Just Fall (The Fall Series)

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Just Fall (The Fall Series) Page 1

by Rossi, Annica

  Just Fall

  By Annica Rossi


  Just Fall

  By Annica Rossi

  Kindle Edition

  Copyright © Annica Rossi 2013

  Published By Annica Rossi, LLC 2013

  All rights reserved. No part of this publication can be reproduced, scanned or

  distributed in any printed or electronic form without the author’s permission

  with the exception of short quotes used in book reviews.

  This is a work of fiction, and any names, characters, places, and incidents are

  the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance

  to actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales Is entirely coincidental.

  The publisher does not have any control over and does not assume any

  responsibility for author or third-party websites or their content.


  A special heartfelt thank you goes out to all my friends and family who never stop believing in me no matter how outrageous my ideas may seem and to my beta readers, whose time and dedication have helped make this book possible.

  Finally, THANK YOU to each and every person who has purchased and/or read my book. I hope you enjoy my work! As long as you’re out there, I will continue to give you my very best.


  “One of my favorite things about Lake Michigan is that it seems to go on forever like the ocean, and visitors who see it for the first time are often amazed when they realize they can’t see the other side.”

  “As humans it’s our nature to want to see everything, and I’m no exception. Not knowing what’s in store is a hard pill to swallow, especially when it seems like everything’s falling apart. This lake reminds me that sometimes I’m better off not seeing so far ahead. Sometimes I need to be patient and appreciate each little part as its revealed, otherwise I might miss all there is to discover along the way.” – Lauren St. John







  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12




  Looking around the crowded tavern I realized “this is it”. This is what I’ve been waiting for. The countless caffeine fueled nights I’d spent pacing the floor, pouring over financials, plotting my battle plan to get The Grandview Inn whole again, looks like they’re finally paying off. And not a moment too soon.

  With every room booked for the weekend, people were crowded into the rustic wood booths and tables in intimate groups, their laughter rising above the clatter of dishes and the exhilarating beat of live music resonating from the stage. It was still early for a Friday night, but even the dance floor was packed with countless pairs of cowboy boots, stilettos and summer sandals moving in and out of the shadowy stage lights. Mouthwatering smells from the grill combined with alcohol, suntan lotion and fresh lake air created an intoxicating cocktail inviting visitors to leave their troubles at the door. My heart swelled with pride as I took in the scene. The Grand was alive and buzzing with activity. You could almost feel her heartbeat. Full to capacity for the first time in months, it was definitely a good sign things were finally turning around.

  “Hey, Lo, can you grab some shot glasses from the back?” Steve shouted over the roar of the crowd as he worked on installing a keg.

  “Yeah! Need anything else?” I smiled at him appreciatively as I wished I had ten more Steves on a night like this.

  “Straws and cocktail napkins. That should do it.”

  I nodded in acknowledgement as I made my way to the back room. It had been a while since I worked the bar, but it always felt familiar, just like riding a bicycle. Tonight it was more like riding a bicycle downhill with the wind whipping through my hair. I loved it.

  As I scanned the shelves for the supplies I caught a glimpse of the lines drawn in permanent black marker on the door casing. Every time I saw those lines I felt happy and sad at the same time. Sounds crazy I know, but it’s like the feeling that comes from looking at a photograph from a time when everything was perfect and realizing you can never go back.

  Those lines looked faded and forgotten now, but they’ll always be my photograph. My dad used to measure my height right here against this door. It was our tradition until I was a teenager, and I still see him standing here like it was yesterday, marker in hand smiling from ear to ear. Lost in thought I traced my finger over the worn numbers.

  Every memory of my childhood lived in these walls. My mom and dad bought this place before I was born. The Grandview Inn was the only home I’d ever known. A smile tugged at my lips as I looked from my dad’s scribbled numbers to the boxes in my hands.

  I could hear his voice in my head. Every time he caught me doing a “staff job” he would say the same thing, “Lo, we have people for that”. He tried to sound stern, but he would laugh with a twinkle of pride in his eyes. He never spoiled me. He just wanted me to “work smarter not harder”. He sent me off to MSU just to make sure of it. Dad never went to college himself, and he and mom did every job around here in the early years. It’s hard to believe they turned a shabby run-down motel into the graceful gem that so many people affectionately referred to as “The Grand”.

  It was the perfect name for his masterpiece, and he left traces of his heart and soul everywhere. He may have called me his “Golden Girl”, but she was his first love, even above mom at times. When I got older I understood why. Everything about her was beautiful, from her detailed white cornices to her high peaked rooftops. She towered over the other buildings, and from a distance she looked like she was coming right out of the mountainous hillside. She had wide white porches that seemed to wrap around for miles. Balconies overlooked the shore from the rear rooms, while dormers crowned the lines of large windows in the front, and in her backyard her curves followed the shoreline of Lake Michigan. But even better than her stunning beauty was the feeling she gave you when you’re here. It was magical.

  The door opened and music poured into the stockroom followed by Steve’s face peeking through the crack.

  “Sorry! I was just coming out.” I tried to sound confident, but the look on my face must have gave me away.

  With a quick apology Steve ducked out of the room. Now’s not the time for a stroll down memory lane, Lo. Drawing a deep breath I walked back into the bar.

  Steve grabbed the boxes from me and flashed a contagious smile. “Hey, do you hear that?”

  I smiled back with wide eyes and nodded my head. My insides felt warm and fuzzy. I knew exactly what he meant. The energy and excitement in the air felt like Christmas morning when The Grand was firing on all cylinders, and tonight was just like old times. A full house.

  “Looks like this band can really draw a crowd, huh?”

  “I’ll say,” he replied giving me a fist pound as he walked past.

  It was going to be a long night, and I needed to change my clothes. I was still in my office attire and my feet were already killing me. I bent down next to Steve grabbing the napkins. “We could use at least two more bartenders in here tonight.”

  “Yes, we could, but who knew? This is the busiest we’ve been in a long time.”

  “I know. It’s fucking amazing!” I couldn’t stop gushing. “Think you could spare me fo
r a minute while I run upstairs and change?”

  “No worries. Shawn and Matt are on their way. Besides, with you dressed like that our guests won’t know whether to order a drink or make a reservation.”

  Laughing loudly I could feel the tension in my shoulders unwinding, and I gave myself permission to relax a bit. As much as I wanted to believe the entire summer would be this good, I knew I still had a lot of work ahead of me, even so, I decided to enjoy this night while it lasted.

  “And that’s why I pay you the big bucks, Steve, always one step ahead of me,” I shot back.

  The band announced a fifteen minute intermission, and the dance floor began to clear. My collar was sticking to the back of my neck from working behind the bar for the last two hours, and I was a hot mess. I was looking forward to a quick shower and some fresh clothes before coming back down to help out and mingle with the guests.

  I scanned the room waiving at a few familiar faces as I planned my exit. Needing some fresh air, I headed for the patio door. Outside, the sound of waves crashing on the beach greeted me, and the light breeze made my clothes feel damp against my skin. I had just reached the staircase when I heard someone call out my name.

  “Lauren! Lo, over here, dear!”

  I looked up at the door to my suite. Damn it! I was so close, but I knew I had to turn around. I would recognize Mary Blackwell’s voice anywhere.

  The Blackwell family had been staying at The Grandview for years. I played with their daughter Sarah every summer vacation from the time we were four until we went off to college, and we still kept in touch, mostly through emails and the occasional phone call. But Mary? She was like a second mother to me, not to mention one of my most loyal customers. I always looked forward to seeing her, even at a time like this.

  I turned around with a warm smile and greeted the woman whose presence always put me at ease. “Mary! I’m so happy to see you!”

  “Nonsense! Come here you,” she beamed as she pushed her chair back and held her arms out to me.

  The familiar smell of Chanel No. 5 wafted all around me as I squeezed her, and when her lips smacked loudly against my cheek, I knew she was leaving her signature red lipstick marks behind, but I didn’t mind. Her loving embrace made forget how terrible I looked temporarily. Besides, Mary wasn’t uptight about appearances. She came from old money, but aside from my own mother she was the most down-to-earth genuine woman I’d ever met.

  She held me at arm’s length for examination. “You’re beautiful as ever, Lo, but you look a little skinny. Have you been taking care of yourself? By the looks of this place you’ve probably been working way too hard, haven’t you?”

  “No, I’m fine, Mary. Even better now that you’re here.” I looked at the table and spotted her Merlot along with two empty rocks glasses. “Where’s Tom?” He must be nearby. Mary never came to The Grand without her husband of 40 years.

  “Oh, he’s here, honey. He went up to get us a couple more drinks. It’s so busy here tonight.”

  “I know! I’m sorry. This crowd was totally unexpected. We have more staff coming in as we speak.”

  “It’s fine, dear. Hell, we’d come back here even if we had to make our own drinks!”

  She always made me laugh. “I love you, Mary!” I hugged her again.

  “Are you going to be out here a while? I need to go upstairs and change out of this suit, but I’d love to join you when I’m done.” As I spoke, Mary was motioning to someone over my shoulder.

  “That sounds lovely, dear. I can’t wait to spend the evening with you, but just a minute there’s someone I want you to see first.”

  I was immediately filled with dread at the prospect of greeting her guest in my disheveled condition, but I knew Mary Blackwell too well. Once she had her mind set on something she wouldn’t take no for an answer, so I smoothed my hands down the sides of my skirt and prepared to greet one of Tom’s business partners or one of the many couples they’d vacationed with after their kids left home.

  As soon as I turned around, I felt the color drain from my face, and my smile quickly faded. I wanted to crawl under the nearest table, but my feet felt like they were cemented in place, and I had to remind myself to breathe. Just a few feet away stood the most intriguingly gorgeous, tall, blonde and dangerously fuckable man I had ever laid eyes on. His perfect white teeth and deep dimples were slowly revealed as an inviting smile spread across his lips, and I noticed immediately the way his mouth curled at the corners just a little. I swore I felt testosterone radiating from his very presence as even the air seemed to thicken, instantly impregnated with seduction and mischief.

  And his hair! He had bedroom hair. I don’t mean in the bedhead kind of way. I mean in the “I could bang any bitch in this room and leave her begging for more” kind of way. When his emerald green eyes locked on mine I was mesmerized. The blood that had obviously drained from my face headed south to my stomach and beyond causing my thighs to tighten as an intense warmth swirled through my lower regions. What the hell?

  I quickly closed my mouth and tried desperately to regain my composure, even as my disobedient eyes continued to greedily devour every last inch of him. They noticed how the breeze pressed his white V-neck T-shirt tightly against his body, causing it to cling to every sculpted line of his rock hard six pack before traveling downward to evaluate the possibility that the rest of him could be as equally impressive. Get a fucking grip, Lo!

  I’m not normally attracted to bad boys, and he was the perfect specimen, but there was an air of confidence about him that came from more than just his stunning good looks, and it beckoned me to investigate. He was picture perfect in every way…but as you know looks can be deceiving.

  As I recovered from my momentary brain lapse vague memories began to surface in the back of my mind. I couldn’t put my finger on it, but there was something very familiar about those dimples…

  Mary’s voice jarred me from my daydream. “Parker, you remember Lauren St. John, don’t you? Lo, do you remember my nephew Parker Blackwell?”

  Seriously? Just fucking shoot me now. How could I forget?

  We stood there bewildered as we shook hands. I couldn’t help but notice how mine fit entirely inside of his, and how even as I let go he held on for just a few seconds more. Then suddenly as if we were looking in the mirror his hand went to his cheek at the same time as mine to wipe the red lipstick marks away. We both smiled, and his eyes seemed to penetrate the invisible shield I was trying to put up between us. It was almost like he was reading my thoughts when his expression turned darker and his tongue slowly dragged across his bottom lip. Predatory. Our smiles quickly faded, and I wondered briefly if he had picked up on the effect he had on me.

  “You, Sarah and Parker were like The Three Musketeers all those summers! It seems like just yesterday!” Mary continued. “I couldn’t wait to see you two together again. I wish Sarah were here. She’d be sad to know she missed this reunion.”

  Reunion? Aside from the unexpected, albeit intense fireworks just now, this felt more like a nightmare than a reunion! The sudden flood of emotions caught me off guard. Seeing him again hurt more than I cared to admit.

  Thankfully Tom broke the tension. “Lo, come here and hug me! You get more and more beautiful each summer.”

  “Thanks, Tom.” I felt my cheeks blush as he lifted me off my feet in one of his famous bear hugs.

  Mary finally approached the elephant in the room. “We’re so sorry about your dad.”

  I tried to swallow the lump that instantly formed in my throat. “Yes, thank you. And thank you for the thoughtful letter and flowers, too.”

  “We meant what we said, Lo.” Mary’s voice was soft and full of motherly concern. “Tom and I will always be here for you.”

  They must have heard that Evelyn inherited a share of The Grand, and I knew they felt responsible. They brought her here the summer after my mom died, and at the time she was married to one of Tom’s partners in the investment firm—I think he was
husband number three, but that didn’t stop her from going after my dad. Tom and Mary had no way of knowing what a mess this would turn out to be. I knew they would never do anything to hurt me, and I didn’t blame them for it.

  I lied, “Everything’s fine really.”

  Just then I felt Parker’s eyes on me. Just what I need- for him to see a sign of weakness! “Well, I’m going to go change my clothes. I’ll be back to join you in a bit.” I needed to get out of there quick. I started walking toward the staircase without giving Mary a chance to throw up another road block, but halfway up I heard her voice calling over my shoulder.

  “Hurry back, Lo. We’ll be right here waiting for you.”



  At twenty-five-years-old I was living a life most men only dreamed about. My career as a professional poker player took me to exotic places and afforded me exotic food and exotic women. I’ve tried everything once, some things hundreds of times, but never a woman-no matter how hot she was or how good between the sheets, or in the hot tub, or on the balcony…you get the idea. One night stands were my cardinal rule.

  I know. I know. You’re thinking I’m some kind of despicable pig who uses women then carelessly tosses them out like yesterday’s newspaper, but believe me, the type of women I choose already know the score. Whether they like it fast and rough or slow and sensual, when it’s over it’s over. No future plans, no late night phone calls, no drama, no bullshit. Judge me if you will, but this lifestyle was working pretty well for me. Little did I know that one phone call was about to change everything…

  Neon light spilled through the windows illuminating the pair of perfectly shaped breasts bouncing inches from my face. The sounds and smells of raw sex permeated the air in the master bedroom of my penthouse suite as I watched Lexi’s face contort in pleasure welcoming each thrust of my rock hard cock. Lost in the sensation as she rode me hard, gripping me expertly in her slippery warmth, I barely noticed Ashley’s nipple brushing against my cheek as the mattress jerked violently beneath us. I turned and caught the hard little peak between my teeth making her moan and squirm, and a smile stretched across my lips.


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