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Sheltered Page 5

by Alexa Riley

  It was the one piece of art that stuck with me from the class, and I remember a lot about it. The one major thing I do recall is that it was stolen years ago. What I’m looking at right now has to be the original. I can’t see Lilith getting something that’s a knockoff, but would she really be dealing in stolen art? It can’t be the original. I’m sure I’m wrong.

  I think for a second and then grab my cell phone out of my pocket to double-check that I have the facts of it straight. Maybe it’s since been recovered and now she has it.

  I find the painting online and read about how it was stolen along with several other pieces as part of a big heist. I read the article for a second and scroll down to look at the attached pictures. Then I go to where all the unmarked crates are waiting on me and open up another one. When I do, I find another painting that matches one of the images from the article on my phone.

  The hairs on my arms stand up, and for a moment I’m still. Then, unable to resist, I jump over to the next create and open it up. I know nothing about art or how to figure out if they’re fakes. So I do what I know and take a picture of them with my cell. Then I put them in a reverse image search on Google to see what pops up.

  One after another, they come up as stolen.

  I start writing everything down and taking notes in my folder. I’ve got a list of box numbers and all the shipping information. Then I write down the names of the paintings and their corresponding numbers and I save all the pictures on my phone.

  The whole time, all I can think is that Lilith is going to be devastated. These boxes were piled up in the back with nothing on them. Lilith might be a lot of things, but she’s not a thief. She negotiates million-dollar deals all day every day. She doesn’t need to hold on to stolen art.

  I go over everything twice to make sure I have everything right. As much as I don’t want to be right about these being stolen, I also don’t want to be wrong and look like a stupid drama queen. These could all be replicas and my Google image search skills could be unreliable. I grew up watching old Perry Mason shows and thought one day I’d become a detective. I don’t need to fuel that fantasy right now, so all I can do is present her with what I’ve found.

  This just can’t be right. Maybe no one knows these crates are back here, let alone stocked with stolen goods. I never saw them on any list, and it could all just be some terrible mix up. That has to be it. I worry what something like this could do to Fritz and Lilith.

  I take a step back and notice a few of the crates on the shelves have been moved around. I double-check the number on the one I was just working on. It seems familiar.

  I rush over to the little desk where I keep my paperwork and search for yesterday’s slips. It’s then I notice my name on everything. On all the slips. It’s even signed in a few places, but it’s not my signature. Maybe my name is on it because I’m running the warehouse now?

  I let out a deep breath, feeling my stress level spike. Why is my signature on things that I didn’t approve? This is all a mess, but I’m sure we can get it all cleared up. All I have to do is call the right people. I can make things right and sort this out. After all, that’s my job. I was told this warehouse was a mess, and it’s the truth. This place has been chaotic since I came back here, but slowly I’ve been organizing it all. Of course there would be discrepancies, so I ignore what might be a dozen or so stolen paintings and focus on what I can control.

  First, I need to talk with Lilith. I know that woman will know what to do. She runs this place like a general on speed, and she always has the answers. I’ve grown to really respect her, and I know I can learn a lot from her as my mentor.

  I glance at the clock and realize I really lost track of time. I should have left hours ago, but I got lost in what I was doing.

  Gathering everything together, I put my cell phone in my pocket after checking to make sure I have taken all the photos that I’ll need. I hope Lilith is still here. Maybe I should text Fritz, too? As soon as I have that thought I dismiss it. Lilith would want to be the one to control this. And I don’t want to overstep. I can’t treat him like a boyfriend here. I need to go to my superior first.

  I pick up the folder full of all the information I have on the crates and everything I wrote down. Then I grab my bag, thinking I’ll leave after I talk to her. I close up the crates and leave them where they are. If Lilith wants to come inspect them she can.

  I make my way out of the warehouse and down the long hall to her office. When I see the light on under her door I’m a little relieved. I raise my hand to knock but stop short when I hear a whimper on the other side of it. It’s followed by a deep sound, and I push on the door as I call out to make sure she’s all right.

  “Lilith? Are you okay?” I ask softly, not wanting to scare her.

  When the door swings open, I stand there in shock.

  Fritz is on his knees in front of Lilith, her bare legs are spread wide and his face is buried between them. Lilith’s head is thrown back and another cry of pleasure escapes her.

  “Oh my god,” I choke out, as the image of the two of them is burned into my brain.

  I feel the warm liquid pool in my mouth—a sign that I’m about to throw up—and I have to fight it back down. I reach out and grab the door as a sob escapes me.

  Lilith’s head snaps up at the sound, and her eyes lock on mine. Fritz turns his head but doesn’t make a move to get up, and I stand there like I’ve been struck by lightning.

  All this happens in a split second before I turn around and run. I need to get the hell out of here. My mind is racing with too many things at once.

  I don’t hear anyone call my name or chase after me as I stumble as fast as I can out of the gallery. I can hardly see where I’m going, but when I feel the cool air hit my face I know I’m outside.

  What I don’t expect is the suited man in front of me, and I nearly bowl him over in my attempt to get free of what I just witnessed.

  “Sorry, I-I…” I stutter, but the stranger wraps his big arms around me.

  For a moment I sob into his chest, not caring that I don’t even know him. I blink back the tears and lean back, trying to apologize again when I happen to catch a glimpse of Johnny standing in a shaft of light behind the stranger.

  “Johnny?” There’s a sad look on his face and my mind can’t catch up with everything that’s happening. “What are you doing here?”

  I look up to the man comforting me, but there are too many shadows and it’s too dark to see his face fully. The only thing I can tell for sure is that he’s got bright green eyes that I feel like I’ve seen before. Even his smell is familiar.

  “Shhh.” In a deep voice, his chest rumbling against mine, he says, “It’s all going to be okay.”

  I don’t know why, but I find comfort in his voice. It soothes me, and though I’m not even close to okay, I feel better. But before I can focus on that for too long, I feel a sharp pinch above my elbow, and I look down to see the stranger removing a needle from my arm.

  “Go to sleep, little cricket,” he says, and my eyes get heavy as my lids fall closed.

  Chapter 6


  “Are you sure about this?” John asks as he paces nervously.

  He’s been this way since I told him my plans. I knew this morning when he stepped out he was going to see Blair for a moment. Not that I blamed him. She has a magnetism that I know all too well. I would be lying if I didn't admit I felt some jealousy of the closeness they share. He had something with her that I didn’t. But I fought it back knowing that John only wants the best for her. And I was able to pacify myself knowing that in time I’ll have her in all always.

  “Yes,” I answer calmly as I check my watch for the twentieth time. She should have been out of work by now. It’s putting me on edge that she hasn't left yet. I always feel jumpy when I don’t have eyes on her.

  “She’s a nice girl, Ryker.”

  I turn around to face him and shove my hands in my pockets. “Do you think
there’s something about her I don’t know?” I raise an eyebrow and wait, but he shakes his head. “I hired you to do a job, and I expect you to do it. You and I go back a long time, but I’ll understand if you can’t handle taking this the rest of the way. No hard feelings,” I tell him. I’m trying to give him an out if he needs one, but I know he won’t take it. He’s too loyal. When John says he’ll do something it will be done without a doubt.

  John exhales heavily. “Your family has been good to me, and I’d do anything for you.” I should feel guilty that I’m making him help me with this, but I don’t. All I feel when it comes to Blair is an obsession I don’t understand. One that I stopped trying to understand long ago. It’s better that way. I would only drive myself crazy trying to figure it out, and I already know I’ve gone crazy enough at this point. So I’m not going to fight it.

  I’ve known John since I was a baby. John’s mother was a nursemaid to my mama and took care of her when she got scarlet fever as a baby. My mama said John was like her brother, since they were only a few years apart. I called him Uncle John for most of my life until I realized we weren’t actually related by blood. But he’s as good as, and I always made sure that he and his family had everything they needed. Now he’s helping to make sure I get what I need.

  “I just don’t like lying to her,” he confesses, and I see guilt in his eyes. It’s not in his character to deceive anyone. He’s a good man and fought for his country. He’s always been the most honorable person in my life, and I knew asking him to do this was going to take a toll.

  “This is the end of the road, if you’re ready to stop,” I say.

  “And it won’t hurt?” he asks, going over the plan again.

  “She’ll go right to sleep.” I’d never hurt her. The thought makes my stomach turn. I’m already uneasy with the fear I know she’s going to have. A fear of me that I know is going to rip me to shreds. That’s the last thing I ever want to see on her face when she looks at me. I’ll work hard to change that look.

  He nods again, and then we both look up when we hear a noise coming from inside the gallery.

  Right then Blair comes bursting out of the glass doors, her eyes full of tears and her face flushed. My chest tightens at seeing her cry. I didn’t plan for this. I run to her and grab her in my arms as she stumbles to stay on her feet. Her body melts against me, and I press my nose to the top of her head, inhaling her sweet scent. I love that I finally have her in my arms, but her tears cut me.

  “I’ve got you,” I whisper and lay my cheek on the top of her head. She fits against me so perfectly. A calm settles over me, reminding me that I’m doing the right thing, that I will take her and make sure she never has a reason to cry again.

  I try to comfort her with my body as much as possible. I want to destroy whatever has made her cry and never let it get close to her again. She deserves to be happy and full of light, not crying bitter tears. She needs a protector.

  Holding her against me is selfish, but I do it as long as I can before she pulls away. She glances to my left and she sees John in the background.

  “Johnny? What are you doing here?” She tries to move away from me, and I tighten my grip. I don’t want to spook her, but I can’t let her go.

  Her eyes travel up my wide chest before they land on my face. I don’t know how much of me she can see, but I see all of her in the moonlight. Her hazel eyes have specks of gold in them, and her dark lashes make them seem brighter. Her full lips are parted, and I ache to run my tongue between them, to know what she tastes like.

  “Shhh. It’s all going to be okay,” I say as I try to calm her down. There’s a moment when our eyes lock and I can see that she might just be the one to break me.

  I grab the needle from my pocket and stick it in her arm. When the sleeping drug is injected, it makes her eyes glassy almost instantly. She makes a small noise, but I hold her close and wait for the drugs to take her under.

  “Go to sleep, little cricket.” My voice is soft, and it only takes a second before her eyes close.

  I scoop her up in my arms and turn to face John.

  “It’s time.”

  Chapter 7


  Bear’s tail smacks me awake, and I brush it off. “Bear,” I groan, rolling over and searching for him with my hands before pulling his big furry body to me. He purrs loudly, making me smile. It’s nice waking up and knowing someone is going to be there waiting for you. “Let me sleep in a little longer and I’ll feed you.” I pet him, wanting five more minutes. My body feels heavy and I don’t want to get up yet, so I snuggle deeper into the sheets. I inhale, and a deep, rich scent fills my nose. It sparks something in my brain, and I gasp.

  “Oh shit.” I sit up and everything from last night comes flooding back and hits me hard.

  The stolen art, Fritz and Lilith together, the strange man who held me while I cried.

  My hand goes to my arm, pressing to see if there’s any pain. I think he stuck me with a needle, but that just seems crazy.

  I glance around the room but don’t see anyone. The only light on in the room is the lamp next to the bed, casting everything in shadow. My breath catches as I take in the bedroom. It definitely isn’t my room, or like any bedroom I’ve ever been in.

  Bear climbs into my lap and plops himself down. The bedroom is massive and looks bigger than my apartment. The room is filled with dark antique furniture and paintings that look even older and fancier than the furniture. Where am I? The bed is giant, with a canopy over it, reminding me of something from an old southern mansion. No wonder I slept so well; pillows and blankets surround me on either side, and it feels like I’m on a fluffy cloud.

  I search my brain for some sort of memory from last night, hoping something comes to me. Maybe I had a panic attack and got abducted by some rich person. I laugh at the idea, because it seems insane. There has to be a rational explanation for why I’m here. I move Bear off my lap and glance down at myself. My body doesn’t seem to be sore or have any marks, but these aren’t my clothes. If I had some sort of mental breakdown last night, wouldn’t I be in the hospital right now? Instead, I’m in some fancy room wearing really expensive pajamas, and my cat is staring at me like I’m crazy.

  I throw my legs over the side of the bed and realize how far off the ground it is. I slide down and stop onto a thick, fluffy rug. I keep my hand on the bed, feeling a little dizzy at the sudden jolt. It’s then I realize the fancy “pajamas” are really a button-up shirt that falls to my knees. I also notice that my feet are covered in thick wool socks that aren’t mine either. I pull the shirt to my nose, and that same rich smell fills my lungs. It’s soothing. I let the shirt go and walk towards the thick dark gray curtains and pull them back. It’s pitch black outside without a star or moonlight in the sky. I jump when a flash of lightning sparks across the sky and lights up miles and miles of land. It’s gone before I can try to make anything out. I drop the curtains and stumble back when thunder booms. I wrap my arms around myself and try not to panic.

  I hate storms. They terrify me to no end. I remind myself that I’m not a little girl stuck in a trailer alone while a hurricane beats down on it, shaking everything inside. I close my eyes and take a deep breath, trying to control the fear that always comes with bad weather. I open them when I feel Bear rubbing up against my legs trying to comfort me. I reach down and give him a long pet down his back, letting him know I’m okay.

  “Bear, what day is it?” I ask, and he looks up at me and meows.

  It has to be the same night. I couldn't have slept through a whole day, could I? And where am I? I’m not near the city. I know that from the glimpse I got out of the window.

  I close my eyes, trying to remember again. Fritz flutters through my mind, and I feel sick. The image of him with Lilith makes my stomach roll. I try to push the thought from my mind and focus on what happened after that. I remember running. My eyes fly open when two bright green eyes come flashing back, eyes that I know I’ve seen b
efore but can’t place.

  I glance over to a painting on the wall. It’s old and probably worth a lot of money. My heart starts to pound. What if this has to do with the stolen art? This looks like the kind of place that would be owned by someone who deals in art. Maybe even the stolen kind.

  I shake my head at myself. Don’t be a drama queen. First, I think I’m being kidnapping and now I think I’m wrapped up in some stolen artwork heist. If I had to guess, I probably got so freaked out and overwhelmed with what I saw I passed out on that stranger last night. Johnny was there, too, wasn't he? My brain is so foggy.

  I look around the room trying to find my clothes so I can change into something, but don’t find anything. When I open the closet, I see it’s packed full of men’s suits and women’s dresses. I run my fingers along one of them, envious of whoever they belong to. I stop on a dark green one that’s beautiful and would fit me perfectly. As if I’m being snapped back to reality, I let it go. I’m being rude. It’s clear I’m in a room that belongs to a couple. Maybe they helped me last night and now I’m going through their stuff.

  “Come on, Bear.” I open another door that leads to a bathroom.

  I pause at the mirror when I notice something. A necklace catches my eye and I step towards the mirror, fingering the gold chain. It leads down to a heavy charm with a stone in the center. It changes color as I move it, and the light hits it in different places. I reach behind my neck trying to unclip it, but the latch won’t budge. I mess with it for a few moments, then finally give up.


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