Making a Splash

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Making a Splash Page 15

by Sean Michael

  “You’ve already done beer today.” Vince kissed him softly. “You wanna go diving?”

  “Uh-huh. Later. Together.” He leaned, blinked a little. Oh, that kiss was…. Yeah.

  Vince gave him another kiss and then pulled back a bit. “Together? That would be cool, baby. Diving with you is almost as good as making love with you. Tomorrow we go back to work, yeah? And you work on your form.”

  “Tomorrow. Today let’s just be, yeah?” Let’s just be together.

  “Okay, baby. Today can be anything you want. Anything at all.”

  “Cool.” He pressed closer. “Touch me.”

  “Oh, you do ask for the impossible, don’t you?” Vince slid his hands along Austin’s back down to his waist and tugged his T-shirt up out of his jeans.

  “Nope. I’m not impossible.” He was all about possible.

  “Thank God for that.” Vince’s mouth closed over his, fingers sliding under Austin’s T-shirt to finally touch his skin.

  He hummed, the sun and the beer making him groan and rock a little. Vince’s fingers danced slowly up his ribs, stroking gently.

  “Feels good. You should have come to the lake. There’s a nude beach—you’d have loved it.” Not that he’d go nude, but he bet Vince would.

  “You didn’t invite me when you went,” Vince reminded him. “And I’d love to go to a nude beach with you—so you’d better bring me along next time.” Vince brushed one finger across his right nipple.

  “I….” He arched, moaned. “I was in a shitty mood.”

  “Oh, I think I know a way or two to improve your mood, baby.” Vince took his mouth again, tongue sliding right in as two fingers passed over his other nipple.

  Oh, hell, yes. Maybe more than a way or two…. Groaning, Vince pushed him backward until he hit the wall. An answering groan filled his mouth, Vince’s hands warm beneath his T-shirt. He pushed right back, hips rolling a little, rubbing them together.

  “Fuck, I want you.” Vince sounded almost surprised. “One minute we’re touching, teasing, the next I have to have you or be had or….” Vince groaned again, humping against him, squeezing one nipple and then the other. “It’s so good with you, baby.”

  “Yeah? Honest?” He knew it felt good, but he didn’t know if… well, if it just felt good or if it was Vince.

  “Fuck, yes. But you’re going to have to take my word for it because I’m not about to let you go out and do some comparison shopping, so to speak.” Vince slid his hand down his belly to open the button on his jeans.

  Austin sucked his stomach in, chuckling a little at the growl. “No? Not sharing?”

  The sound of his zipper going down was nearly drowned out by another growl from Vince. “No. No sharing.” Vince wrapped his hand around Austin’s prick, not even stroking, holding on tightly. “You’re mine.”

  “You sure?” God, this was hot.

  “I’m fucking sure. And it might make me a caveman, but, baby, the thought of anyone else touching you….” Vince shook his head and then those lips came crashing down on his again, the kiss hard, possessive.

  Oh. Oh, fuck him. He arched, kissing back as hard, hips rocking. Vince opened his own jeans and, fingers fumbling, pushed their cocks together. Then his hands were back up under Austin’s T-shirt, pinching his nipples as their bodies pressed urgently together. God, they were still almost fully dressed, their bodies wanting too badly to do a proper job of getting naked. It didn’t matter, not really. He wanted to feel them, hard, hot, wanting together.

  Vince shoved him up against the wall over and over again as they moved, their cocks sliding hot and hard and slick. He nipped Vince’s lips, groaning as he got closer and closer. Vince grunted and worked one hand into his jeans to grab his ass; the other one kept playing with his nipples. Vince’s zipper bit into the base of Austin’s cock as Vince pushed them together with more force.

  “More.” He damn near crawled up Vince’s body, balls tight as stones.

  Vince slid one finger slid along his crack, fucking teasing at his hole, rubbing. Austin’s head fell back, knocking against the wall as he groaned.

  “Want you,” growled Vince, finally thrusting the finger into his body.

  “Uh-huh. Uh-huh. Want.” He squeezed Vince tight, so fucking close.

  Vince slid a second finger into him, humping them hard together. “So fucking hot, baby.”

  “Gonna. Gonna. Vince.”

  “Do it. Give it to me.” Vince pushed deep, hitting his gland.

  “Vince!” He shuddered, coming so hard it hurt.

  Vince groaned. “Oh, yeah, baby. Yeah.” Vince nipped at his lips, fingers still moving, hips still humping. He nodded, heart pounding, entire body buzzing. “Turn around, baby. I want you.” Vince’s cock, still hard, hot, pressed against him.

  “Uh-huh.” He turned, legs parting, ass bucking back.

  “Oh. Oh, fuck. Austin.” Those two fingers came back, thrust into him, spreading him, stretching him.

  “Yeah. Fuck.” His legs were shaking, cock trying to stay hard.

  Vince’s fingers curled, finding his gland again. Then again. “Need you now,” Vince told him.

  “Yeah. Yeah. I…. Now…. Fuck.” He went up on his toes, sliding his hands up against the wallpaper.

  “Pushy, pushy,” murmured Vince. Still, that hard prick nudged at his hole, then pushed right into him.

  He bore down, cock bobbing as they rocked together, the muscles in his thighs and calves tight. One of Vince’s hands landed on the wall by his head, the other wrapped around his hip, pulling him back into each thrust.

  “So good.”

  “Love. Yeah. Good.” He nodded, leaned back into Vince’s body. Vince moaned, mouth on his shoulder, his neck, licking, sucking, biting. Oh. Hot. Austin’s cock throbbed and he shifted, trying to help Vince’s cock hit. Oh. Oh, yeah. “There.”

  “Right there,” growled Vince. “For you, baby.” Those hips snapped harder, Vince slamming into him, hitting exactly where he needed it.

  “Yeah. Yeah. Right there….” So fucking hot. So deep. “More.”

  Vince moaned, moved faster, harder, giving him what he wanted, what he needed. Sharp teeth sunk into the side of his neck, Vince’s yell muffled by his skin. His own cry echoed, body jerking as he shot hard.

  Vince leaned against him, buried deep, panting. “Oh, baby.”

  “Mmm.” He nodded, head spinning a little.

  Vince’s hands slid on him, gentle, soft.

  “Feels good.” He leaned into the touch, bones melted.

  Vince shifted until he was the one against the wall, holding Austin upright. “Uh-huh.”

  Vince nuzzled and licked the mark on his back. He hummed, eyes closing as he relaxed, neck tingling.

  “You come get me first, next time you take off, ’kay?”

  “I’ll think about it.”

  “You’ll think about it?” Vince nibbled at his skin. “I’m the coach, baby. You’re supposed to listen to me.”

  “Yeah, yeah, yeah. Where is that written down?”

  “It’s not written anywhere. It doesn’t have to be—everyone knows the coach is in charge.” Vince’s hands were wandering, petting him randomly.

  “Mmm. You’re not on the clock right now.” Good, that felt good.

  “Shit, I hope I’m not.” Vince kept touching. “I’m still in charge.” That was accompanied by another nip.

  “No way.” He pushed back, skin tingling.

  Vince gasped softly, then hummed, tugging him back even closer. “What do you mean, no way? You need to eat and sleep and exercise when and how I say, whether we’re at the pool or not. I’m the coach. It’s kind of a full-time thing.”

  “Full time is forty hours a week.” Fuck, Vince was warm.

  Vince rubbed against him. “Call it what you want, when I say no Pop-Tarts, there’s no expiration date on that.”

  “But Pop-Tarts are good….”

  “They’re nothing but carbs, baby. They’re not good for
you.” Vince slid his hand along Austin’s ribs and down to his hips. “Need to get some meat on these bones.”

  “I’m meaty.” He pushed Vince’s hand down to his cock. “See? Meaty?”

  Vince’s laugh rumbled against his chest, and wrapped that hand around him. “Yeah, I see, baby.”

  “Good. Wanna come up to bed for an hour or so?” They really needed rest, but a nap would be a good start.

  “That’s the best offer I’ve had… oh, at least in the last two, three minutes.”

  He snorted. “Good to know, Coach.”

  Vince nipped at his shoulder again. “Fuck, you taste good.” Then Vince pushed up off the wall, turning him and kissing him softly. “Come on, my diver needs plenty of sleep.”

  “Mmm. Naps are good.” He nodded, grabbed Vince’s hand, and led them both upstairs.

  “Everything with you is good.”

  “Yeah. It’s not bad, is it, Vince?”

  “Not bad at all.” Vince curled up around him in the bed.

  Oh, man. Soft. Warm. Comfy as fuck. He approved.

  “Sleep, baby. We can work on when you’re supposed to listen and let me be bossy later.”

  “Okay. We’ll make a timesheet.”

  “A timesheet.” Vince’s body shook as he laughed. “Okay, Austin. Whatever makes you happy.”

  “Mmm-hmm.” He curled in, eyes closing as he settled.

  Vince stroked his belly gently, the touch sweet, soothing, and then fading off as Vince fell asleep.

  Austin followed, settled and quiet, at least for now.

  Chapter Thirteen

  VINCE PRINTED up the meal plan, complete with menus he’d made, and headed up to the weight room to show Austin. His diver was bucking in the saddle, unused to being ridden, so to speak. And he was used to coaching kids who needed someone to tell them what to eat and when and when to dive, when to study, when to work out. It was a habit for him, and he was willing to admit that maybe he had gone too far with it with Austin.

  Maybe when your diver was twenty-three instead of thirteen, you needed to give them a little more leeway. Still, there were some things Austin needed to follow the rules on. Like eating what and when he should, checking his sugars, and taking his meds. Dive practice. Exercise and limiting the drinking, giving up the smoking.

  They’d been dancing around it, too, and he’d let himself be distracted by loving more than once. Hell, he’d probably deflected Austin himself whenever things got tense. Vince knocked on the door as he went into the weight room, to let Austin know he was there. He stopped and waited as Austin finished his crunches, admiring the lean body, the way Austin’s abs worked. Damn, his baby was sexy.

  “Hey, you. What’s up?”

  He held up the papers and handed them over to Austin. “I figured instead of trying to play coach 24-7, I’d give you the meal plan and trust you to follow it without me pushing.”

  Austin read the papers over, chewing on his bottom lip. “There’s a bunch of eggs in here, huh?”

  “It’s called breakfast.”

  Vince reached out, smoothing his finger over Austin’s abused lip, separating it from Austin’s teeth. “I know you like them. They’re in breakfast tacos.”

  “I do.” Austin looked again, nodded, and winked over. “Okay. No Pop-Tarts? I don’t get a weaning period?”

  “Nope. Cold turkey. Like the cigarettes.” He pointed to the snacks. “You need to eat those too. Fruit, crackers and cheese, a glass of milk. You shouldn’t go more than four hours without food.”

  “When does all this start?” Austin grabbed a peach, bit deep, the juice dripping down his chin. “Mmm. Good. You should try one.”

  He grinned—he’d known putting bowls of fruits and dishes of nuts out around the place would pay off. “It starts right here, right now.” He grabbed Austin’s hand and brought the peach up to his own mouth, then took a bite.

  “Hey! That one’s mine!” Austin hooted, grabbing it back. “And I still have… uh… a box of Pop-Tarts and a pack of smokes.”

  “Throw ’em out.” Vince licked the juice from his own lips, watching it on Austin’s mouth.

  “That would be wasteful.” Some cheese got devoured, then the milk, Austin’s nose wrinkling. “It’s too warm.”

  “We’ll crank up the cold on the little fridge up here.” He leaned back against the wall, smiling wide. “We’ll give the Pop-Tarts and smokes to the needy.”

  “Fuck off. We will not.” Austin shook his head. “I think we ought to go get triple cheeseburgers and banana splits tonight.”

  “Triple cheeseburgers and…. Austin, where do you see triple cheeseburgers and banana splits on that menu?”

  Austin’s eyes were dancing; clearly he was tickled as all hell. “Haven’t you heard of a condemned man’s last meal?”

  “Condemned man? This isn’t an execution sentence, baby.” He shook his head. “Hell, it’s not even a life sentence, just for the length of your career. Which, God willing, will be lengthy. All right. You can have your last meal, but you’ve already smoked your last butt.”

  “Oh, man. I didn’t even really enjoy it.” Austin stood up, stretched out. “When are we going to the pool?”

  “Twice a day, every day, from now on.” He reached out, ran his hand over Austin’s belly. “Your first meet is less than three weeks away. Up to now we’ve been playing. Today we get serious.”

  “Okay.” Those nerves were still there, but Austin was pushing onward.

  “Come on, baby, let’s go play in the water, yeah? The pool still feels like home, right?”

  “You know it.” Austin nodded as he grabbed his bag and another bite of cheese. “Let’s go.”

  “All right.” He wrapped his arm around Austin’s shoulders and led him out to his truck. “What’s bugging you most about the upcoming meet?”

  “That I don’t know exactly what to do, what will happen.”

  “You’ve seen the tapes, right? Of the other meets? I’ll pick your best dives next week, and we’ll concentrate on them for the week before the meet.” He opened the truck door for Austin. “All you have to do is dive them perfectly.”

  “Hop in. I’ll drive.”

  “I’ve got the keys.” He held them up and jangled them.

  “You don’t like to ride with me.”

  “Baby, it’s not you. I don’t do passenger very well.” Not in driving, not in life. Which could explain the coaching.

  Austin climbed into the truck. “I’ll drive tomorrow.”

  “We’ll see.” He, headed around to the driver side. “If I’m driving, you can focus on diving,” he pointed out as he slid in.

  “Oh, man. You use that excuse a lot.”

  “I do?” He glanced over at Austin as he started the truck and headed out.

  “Yep. I hope you’re right.” Austin reached over, and poked him.

  He poked back. “I’m the coach—I’m always right.”

  “Sure you are.” Austin laughed, turned on the radio, and hummed along.

  “I am,” he affirmed quietly. “It comes with being the coach.”

  They’d figured out the best time to head out to miss the worst of the traffic, and it didn’t take long at all to get to pool.

  “You ready to dive?” Vince asked.

  “Hell, yes. Seems like I wait all day for it.” The love wasn’t gone, not at all. Austin headed right in, almost bouncing.

  Vince felt his smile all the way to his toes. That made it all worth it. He couldn’t wait for Austin to win his first meet. He was trying not to count on it—he knew it was a long shot that Austin would win his first competition, but it would come soon. The smell of the chlorine was as familiar as breathing, and he watched Austin strip down to his Speedo, trying not to groan at the sight of that sexy little ass in the red spandex.

  “You got any requests?” Austin stretched up, rocking back and forth, arms swinging.

  “Show me what you want to dive in the competition. Let’s see you try to i
mpress me.” Like Austin didn’t manage that with every single dive.

  “You got it.” Austin climbed up and started with his first dive—double twisting somersault. Just fine.

  It was a thing of fucking beauty, and as always, it kept Vince breathless until Austin hit the water. He nodded. Yeah, that one was on the top of his list too.

  “That work?” Austin pulled himself out of the water, all smiles.

  “Shit, that’ll work in spades. You need at least five dives that are rock solid, so show me four more. Throw an easy and a medium one in there—for in case you’re not feeling well during the competition.” Not that he could imagine Austin ever needing to back off on the dives.

  “Sure.” Up and down, up and down—Austin hit the five dives, one after another, easy in his skin.

  “How about trying the triple twist instead of that last somersault one—you’re a bit somersault heavy.” Vince wrote down notes on the dives Austin had done, the areas Austin needed to work on to tighten them up. He wasn’t checking out Austin’s package in those Speedos. No, sir, not him.

  Austin nodded, climbed up, and tried the dive but hit the water hard half through the last twist. Damn.

  Vince met Austin at the edge of the pool and helped haul him out. “You okay?” he asked, rubbing his hand over Austin’s arm. “That a miss or are the twists giving you trouble?”

  Austin shrugged him off, rumbling, “Just a miss. I’ll do it again.”

  Oh, Austin didn’t like screwing up. It made Vince wonder how Austin was going to handle it if he did badly at his first few meets or had a bad day later on. He backed off, hands up. “Okay, no problem. Let’s see it.”

  “Yeah.” Austin went up, down, not quite hitting it, a touch slow getting out of the pool.

  He put his hand on Austin’s shoulder, rubbing as he guided Austin over to the benches.

  He got Austin seated and crouched down in front of him. “You okay?” he asked again, meeting Austin’s eyes.

  Austin actually growled at him. “I’m fine. I’ll do it again.”

  “Hey. You are not fine. And you won’t do it again until you tell me why you’re not fine.” He was going to start growling himself in a minute.

  “Don’t fucking snarl at me!” Austin pushed him back, and he almost fell.


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