Archer: Book One......Alliance of Peace : Vampire and Wolf Must Fight As One

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Archer: Book One......Alliance of Peace : Vampire and Wolf Must Fight As One Page 10

by Lisa Ray

  “Whoa there, young man. Save it.” Ryker said as he watched Archer struggle to contain his emotions. “Use it tonight. We will get them back and maybe have a nice little meeting with Lane. Remember, we want to try to keep him alive if we can. He can tell us much.”

  “I can’t promise. If he’s hurt Bella I may not be able to stop myself.” Archer was honest.

  Ryker nodded his head in understanding. Then he went and brought them both a beer. Sitting on the front steps, the two, one Vampire and one Lycan, each having fought against each other in the great war, began to form a bond built on a common goal. Peace.

  Chapter 21

  Bella and Lissette checked on each other by knocking softly all through the day. Bella had been working on a few more weapons. She had pulled the tank kit out of the toilet and had a chain she could use to wrap around a neck if need be. She had slid her fork off her breakfast tray and hid it and it had gone unnoticed. She was thinking of all she could. She knew she would be no match for the beings that surrounded her but she was determined not to be a liability and to fight to the end. She wasn’t afraid to die. She certainly didn’t want to yet. And she also would fight for her mother. She wanted to do whatever she could no matter how small.

  Lissette was also still working on her own defense. She had pulled the towel bar off the wall and wrapped the glass around the end tying it with strips of a towel she ripped apart. Now she had a sharp spear. She had poked a hole in her mattress with a piece of broken glass and managed to retrieve a couple of springs. She wound them together for integrity and was still thinking when the door opened and Lane entered. He looked around the room and then at her. She felt a chill run down her spine. How could she not have seen what he was? It was so obvious to her now how wicked he was. He advanced toward her and she backed up until she bumped into the bed.

  “I ought to push you back and show you what you’ve been missing. You deserve it. You’re a terrible liar. I knew you had figured something out before you left your house that morning. I had already decided you would have to be taken care of. Luckily I didn’t do it then because you have given me a great gift. You are going to hand me the two most important leaders in the country. They are going to walk right into my hands. And then I will have you the way I want, any way I want. And probably that pretty little girl of yours. Then I will make you go away.”

  Lissette didn’t open her mouth. She wouldn’t give him the satisfaction. She stood her ground. Staring him straight in the face. She was thinking to herself that she would enjoy stabbing that spear right into his cruel heart.

  When Lane saw he wasn’t having the desired effect on Lisette, he took three steps back and turned. His wolf was dark gray with piercing brown eyes. He opened his mouth and bared his teeth, showing his enormous fangs. He advanced toward her again.

  Lisette was definitely afraid. It was hard not to show it. She moved quickly to roll across the bed and put it between her and wolf. He was huge. He easily jumped onto the bed. This made him look larger as his massive head towered above hers from his platform. He bared his teeth and growled a menacing growl again. Lisette backed up toward the wall. She knew if he wanted to he could tear her apart. Her weapons were under the bed.

  Then he was standing before her in human form again, smiling a satisfied smile. Turning, he walked out of her room. Lisette sat on the bed and let herself deal with her fear. She had to be strong.

  As the day wore on, a feeling of dreaded anticipation settled in Bella’s heart. She had an idea that tonight would be the night. She knew that the battle would be bloody and horrific. She feared for Archer. She knew then that she loved him. She didn’t think she could bear it if he died trying to rescue her. She would rather die herself. His people needed him too much. She pounded on the inside of her door. She heard a laugh outside in the hallway.

  Shouting, she said, “I want to see Lane now. Open this door and take me to him.”

  The laughter only grew louder. Several different guards.

  “If you don’t take me to him and he finds out that I wanted to make a deal you’ll be in trouble. He may even rip your throats out.”

  This time there was no laughter. She heard the key turn in the lock and the door was wrenched opened. She looked at a huge ugly man with missing teeth and several scars. His partner was not much prettier. He motioned for her to exit the door. The partner led the way with the big man pushing her needlessly behind. Bella could hear her mother, who must have heard Bella shouting. Her mother was shouting for her not to do anything stupid.

  Bella’s arrival in the living room caused the many bodies that filled the room to turn their heads. Quiet enveloped the room. Lane was at the far end. The two men pushed her forward. The room divided as she made her way slowly toward the man that was her nemesis. She looked left and right and the different faces of evil around her. Then she was standing in front of Lane. He looked her slowly up and down, an amused smirk on his face.

  “And to what do I owe this pleasure.”

  “May I speak with you in private?”

  “Well, young lady, I believe that anything you have to say to me you can say in front of all my people.”

  The room full of people laughed, enjoying Bella’s embarrassment.

  Bella looked down at her hands then straightening her back, she looked into the eyes of a beast. “I’ve come to offer you a deal.”

  Bella flinched when Lane’s low growl turned into loud laughter. The whole room joined in. “And what, my dear, do you think that I am interested in enough to make a deal? You? I hate to tell you this my dear, but you are worth nothing to me. You can offer me no deal that would be anything I would want. I only want two things, the heads of Archer and Ryker. Now, is there anything else that you want to say?”

  Bella’s face had turned red from anger. She reached her foot forward just enough to stomp down hard on Lanes left foot with her heel. Lane howled in pain as he hopped around and then before Bella could blink he back- handed her across the face so hard it knocked her to the floor. The pain was immense. She thought her cheekbone might be cracked. She managed to get on her hands and kneed before he kicked her hard in the ribs. She dropped back flat on the floor in agony. She lay still as she caught her breath. Soon the party in the room was resuming and everyone was ignoring her. Her two guards were even pre-occupied. Bella lay still and pretended to be unable to move. She was still there when the runner came into the room.

  Chapter 22

  The young vampire was shouting, “There are two men walking in, sir. Looks like Ryker and Archer.”

  The whole room stopped for a split second. Then everyone moved toward the door and Bella was all alone. Wasting no time, she raced up the stairs and tried to open her mother’s door. She didn’t have a key. She ran to her room and grabbed her weapons and ran back to pound on the door handle until it fell off. Sone she was holding her mother tightly against her. They both went to the window and watched as Archer and Ryker walked side by side straight toward the house. On each side of them a wall of Vampire and Wolves had formed a wall of bodies. Lane was standing on the top step like a grand king. Archer and Ryker stopped at the bottom of the steps.

  A sneak attack had not been possible. The wolves would have smelled vampire and wolf alike before anyone could get close. But the fact that there were so many of each already there, the plan was relatively simple. On the perimeter, Ryker’s and Archers people were slowly just walking into each group, dressed as Lanes people and pretending to be a part of their revolution. Quietly and methodically Lane’s rogues were being extinguished. The perimeter around the house was growing smaller and smaller.

  From the window on the second floor, Bella looks out over the trees and the camps that surrounded them. It was then she noticed an Auburn colored wolf appear in the opened space between the forest and house. She smiled to herself and knew what this meant. Ryker and Archer were not alone at all. She told her mother and the two women gathered their hand made weapons and left the bedroo
m. They would not be the bait anymore. They met no guards on the top floor. Peering down they saw several at the bottom of the stairs. They knew that they could take them so the receded back and found a window off of another room that they could open. It dropped into a well-hidden area behind a retaining wall. They carefully lowered themselves down and hanging by their hands, dropped the few feet in silence. Staying low and quiet, they followed the wall around toward the front of the house. When they reached the end, they crouched down to wait. Form their vantage point; they could see Ryker and Archer.

  While Ryker pretended to bargain with Lane, Archer took stock of all his surroundings. He knew they had to stall for as long as possible to give their people enough time to secure the perimeter. It was then he smelled her. Bella. He didn’t need to looks to know she was close. He hoped Lane was too distracted to smell her. She had apparently, somehow made it out of the house. That gave them an advantage they would use.

  “I’m tired of talking; it’s your lives for theirs.” Lane shouted. The rogues with him cheered loudly. He took a whistle out of his pocket and blew it. Nothing happened. He blew it again and looked puzzled. This must be the signal for the ones in the woods to come out. But no one emerged. Lane looked at the two standing below him.

  “So, it seems you’ve taken care of the woods. But as you can see there are still many more here around you than you can handle. So now I have four hostages.” He looked to the men next to him, “Go get the women.” Two men turned and headed into the house.

  “Don’t bother!” Bella shouted, as she stepped out from her hiding place. Lisette followed and stood tall at her side. They each held their weapons in hand. Archer couldn’t have been more proud. Ryker smiled at the team they made. They had a look that said they were ready to fight the world if they had to.

  Before anyone could respond, Ryker was in front of Lisette and a giant black wolf bared its teeth at Bella’s side. The rogues that were on the lawn were immediately on them. Wolves and Vampires alike. Bella and Lisette stepped back, waiting for an opportunity to help. She could see Ryker’s clan and Archer’s pack, all in wolf form emerging from the woods in massive numbers. But for the moment they were fighting along. Ryker was handling himself well. Bella saw her mother stab her glass lance into the head of a vampire that was about to put a silver knife in Ryker’s back. She looked to Archer. He was fighting a pack. He was bleeding from several wound to his legs but he was holding his own. She advanced forward and used her rod to know one large wolf off Archer. It was quick to turn on her. She held the rod beside her. The wolf jumped and in midair, she brought the rod up. The wolf jumped onto it, the rod piercing it through the chest. The force of the onslaught knocked Bella to the ground. Another wolf advanced toward her and then she saw the flash of an Auburn wolf speed by and attack the advancing wolf. The others were here.

  Bella and Lisette stayed on the outskirts of the battle, helping when they could. Ryker and Archer stayed close. The savagery of the battle was tremendous. Bared teeth and fangs fought with murderous slaughter. Bella glanced to see Lane move back into the house. She headed that way. He couldn’t get away. Archer was fighting his way through in the same direction. Bella entered the house and saw no one. She heard a sound from the upstairs. She followed it to a doorway that led to a flight of stairs to the roof. She heard the whir of a helicopter before she made it to the door. Emerging onto the roof, she felt the wind as Archer rushed by her. He launched himself into the air and as he did he turned human, grabbing hold of the bottom rails as the chopper was taking off. Bella watched as the helicopter rose higher. Archer climbing up and inside. The helicopter flew toward the trees and soon it was several miles away. She watched as all of a sudden it started to wobble. Then in an instant it crashed into the trees and she saw a blast of fire and smoke rise up higher than the trees. She burst into tears. She realized her mother and Ryker and Chloe were beside her. They had all witnessed the crash.

  “Archer was on that helicopter, “Bella said as she dropped to her knees, sobs becoming huge gulps in her throat.

  Lisette knelt beside her, “I’m sure he made it off in time.”

  “I didn’t see anyone jump off, mom. If Archers dead because of me I won’t be able to live with myself.”

  “Honey, let’s make sure first. “

  “You don’t understand mom,” Bella moaned, “I love him and never told him. And now he will never know.”

  “Know what?” said a familiar voice behind them.

  They all turned to see soot covered Archer standing in the doorway.

  Bella flew into his arms, “I thought you were dead. And how did you get back here so fast. And I love you.”

  Archer held her close and breathed her in. “It wasn’t that far and I jumped out way before it hit the ground and I love you too.”

  Ryker, Lisette and Chloe each watched as the two held each other as if they were the only beings on earth.

  “Uh-hm,” Chloe cleared her throat.

  Bella and Archer turned but still held each other’s hands tight.

  The battle was over with minimal casualties to their side. The others were searching to make sure all the rogues were dead and if they found one alive they were to keep it so for information. And so the cleanup began. The ground ran red with blood. Bella and Lisette were taken by vehicle back to Archer’s house. Ryker right with them. Soon the two couples were cleaned up and gathered at the table.

  “What’s next?” Lissette asked.

  “This is only the beginning I’m afraid. We won the first battle but I’m afraid that the war has just begun. We will let all the others across the country know what happened today. And then we will go from there. Our lives have changed.” Ryker spoke evenly.

  Archer shook his head in agreement. ”That’s why you can’t stay here Bella. If they know how I feel about you they will always try to use you against me. You must go far away and hide.”

  “I’m not going anywhere unless it’s down the aisle in a white dress. My place is with you, Archer. Through whatever comes. I won leave and you can’t make me.” Bella crossed her arms in defiance.

  Lisette laughed. “You might as well give in, Archer. My girls stubborn and she also right. You won’t win. Oh, and if she stays, I stay. Period”

  Archer looked at Bella. He didn’t want her to go. He wanted her for as long as he could have her. H reached across the table and took her hand in his.


  It was the biggest wedding Brent, Maine had ever seen. Held in the center square of the small town, no expense had been spared. Tiny lights scattered abundantly throughout the trees lining the park and streets lit up the pathway of white that was surrounded by chairs filled to capacity. The whole town was in attendance. There were no opened businesses. Even the restaurant was closed. Although it would be opened soon enough when the reception started. Besides the towns people, both communities from the outskirts were in full attendance. No one was home on the twilight of this special day.

  Roman stood as Archers best man as Archer waited in anticipation for his bride to appear. Chloe came first, as Bella’s maid of honor. The Bella appeared. Arm in arm with her mother who was walking her down the aisle. Archer thought he’d never seen a more beautiful sight. Bella’s golden hair flowed gently to her waist. Her simple, elegant gown trailed behind her. She looked the perfect innocent naïve bride. Yet Archer knew she had a backbone of steel, courage of the bravest and loyalty to the end. And she was about to become his.

  Bella looked Archer in the eyes as she made her way to his side. They were full of love and desire. Dark and handsome, Bella knew that she had found her mate for life.

  The said their vows and then kissed as the crowd cheered. The reception was loud and rambunctious and cheerful. When it was over, Archer whisked Bella away to his home. They would be alone inside but there would be guards all around outside. It was all they needed.

  Both of them had decided to forget what was happening in the world and enjoy th
is one night as their own. Tomorrow they would begin to plan again. But tonight, Bella and Archer became one.

  Around the country, news had traveled fast that the Rogue leader had disappeared. A new leader had been brought in. This Vampire was more malicious and blood thirsty than Lane would have ever been. He had fought in the Great War and had never wanted peace. He had lived and waited for the day when a revolution would bring back the old ways. He hated the wolves. Dirty stinking animals. But he would work with them until their goals were achieved. Then he would convince the Vampire Nation that the wolves weren’t needed either.

  For now he would take control of the states. He had a different plan than Lane had. He had already set it in motion. He was going to destroy the clans and packs that stood against them from the inside.

  Meanwhile, the rogue population all over the country was growing. New recruits wandered in constantly. Mostly young, brash beings that didn’t have a clue what war was all about. The New leader didn’t care. They were all expendable if need be. Soon the world would belong to his kind. Then all would be as it should be.

  Watch for book two in the Alliance of Peace Series.


  The leader of the Vampires in Brent, Maine is in trouble. Ryker will find himself fighting for his life as he is captured and held by a madman. At least the woman he has fallen in love with is safe with his clan. Or so he thinks. He doesn’t know she is the very center of the plan to bring him home.


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