Making a Splash

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Making a Splash Page 13

by Sean Michael

  “Yeah. Yeah. What now?” Those thighs opened right up, sweet as pie.

  “I think a little celebrating’s in order, don’t you?” He glanced over to make sure Ms. Perky wasn’t anywhere in view and let his fingers move, sliding right over into Austin’s lap.

  “Yeah…. Man.” Austin shifted. “God. Are we heading back right now?”

  “We’ve got the motel room another night. I think we should go use it. Don’t you?” He trailed the backs of his fingers up along Austin’s shaft, wanting skin so badly.

  “God, yes. We can lock the door.”

  “Fuck yes.” He squeezed Austin’s cock and then settled back in his seat and started the engine.

  “Let’s go celebrate.”

  Chapter Ten

  AUSTIN HATED everybody and everything. He was working doubles at the plant to help Mr. Boucher out. He was diving. He was packing. He was trying to say goodbye to everybody and not worry and not think and not wig right the fuck out. He threw another pile of magazines into a trash bag and shoved it aside before looking balefully at his closet. Maybe he could set it on fire.

  There was a rat-a-tat-tat on his door, and then Vince let himself in. “Hey, Austin, you—whoa, it looks like a tornado hit.”

  “Yeah, yeah.” If Vince suggested going to the pool, Austin might kill him.

  Vince came over to him and dropped warm hands to his shoulders, digging his fingers in. “And you’re looking a little stressed.”

  “Oh.” Okay. Not killing. Adoring. Worshiping. Forever. “Don’t stop.”

  “Don’t stop what? Making obvious statements?” Vince teased, working at the knots.

  Austin’s head fell forward and his knees got weak. Sure. Whatever. Okay. God. “Mmm….”

  Vince put one arm around his belly, tugging him back against Vince’s strong heat, bolstering him. Okay. He could die a happy man. A happy, vaguely dusty, exhausted man.

  “Baby, you have my cell phone number, don’t you?”

  “Uh-huh.” Vince could ask the weirdest questions.

  “Next time you get this stressed, use it, yeah?” Warm lips slid along his neck, Vince’s breath hot against his skin. “Call me when you need me, baby. You aren’t alone.”

  “I….” He simply melted, letting Vince hold him up.

  “You’re not alone,” Vince repeated, beginning to back them up toward the bed.

  “Uh-huh.” He nodded, followed, almost shivering.

  “I’m going to prove it to you,” Vince told him, pushing him down onto the bed and following, eyes meeting his.

  “’Kay. Please.” God, he was tired. “I have to be at work in two hours.” Hopefully he wouldn’t set himself on fire.

  “Call in sick.” Vince pulled Austin’s T-shirt out of his jeans and pushed it over his head.

  “Hmm?” He sank back onto the bed, nuzzled into Vince’s belly.

  Vince purred, sliding his fingers through Austin’s hair, encouraging his nuzzling. “I said call in sick.”

  “He’ll tell me to fuck off and not come back….” Which, honestly? Would work for him.

  Vince slid back down so they were eye-to-eye again. “You’ve only got what? Four days anyway? Call in sick, baby. I’ll take care of you.”

  Austin moaned, leaning forward for a kiss as he nodded. Okay. Okay. God, Vince felt good. Vince’s mouth was hot, tongue pushing between his lips, fucking them, as one big hand slid over his belly to his jeans. He stopped thinking, instead hummed and pressed closer, rocking a little.

  Vince worked his pants open, then pushed them down off his hips. Then Vince stroked his hot fingers along the skin around Austin’s cock. “You need a wax, baby.”

  “You just did it.” What, hardly any time ago, right?

  Vince laughed softly, moving to wrap his fingers around Austin’s hips, digging into his skin.

  “Mmm…. Yeah….” God, it felt good. Hot.

  Vince moved his mouth over Austin’s skin, teeth finding one nipple and then the other, teasing, biting, licking away the small pains. Each touch drew little sounds out of him, and he gave them up, let Vince have them.

  “Sexy,” murmured Vince, sliding his tongue into Austin’s navel, circling it. Vince pushed his fingers against Austin’s skin too.

  “Good.” He spread, hips starting to rock.

  “Want me to fuck you?” Vince asked, licking at the tip of his cock. “You want to fuck me?”

  “I want you.” Anything. He simply wanted to feel.

  “Yeah, baby, I want you too.” Vince kept moving down, tongue skating quickly over his cock, too quickly.

  He jerked up, body taut suddenly, needing more. Vince encouraged his thighs to spread, his mouth on his balls, taking first one and then the other in, sucking and licking.

  “Oh. Oh, sweet fuck.” So fucking hot and intense. God.

  “Nah, this is the warm-up to the sweet fuck,” murmured Vince, chuckling, rubbing his cheek against Austin’s inner thigh.

  “Been a long few days.” He spread farther, stretching.

  “Let’s see if we can erase them, shall we?” Vince licked the skin behind his balls, all the way back to his hole.

  “Vince….” His eyes flew open, his cry sharp and needy, even to his own ears.

  “Right here, baby.” Vince grabbed his ass, tilting him up, exposing him to that hot, stabbing little tongue.

  “I. I. Oh….” Austin wrapped his hands around the headboard, holding on as he flew.

  Vince purred or hummed or did something that made his tongue vibrate now and then, which made Austin’s hole tingle as Vince pushed his tongue into Austin. He was going to die. Or come. Maybe both, he was easy.

  Vince slid one hand up over his skin, dragging over his balls and wrapping it around his cock. Vince’s tongue kept working its magic as Vince jacked him off. Austin gave it up, spunk pouring from him in waves. Vince moaned, the sound vibrating inside him, and then Vince licked the come right off his skin.

  He sighed, sinking into the sheets, his moans almost constant. Vince played for a long time, swirling his tongue over his skin, over the head of Austin’s cock, keeping him hard, keeping him needy. When Vince’s cock slid into his body, it was like an extension of the licking, filling him up.

  Austin reached up and stroked Vince’s face and shoulders, moaning.

  Nuzzling into his touches, Vince started to fuck him, cock moving slowly, big and hot, and so good.

  It wasn’t frantic, just right and deep and heated. “Good. Good, love.”

  Vince groaned, mouth closing over his, the kiss matching the fucking perfectly as Vince pushed his tongue deep. Every single inch of him was melted, heated, loved. God. He didn’t know how long it lasted—it didn’t matter. What did matter was the way it felt, and then the way Vince’s eyes went wide as heat pushed deep inside him.

  “Oh….” He blinked up. “Oh, hell, yes.”

  Vince’s smile was slow and lazy, accompanied by another soft thrust before Vince’s cock slid out of his body.

  “Feeling better, baby?” Vince asked, settling next to him, tugging Austin against his warmth.

  “Uh-huh.” He nodded and snuggled in.

  “Good. You remember this next time you get stressed.”


  Vince laughed, breath huffing against his skin. “You sleep, baby. The packing will still be here when you wake up.”

  “’Kay.” Waking up sounded highly fucking overrated.


  Chapter Eleven

  A LITTLE bit of sleep, a little bit of loving, and a lot of organizing, and Austin’s place was all packed up with a minimum of fuss. By minimum, Vince meant he’d only rolled his eyes and growled a half-dozen times or so. He knew this was a big step for Austin, a big change, but it was hard to reconcile that with his own eagerness to really begin. Sure, they’d been working on the diving for a while now, but this move to Austin signaled the start of a serious commitment, not just the idea of one.

  Vince wa
nted to get the moving over with and start.

  All of Austin’s stuff was in the back of his truck. They’d finish packing Vince’s stuff up in the morning and then make the drive. In the meantime, they were going to stay at his place tonight, as he still had a bed.

  He honked the horn on Austin’s truck and then went back in. “Come on, baby. That’s everything—what’s the holdup?”

  Austin was wandering through the rooms, checking closets and cabinets. “Just checking.”

  Vince leaned against the door, arms across his chest as he watched. “For the hundredth time?”

  “I might have forgotten something.” Like his good sense.

  When Austin went back to the first cupboard in the little kitchenette, Vince went in and took his arm, hauling him out. “If you have, we’ll buy you a new one.” He pulled the door shut behind him. “What are you supposed to do with your key?”

  “I’m supposed to drop it in the mail slot for the landlord.”

  “Hand it over, then.” He held out his hand, waiting until Austin gave it to him, and then he locked the door and put the key in the mail slot. “There we are. You’re officially moved out.”

  “You’re pushy, you know that?”

  “When I need to be.” He nudged Austin’s shoulder. “Come on. Back to my place, and tomorrow? We’re going home.”

  Austin nodded, give him a half grin. “Yep. Unpacking has to be more fun than packing.”

  “Can’t be any worse.” And he’d be around to ride herd on Austin’s fretting. “It’s going to be good, baby. It’s going to be great.”

  “You think so?” Austin started to relax as they moved toward the truck.

  Vince had learned so much from his diver in the last few weeks. The latest lesson was that, once he had no choice, Austin relaxed.

  “I know so. I mean, full-time concentrating on the diving, what could be better than that? Well, aside from having me in your bed every night, but hey—you’ve got that too.” He winked.

  He got a real smile this time, a hint of excitement starting to light Austin’s eyes. “Yeah. Wow.”

  He nodded. Yeah, there it was, Austin finally focusing on what all this was in aid of. “Very wow. Hey! You want to celebrate? We could go somewhere nice—have a bottle of champagne.”

  “No, let’s celebrate tomorrow. I….” Austin’s head shook, fingers brushing his wrist with a careful touch. “Let’s order pizza, finish getting you moved out, and relax.”

  The touch sent a shiver over Vince’s skin. Austin rarely initiated personal touches in public. He swallowed and nodded. “Whatever you want, baby.”

  “Cool. I’d like to just… be, you know?”

  “That sounds good. I’ve got iced tea and beer in the fridge. Papa John’s delivers. And I know how you like it.” He put a little purr in that last one and winked.

  Austin blushed, bit his bottom lip. “Sounds perfect. Right.”

  He nodded, eyes caught on those little white teeth on Austin’s lip. “It does.” He blinked and opened the passenger side door of Austin’s truck. “You sure you won’t let me drive?”


  He leaned against the door. “Because I hate sitting in the passenger seat.”

  “Life’s hard.” Austin winked, opened the driver side.

  “Bitch!” He laughed, climbed into the seat, and closed the door.

  “You know it.” Austin zipped out of the parking lot, radio blaring as they drove.

  Austin drove fast, and Vince lit up a cigarette, then took a long pull from it. “There’s a speed limit, you know.”

  “Really? Are you sure?” Austin pushed it that much faster.

  Vince tried not to push down on the imaginary brake, but he really couldn’t stop himself. He tried for casual, closing his eyes and leaning against the headrest. “Wake me when we get there.”

  “You got it.” Austin sang with the radio, twanging along with somebody going on about hick towns.

  He peeked out of one eye, then closed it again as Austin zoomed around traffic. “We almost there?”

  “You’re supposed to be sleeping.”

  “And you’re supposed to be slowing down now that I’m not paying attention.”

  “Oh, is that how it works?” Austin was laughing. Little shit.

  “Yes. That’s how it works.” He took another drag on his cigarette.

  “You shouldn’t smoke while you’re sleeping. Hand that over.”

  He laughed, tickled. “You’re speeding in this death trap—you don’t need to add another way to die to the mix.” He leaned over and put the cigarette between Austin’s lips.

  Austin hummed and took a long drag before blowing the smoke out his nose. “Thank you kindly.”

  “Get us home in one piece and you can thank me properly,” Vince suggested, shifting as Austin’s happy sounds made his cock start to fill.

  “We’re not gonna be home ’til tomorrow.” Austin pulled into the driveway next to his truck. “Ta-da!”

  “I won’t kiss the ground when I get out, but it’s a close thing,” he teased.

  “Spoilsport.” Austin winked. “You’re worried you won’t keep up with me on the drive tomorrow.”

  “You know it.” He headed for the door, eager to be able to touch Austin, to kiss Austin’s lips, feel up his lean body.

  Austin hummed again, following close. “I do. Open the damn door, Vince.”

  “Hold your horses, I’ll get it open.”

  He pushed it open, stumbling in and turning, reaching for Austin as the door closed behind them. Austin pushed right into him, kiss sudden and hot, hungry, and full-on. Vince grabbed Austin’s ass with one hand, the other going to Austin’s neck, tilting his head for the kiss.

  “Oh. Hell, yeah.” Austin nodded, moaning into his lips, body rocking.

  Vince took the step or two needed to push Austin up against the door, grinding against his hip. Austin tasted like cigarettes and salsa and Austin. Austin dropped his hands to Vince’s hips, encouraging him, moving him.

  “Love you, baby,” he murmured, lost in the kissing and the rubbing. In Austin.

  “Love. Damn.” Austin moaned, lips parted, desperate little sounds filling the air.

  Vince groaned his reply, skating Austin’s T-shirt off and over his head before diving back in and filling Austin’s mouth with his kiss. Austin groaned, tongue fucking his lips, pushing him. He pushed right back, raking his fingers up along Austin’s spine before opening his baby’s jeans and pushing them down Austin’s hips. Fuck, Austin could take him from zero to sixty in no time at all.

  “Want you.” Hard and hot, Austin arched, hips bucking and rocking.

  “You got me,” he told Austin, taking a step back and stripping, eyes hot on Austin’s.

  Austin nodded, knelt down to nuzzle his belly.

  Gasping softly, he spread his legs, hands finding Austin’s shoulders. “Yeah, baby.”

  “Mmm-hmm….” Austin slid his tongue up along Vince’s shaft, hot and sure.

  Vince pushed one hand through Austin’s hair, the silk of it clinging to his skin like that tongue clung to his cock. He watched, entranced by that pink tongue on him. Austin lapped at the tip, the gentle, quick touch damn near driving him crazy. He couldn’t help the way his hips moved, pushing his cock toward Austin’s mouth, but he curled his fingers in, nails digging into his palms as he forced himself to be still, to take it the way Austin wanted to give it to him. Austin hummed, eyes closed, working his cock, head bobbing nice and slow, tongue rubbing the slit.

  “Gonna kill me, baby,” Vince murmured, fingers opening and closing. He took a deep breath and let it out slowly, finding Austin’s head and carding his fingers through the soft hair. The pleasure was focused on his cock, but it was climbing up along his spine and even his toes were starting to curl, like the time Austin was taking was spreading it, making it bigger.

  “Gonna love you.” Austin found his balls, rolled them, tugged them a little.

“Oh.” He moaned at the words, the sound coming from deep inside him. “Yeah, baby. Love me. Nobody does like you do. Nobody. So good, Austin.” Austin slid his finger back, nudging Vince’s hole, as his mouth started to take Vince in slow, deep strokes. He spread a little wider, started moving with Austin, trying to get that finger inside him. “Please, baby, need you. Yeah. Want you.”

  One finger pushed deep, Austin curling it, searching for his gland as the tip of Vince’s prick bumped the back of Austin’s throat.

  “Austin!” He shouted as Austin found it, pleasure shooting through him like an arrow, leaving him holding on tight to Austin’s head, his shoulders, as a shudder moved through him. “Do it again,” he begged, letting Austin know how damned good it was.

  “Mmm-hmm.” Austin did. Did it again.

  And again.

  And again.

  Austin had him whimpering and begging, body on fire. Vince’s hips thrust, moving between mouth and finger, his eyes dropping closed as the pleasure got bigger and bigger. Then Austin added another finger, stretching him wider.

  “Baby, oh. So good. Making me so hot.” He was whispering, moans and groans sliding from him as well as his body rocked, as Austin made him feel so fucking good.

  Austin nodded, sucking harder, demanding and touching and wanting him.

  “Soon,” he told Austin. Fuck, he was about to blow like a ton of bricks, everything gathering at the base of his spine, in his balls. “Oh, fuck, soon.”

  He got a nod, a deep moan, Austin begging for it.

  “Oh, baby,” Vince whispered, hips bucking as he let go, his cock pushing deep and bumping the back of Austin’s throat. That friction, combined with the scrape of Austin’s nail over his prostate, was all it took, and he shouted, coming hard.

  Austin swallowed him down, moaning and whimpering around his prick. Each suck pulled hard on his cock, making the pleasure reverb back on itself. It seemed to go forever, but it was fucking over far too quickly.

  Panting, he stroked Austin’s hair, knees locked so they wouldn’t wobble. “Oh, baby, that was so good.”

  Austin nodded, nuzzling his belly, cock sliding on his calf. He hummed, sliding his fingers easily through Austin’s hair, body relaxed, sated.


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