Just Fall (The Fall Series)

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Just Fall (The Fall Series) Page 9

by Rossi, Annica

  “I know you will. That’s what scares me. Please promise me you won’t do anything crazy. I’m worried about you.”

  “I won’t,” I mumbled with a halfhearted smile. Damn! She could always see right through me.

  “Pinky promise?”

  I knew I couldn’t. Instead I turned to her and rolled my eyes mockingly, “Are you fucking serious, Nina?”

  Fifteen minutes later I slammed on the brakes in front of Barry’s office. My feet hit the pavement before I could rip the keys completely out of the ignition. I was on a mission. The receptionist’s eyes were wide as I exploded through the door, and I heard her voice over my shoulder as I continued down the hall to Barry’s office. Barry’s receptionist works on Sundays? Business must be good.

  “Hello, Miss St. John. Mr. Stanton is…” Mr. Stanton, please! He’s been Barry since I was ten!

  The door was open. “Hello, my dear!” Barry barked in the same booming tone that I’d always remembered.

  “I’m sorry, Barry, I couldn’t wait until two.” We exchanged a quick hug, and he motioned for me to sit in the chair across from him as he walked back around his desk in shiny designer shoes.

  “No problem. I have a few minutes. Can I get you anything, Lauren?” As he spoke he nonchalantly smoothed down the graying hairs at his temples.

  “Yeah, how about some fucking good news for a change? If one more thing goes wrong right now I think I might lose it!”

  “Well, in that case I think I can help. However, what we discuss here must stay within these four walls. Do you understand?”

  Oh fuck! This feels like deja vu. Is he going to ask me to fucking pinky swear? “Of course, Barry, I understand. So what is it?”

  He pulled a small box from the top drawer of his desk. “Your dad put this in a safety deposit box in my name when your mom passed away. It was part of her life insurance payment. He asked me to give it to you when you needed it most. That was the last smart thing that son-of-a-bitch did before he married that wretched stepmother of yours.”

  “Rest assured, she’s nothing of mine, Barry. So what’s in the box?”

  “It’s fifty thousand in cash, Lauren. It’s not enough to bail you out all the way, but it’s a step in the right direction.”

  Hot tears stung my eyes. I couldn’t swallow. I could only stare at the box. My dad did care about my future in some way. At least he had enough sense to put something away for me. I knew I had to pull myself together before I ended up on Barry’s floor sobbing my heart out, and I was relieved when the sound of his voice brought me back to the moment.

  “Lauren, he loved you very much. He just wasn’t the same after your mom…” he stopped. The way I was glaring at him, he must have sensed my anger. I couldn’t let myself go there. The only thing that mattered now was saving The Grandview.

  “Yeah, I know, Barry. Thanks,” I said, hoping to put an end to the topic. I felt like I should say something about my dad, something nice, but I refused to let myself think about him any longer.

  “Lauren, there’s something else I wanted to talk to you about. An opportunity.”

  Opportunity? Like I’m in any position for a fucking opportunity! “Barry, I really don’t think I’m up for…”

  He interrupted quickly, insisting I hear him out. “Lauren, do you know how you’re going to come up with three hundred thousand dollars by September? If not I think you should listen to me.”

  Did he just say three hundred thousand! The nausea returned, and as a precaution I grabbed the small trash can from beside the desk. I didn’t appreciate his stern tone voice, but I had to admit he was right. I had no idea where I would find that kind of money in three short months. “To be honest, that’s more than I thought it would be, and I don’t have a plan yet, but I’m working on one. What are you offering?”

  Studying my pale face, his voice softened. “It’s a way for you to get out of this mess, but remember this can never leave this office. I’m trusting that you’re an intelligent young woman. You’ve always been a free spirit, Lauren. Open-minded, too. That’s why I agreed to this, well that and the fact that you need to make some serious cash very quickly.”

  Fucking spit it out already, Barry. What the fuck are you talking about? Are you involved in some kind of pyramid scam? Drug smuggling? Fuck! Dad always said you kept one foot on each side of the fence.

  “If you’re suggesting that I could make three hundred thousand in three months or less then you’ve definitely got my attention. So what’s the offer?”

  “That’s my girl! I knew you would fight for what’s yours, Lauren. You’ve always been a fighter. I think you would be willing to do whatever it takes to keep The Grandview wouldn’t you?”

  Nina’s words from earlier flashed in my head. “Yes, I’m willing to fight, but what exactly are you talking about? This won’t land me on an episode of Locked Up Abroad will it?” Suddenly her premonition didn’t seem so unrealistic.

  Barry let out a hearty laugh and slapped the desk hard as though it were the funniest thing he’d heard all day. The laughter eased him a little, but I hugged the trash can tighter, sensing that whatever he was about to tell me was difficult for him.

  “Oh, Lauren, you’re a feisty one. I assure you what I’m offering is completely legal. I’m an attorney after all. So here it is. I’m involved in another shall we say… enterprise, one that I conduct from my Las Vegas office. Let’s call it a very lucrative hobby that employs beautiful women, very much like yourself. They travel to different cities, all expenses paid of course, and accompany very prominent successful men to events, on vacations…”

  His voice faded as my mind began to process the enormity of his proposal. I was in shock. My ears were ringing, and my skin was on fire. Did my dad’s long-time friend, my trusted attorney just offer me a job as a call girl? This can’t be happening!

  I jolted from the chair, halting him in mid-sentence. “Lauren, stop! Lauren, please hear me out!” He jumped up quickly and positioned himself against the door.

  “Get the fuck out of my way, Barry!”

  “Lauren, trust me. There’s nothing illegal about this. My girls travel in private jets. They enjoy five star accommodations, world-class cuisine. They’re treated like royalty in every way, Lauren, and I know what you’re thinking. My clients don’t pay for sex. They pay for companionship. Sex is optional and only if both parties agree to it.”

  My eyes bored holes straight through him as he tried to convince me, blurting out “the perks” in rapid fire succession. Never in my life had I wanted to physically aggress someone so badly.

  “I’m done here!” I yelled at a volume I was sure the receptionist and any pedestrians on the sidewalk could hear. I was ready to remove Barry Stanton with my own two hands if I had to, and he sensed it as he cracked the door open slowly never taking his eyes off me.

  Before he moved, he whispered one last thing, “Parker Blackwell, one of my best clients, requested you.”

  Hearing Parker’s name in the midst of this nightmare was the final straw. I froze, my whole body shaking from the impact. Fucking bastards! Both of you! Barry finally stepped aside, and I stormed out.

  “Have a good day, Miss St. John!” the receptionist called as I ran past the desk and out to the open air of the sidewalk. Breathe!

  I felt for the side of the building to steady myself and looked out at the lake over the horizon. I stood there and starred, taking it all in for a moment when I remembered – the money! I left my money on that bastard’s desk. I didn’t want to go back, but I had no choice. Fuck!

  As I turned around, Barry was standing at the door smugly extending the box in his hand. “I think you forgot something.”

  As I reached for the box he leaned in and whispered, “He just wants to spend time with you, Lauren. He said you won’t accept a loan, and he’s willing to pay the three hundred thousand dollars for five days with you in Vegas.” I ripped the box from his hands, and heard him call out one final time, “I
’ll need your answer by noon tomorrow.”



  Pretentious bastard! What the fuck was wrong with him! “Lucrative hobby!” “My girls!” Sick! He was sick! I always knew he was shady, but prostitution? He was a dirty old man. A pimp. How dare he think that I would consider prostitution! Had he no loyalty to my father at all? And what about Jake? Oh, he would put Barry’s lights out when he found out about this!

  Then there was Parker. Was this what he planned at his mysterious appointment with an unnamed attorney yesterday? Was he arranging another escort when Barry happened to tell him about The Grand, or did he go to Barry for information? He seemed to know something more than what he revealed. Did he think he could pay for me like one of his hired escorts? My head was spinning with questions. Did any of it even matter? The bottom line was unless I came up with the money I would lose The Grand for good, and Parker knew it. He knew it, and he was using it to manipulate me.

  I pulled into the parking lot of The Grandview and took the back stairs to my suite to avoid being seen. Feeling scared and confused, all I could think about was talking to Jake, and soon. I had to collect myself. But how? Everything was falling apart, and I was running out of options. There’s got to be something I can do to stop Evelyn, but three hundred thousand dollars was more money than I earned in three years let alone three months. Yet in my mind it didn’t matter if it was thousands or millions, I knew I would do whatever it took to save my parents’ dream and my only home from being ripped out from under me. I had to figure it out, but I had to be able to look at myself in the mirror afterwards.

  Safely inside, I leaned against the door exhaling deeply, and for the first time I looked forward to the phone call with Jake. My mind kept repeating every horrible detail of my day; the confrontation, Evelyn wanting to sell The Grandview, the money my father left me, Barry’s indecent proposal. Anger and resentment filled my chest as the full impact of Parker’s twisted offer hit me. It was pure extortion, but how much of it could I safely share with Jake without the whole thing exploding in my face? My mind wouldn’t stop racing, and I needed to feel Jake’s arms around me. When things were hard in the past he was my rock. He wasn’t big on words, but he always knew just what to do to make me feel safe, and I needed him more than ever.

  Just then I caught a glimpse of my phone on the floor. I was so upset earlier that I’d left it behind. My heart dropped to my stomach as I looked at the screen. Two missed calls from Jake and a text message.

  “Lo, where are you? I’m on my way home. I need to see you. This is too important to discuss on the phone. ”

  I was panicked and relieved at the same time. I had to tell him as much as I could. Hell, I wanted to rip my heart open, spill it at his feet and beg for forgiveness, but I knew it would be a mistake. Knowing what I did would kill him. Tears stung my eyes as I realized what a mess I’d made. I needed to show Jake how much I loved him. I needed to make things right between us. Tonight could be a new beginning, and I wouldn’t take any chances. Everything had to be just right.

  As I stepped into the shower I wondered if he’d want to make love to me after our heart-to-heart. My body needed him. I needed to erase the impression of Parker, and I had a feeling that Jake needed me, too. I longed to feel his love, and he longed for the sexual release that I’d denied him for far too long. Tonight we could both get everything we needed from each other, I thought as I dabbed my favorite perfume on my wrists and neck.

  I examined my hair in the mirror and began applying lip gloss when I heard the door open. It had been too long since I’d made love to my future husband. I thought my body would start to react at the thought, but instead I felt nothing. Instead I was completely consumed with a mixture of panic and fear.

  “Lo!” he called. I heard his keys drop onto the table by the door.

  “In here!”

  When he walked into the room I was posed seductively on the bed, my tan legs to one side. I could feel my nipples poking through my dress, and the look in his eyes told me he wanted me. Feeling relieved, I was ready for him to take me quickly, hoping I’d feel better when we were done, but something stopped him. He looked away, and I knew things were about to get intense.

  “We need to talk, Lauren.” The mood instantly changed.

  “Let’s talk later” I teased, pulling him down on the bed next to me and straddling his lap. He didn’t look up to kiss me. He didn’t pull my body close like I wanted him to. Instead he sat up with his arms at his sides and dropped his gaze to the floor.

  I slid off his lap and sat quietly next to him, studying his face. “What’s wrong, Jake? What happened?”

  “It’s what’s happening, that I’m worried about.”

  “What do you mean? With The Grandview? “

  “Yes, all of it. The drinking, the working late. It’s put distance between us. You haven’t been yourself for months. You’ve been so focused on keeping this place afloat and keeping Evelyn happy that you don’t even see you’re losing yourself. You’re losing us, Lo.”

  I knew how hard this was for him. Seeing the pain in his eyes, and knowing I had caused it cut me to the core. Desperate to convince him this would be over soon, I pleaded with him to understand as tears spilled down my face.

  “You’re right, I’ve been drinking too much. I promise I’ll slow down, and I plan to work less, too. But please, right now I need you to believe that we’re not losing anything. I’ll figure this out and find a way to keep The Grandview, and put us back together. You’ll see.

  “Keep The Grandview? What’s going on, Lo?”

  “Yes.” I took a deep breath. This is not how I wanted to tell him. “Barry called today. Evelyn wants to sell her share, and I have 90 days to come up with the money to buy her out.” I hesitated and buried my face in my hands as I forced the words to come out, “Three hundred thousand dollars.”

  Jake leaned forward and hung his head. “Now what, Lo? You’re going to make yourself crazy for the next three months trying to come up with the money? This is exactly what I’m talking about. We both know three months isn’t long enough to come up with that kind of money. We don’t have the resources for a loan and there isn’t an investor in his right mind who would take a chance in this economy. Not that you would consider it anyway. It’s impossible.”

  I felt my cheeks burning red. I could barely sit still. “Don’t say that, Jake! Don’t ever say that! Losing this place is not an option. This is my life!”

  He shot back through gritted teeth, “What about losing me? Is losing me an option?”

  His words sliced through me like a knife. “I need you Jake, please understand. I can make this work. Just let me get through this next few months and everything can get back on track. Back to the way we’d always planned.”

  “Lo, this is all too much. The only way I see out of this is to sell The Grandview. You could split the money with Evelyn and have something left for our future. We don’t need some huge wedding like we planned. It just feels wrong now anyway. Let’s just elope, put The Grandview on the market and elope. We could even move away if you want. I know you couldn’t live here knowing someone else owned this place, and I’ve been meaning to tell you this, but the timing never seemed right,” he paused and squeezed his hands together. “I was offered a job in Tennessee. It comes with a huge pay raise, big enough that you could take some time off to decide what you want your new career to be. What do you think? Will you go with me?”

  I wanted to throw up, just lean forward and throw up all over the floor. I held my head between my hands trying to find my voice to answer. Jake decided to take a job in Tennessee without even talking to me?

  “This is all too crazy. This impossible deadline. If I had the money you know I’d give it to you. I know how much this place means to you, but Lo, you’ve got to face it. This will break you if you let it.”

  My emotions shifted quickly. “No, Jake, losing this place would break me!”

sp; “What happens in September when you can’t meet the deadline? What then?”

  Anger shook my entire body, and my words spewed out like venom. “Of all the people in my life I thought you would understand! This place is part of me, Jake. It’s part of who I am! I’ve never imagined my life without it. I don’t even know what to say. How could you ever expect…”

  My tears were drowning me. I wasn’t sure what I was saying, but I could hear the words coming out before the thoughts fully registered in my mind. My rock, my friend, the one thing solid left in my life was asking me to do the impossible, and the only thing worse is knowing that I deserved it. I betrayed his trust and took him for granted, and now here we were on the brink of disaster.

  “We need to move on, Lo. I just want to put this all behind us before it’s too late.”

  “Too late for what?” I tried to look at him through the tears flooding my eyes, but I couldn’t read his face. I didn’t know where he was going with this. Panic washed over me.

  “Too late for you. Too late for us to have the life we deserve together before this place takes all that’s left of you.”

  “Please, Jake, just stop this,” I choked on the words.

  “Lauren, I don’t think you understand. I can’t sit back and watch this consume you. I’m putting an end to it now. You need to make the rational decision here and cut your losses. We’ll start over fresh in Tennessee. You need to stop and think about how good this could be for us. The way I see it there’s really no choice here.”

  “Are you asking me to choose?” Now I understand what you’re saying, you son-of-a-bitch! You want me to choose between you and the only thread that remains between me and my parents. You’re threatening to abandon me when I need you the most. Fuck you, Jake Kennedy! Go ahead, tell me you’re asking me to choose!

  Like a cornered animal, I let my fear consume me. Then rage. Looking him straight in the eye I ripped the diamond from my finger and flung it in his lap. I chose. “Leave Jake Kennedy! Leave me like my mother and father did! Take your love and your promises, and leave just like they did. Like everything that’s ever mattered in my life! That’s what people do! They say they love you, and in the end they just leave! But you know what? You know what will always be with me, Jake? The Grandview that’s what! I’ll never be alone as long as I have her, and I won’t let anything stand in my way of keeping it that way!”


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