Archer: Book One......Alliance of Peace : Vampire and Wolf Must Fight As One

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Archer: Book One......Alliance of Peace : Vampire and Wolf Must Fight As One Page 3

by Lisa Ray

  Bella was sitting on the small balcony that protruded from her living room. She was enjoying a cappuccino and thinking about her evening. Even with all the fun she had, her mind kept returning to that gaze from Archer. He was a man that would complicate things for her right now. Everything was new here and she wasn’t sure where she would be in a year. She didn’t need to fall for Archer. The only thing is, the spark was there and she wasn’t sure if she could do nothing about it for a year. She looked high up to the mountain peak as she heard a mournful howl of a lone wolf. Then she heard others join him. The sound was beautiful to her, not frightening. She finished her drink and enjoyed the sounds of the night.

  Chapter 6

  Archer and his council sat tensely around his dining room table. Archer told them all that Ryker and he were in agreement on standing together. The council was worried about trusting the vamps. Archer assured them that he trusted Ryker but if there was an issue with the whole pack then he and Ryker would work something out. He asked them all if they had heard any talk of dissention among the pack. Chloe went first. Among the single women there were none she thought would be a problem. There were two that had eighteen year old sons that could possibly be swayed. Archer told her to bring them with their mother to him. She nodded in affirmation.

  Roman next told him that among the single men there were several he wasn’t sure about. The rest were definitely in agreement with peace but would fight if they had to. He told Archer he would gather the ones that weren’t definites and bring them to him.

  Arianna was sure that among the married women, all wanted peace but would fight if they had to for it. There were a couple of teenage girls and a boy that she wasn’t sure of though. Archer told her to bring the teenagers with their parents to him.

  Sasha agree with Arianna and Chloe, but she thought she might know of two females that she wasn’t a hundred percent sure of. She would bring them to Archer.

  Walker didn’t see any problems with the older generation. Every one of the ones that had lived through the Great War wanted no part of it again. They would stand with the pack

  Cash was sure that most of the married men felt the same way though there were three that he wasn’t definite on. He told Archer he would bring them in to him.

  After everyone spoke Archer felt better. That was far better than he expected. His pack was large. A thousand or more, counting all the young. Some had married out of pack and left and some had left to join other packs with relatives. But his pack was one of the largest in the country. He told them that he wanted to see all of the questionables tomorrow. He then wanted to set up a meeting with the whole pack in the community center for the following night. This needed to happen fast.

  Archer watched them all leave and decided he was too full of adrenalin to sleep. He stepped outside and immediately transformed. He raced toward town.

  On the edge of town, Bella was ready for bed but she wasn’t tired. The day had been an easy one and she just wanted to sit on her porch and enjoy some down time. One glass of wine and a good book would complete her enjoyment. Once planted in the lounger, she looked out into the woods and watched as the shadows shifted in the moonlight. It wasn’t a full moon but full enough to brighten the night where she could see in the dimness around her. She let her mind wander to all the creatures that may be in there looking back at her. She knew there were bears and moose, bobcats and all types of furry animals. She wasn’t afraid. She loved the feel of being so close to nature.

  Then she saw a shadow move against a tree. It stepped out of the wood line and twenty feet away she saw the most beautiful animal she had ever seen. She rose to her feet and stood with her hands planted firmly on the banister and stared. The animal sat down and stared back. She didn’t know there were wolves here too. But this was definitely a magnificent specimen of one. Pure black and larger than she imagined an average wolf to be. It stared at her with golden eyes full of keen intelligence. There was almost something familiar in that gaze but she couldn’t quite pinpoint it.

  She finally spoke out loud, “My goodness, you are a beautiful animal. Magnificent and wild. I almost wish I could run free with you through the forest. Was that you I heard howl the other night? Where’s your pack? Don’t you guys usually travel together? No matter, I am glad you’re here. You have no idea how lonely it is moving to a new place. I have made some great friends but it’s still hard. My mom’s in Alabama all alone now. My dad died when I was a baby and I feel protective over her. She’s the one that told me to come here. To quit being her babysitter. But I miss her terribly. Anyway, I don’t know why I’m telling you this, you can’t understand me. But I am glad to vent. It has helped.” Then Bella laughed a deep throaty laugh that caused the wolf to cock his head to one side. Bella continued, “Uh oh, I didn’t think about the fact you could probably jump up here with no problem. I’m not that high and you’re huge. You aren’t going to hurt me now are you?” When the wolf didn’t move, Bella grew quiet in her thoughts. Finally the wolf turned slowly and vanished into the forest as quietly as he had come. Bella went back to her lounger and wondered what her mom was doing. She went into the house and called her. Her mom listened as she told her of everything that had happened since the moment she arrived.

  The wolf made it to the peak of the mountain in record time. Once there, he didn’t raise his head and howl, he transformed into the man that made him human. Sitting alone on the rock, he thought of Bella’s words. He knew what it was like to be lonely. Never in his many years had he found anyone he wanted to share his life with. So he had been alone. Following a generation of leaders he had been handed his birthright at an early age when his father was killed in the Great War. He had worried so much about the pack he had never taken the time for himself. And now certainly wasn’t the time. There was way too much to really worry about this time. Although he couldn’t get Bella out of his mind. She had not run in the house in fear or shrieked in glee when she saw him. She had treated him with respect and not been fearful at all. She should have been. He could have jumped onto that balcony in one leap. She needed to be more careful. He would see to that or at least enclose the balcony in wire or something to protect her.

  He didn’t know why he cared. They didn’t even know each other. But he felt as if he knew her well.

  Back at home, Archer made himself a cup of thick, dark coffee. Then he headed toward his back porch. As he sat on his favorite porch swing, his cell phone chimed in his pocket. He fumbled to sit the coffee down and reached for the phone. By the time he got to it the caller was going to voicemail. He pushed the voicemail button and looked at the message. It was from Doctor Bernard.

  He pushed speaker and the voice of the Doctor came out loud and clear. “Archer, I need to talk to you as soon as possible. It’s extremely important. Please call me. You have my number.”

  Archer heard the urgency in the Doctors voice. He immediately pushed the call back button. On the first ring Doctor Bernard answered.

  “Archer I need you to listen, I don’t have much time.”

  “Whoa Doc, are you O.K.?

  “Just listen. When I arrived here on the coast, my daughter was acting strangely. I ask her what was going on and she told me something you need to know. She said that she had met a man she thought was very nice. He took her on a date and in the middle of it he got a phone call. He turned his head and didn’t think she could hear him but she could. He said something about taking out the leaders of all the communities to leave them vulnerable. Then he said start with the largest and then she heard the words Brent, Maine. When he was done with the phone call she pretended all was well but he could tell something was bothering her. She found an excuse to go home. But, Archer, that was tonight and we are hearing strange noises outside. I think they’ve come for her and any information she may have heard. We are going to hide in the cellar and hopefully make it through. I’ve already called the police.”

  “No! Doc, get to the roof and when they come in get off fa
st and run. They will smell you and come after you. You have to get to help or you’ll die. Do you hear me?”

  “I think we can do that we are moving that way now.” Where do we go?”

  “Wherever you go they will know. You need to go public. Mall, store somewhere surrounded by people. If you make it there, call me. I will be waiting to hear. And Doc, good luck, now go! Don’t hesitate.”

  The click ended the call. Archer was immediately on the phone dialing Ryker. He answered quickly and Archer told him what he just found out. Ryker listened without interrupting. When Archer was finished, Ryker made a proposition. He said they needed to build trust fast. He thought it was in all their best interest if they could get some of their people to volunteer to stay with the other faction. He had ten volunteers willing to come live with Archers pack.

  Archer listened intently. He thought this would be a good idea. At his pack meeting he would ask for volunteers. “That sounds like a good idea. I’ll ask for volunteer’s tomorrow night. In the meantime, watch your back. They are coming for us because we are the largest of both.”

  “I will.”

  Archer hung up and leaned back in the swing. His thoughts were on the Doc and his daughter. He knew they didn’t stand much of a chance with Vamps and Lycans hunting for them. He just hoped they made it. The information they had given him was priceless and also vital to their survival. They knew the first plan of the rogues. He would call his council and get them on the phone across the nations to the other leaders. He was sure Ryker would do the same for his people.

  Dialing Romans number, it took thirty minutes for the council to arrive.

  “I know it’s late but this is an emergency.” He told them of his phone call from Doctor Bernard. He still hadn’t heard anything from them and feared the worst. When he was finished he told them he had already called Ryker. He ask if they would all bring the questionables in to see him in the morning and then he ask all but Chloe to get on the phone and call the pack for a community meeting in the evening. It needed to be quick and waiting a day was no longer wise. Then he asked Chloe if she would call all the pack leaders and let them know the information. Soon everyone was spread about his house talking on their phones. He looked at the clock. It was eleven-thirty P.M. and it had been an hour and a half since he had heard from the Doctor. He walked back outside and sat in the swing with his head in his hands. Then his phone rang. He grabbed it and answered on the second ring. It was the Doctor.

  “Thank God, Doctor. It had been so long I feared the worst.”

  “It was bad Archer. They almost got us but we poured gasoline on ourselves from my neighbor’s garage. We are at the mall now. What should we do?”

  “I want you to stay public and take the first plane to us. Don’t be alone at any time. Let me know when you will arrive and I’ll send someone for you. Get to the airport, Doc. Do it now!”

  “We will, and thank you Archer. You saved our lives.”

  “No, Doctor, thank you.”

  As soon as he hung up he went in where everyone was still on the phone. As soon as everyone hung up he told them about the Doctor. They were all glad. Then right back on their phones again. By three A.M., all calls were made and everyone left. Archer went to bed and slept a fitful sleep.

  Chapter 7

  Archer was ready and waiting by six A.M. He knew that the ones he needed to make sure of would be arriving shortly. He had told his council seven A.M. and to tell them all to call into work if need be. He needed time to get his head together and figure out what he was going to say. He had heard from the Doc and with three flights and two lay-overs, they would be arriving at the closest airport at eleven this morning. He had asked Cash to get them and bring them to his house.

  Soon his people all began to arrive. His house was full. He asked everyone to find anywhere they could and have a seat. He needed to talk to everyone. Once everyone was settled, he began to talk.

  “I brought you all here for a reason. Some of you may have figured it out. We all know about the rogues but I’m going to go over it all again. A group of Vampires and Lycanthropes have banded together to try to take us back to the dark ages. The age before peace. The days before the Great War. Except this time they want to kill not only Vampire and Lycan that get in there way, they also want to use the humans for their own means. We have enjoyed way too many years to go back to that. I lived during the Great War. Believe me; you don’t want to see that. Your friends and family annihilated and blood covered fields. I know some of you here may have considered that peace was not the answer. That you are tired of hiding who you are. But blood is not the answer. War is not the answer. I need to know if any of you believe the rogues are a consideration for you or if you will stand with us for peace.”

  The room was quiet as some looked dead on at Archer and others looked at their laps, while some glanced around the room. Archer spoke again. “I am going to ask all that stand for peace to stand up and all those that are unsure to stay seated. You will not be punished if you are unsure.”

  Slowly Archer watched as a few began to stand. Soon everyone but eight individuals was standing.

  Archer looked at the ones standing, “I need you to swear your loyalty to the pack and to peace.”

  Each standing person, one by one, said, “I swear.” When they were finished Archer asked them all to leave except the ones seated. When he was left with the eight he looked at each one left. Two adults and six teenagers. The two adults he knew had just married. The six teenagers belonged to four different families. The adults looked unsure while the teenagers looked smug and arrogant.

  “I won’t ask you how you could consider a life of war better than peace. I will ask you one thing. Do you prefer to be locked up here or sent out on your own?”

  All eight looked surprised. One of them asked if he was for real.

  “Yes. What is about to happen will require complete allegiance and trust. I can’t have anyone here that is questionable. So which do you prefer?”

  The teenage girls began to cry. The three teenage boys looked like they were trying not to. The adults stood up, “We are leaving. We will be on the first plane out.”

  Archer looked at them as they exited the room and motioned to Roman who had been quietly standing in the kitchen to follow them, “We will make sure of it.” And Roman followed them out the door.

  Archer brought his attention back to the teenagers. He asked them to all call their parents to come and get them. Cash emerged from the kitchen where he had been waiting with Roman. “Cash, when their parents arrive, make sure they know everything and that I expect these six to be at the meeting tonight.”

  Cash nodded.

  Archer went to the kitchen and grabbed his keys. He told Cash he needed to get out a bit and so off he went. He drove the two miles to town and parked in front of the vet clinic. He needed to see Bella. He didn’t know why. He walked into an empty waiting room and saw Bella and Chloe enjoying take out from the Chinese place in town. They both smiled when they saw him and he didn’t even hesitate to walk around and find a chair to join them. Soon Chloe and Bella were both sharing their lunch with Archer and the conversation was light and trivial. They talked of family and friends and themselves and before you know it an hour had passed. Archer said how much he had enjoyed the beautiful company but he had a few things to do. He also told Bella Doctor Bernard was bringing his daughter to town today to see where her father had spent most of his life. They were staying with him. Bella acted pleased but a flash of jealousy crossed her face. Archer was pleased to see it. He almost laughed.

  “Doctor Bernard’s daughter is single again after her sixth husband. Doctor Bernard always said she was a lost cause. But I owe her a favor so I am going to find them a place to stay for a month or two out in my area. As a matter of fact I think I know the perfect place. It was recently vacated this morning and I know the owner.” He was thinking of the two adults and the small house they lived in in the center of town. With them gone
it would be the perfect place for The Doc.

  Bella and Chloe each told him to have a great day and he left feeling a light-hearted feeling he needed so badly. He knew it wouldn’t last long.

  Bella and Chloe were becoming fast friends. Bella ask Chloe, “So tell me his story.”

  “I’ll tell you some; the rest is his to tell.” Chloe responded, “I’ve known Archer all my life. He is like a brother to me. We live in the same area outside of town. He lives alone in a grand log home overlooking several thousand acres that belong to him. He has never been married, not even close. No children. He’s had lady friends but none that have lasted long. We are a close knit community out there and we watch out for each other. Archer is the leader of the community watch so to speak. He owns the hardware store and a construction crew. He is well liked and well respected by everyone I know. He is smart and strong and kind. But he can also be dangerous if he has to be. I would kill for him. He is family. “

  “Wow, sounds like he’s a super hero.”

  “No, but close,” and Chloe laughed. “Are you interested?”

  “I don’t have the right to be interested. I may only be here a year and I wouldn’t want to start something I couldn’t finish.”

  “I hate to tell you this my friend, but it’s already started. I could see the sparks flying off of you both from here. You might as well go with it.”


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