A Flare Of Sorrow

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A Flare Of Sorrow Page 13

by Elodie Colt

  “I’m trying,” I mumbled in desperation, letting my guard down for a moment. Lisa put a comforting hand on my cheek, giving me a sad smile. “Did the others tell you about Jimmy?”

  Her smile faded as she nodded. “How is he?”

  I managed to curl my lip slightly. “Surgery went well. You know Jimmy, he won’t let that get to him.”

  “Of course not,” she agreed, her smile returning.

  “I need to ask you something,” I started in a serious tone. “Haylie told me you didn’t recognize Cassie the other day when you were training. Was it… I mean, did it feel as if it was a different person standing there, or was it just a slight change in her vibes?”

  Lisa furrowed her brows, her pale eyes roaming from left to right as if trying to memorize what she’d felt. “It wasn’t just a slight change. Their frequency and color were completely different. More aggressive. Dangerous. Then again, after training hours with Haylie, I assumed my body was just too exhausted to read the vibes properly.”

  “Scott smelled something strange about her. When I spoke to her about it, she told me she was pregnant.”

  Lisa lifted her brows in surprise. “By whom?”

  “No idea. Do you think the change in hormones could have such an effect?”

  “I can’t tell you. I’ve never met a pregnant woman up close since I developed my ability. Still, vibes are unique and attached to the person. They don’t change that drastically.”

  I remembered Scott saying something similar. “Any idea what might have caused it, then?”

  Lisa seemed to contemplate something for a second, her eyes narrowing. “Did you ever consider the possibility that a Shifter was behind it?”

  It took me a second to get what she was saying. “What, you think someone shifted to Cassie to get to Haylie?” Lisa shrugged. “No way. Shifters can change their appearance slightly, some more than others, but cloning an existing person is impossible. She had Cassie’s voice. I’ve never heard of a Shifter who can change their vocal chords.”

  Lisa shook her head. “You’re right. Sorry, I’m at a loss just as you are.”

  I swallowed down my disappointment. “Okay. You can move to Jimmy’s room as long as he’s gone. We’re sending the students home for the time being. There will be just a few of us, so you should feel comfortable. I’d like to have you close by, just in case. If there’s another attack on the compound, it will take too long to reach you at the end of this wing.”

  “Sounds about right.”

  After my chat with Lisa, I returned to my room. I deliberately averted my eyes as I passed Haylie’s room as I didn’t want to be reminded of the night that resulted in its destruction. Yet, her scent still lingered in my space, and I allowed myself to draw comfort from it for a little while before heading to the bathroom.

  Stripping out of my clothes, I stepped into the shower, letting the hot water wash away blood, dirt, and shame. The high temperature stung my wounds, but I bit down the pain feeling I deserved it.

  I stayed in the shower until the water ran cold before stepping out and tending to my injuries. As I cleaned a slash over my hipbone, my mind flashed with a memory of Haylie’s soft hands trailing a path over my stomach, stitching the cut Cole had inflicted with accuracy. As her hands had started to shake, clearly affected by our proximity, I’d been so close just to grabbing her, plopping her onto the basin, and devouring her with a demanding kiss that was long overdue.

  Lifting my head, I looked at my reflection in the mirror, taking in the rippling muscles of my torso and bulging upper arms. What use was all this strength if I couldn’t even keep one person alive?

  God, Haylie, where the hell did they take you?

  With an outcry of rage, my hand shot out on its own accord, my fist connecting with the mirror and shattering it in a heartbeat. I welcomed the sting of pain in my knuckles, but it didn’t ease the pain in my heart as I’d hoped.

  Defeated, I headed back to my room, my eyes falling on the picture of Jenna and me, the sight only adding to my sorrow. Next to it lay some sheets of paper. It took me a second to recall they were Haylie’s hospital files we’d taken from Doctor Simmons’ office all that time ago.

  Only then it struck me that I’d never had a closer look at them. After Haylie had found out about her ability, I’d forgotten all about them.

  Snatching the papers, I read through the file. Most of it was medical jargon I didn’t understand, but a handwritten note attached to the last page caught my attention.

  Hydrochloridiumpholene, it said. Not that I knew what it meant as my knowledge of chemistry was next to nonexistent, but I swore I’d read the same term on one of the bottles I’d found in the truck before the explosion hit. I’d just seen a shard where only half of the letters were visible, but I’d bet this was no coincidence.

  Fishing out my phone, I googled the term, cursing the damn line for lagging from the bad reception down here. When the hits finally popped up, the first thing the search engine spat out was Natcos Pharmaceuticals—the same company name as the label on the bottle. They produced high-quality natural cosmetics and made billions with their flagship product Serum of Youth which was sold at a ridiculously high price.

  What the heck? I wracked my brain in an attempt to put the puzzle pieces together. Doctor Simmons, Haylie’s stay in the hospital all those years ago, the note on the file, the empty bottles in the truck...

  Did Haylie become a test subject for beauty products? She was a Natural, after all. Who knew what her DNA was capable of?

  Well, I knew one… Doctor Simmons himself.

  Cassie threw me questioning looks every few seconds, curious about what I’d scribbled on the note for Gabby. I shook my head slightly, nodding toward the door. We both knew we needed to be careful what we said as long as that scumbag Gordon guarded our cell with his Catcher ears open.

  Time stood still down here. I didn’t know if it was night or day, but minutes felt like hours, and hours felt like days. Eventually, I lost track of time completely. It felt like forever when Dorian’s minion had poked inside my vagina as gently as a construction worker handling a jackhammer. I still felt sore from it.

  I fisted my hand at the memory, nails digging into my flesh, trying to erase the memory of Dorian’s wicked grin as I lay exposed in front of him in the worst way imaginable. I swore to kill every one of them should I ever get out of this shithole. And damned I should be if I didn’t at least try to escape.

  My cot suddenly started to shake, making the metal bars rattle in response. Cassie threw me a warning look, and I hastily tried to get my emotions under control before Gordon punished me for activating my ability. Not that I’d intended on bringing it forth. Ever since the Awakening, my ability seemed to be more sensitive to my emotions than usual, and I didn’t know how to tame them.

  My slip of control attracted Gordon’s attention, and I quickly leaned my head against the wall, closing my eyes and pretending to sleep. I wasn’t afraid of the guy. I knew I could take him out if I’d be given free reign, but I’d rather stay unscathed for a while, at least until I could escape this place and breathe fresh air again.

  Air. Sunlight. Grass. Trees. The sky.


  Since I’d been deprived of nature, I felt overly jittery and uncomfortable. A glance in the mirror showed me I’d grown five shades paler over the last few days, and I swore my hair had lost some of its usual shine.

  Might also have had to do with the fact that the food was disgusting and void of any vitamins, which they probably did on purpose. After all, I was a Natural. I didn’t belong down here buried like a mole under the earth. I needed to get out of here, or I sure as hell would go crazy. And this would mean getting caught in the Bluster, which wouldn’t be the smartest move in this environment.

  Straining my ears, I listened for minutes, maybe hours, until I finally heard the dull, off-kilter steps of Gordon’s feet shuffling away.

  “What did you write on that note?”
Cassie hissed, keeping her accusing voice low.

  “I asked Gabby to heal you next time she visits us. You’re not fit for an escape in this condition.” I pointed to her body littered with bruises, cuts, and other injuries.

  “Escape? Escape how and where? We don’t even know where the fuck we are on this fucking planet!”

  “Gabby knows.”

  Cassie snorted. “And then what? How do you intend to get out of this cell chained to that?” She pointed a finger at the heavy ring anchored to the ground and keeping me shackled. “The entire building is an underground maze with the highest security. You wouldn’t even make it around the next corner.”

  I clenched my teeth at the rising anger. Cassie was not the easiest person to be around. From all the people I needed to be stuck here with, it had to be her.

  “Listen, I won’t rot in this hole being their guinea pig for whatever reasons, and I don’t care if I die trying. And you sure as hell are going to come with me!” I shouted, wanting to drive my point home this time.

  Cassie seemed shocked for a moment, confusion clouding her face. “Why would you care about me?” After a second, she added in annoyance, “Ah, yes, because you’re the good girl with the good heart.”

  I shook my head in disappointment. “Would it kill you to push your anger toward me aside for once?”

  “You’re a Natural.” She ground her teeth, clearly aggravated. “You have everything. Look at you. Hair like silk, radiant skin, honey eyes, a face like an angel, a body like a Victoria’s Secret model, and graced with the greatest power anyone could have on earth. You’re the one everyone adores. You’re the one everyone envies. You’re the center of attention.”

  I gave a loud laugh at listening to her naiveté. “You missed a few things on your list, like the fact that I’m the one everyone’s hunting, either because they want to use me for their own purpose, or because they want me dead. And my power? You think it’s so great to have that kind of ability? To be constantly on guard not to destroy everything and everyone surrounding you? I’m all for switching places if you think it’s so cool to be me.”

  “You have Dylan,” she carried on as if she hadn’t even heard me. Of course, Dylan would come into play at some point.

  “I don’t have—”

  “He’d choose you without hesitation. If he ever had to decide between you and me or Chris or Jimmy or whoever, he wouldn’t even think about it twice.”

  I combed a hand through my hair in desperation. “So, this is about jealousy? You think I’m the reason he’s not with you?” She gave me a scornful look but didn’t answer. “As far as I know, he quit things with you long before I even appeared on the radar,” I added the last part softly, not wanting to salt her wounds. Cassie just scoffed and averted her eyes.

  I sighed. “Listen, could we postpone this conversation for after we’re out of this damn place?” She ignored me. I pouted my lips, deciding she wasn’t worth the effort. “Fine, do what you want. I can’t force you to come with me. I’m sure Dylan will be happy to hear you gave up just like that instead of fighting like you were trained.”

  She tried not to react, but I could see her jaw working. I knew I had her there. I wouldn’t go without her, of course, even if it meant dragging her all the way. Dylan would never forgive me for leaving her in this place.

  “So, what’s your grand plan?” she asked, voice thick with disbelief. “We need to get rid of those shackles first. Gordon has the key, but we can’t fight him like this.” She lifted her chains for emphasis.

  “Could you strangle him from behind?” I suggested, but Cassie shook her head.

  “Even if Gabby heals my major injuries, she won’t be able to heal me completely without Gordon noticing. I won’t have the strength necessary to jump up to his height and strangle him before he can defend himself.”

  She had a point. I eyed my chain leading to the ring in the ground. “I could swing my chain around him.”

  “Not as long as you’re chained to that ring. It’s too short.” Well, shit. So much for my gorgeous escape plan. “Really, what use is your ability if you don’t use it?”

  I threw her a confused look. “What should I do with my ability down here? Bring down the ceiling to bury us all? Or make Gordon float in the air?”

  “Get that thing out of the concrete,” Cassie explained with a nod to the ring.

  I huffed a laugh. “Seriously? It weighs twice as much as me.”

  “You can wield gravity, and you’re past the Awakening now.”

  I shook my head before she was finished. “That’s never going to work. I’m not trained for this.”

  “Who’s the pessimistic one now?”

  Frowning, I eyed the heavy metal ring with dread. Was it possible? I remained skeptical but decided to give it a try.

  Standing up, I concentrated on the round object and let my second view come forth to give me a geometric vision of the room. I nearly groaned at taking in the countless lines crisscrossing in complex patterns.

  Reaching for the pyramid-like particles in my system, I directed their tips upward, indicating I wanted to lift something off the floor. The lines swirled and changed until they showed me where I needed to focus my force. Technically, that was.

  Sweat broke out on my hairline as my power sucked away my remaining energy. I took one last breath before wrapping the chain around my forearm and activated my ability, pulling hard, but it was like doing tug-of-war with an elephant. Nothing happened.

  I exhaled in a huff. Readjusting my grip on the chain, I spread my legs wider for a stable footing. I yanked a second time, the particles in my body vibrating with the effort. Miraculously, the concrete cracked and split in a few places, and I felt the ring lifting a fraction of an inch.

  I halted in surprise and looked over to Cassie who now sat upright, watching the show with curiosity. “Shit. It’s not enough, though.”

  I grunted. “Thanks, Sherlock.”

  Concentrating on the task, I flexed my already raw fingers before gripping the chain again. More cracks appeared, and the ring lifted a few more inches. After three attempts, I’d heaved the thing halfway out, but it was still tightly anchored to the ground. Winded, I flopped onto the bed, taking a minute to catch my breath and rub my sore skin.

  “You should hurry, Gordon will be back any minute.”

  Grabbing my bottle of water, I emptied what was left. “Can’t… exhausted,” I panted, out of breath. The lack of carbs in the food kept my stamina to a minimum, and the little oxygen in the room made it hard to breathe.

  Approaching footsteps resounded, and Cassie shot me a horrified look. If Gordon saw the mess I’d made, punishment was sure to follow, and then he’d chain me to something more robust. Could I get that thing out of its hinges in one more try? Impossible.


  “What?” Cassie asked skeptically at watching my probing gaze.

  “Could you bring me out of the Bluster?”


  I grabbed her shoulders for emphasis, hoping she understood how serious I was. “Could you? Yes, or no?”

  Dressing in haste, I grabbed the hospital keys I’d taken from my old play bunny Danielle that day and was out of my room a minute later, heading to where Cole and the others cleaned the mess outside. I’d rather have had Chris by my side, but Sarah hadn’t healed his injuries yet, so I needed to rely on someone else.

  “Cole, I’ve got a trace.” I filled him in briefly about what I’d found before we drove to St. Alice’s Hospital.

  Cole stopped in front of the reception desk using his charm to question the pretty brunette behind the counter. “Doctor Simmons is currently in surgery, but he should be finished in a few. You can wait here if you want,” she informed us.

  “Thanks,” Cole said, turning back to me. “What now?” he asked in a lower voice.

  “I have the keys to his office.” So, we casually walked away from the receptionist before turning the corner leading to the up
per floors.

  “Hey, this is a private wing. Only staff is allowed up here!” a voice shouted from behind us.

  Shit, I’d forgotten about that. Last time, we were camouflaged with staff uniforms. Cole reacted fast, though, racing toward the man and knocking him out cold before he could take his next breath. I scanned the hallway for witnesses, but it was empty. I was just about to ask where he intended to hide the guy when he propped him on a cot in the hallway and tossed a blanket over his limp form.

  “So, where to?” Cole asked nonchalantly, clapping his hands. I scoffed at his arrogance.

  We jogged to the office, and I unlocked the door before we slipped in. Crossing the room, I deflated in the office chair while Cole sat down on a couch in the corner. I tried not to fidget, knowing that every minute we wasted was precious time slipping away. I cast a glance at Cole with his head bent and his elbows propped on his knees, kneading his hands and staring at nothing.

  “I’m sorry about what happened,” I said in a low voice, knowing how he must feel now that half of his team was gone.

  Cole gave a short nod in acknowledgment before his head lifted to look at me. “Dylan, I wanted to apologize for what happened back in jail—”

  “Don’t,” I interrupted him. “It happened. We can’t change it.” This was really not a topic I wanted to brood over now. I had more urgent things to worry about. “I just want to find her. That’s all that matters now.” I flinched after the words were out, not wanting to show my vulnerability in front of Cole.

  A minute of silence passed, and I felt Cole’s eyes on me before he asked in a low voice, “Do you love her?” I bit my lip, not knowing what to say. I knew the answer deep inside, but admitting it out loud was another thing entirely. My hesitation was the answer Cole had been waiting for. “I see.”

  I was saved from continuing the conversation as the door banged open, and Doctor Simmons entered, peeling out of his medical garment. He shut the door behind him but froze when he realized he had company.

  “Who the hell are you? And how did you get in here, anyway?”


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