Unexpected Encounter (Singleton)

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Unexpected Encounter (Singleton) Page 7

by Taige Crenshaw

  Lila leaned against him and enjoyed the kiss. He pulled back and held out the bag.

  “Brought you something to eat since I figured you wouldn’t be in the mood to cook. It was for both of us but seeing you so tired, I decided to not stay.”

  “How’d you know I was home?” She ignored what he held out and grabbed his arm. “Come in.”

  “I give good bribe.” He wiggled his eyebrows.

  She looked at him. “You might want to rephrase that.”

  “Why? I do give good bribe.” He winked. “I asked your assistant to let me know when you left work today. So she did. I really need to meet her, she sounds like quite a character on the phone.”

  “She is that. She never said a word to me.” Lila tugged again. “Why are you still standing outside?”

  “I told her not to. I don’t want to keep you from getting rest,” Driscoll protested.

  “Let me just take a quick shower,” she said yanking him in then closing the door. “I want you here. Stay.”

  “Yes, ma’am.” Driscoll smiled. “I’ll get your dinner ready.”

  “Okay.” Lila headed to the stairs but turned and dragged him to her. She kissed him deeply before moving away. “Don’t leave.”

  “I won’t.” He went toward the kitchen.

  Driscoll had been at her place often enough that he knew his way around and she didn’t have to show him where things were. She hurried up the stairs, her tiredness ebbing at him being there. As promised, she cleaned up quickly then went back down the steps. Hearing the television in the living room, she went that way. In the doorway she paused, taking in Driscoll sitting on her couch.

  “Planning detainment is always better with strawberry and coconut.” Lila read his shirt, chuckling. “Do I even want to know what that means?”

  “Maybe.” He patted the seat beside him.

  She went over and sat. Driscoll handed her a plate of food then picked up his. Lila lifted a fork and scooped up some mashed potatoes. Driscoll started eating his own meal.

  “It was when Morgan was acting like an ass with Bella.” Driscoll told her about their plan to detain Morgan to get some sense into him and the other details of how strawberry and coconut had come into play.

  “Call it what you like, it is still kidnapping.” Lila licked her lips taking in the sauce from the meatloaf.

  “Only if he didn’t want to be taken.” Driscoll shrugged. “We figured after Bella finished yelling at him, she’d convince him he wanted to be there.”

  “You all are good friends to be willing to risk jail for her.” Lila reached for the iced tea he had on the center table.

  Driscoll got to it first and handed it to her.

  “Thanks.” She took a sip. “How’s the song coming along?”

  He was working on a song for one of the biggest R & B singers.

  “It’s going well.” Driscoll shrugged. “It’ll be ready when she comes in a few weeks to test it out and for us to make some tweaks to it.”

  “Can I hear it beforehand?” Lila drank again. “And see you work while you write?”

  “Sure.” Driscoll looked at her. “If you want, but it’s really boring. Sometimes I swear when things aren’t going well. Other times I just sit there like a bump on a log.”

  “Still want to see.”

  “Okay.” Driscoll speared some green beans. “How was work?”

  She filled him in on her day. Driscoll commented and they talked while they finished eating. Lila went to take the plates to the kitchen, but he stopped her and did it instead. Lila stretched then curled her legs under her. Driscoll came back and when she spotted the plates he held with slices of cake on it, she moaned.

  “Dessert too.” Lila touched his leg as he stopped by the couch. “You’re spoiling me. Put it on the table, I’ll have it in a little while.”

  He set her plate down then sat with his. “I’m going to eat this then go. You need to get some rest.”

  “I don’t want you to go.” Lila leaned against him. “I bought you a gift. It’s in the bag by the TV. Maybe that will convince you to stay a while.”

  Driscoll looked at her curiously as she took his plate and gestured. He rose and went to get the bag and Driscoll pulled out the DVD then grinned.

  “Bones—the latest season. I ordered a copy of it already.” He frowned. “It should have arrived by now. I need to have the order canceled.”

  “I know about your order.” Lila chuckled. “I give good bribe too. I asked Irene to cancel your order, that’s why you didn’t get it.”

  “What did you bribe her with?”

  “That’s between me and her.” Lila pointed. “Pop in the first disc so we can watch.”

  “You’re tired.”

  “I’m just sitting here.” Lila patted the seat by her. “Put it in and come sit with me. I won’t even tease you about ogling the pathologist.”

  “I don’t ogle. I watch and admire.” Driscoll peeled off the plastic and took out a disc before he put it in the DVD player.

  Coming back, he sat by her and Lila handed him his plate before leaning against him. As Driscoll ate the DVD came on. Lila stroked her hand up and down his thigh while she relaxed. He went straight to the menu then started the show.

  “Love this show.” Driscoll turned to her and kissed her. “Thanks for the DVD.”

  “You’re welcome.” She rested her head on his shoulder.

  The theme song played and Lila yawned, snuggling into him. Driscoll put his arm around her.

  * * * *

  Lila blinked blearily, coming awake, then stretched. She stiffened as her hands touched a firm body. She glanced up and saw Driscoll with a soft smile on his face. In that moment, she recalled that he’d come by and they had been watching Bones. She jerked her hands away from his thigh.

  “Shit, sorry. I fell asleep.”

  “And you snore so beautifully. Almost couldn’t hear the show with your loudness.”

  “I know I snore.” She stuck out her tongue. “But I’m not that loud.”

  “It’s cute. You make this face.” Driscoll made an ‘O’ of his mouth then chuckled. “I was almost tempted to take a video on my cell of it.”

  “You didn’t,” Lila said sitting up.


  “Where is your cell?” She saw it on the side table by him and reached around him.

  Driscoll picked it up and slid it down in between where he sat and the couch. “Nope.”

  She laughed pushing her hand in behind his. Driscoll’s chuckle vibrated against her body. He put his hand on against her back.

  “You looked so precious with your innocent look in your sleeveless white housedress”—he smoothed his hand over the garment—“with black piping.” Driscoll brought his hand to her front and touched along her upper arm, tracing the line of the piping before moving down to her forearm. “And sleeping away drooling.”

  “I don’t drool, you jerk.” She pushed at his shoulder.

  “The video will show all the proof I need.” Driscoll hugged her.

  “I’m going to delete it.” She reached for his cell again.

  “Only if you can get it.” Driscoll shifted closer to arm of chair, pressing her hand against the couch.

  Lila rolled her eyes and nipped at his upper arm then she rose, straddling him. “Gonna get that phone and delete that video.”

  “Not gonna let you. It’s mine.” Driscoll lifted then turned her before setting her back to recline on the couch. He tickled her side.

  Lila squealed then laughed. “No fair.”

  “All is fair in keeping my video.” Driscoll laid his body over hers. “I’m gonna play it over and over listening to your snorting and snoring while appreciating the drool.”

  “I don’t drool.” She poked him in the arm then bucked beneath him.

  Lila went still as his erection pressed into her. Driscoll lowered his lids and his breathing increased.

  “I need to go.” He cleared his throat the
n went to pull away.

  She held him in place. “Don’t go.”

  “Lila,” Driscoll groaned. “I c—”

  She kissed him deeply. Driscoll moaned and opened up. Lila rocked against him, need coursing through her. Moving below him, she whimpered as he rubbed along her, setting off sensations of lust through her. She clenched her pussy, wanting him inside her. Lila pulled away from their kiss, keeping her lips pressed gently to his.

  “In me now.”

  “Lila.” Driscoll shuddered. “Let’s go to bed.”

  “Here, now.” She tugged at his shirt.

  Driscoll helped her remove it then his jeans with his underwear. He retrieved a condom from the pocket. She sat up and he pulled off her housedress then pushed off her panties. Lila sprawled back on the couch.

  Driscoll breathed deep then said, “I’ve been imagining this. We’d go slow, tender and take our time.” He shook again. “But fuck it, we’ll do that next time.”

  With shaking hands, he smoothed the latex on. Lila moved her hand down between her breasts to her stomach, watching him cover his rigid shaft. Driscoll settled over her and she spread her legs, lifting them and smoothing her toes along the backs of his thighs.

  “Please.” She grabbed him, pulling him close.

  “Yes.” Driscoll slid into her in one sure stroke.

  Lila arched, a sigh of pleasure flowing from her as she took him in. He thrust deep and each one set off sensations deep inside her pussy. Her heart raced as she matched him move for move. Driscoll licked the side of her face then nipped at her ear. She tilted her head back to give him access. He nibbled on her ear, plunging quicker inside her. Lust filled her, making her wild to have him. She dug her nails into his back then smoothed her hands down his side to grab his ass, urging him on. She lifted her legs up higher, moaning as he went deeper.

  “Dris.” She quivered, shifting under him, wanting all he had to give.

  Driscoll stroked deep inside her, his harsh breaths hot against her face. Lila stared into his eyes and her breath hitched at the possessiveness mixed with gentleness there. He slid in and out, going faster, driving her need higher until she felt as if she would come out of her skin. Lila rolled her hips countering his motion and she gasped as her orgasm overcame her.


  Lila’s cry of his name made him shake as the desire he’d been containing burst free. He’d wanted her since the moment he’d seen her. In the weeks they had spent together, his need had only increased. Now, having her, all that passion had condensed into this moment and Driscoll was lost in her.

  “Lila, give me everything.” He continued to thrust, prolonging her release.

  She tightened around his cock. Driscoll clenched his jaw, grunting as he stroked. Lila’s whimper in his ear drove him on.

  “Everything,” he growled.

  Lila met his gaze, hers fierce as she rocked her hips to meet his forward motion. Driscoll’s heart filled at that expression on her face. He liked seeing her look at him like he was hers. He gripped her leg, lifting it higher on his hip, still going quickly. Suddenly she arched, moaning loudly as she climaxed again. The fluttering of her inner walls drove Driscoll wild. He pushed in once, twice then a third time, bowing as his sac tightened and he shuddered as he came.

  “Mine,” he roared as he emptied his seed into the condom.

  Driscoll continued to stroke into her while he climaxed, driving the two of them on and on. He then slumped against her, breathing hard and listening to their rapid breaths. Gathering his strength, he pulled out of her then took off the used protection then tying it off. He threw it in the wastepaper basket next to the side table then stood. Driscoll lifted her off the couch.

  Lila slid her hand around his neck, murmuring, “Where are we going?”

  “Bed. We’ll get some sleep then round two.”

  “Maybe I’m no longer sleepy. I had a nap so I’m good.” Lila licked his collarbone. “I say we go to bed, get wicked then you can have a nap.”

  “Why would I be the only one to have a nap?”

  “Because I’m going to tire you out,” Lila promised.

  Driscoll walked faster. Lila’s decadent chuckle sounded in his ear. He jerked, slightly startled as she tweaked his nipple then licked it. Driscoll shivered at the delicious sensation before he continued to the staircase and went quickly up the steps.

  “Left, last room,” she said.

  He went the way she said then pushed the partially open door with his shoulder. Inside, he approached the bed then stopped, setting her on her feet. Driscoll kissed her deeply as Lila cupped his ass, pushing him back to the bed. When he hit the foot of the bed she pulled back and pushed him. He then scooted back onto the mattress until his head was against the pillows. Staring at her, he slid one hand under his head then lowered his hand to stroke along his rapidly hardening member.

  “Someone promised to tire me out.”

  “The name is Lila and by the end of the night you’ll be hoarse from screaming it. I always follow through on what I say.” Lila loosened her hair.

  Driscoll licked his lips as her kinky curls framed her sexy body. He tugged on his cock, stroking his thumb over the head. “Lila.”

  “Say my name.” She grinned then got on the bed crawling towards him.

  The desire in her gaze coupled with the ripple of her lithe body coming to him made him gulp. Lila was about to make him lose his mind and he was going to love each and every moment. She straddled him then looked down at him before she shook out her hair then lay down on him, her hair coming around them shading them.

  “Dris, I hope you had your vitamins because, buddy, you’re gonna need them.” She laughed a wicked sound that went straight to his cock.

  “Bring it on. I’m not the one who will need to sleep when we’re through,” Driscoll taunted.

  “I love me a challenge.” Lila lowered her lids, leaving a partial slit showing her hazel eyes. “The thing about challenges is—”

  “What?” Driscoll grinned knowing what she was about to say.

  “They make you want to dig in and do it again and again until you are senseless or babbling in tongues.”

  “You stole that from one of my T-shirts.” He laughed.

  “What can I say…? You say some interesting things.” Lila rocked against him. “Enough talk.”

  She kissed him and Driscoll slid his hands into her hair, ready to meet her challenge.

  Chapter Four

  Driscoll turned over, scratching his belly. He blinked open his eyes and stared at the ceiling of the semi-dark room. Sitting up, he glanced at the bedside table and noted it was already after eight o’clock in the morning. The drawn shades blocked out the sunlight. He rose from the bed and stretched before padding to the chair by the door and shrugging into the robe that was there. He briefly wondered whom the gold terry cloth robe belonged to—it wasn’t Lila’s size. He headed out of the bedroom toward the steps before he descended. Following the delicious smell of bacon, he went to the kitchen. He propped his shoulder against the doorjamb and watched Lila, who sat at the table by the window overlooking the backyard.

  She lifted her cup to her lips then said, “Someone had a hell of a nap.”

  Driscoll snorted. “Since it was hours ago, I’m sure I’m not the only one who slept. So I’d call that even.”

  He went and fixed himself a cup of tea then went to the table.

  “You slept first.” Lila lifted her cell off the table, jiggling it from side to side. “I have proof.”

  Driscoll put down his cup then pulled a chair close to her before he sat. “Where is my cell?”

  “Probably where you left it on the couch.”

  “So did you delete the video of your snoring?” He sipped his tea.

  “Nope.” She showed him the phone again. “I have my own video of you to ensure you don’t show the one you have of me.”

  “Please, like I care that I snore.” Driscoll shook his head.

sp; “Not just snoring, per se. You combine the snore with this cute humming noise. It sounds almost like you are singing in your sleep.”

  He lowered his cup and narrowed his eyes. “I don’t.”

  “You do.” She stood and he leaned back, letting her sit on his lap.

  She held her cell and played the video. Driscoll chuckled as Lila shot herself making faces then showing he was sleeping. When he heard himself indeed doing what she’d said, he was surprised.

  “Oh, God, why has no one ever told me I do that?” Driscoll laughed. “Send me a copy, I need to share this with my friends and find out why no one told me.”

  “Someone else would have wanted to keep it under wraps, not share it.” Lila pouted. “Now I don’t have any bribery material. Gotta go erase the video.”

  “No worries. I’ll keep that one just between the two of us.” He held her and kissed her gently. “So you kept your promise to wear me out.”

  “I always keep my promises.” Lila pecked him on the lips. “I’m gonna feed you breakfast so you can get some strength then I’m going to wear you out again. Maybe I’ll wear you out for the entire day. I don’t have anything to do today except make you beg.” She kissed him deeply.

  Driscoll groaned and slid his hand down to her ass, bringing her close. Lila pulled away and stood.

  “How do you want your eggs?”

  “Surprise me,” Driscoll replied, turning to watch her make her way to the stove.

  “I can do that.” She looked over her shoulder.

  Driscoll knew she could and looked forward to seeing everything that was to come.

  * * * *

  Driscoll put away his cell as he strolled into the rink. Lila was on her way and he couldn’t wait to see her. For the last week, her schedule had made it difficult for them to spend any time together. Although today they would start out with her friends and Stuart present, Driscoll couldn’t wait to get her alone. Driscoll set down the skates he’d been holding by the strings and braced his hands on the railing as he watched Stuart maneuver on the ice. He was always impressed at how effortless Stuart made it seem when he was skating. Stuart hit a puck into the net then skated backward. He spotted Driscoll and lifted his hand briefly but went back to hitting pucks.


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