Unexpected Encounter (Singleton)

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Unexpected Encounter (Singleton) Page 14

by Taige Crenshaw

  Chapter Eight

  Lila rolled her shoulders and set down her pen. She closed the file then set it on the pile she had before her. She put her hand over her head and stretched. Rising, she went to look out of the window. The view of the trees covered in snow made her shiver.

  “No way should we be having snow during fall. We’re in October for God’s sake. Mother Nature, you need to check your calendar,” Lila muttered.

  It was going to be a long winter at this rate. Lila leaned against one side of the large window frame. Time was going by so fast, but she was enjoying every moment of it. Work was still busy, but she had already found people to fill the spots that had been approved for her budget.

  Her personal life couldn’t be any better. Driscoll and she were spending all the time they had free together. Most times, they spent their time either at her place or his. When they did go out, they found many places around Singleton they both enjoyed. Some they had in common from seeing before individually and Lila loved sharing the places with him making them feel new. They’d also spent many moments with her friends and his, even some with them combined. Lila tilted her head against the wall and smiled thinking of just yesterday when they had all gone to play laser tag. The competitiveness had been high and they’d had fun playing in teams.

  When her cell dinged, Lila went to her desk and picked it up. She read the text then replied before heading out of her office. With a brief pause by her assistant’s desk to give her instructions she then went to the elevator. Impatiently she paced as she waited for it to arrive. When the elevator opened, she took it to the ground floor. Soon it reached the destination and she exited. She came out of the hall to the open area and spotted Driscoll leaning against the front desk talking with the officer on duty. He glanced up and smiled.

  “Officer Greer, how’s your nephew doing?” Lila stopped by the desk.

  “He’s good. His project got an A. Thanks for letting him interview you,” she said, beaming.

  “No problem,” Lila said before she focused on Driscoll. “Hey, you.”

  “Hey. I thought you said you were done? You’re gonna need your coat if you are going outside. It’s cold out there.”

  “I am done and looking forward to a relaxing weekend with you. We’ll get going in a second.” Lila held out her hand. “I want to show you where I work.”

  “Really?” Driscoll put his hand into hers.

  Lila nodded. She hadn’t before, but today felt like the right time. When she’d dated in the past, she hadn’t brought anyone by. Lila decided not to think too deeply about why she was doing that with him. She led him to the elevator.

  “Did you get all the paperwork done to send off to the Feds?” he asked.

  “Yep. I’m glad it’s all wrapped up and now the person who lit the fire that killed all those people last month can pay for their crimes.”

  Lila thought of all those lives lost and families changed because of one person trying to hurt others. It’d taken them weeks to gather evidence and they’d worked together to get what they needed to get a lead to find the culprit. After she’d done all she could, she’d waited to see the outcome. When the fire investigators and others had caught the woman who had set the fire, Lila and her team, as well as everyone who’d worked on the case, had been relieved.

  “I’m relieved they were caught and now the healing can begin. It won’t bring back anyone who was lost, but at least the families will get some closure.” Driscoll squeezed her hand gently.

  She nodded. They were silent as they went up in the elevator. Soon they got off on her floor and Lila glanced down the hall and saw her instructions had been carried out. All the lab and office doors were open and she figured her employees were there waiting to meet Driscoll. She’d start on this floor and work her way down to the other ones she was in charge of. Lila made a mental note to take him to the other station houses she also managed.

  “Can we watch Bones when we get home?” Driscoll said.

  “Sure.” Lila nodded, chuckling as she led him toward the first offices.

  As she took Driscoll from area to area, he set everyone at ease. Lila let him work his magic as he charmed her staff. She stifled a laugh as her people who were used to seeing so many things were dazzled at first by him then laughing with him as if he were an old friend. By the end of the tour, Driscoll had been invited back by many people who worked for her. Lila was pleased knowing it was genuine that they wanted him to come back to visit them. She had to almost drag him away so they could leave since everyone wanted him to stay and talk a while. In his Land Rover, Lila relaxed in the seat, her hand laced with his as he drove.

  “How about we cuddle on the couch while we watch Bones?”

  “Sounds great to me.” He squeezed her hand. “The fur babies wanted to come with me when I came to get you. I had to duck them to get out of the house.”

  “I would have liked to see that.” Lila chuckled.

  “Irene probably taped it as I was sneaking out of the patio door.” Driscoll clicked his tongue. “She was cackling all day when they were following me around. I swear, Reggie and Vere know when I plan to leave the house. They each pick one of the main doors they see us go through and lay in wait. When they figure out there are other ways out of the house, I’m gonna have hell getting out.”

  Lila laughed. “What did the two hellions do today?”

  Driscoll regaled her with stories of their fur babies. Lila enjoyed his tales as they headed for her place and she was indeed looking forward to some quality time with him. As they drove, she looked out of the window and watched the kids and many adults dressed up for Halloween. She interrupted Driscoll.

  “Do you mind if we stop by Storm’s shop?” Lila imagined as usual he was filled with trick-or-treaters seeking sweets.

  “Sure, I didn’t suggest it since I didn’t know if you were tired or not. When I was there earlier, it was a madhouse. Even when I left Irene, Aida and Stuart there when I came to get you, it was still busy. We all went by to help him hand out candy.” Driscoll chuckled. “Being a candy shop this time of year must be weird. All those people coming in to trick or treat. They could clean you out.”

  “Storm is well known as a candy maker and has it down to a science. He makes a lot of candy for today that is special for the occasion. He sells a lot because the parents bring in the kids then get tempted to buy something. When someone hasn’t been to his store before and comes by for Halloween, he gets a new customer who will possibly be back at another time.” Lila smiled. “So it’s a win-win for him.”

  “I did notice he was making brisk sales.” Driscoll turned the car in the toward Storm’s store.

  Lila hummed and watched the scenery pass by. Soon Driscoll pulled in behind the store to the private parking that ran the length of the area behind the shops. The guard there waved him through and they parked. Lila got out and joined Driscoll at the hood before they went to the back door together. They pressed the buzzer and were let in. Lila waved to Colby as she took a tray of candy out front. She went to the front and dove in to help. She lost track of Driscoll as she handed out candy to kids and chatted with the parents. When they wanted something, she guided them to one of the shop’s employees to get them what they needed and check them out. She lost time as she did it over and over again.

  Finally she went looking for Driscoll. Lila stopped when she found him and observed him. Driscoll sat cross-legged in the center of a group of kids. She was too far away to hear what he was saying, but it seemed like he was telling them a story. He brushed back the hair of the little girl in his lap, a soft smile on his face. Driscoll lifted his head and his eyes met hers.

  Lila’s breath caught and she put her hand over her belly. Driscoll lowered his gaze and stared at where she touched. She jerked her hand away and turned from him. Foolish, Lila, so foolish.

  “Someone looks really comfortable with kids,” Aja whispered as she paused by her. “Have you aligned your worlds yet?”

bsp; “Shut up,” Lila said with no real heat.

  “You need to pack your bags and move out of denial city.” Aja snorted. “Come join us where the world is all in one place—earth.”

  “I really, really hate you.” Lila smacked her on the shoulder.

  “Love ya too, Lila.” Aja slung her arm over her shoulders. “Let’s continue to give out candy then we can all go out for a drink after.”

  “Sounds good.” Lila glanced once more at Driscoll.

  He was again deep into whatever he was telling the kids. He looked so comfortable with the kids and Lila thought back to earlier at her office. Hell, Driscoll was comfortable in whatever environment he was in. As she went back to giving out treats, Lila couldn’t help taking glimpses at him.

  You keep me off kilter, Driscoll. Will I ever figure you out?

  * * * *

  Lila took out her key then slid it into the lock, unlocking the door and entering. She closed the door and listened to the quiet of the house. It was late and she figured Driscoll was already in bed asleep. The last two weeks had been busy in the office and she knew with the holiday season approaching it would be even more so. Drunk drivers, disputes and any other number of crimes would bring way too many people to her table for examination. Lila was glad she had more staff to handle the influx.

  She shut the door, making sure to flip the lock and set the alarm before she headed to the steps. Lila took off her heels and padded up barefoot to the landing then to Driscoll’s bedroom and went in. He was lying on his back, sprawled out on the bed. Lila took off her clothing not needing a shower since she had taken one earlier at work. She’d made sure to clean up before coming home so as not to disturb Driscoll with her being so late. He tended to get up when she came home and showered. She enjoyed his company but felt bad disturbing his sleep.

  Going to the bed, she slid in beside him. Lila put her hand under the side of her face staring into his, soft in slumber. Her belly filled with warmth and she wanted to touch him.

  “You’re home.”

  “I’m home,” Lila said then frowned.

  This wasn’t her house—she was just here to be with him. She would do well to remember that.

  “Hmmm…” He stretched out, pushing the sheet off him. “I was dreaming about you.”

  She looked at his erection and licked her lips. “Looks like a good dream.”

  “It was.” Driscoll put his hand on his shaft and tugged. “You and me here in our bed.”

  She couldn’t look away as he stroked his cock, making it harden even more.

  “You were riding me with this look on your face.”

  “What look?”

  “Like you were claiming me as yours.” Driscoll rubbed his thumb over the head of his cock. “Are you going to make my dream a reality?”

  “Yes.” She breathed out. Lila retrieved a condom from the bedside table and turned back to him.

  She moved close to him and stroked her hands down his chest before trailing her fingers over his stomach. He inhaled, tightening his belly under her touch. Lila lowered her hand, placing it over his, and they stroked his erection together.

  “Like that, Lila.” Driscoll pushed into her grip, moving faster.

  “Dris,” she breathed out.

  After taking the protection, Lila smoothed it on his member before straddling him. She lifted up and moaned when Driscoll grabbed her hips, guiding her over him. She whimpered, taking him in and closing her eyes as he slid deep within her. She rocked her hips and sighed in pleasure when he slid along her inner walls, filling her up so good. Bracing her hands on his shoulders, she gyrated, groaning with each motion.

  “Lila.” Driscoll arched under her, his grip tight on her hips as he moved up for each of her downward motions.

  “Dris.” She reached up and took out her comb, shaking her hair loose. As it fell around her, she stared at him and she shuddered at the desire on his face. “I need you so much.”

  “Yes.” He grabbed the ends of her hair then pulled her close, moving his hands up through the strands until he slid his fingers into her hair at the base of her skull, holding her into place.

  Lila lowered her body flush against his, her gaze locked to his as they worked toward fulfillment. Driscoll narrowed his eyes then kissed her before he nipped her bottom lip.

  “Come for me.”

  Lila clenched her pussy and blew out a harsh breath, her belly going tight as she came. Driscoll grabbed her ass, yanking her harder on him then rolled them, thrusting into her. Lila lifted her legs, wrapping them around him and moving with him. His deep plunges set off more sensations as she continued to climax. Driscoll lifted his head, his neck muscles standing out emphasized against his skin.


  His roar echoed in her ears and Lila held him as he shook, joining her in release.

  Driscoll jerked, muscles quivering, then he slumped against her, his breathing harsh. Lila held him, kissing his sweat-soaked face and cuddling him close. Driscoll nuzzled the side of her face then kissed the pulse in her throat. Lila rubbed her hand up and down his back as he slowly calmed.

  “I had another dream. I have lots of them.”

  “You have a very fertile imagination.” Lila chuckled. “I like it. Tell me about this another dream.”

  “It starts with you laid out before me all wet and ready for me…”

  Lila dampened, ready for him again. Driscoll’s raspy baritone told her in detail what he wanted to do.

  * * * *

  Lila entered the living room, lifting the glass of iced tea to her lips. She stared at the man lying on the floor. Driscoll lifted one leg onto the couch. His movement made his sweats bunch, showing off his package. Lila recalled vividly what they’d done last night. He’d filled her in on his dreams well into the night. She slid her toes up against her ankle and tightened her pussy. They had barely gotten any sleep. Thank God it was the weekend and she didn’t have to report to work until Monday. She strode forward and set her glass down then stepped over him. Lila looked down at him and Driscoll, with his hair spread under him, smiled up at her.

  “Can I help you?” He put his hands on the backs of her legs. Driscoll stroked his thumbs against her ankles. “I see that someone is needing.”

  “Always.” She lowered herself until she was straddling him. Lila lay on him, smiling as she bent her head.

  The sound of her cell ringing drew her attention. Recognizing the ring tone, Lila frowned. “Wait, I need to get that. It’s my family.”

  She got off him and went to get the cell from the side table. She glanced at the screen and, seeing who it was, she smiled before she answered.

  “Mom,” she said.

  “Wow, you recognize my voice,” her mother said. “I wonder if you realize what day today is?”

  Lila frowned then glanced at Driscoll, mouthing, “I’ll be back in a moment.”

  She strolled into the foyer.

  Driscoll watched as she left. The pleasure in her voice when she’d called her mom’s name showed how much she loved her. He sat up and, although he couldn’t hear what she said, the murmur of her voice made him smile. He rested his back against the couch and waited for her to return. A few moments later Lila came back into the room with a sheepish grin on her face.

  “I forgot that we have a planning session for Thanksgiving at my mom’s house. All of us who are here usually plan the holiday and coordinate with those coming in for it.” Lila leaned over and kissed him. “I’ll be back soon and we can pick this up where we left off.”

  She hurried from the room. Driscoll sat there listening then shortly he heard the door close as she left. He stood and went to the window. Looking out as Lila bundled up against the cold and got into Lancelot, Driscoll braced his hands against the window. He watched as she started the car, waited for it to warm up then drove away. He frowned then turned and went to his studio. Driscoll dropped into the chair at his console and stared at the various buttons. He sat up, pulled a piece o
f paper to him and wrote down the lyrics for a new song. Driscoll lost himself in the process of creating.

  “Dris,” Lila said softly behind him.

  He jerked, startled and looked at the clock in front of him and realized hours had passed.

  “I just wanted to let you know I’m back.” Lila put her hand on his shoulder and squeezed gently. “I’ll leave you to your work.”

  He put his hand over hers and turned. “This isn’t work, it’s personal.” He studied her. “How’s your family?”

  “Good.” Lila chuckled. “We Skyped with my siblings and their family who are out of town. My nieces and nephews are excited to be coming to New York to see us. They love Singleton.”

  “Good.” Driscoll slid his chair back, making sure he wasn’t touching her. He laced his fingers together and placed them between his legs.

  “What’s wrong, Dris?” She reached for him again.

  “I love you.”

  Lila stopped, her eyes wide. “What?”

  “You heard me.” Driscoll smiled wryly. “And I can see from your expression you never even thought of me that way.”


  “No, don’t make excuses.” Driscoll slashed his hand in the air. “From the start of this thing with us, I’ve felt like you’ve had one foot out the door. And I can’t figure out why.”

  “We are from different worlds. B—”

  “I have news for you, there is only one world. We both live in it and it is called earth.” Driscoll shook his head. “I can’t believe you’re trying to use the different world shit on me. I’m a man, Lila, one like any other. Just because I used to sing and was famous doesn’t mean fuck.”

  “Dris, w—”

  “What are you gonna say? ‘Dris, you can’t possibly love me because you’re who you are and I’m just me’.” Driscoll stood. “Bullshit, Lila. I never took you for a coward. But that’s what you are. You’re not willing to go all in for this.”


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