Unexpected Encounter (Singleton)

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Unexpected Encounter (Singleton) Page 2

by Taige Crenshaw


  “Lila?” Spencer Jacobs stopped before her. “No one mentioned you were in an accident.”

  “It wasn’t me. I witnessed it.” Lila stepped back as they pulled out the gurney. “D—”

  “Dris,” Spencer said, shock then fear quickly coming over his face.

  “For Christ sakes, get that look off your face,” Driscoll growled. “I’m not dying.”

  Lila narrowed her eyes, again not having realized he was awake.

  Driscoll lifted his hand. Spencer stepped to the gurney then gripped Dris’ hand and blew out a shaky breath.

  “Okay.” Spencer cleared his throat. “You really need to stop getting into accidents.”

  Lila edged closer at hearing that. Driscoll had mentioned that it wasn’t his first accident. Now it made her wonder if he had indeed been trying to kill himself by driving off the road.

  “I’ll try my best. Get my cat from the lovely lady,” Driscoll said to Spencer before glancing at Lila. “We’ll be seeing each other again, soon.”

  The promise in his voice made her warm. Lila handed over the kitten to Spencer then crossed her arms over her chest.

  “Hopefully it won’t be with you driving off the road.”

  “I hope not too.” Driscoll smiled.

  The EMTs pushed Driscoll into the hospital. Spencer went to follow, but Lila grabbed his arm. He looked at her questioningly.

  “He drove off the road deliberately,” Lila said in a soft tone. “He claimed it was because of trying to avoid hitting the kitten. But I’m not sure he wasn’t trying to kill himself. Since you know him, maybe you can find out the truth.”

  Spencer stared at her then laughed hysterically. Lila frowned, not sure why he’d reacted like that.

  Spencer wiped his eyes then shook his head. “Dris would never kill himself. And even if he was to try, he wouldn’t do it in a car.”

  “He said something similar.” Lila tilted her head to the side, studying Spencer. “How would you even know what he would do? How do you know him?”

  “I know him. Have all my life.” Spencer grinned. “He’s my brother. We’ll talk later. I need to go check on him and make some calls before people start finding out then all hell breaks loose.”

  Shock filled Lila at his words. Spencer gently disentangled his arm from her grip then loped into the emergency room. She knew that Spencer had a brother and he’d said he’d introduce her. It had been supposed to happen over Thanksgiving, but at the last minute Lila had had to cancel, having had to cover for one of her employees whose wife had gone into labor early.

  Lila followed behind him slowly then stopped just inside the emergency room. The bustling room had an organized chaos as the personnel went about their various jobs. She spotted Spencer coming from behind a closed curtain and he still had the kitten. Lila, knowing what she needed to do, made a call. As it rang, she made her way closer to the curtain Spencer had come from behind. She leaned against the wall near it.

  “Hullo, Lila. Don’t tell me you are calling to cancel our plans for tomorrow,” her friend said.

  “No, Aja, I need a favor.” She glanced at the curtain. “I’m downstairs in the emergency room. Can you come examine someone for me? I will fill you in when you get here.”

  “Okay. I’ll be there in a few.” Aja disconnected the call.

  Lila slid her phone into her pocket.

  “Can you hang onto the kitten for Dris?” Spencer said to her right.

  She glanced at him, nodding. “Sure.” She accepted the kitten and it snuggled into her, purring.

  “I want to talk with you, but another emergency is coming in. Don’t leave before we catch up.”

  “Okay.” Lila didn’t think he’d want to talk with her after Aja had proved what she thought—that his brother had indeed tried to hurt himself.

  Spencer hurried away then out of the door again. Lila rested her head back on the wall, closing her eyes.

  “Lila,” Aja called softly in a melodious voice.

  She opened her eyes and smiled at one of her best friends. “Aja, thanks for coming.”

  “Of course.” Doctor Aja Baker touched her on the shoulder. “What happened?”

  Lila quickly explained about the accident and the pertinent parts of the conversation with Driscoll then what she suspected, as well as Spencer being his brother.

  “So you think he’s a danger to himself. And Spencer won’t see it since he is his brother.” Aja had experienced the same thing many times in her profession as a psychologist. She shrugged. “It’s something I’ve seen many times before. Let me have a talk with him.”

  “Thanks,” Lila said. “Oh, this is the kitten he said he was swerving to avoid.”

  “I’m surprised they let you bring it here,” Aja said.

  Lila frowned—she was right. No one had questioned the kitten and Spencer had been carrying it around.

  “Let me take it with me. Possibly as a way to get him comfortable.”

  She gave the kitten to Aja, who disappeared behind the curtain. Lila moved a little distance away, not wanting to overhear anything private they might discuss. She leaned again then waited. The sound of laughter made her straighten and frown, since she recognized it as Aja and it came from behind the curtain. When it subsided, she resumed her place, glancing at the curtain as every so often more laughter came. Lila wondered what he was telling her. She knew that Driscoll wouldn’t be able to fool Aja if he did need help and was hiding it. At the sound of the curtain opening, Lila straightened and waited for Aja. The smile on her face made Lila curious to find out what had happened in there.

  Aja put one shoulder against the wall and crossed her arms over her chest. There was a grin on her face.

  “What happened?”

  “I’m surprised you were able to think coherently when you saw him.”

  “Who? Driscoll? Why?” Lila waited for her to answer. When the silence lengthened she poked at her shoulder. “What the hell is wrong with you?”

  “You.” Aja laughed. “I can’t believe you didn’t recognize him.”

  “He looked familiar but had paint all over his face and feathers in his hair.” Lila frowned. “I don’t care who he is. Did you find out if he needs help? Did he drive off the road to hurt himself?”

  “Driscoll didn’t try to hurt himself. He did swerve to save the kitten. He is saner than most people. He might seem like he isn’t, but he is.” Aja looked contemplative. “He did say something interesting.”

  “What?” Lila knew if Aja believed him, he’d been telling the truth.

  “That if at any time you feel the need to come by his house to check on him or the kitten, feel free.”

  “He what?” Lila clenched her fist. “I was right earlier, he was flirting with me.”

  “Nope he wasn’t flirting. He said to remember what he said when you stated that earlier.”

  “What?” Lila narrowed her gaze. “There is no way he could know I would say that.”

  “Well, he did tell me you would say that.” Aja chuckled. “He’s going to drive you nutty. But that will be good for you.” She hugged her then pulled something out of her pocket and held it toward her.

  “After today I won’t see him again.” Lila took the folded piece of paper then thought of her friendship with Spencer as well as his wife, Regina. “Well, maybe for social occasions.”

  “Maybe. But my money is on Driscoll and that you’ll be seeing him for more private things. See ya tomorrow night.” Aja turned on her heel.

  “You’re always trying to find me a man. I don’t need one,” she called after her.

  “Nope you don’t need one. But having one would be loads of fun.” She strode away.

  Lila rolled her eyes. She walked to the curtain then listened. Not hearing anything, she peeked in. Immediately she stiffened, staring at him. Without the paint, she recognized that unmistakable face—a mixture of fallen angel and devil. When he performed, his voice could awaken carnal t
houghts one moment and soothe the soul the next second. A network of scars covered one side of his face and only added to the mysterious allure that made him—Driscoll. He was a superstar singer and had been very sought after at the height of his career. He’d retired after a horrific accident that had caused the death of a few of his band mates. Now, knowing who he was, Lila had context to his statement—that he wouldn’t choose a car if he had actually been trying to hurt himself.

  Even though Driscoll was retired, his music lived on and he still wrote songs for many other artists and from time to time he let them use his vocals on their albums. She and her friends even had tickets to the benefit concert during the Singleton Summer Festival on July twenty-first, for those who had recently been affected by an arsonist. It was a little under two weeks away and they were all looking forward to seeing him and Bella perform.

  Lila couldn’t believe she hadn’t known who he was. Now that she did, she knew why he had been so familiar. That distinct growl in his tone, even when he was speaking, was unmistakable. Lila thought the reason she hadn’t recognized it was because she had been so concerned about making sure he was safe.

  Driscoll had his eyes closed. His breathing was deep and the kitten was on his chest. Lila put her hand on her chest against her fluttering heart as she gazed at him, looking so cute as he slept with the cat keeping guard over him. She stepped back, letting the curtain fall, then opened the note.

  I look forward to seeing you soon.

  It was followed by an address and the code for his gate.

  “The man must be crazy to give me this information when he doesn’t even know me.” Lila stuffed the note in her jacket pocket.

  She wasn’t going to use it. Lila had no plans to see Driscoll beyond any times they met through people they knew. With that in mind, she left the hospital. As she exited, she briefly thought of Spencer wanting to speak with her. She decided she’d catch up with him on another day. Lila called for a cab and while she waited, she tried to push away thoughts of Driscoll.

  * * * *

  Lila stopped in front of the gate and sighed. “Why the hell am I even here?”

  She reached out of her window to enter the security code, but the gate swung open before she could.

  “Aggravating man.” Lila drove up the lane to the sprawling, two-story ranch style house that was very similar to the exterior of Regina and Spencer’s home.

  She glanced at the grounds, taken in by the beauty of the flowers, paths and surrounding area. She parked near the house then exited her vehicle and went up the steps. Lila crossed the porch, glancing left then right, where each side had what looked to be comfortable seating. The porch seemed to go all the way around the side of house. Focusing on the door, she scowled when she saw it was partially open.

  “Yep, he is really aggravating.” Lila pushed open the door and went in. “Driscoll, where are you?”

  “Ahh…is that the familiar bellowing I hear from Lila?” Driscoll came into view from the left. “It’s wonderful to see you.”

  “You really shouldn’t let just anyone inside your house. For all you know, I could be a stalker or something.” Lila slid her hands into her pockets of her slacks. She hadn’t planned to come here, yet here she was. For the last two days, all she’d been thinking about was him and the cat, wondering if they were okay.

  “So were you stalking me? Is that why you were on that road to save me?” Driscoll’s amusement was plain.

  “Of course I wasn’t stalking you. Hell, I knew you lived in town but not exactly where you live. From what I hear, you have a few houses around town as decoys for people who try to find where you live.” Lila scowled. “But that is beside the point, you don’t know me. I could be someone who wants to tie you up and kidnap you to keep you as mine. Have you never seen Misery?”

  “The movie? I’ve seen it.” Driscoll shrugged. “From how Spencer spoke about you, I knew you would be trustworthy. Also, if you really wanted to tie me up and kidnap me to keep me, you could have done that when you helped me. No one would have known since the accident wasn’t witnessed by anyone.” Driscoll lifted an eyebrow. “Do you usually have fantasies of kidnapping and tying people up? If you do, please share and be very graphic.”

  Lila resisted the urge to laugh. Instead, she sighed. “Speaking to you is like trying to get through a maze.”

  “So I’ve been told. I have a T-shirt about what I think of mazes. I’ll show it to you sometime.”

  “Unless it is another time we meet on a social occasion with others, I won’t be back to see it. I’m here to see if you and the kitten are okay.”

  “Another beautiful hair comb.”

  Lila touched the comb. “I like hair combs. Have a lot of them I’ve collected over the years. I wear them almost daily, since I have them to suit all occasions. You seem to have a thing about my combs.”

  “Not really a thing about your hair combs, just an observation. Like how you are very blunt and honest.” Driscoll leaned against the side of the doorway where he stood. “I love that. Close the door before Vere escapes.”

  She glanced down and quickly bent to catch the kitten. She rose and closed the door before facing him again, petting the cat. “Vere. What kind of name it that?”

  “Short for Guinevere.” Driscoll smiled. “Figured since we found her together and you have a Land Rover named Lancelot that it would be a fitting name. Maybe we can introduce them to each other sometime.”

  “How’d you know about my car?” Lila shook her head. “Never mind. Probably from your brother.” She strolled toward him. “Makes me wonder why you are talking with him about me.”

  “Yep, my brother. But he didn’t tell me much and I didn’t ask. I prefer to find things out from you.” Driscoll straightened. “Come in the kitchen while I make us dinner.” He turned before disappearing from view.

  Lila went to the open doorway and glanced inside. The kitchen was homey and had gleaming appliances. She spotted Driscoll by the stove. “I’m not here for dinner. Not going to be here too long.”

  “I’m making rosemary lemon chicken and Camargue rice.”

  Lila’s mouth watered as he said that. “Spencer blabbed about my liking that.” She moved closer to the kitchen island. She recalled many months ago when Spencer had shared the food he’d said his brother had made, and she also remembered what she had said about it. “What else did he say in reference to the food?”

  “Only that you loved it.” Driscoll paused, turning his head to her. “What else is there?”

  “Nothing I’ll share now.” Lila pulled out a high-backed stool and took a seat. She set the kitten on her lap, stroking it. “So how long till you feed me?”

  “About an hour.” Driscoll looked to the doorway. “Reggie, drop the shoe now.”

  Lila followed his gaze. A Siberian husky puppy came into the room and let the shoe fall out of its mouth. It went down on its paws and Lila would swear it looked contrite.

  “Not buying that look.” Driscoll focused on Lila. “Reggie, this is Lila. She’s here to join us for dinner.”

  “Hi, Reggie. I wonder why your daddy chose to name you after his sister-in-law? Wipe that look off your face.” Lila rolled her eyes as she stared at Driscoll. “I’m only staying because I’m hungry. I’m only here to check on you and the kitten to see if you are okay. Nothing more.”

  “Okay.” Driscoll came to the other side of the counter. “When that changes, you be sure to let me know.”

  “You act like I’m going to be coming here again.”

  “You are.”

  “Such an arrogant man.” Lila read the black T-shirt with gold writing and design he wore. “‘Each time I speak it’s an adventure since even I don’t know what will come out of my mouth’.” She chuckled. “That I can believe about you. It’s an apt T-shirt that you found.”

  “I didn’t find it. I said this.” He pointed. “So one of my family or friends had it made for me, I can’t recall who.”

�They had it made for you?” Lila stared at the shirt. “And you said that?”

  “Yes. I say some interesting things and they have them put on T-shirts. Dakota, a friend of ours, makes the design and layout and has a buddy who makes the T-shirt. Gold is my favorite color, so they try to get me ones with something gold in them.”

  “Really?” Lila leaned forward, putting her hand under her chin. “You need to explain more about this T-shirt thing and why they came up with having what you say printed on them so I can better understand it.”

  The puppy came over and lay down by her stool. She bent over and stroked his silky head before she resumed her position.

  “Sure. But after, you will tell me about your Land Rover. I heard it was a Discovery 1. And I want to know how it came to be named Lancelot, as well as why you are not driving it.”

  “Okay. Lancelot is home in my garage because he is old and needs to be fixed but all the mechanics I have found don’t know how to treat him.” Lila sighed. “I’ll answer the rest after you tell me about the T-shirt thing.”

  “I have a mechanic who works wonders with my vehicles. I have many that are classics and I trust them with it. Maybe you should have them check over Lancelot.”

  “Been burnt too many times.” Lila shrugged. “I’ll have to think about it. Now stop stalling and tell me when this T-shirt thing started and so on.”

  “My pleasure.” Driscoll went back to cooking as he told her the story of his T-shirts.


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