killing my daydream. I didn’t mind. What I was about to witness would be so much better.

  Her question made me give her a coy smile. “Why? Do I distract you?”

  “Yeah,” she mumbled, her eyes trailing to my chest before averting them to the ceiling. God, this felt so good. Seriously, there was no way I was putting my shirt back on now.

  “In a few minutes, you’ll be too far gone to realize much anyway, Haylie.”

  Her head whipped back to me, and she opened her mouth to say something, but instead, she bit her lip and closed her eyes, a trembling breath coming out. Her fingers slid from my hand, and she clamped them down onto the blanket.

  It didn’t take me long to realize what was happening. I inhaled deeply and prayed to God my dick wouldn’t embarrass me.

  My body felt like it had taken a ride in a washing machine, my limbs had the consistency of jelly, and my muscles trembled as if electrocuted. Unbearable heat and stinging cold had surged through me at the same time, probably the aftershock from the first two phases of the Awakening. I didn’t say so to Dylan, but I mentally thanked God above that the torture was over.

  First, it had felt as if someone stuffed my intestines with red-hot coals, burning me slowly from the inside until the air seared my lungs. Then, every single nerve had turned to ice—an equally burning sensation only of a different kind—but excruciating all the same.

  My mind couldn’t get rid of the thought of what would have happened if Dylan hadn’t found me in time. He’d stayed, keeping a close eye on me, and despite the shame I felt for not being strong enough to go through the Awakening alone, there was no denying how glad I was Dylan hadn’t left my side. His presence and his soothing words had broken through the mind-clouding pain, giving me the mental strength to hold on.

  At one point, it had been enough to drop my shields and cling to him as if my life depended on it—well, my life had depended on it, if you put it like that. His soft and hot skin had warmed me in more ways than one. If I hadn’t been occupied with trying very hard not to freeze to death at the time, I’d have said to hell with it before ripping the remaining clothes from his body to take what I craved since I’d first laid eyes upon this god-like man.

  A good thing my sexual ache would find soothing in the Revival, but Dylan would only play a small part. Had I made a mistake by allowing him to stay? Despite the fact that the thought of being left alone, now that he’d been at my side the entire time, hurt mor
e than I’d wanted to admit, I risked destroying everything we’d built up so hard over the last few months.

  What would he do? Watch me while I came apart, maybe even laugh? This would be the worst disgrace a woman could imagine. Or would he take advantage of it, using my weakness to get me laid? And how would I react? Would I push him away, or would I pull him closer, begging him to fuck me and finish the job? He’d promised not to take advantage of me, but he was still just a man, right?

  Dylan didn’t miss the overload of emotions obviously crossing my face and soothed my insecurities with little gestures like stroking my cheek or my hair. He seemed fascinated by it—had even brushed through the strands most of the time the Glaciation had lasted. But when he’d interlaced our fingers, tracing mine with his fingertips, the motion so gentle and precise, it had shocked me to the core.

  Dylan wasn’t the touchy type. Was he only acting this way because the circumstances called for it, or did he feel more for me? Was that even possible? After everything we’d been through in the beginning? We’d buried the burdens of the past we shared, yes, but could he forget it all? For me?

  Whatever it was, something was happening between us. We were not just trainer and trainee anymore, that was for sure. By now, it ate me alive not knowing where we stood. I’d make sure to have a serious talk with him once this was over, even if the result could break my heart.

  When the first wave of arousal washed over me, I did my best to hide it behind closed eyes. We’d agreed that whatever happened wouldn’t change anything, but it didn’t make the situation any less embarrassing. Nevertheless, deep in my heart, I knew that tonight would change everything.

  We could pretend, but we could never forget.

  Dylan clearly felt just as unsure. Sure, he could turn around and pretend not to notice what was happening to me next to him, but it would limit his options of protecting me should any object fly across the room when my ability became activated again.

  The sensation was like nothing I’d ever experienced. The few times I’d had sex, and all the times I’d pleasured myself, were no comparison to what was happening to my body now.

  The tingles were not just shooting through my core, but also my chest, my arms, even my fingers and my toes. It took every ounce of control not to moan out loud, so I bit my lip instead and removed my hand from Dylan’s to bury it under the blankets. Otherwise, my hands would have curled around his neck to hold on for dear life.

  Dylan still lay next to me, his arm curled around my waist. His breathing became faster, but I didn’t dare open my eyes. Instead, I choked down the licentious moan threatening to erupt when a crash of pleasure consumed me, dampening the lower parts of my body.

  When the first wave dulled, I exhaled to calm my rapidly-beating heart. Despite the extreme cold I’d felt only minutes before, I was already warming up to the point I itched to remove the blankets to let the air cool my skin, but I couldn’t lose control in front of Dylan. Or my dignity, for that matter.

  “Haylie.” Dylan’s purr broke through my occupied mind. It was astonishing how gentle this man could be if he wanted.

  “Y… Yes?” My effort to sound nonchalant failed when a tremble rolled over my vocal chords.

  “Are you all right?”

  The mattress dipped, and I felt Dylan leaning closer. My eyes were still shut, afraid of what I might see when looking at the man who bore witness to my Revival. Instead of opening my mouth and uttering another stutter, I played it safe and just nodded.

  “Haylie,” Dylan repeated in his deep baritone, this time more firmly but just as softly. “Look at me.”

  A finger brushed my chin, and a little pressure was used to turn my head. I had no other option but to open my eyes.

  “I know this is embarrassing for you, and I’m sorry I’m the one to make you feel uncomfortable, but you don’t need to be ashamed of anything, okay? This is a natural part of our lives, and it only happens once in a lifetime. You’ve been through the worst already, and now you have the opportunity to experience the good side of the Awakening,” he explained, his voice strained. “Enjoy it,” Dylan whispered huskily, his hot breath tickling my cheek.

  Seriously? If I enjoyed it like Dylan wanted me to, I’d probably take matters into my own hands and finish the job myself. Although, as far as I recalled what Sarah had told me, it wouldn’t do me any good before the Awakening was over. If my phases lasted forty-three minutes, then it would take that long to reach my high, no matter how hard I’d try to release the pressure earlier.

  “Easier said than done,” I muttered, my cheeks blushing to the point I was sure Dylan could feel the waves of heat on his face. I wasn’t a prude woman by any means, but what we were doing here definitely overstepped my level of self-confidence.

  Before Dylan could reply, the next wave hit me so hard I had to press my thighs together. Quickly whipping my head to the side, I buried my face in the pillow, for the first time glad that the shorter hair strands fell over my eyes.

  My hands clawed at the mattress as a pulsating sensation ratcheted my bundle of nerves. I was only half aware of distinct clattering noises next to Dylan’s now harsher breathing and figured that my ability was playing its toll on gravity, but it barely registered as I drowned in a moment of desire.

  A hand stroked my hair away from my face, and I wanted to utter a complaint but instead, a feeble moan escaped me, one I’d desperately wanted to keep in. My heart beat loud enough to drown out most of my surroundings, so I couldn’t be sure, but I thought I heard something similar to a moan coming from Dylan.

  “Haylie,” he pressed again, his voice strained as if in great pain. “Don’t hold back.” I frantically shook my head, my lips clamped shut in case another breathy noise got loose. “Let it out, Haylie,” he drawled into my ear.

  Dylan was nearly lying on top of me. Was he insane? How could he do this now? I’d warned him about what could happen if he stayed. If he came any closer, every effort to tame my lewdness would be futile.

  “Let go,” he urged me on, his hand gliding down my neck until coming to rest on my shoulder. Every single contact with my skin left a burning hot trail multiplying the immense sensations.

  And then it happened.

  I groaned from deep within as I felt my control snap like a guitar string stretched too tight. I’d suffered enough.

  My hands shot out from under the blankets, and they grabbed Dylan’s shoulders desperate to feel more of his skin. He gasped in surprise, but before he could complain, or whatever it was he was going to say, I yanked him down on top of me. Dylan could have easily kept his stance, but something was making him weaker—my arousal or my ability?—because he quickly stemmed one hand into the mattress next to my head to support most of his weight.


  A thousand emotions rattled through me as my name rolled over his tongue—desperation, frustration, desire, lust, affection, insecurity, pain—but it was too late to go back. He’d asked for this, and I wouldn’t let go, not until I got what my body craved to the point it was insufferable.

  The coldness that had frozen me during the Glaciation was gone. My body was hot under the blankets, and I feebly tugged at the fabric to get it off me which was difficult with Dylan lying on top of it. He knew what I was up to as he lifted his body and snapped the blankets away in such a swift movement, it sounded like a whip slashing through the air. And, oh God, nothing sounded more erotic in that moment of pure bliss.

  Cool air blasted over my sweat-dampened skin, but the sensation was soon replaced by Dylan’s warmth sinking back down on me.

  Our contact boosted my nerves into overdrive. An electric shock of sexual arousal sped from my core over my belly and right up to my breasts, hardening my nipples to the point it became painful. Dylan would feel it through the thin fabric of my top, but instead of feeling ashamed, I was close to ripping my clothes off to let him see what was underneath.

  My body arched, bowing my back as far as it would go
with Dylan’s massive frame in my way, and this time, I didn’t even try to reign in the wail building from deep within. Dylan growled, and he dropped his head next to mine in defeat before his body followed suit, face buried in the pillow. I couldn’t hold still despite Dylan’s weight on top of me, my body too restless and pumped with endorphins, my feet digging into the mattress. I clawed frantically at Dylan’s back, desperate to feel the muscles now steel hard with tension.

  Why, oh why, had he refused to put his shirt back on?

  When I thought I couldn’t take anymore, my breathing too loud in my ears, the second wave finally died down, and my limbs relaxed. Dylan, on the other hand, was as tense as a stretched ribbon, his head still hidden in the pillow, his breathing irregular. I couldn’t blame him. I was giving him a live porn show, after all.

  Dylan shifted his hips in an attempt to hide the bulge in his jeans. I slowly but unwillingly slid my hands from Dylan’s back, wanting to give him space, but Dylan’s hands shot out and grabbed my elbows to keep my arms in place. His head finally lifted, and I wished for more light to see his features.

  He studied me intently, and I was close to asking what he was thinking, but then he put his forefinger on my temple, stroking a path down my jawline and over my cheek until resting on my lower lip. His piercing gaze followed and locked on my lips as if struggling with himself. Was he contemplating kissing me? The longing in his eyes told me yes, but something seemed to hold him back.

  “Dylan?” I tested, hoping he understood the underlying question.

  He didn’t seem to hear me and gritted out his next statement with the words, “You’re my undoing, do you know that?”


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