by Adam Alter
Biculturalism, 146–49
frame switching, 147–49
meaning of, 146
Birth names, power of. See Nominative determinism
Black (color)
association to, 166, 167
and athletic performance, 176–77
and morality, 178–79
Blue (color)
blue phenomenon, 166
criminal activity, effects on, 157–58
shift workers, effects on, 158–59, 215
Blushing phobia, 145
Bolt, Usain
nominative determinism, 8, 10
performance and presence of others, 89–91, 93
enhancing, Liquid Trust, 115–17
Harlow experiments, 211–13
Borderline personality disorder (BPD), as label, 49
Bradley, Michael, 96
disfluency and mental processing, 192–95
frame switching, 147–49
love and pain alleviation, 118–19
red, effects on, 172–73
social isolation and cold, 213
symbols, attaching meaning to, 55–59, 61
Brainteasers, Cognitive Reflection Test, 194–95
Brandeis, Louis, 198
Coca-Cola, power of, 71
makeovers, 71
symbols associated with, 70–71
Broken windows theory, 199–201
Buddhism, swastika symbol in, 52
Bummer Baskets, 63
Butterfly effect, 223–24
Bystander nonintervention, 95–100
in attacks on others, 95–100
diffusion-of-responsibility theory, 97–100
situational theory, 96–97
Cabin fever, 82
Cain, Matt, 205
Chameleon effect, 88–89
Carmona, Pedro, 64–65
Carpenter, John, 191–93
Carson, Johnny, 39
Catholicism, behavioral standards imposed by, 70
Cauty, Jimmy, 60
Chandler, Raymond, 217
Change, individualistic versus collectivistic culture views, 150–52, 201
Charcot, Jean-Martin, 48
Charitable giving
and childhood memories, 120–21
nominative determinism, 14–15
Chávez, Hugo, 64–65
Chess, male/female competition, 103–5
Chinese, visual discrimination differences, 128–29
Circadian rhythm, 215
Claustrophobia, 183–84
Climate. See Weather
brand, power of, 71
New Coke fiasco, 71
Cocconati, 169
Cognitive Reflection Test, 194
Cohen, Dov, 139–140
Cold, -loneliness connection, 213–14
Collective culture. See also Individualistic versus collectivistic cultures elements of, 129, 131, 147
Colors, 157–180. See also specific colors
and associative thinking, 165–67, 177–79
and athletic success, 174–77
Auroratone films therapy, 160–61
blue phenomenon, 166
education-related, 171–73
labels for, 26–29
in memory, 170–71
and morality, 177–79
physiological response to, 163–66, 179–180
policeman’s blue, 157–58
preference, development of, 166
schizophrenics’ response to, 163–64
and sexual appeal, 167–170
Stroop task, 178–79
study of. See Color science
tranquilizing effect, 1–3
Color science, 159–163
early findings, 160
therapeutic applications, 160–62
Companies, naming, 20–25
presence of, effects on performance, 93–95, 103–4
and risk-taking, 103–5
Conformity, individualistic versus collectivistic cultures, 131–33
Confucianism, and collectivistic cultures, 128, 133
Context reinstatement, 203–4
Cook, Frederick, 214–15
Crime and criminals
black males/crime association, 109–12, 114–15
blue, effect on, 157–58
broken windows theory, 199–201
job applicant letters, 138–140
solitary confinement, 82
and weather/temperature, 208–9
Crosby, Bing, 160
Crucifix, as symbol, 69–70
Culture, 125–153
and aesthetic preferences, 136–39
biculturalism, 146–49
and conformity, 131–33
cultural lens, influence of, 123–24, 152–53
culture-bound disorders, 143–46
culture of honor, 139–143
elements of, 123, 145
individualistic versus collectivistic, 129–134
and mathematical learning, 135–36
multiculturalism, 149–153
and visual discrimination differences, 125–29
Dae-Sung, Moon, 174
Darley, John, 96–100
da Vinci, Leonardo, 136
Daylight saving policy, 221–22
Demographics, names, information from, 10–13
Auroratone films therapy, 160–61
seasonal affective disorder (SAD), 159, 214–16
and social isolation, 81–82
Deutsch, Felix, 161–62
Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM)
culture-bound disorders in, 145
labeling by, 49
Difference, xenophobia as fear of, 108–15
Diffusion-of-responsibility theory, 97–100
Directed attention, 187–88
Directional terms
language differences for, 42–43
of maps, labels for, 34–36
and mental processing, 192–95
and moral judgment, 196–98
of names, outcome of, 16–23
and risk-taking, 192–98
Drug use, relapse, and context reinstatement, 203–4
Drummond, Bill, 60
Drunk Tank Pink, origin of term, 1–3
Dubner, Stephen, 11
East Asia, culture-bound disorders of, 145
Eating disorders, and culture, 143
Education, equal, mother of, 38–39
Educational level, and naming preference, 11–12
Einstein, Albert, 102, 120
Elliott, Jane, 37–39
El Niño, 207–8
Emergencies, bystander nonintervention, 95–100
Emotions, recognizing, and culture, 129–131
Energy use, comparative information, use of, 84–85
Environments, 181–204
broken windows theory, 199–201
context reinstatement, 203–4
cultural cues, effects of, 201–2
disfluency and mental processing, 192–95
lighting, effects of, 198–99
and memory, 202–3
natural, healing effect of, 185–191
noise, effects of, 184
norms and behavior, 199–203
overcrowding effects, 181–85
Eye contact phobia, 145
Eyewitness testimony, labels, impact on memory, 44–46
sp; Faces of Death (film), 188–89
Financial markets, and weather, 220–21
Finger-dexterity task, 64
desecration, taboo of, 65–66
national unity inspired by, 66–67
as symbol, power of, 65–69
U.S., aggression associated with, 67–68
and mental processing, 192–95
and moral judgment, 196–98
of names, outcome of, 16–23
and risk-taking, 192–98
Foehn winds, and behavior, 217–18
Fonts, clarity, and mental processing, 193–95
Frame switching, 147–49
Freedom, money as symbol of, 62
Freud, Sigmund, 48
name, meaning of, 7, 8
Friedman, Milton, 101
Frietchie, Barbara, 65
Frolova, Marina, 9–10
Gauguin, Paul, 216
Genie, social isolation case, 80
Genital-shrinking, culture-bound disorder, 143–44
Genovese, Kitty, 95–96, 98
Geometric insight problem, 58–59
Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von, 216
Golden ratio, 136–37
Goldstein, Kurt, 160
Goodwin, Geoff, 197
Grassian, Stuart, 81–82
Greeks, ancient
and individualistic cultures, 128, 133
perceptual style of, 128
world map of, 34–35
Green (color), physiological response to, 161–62, 195–96
Guugu Yimithirr language, 42–43
Hadash, 66
Handel, George Frideric, 216
Haney, Craig, 82
Harlow, Harry, 211–13
Haviland, John, 42
Hawthorne effect, 162
Healing, and exposure to nature, 185–191
Health, red, association with, 169
Hearing, and noise exposure, 184–85
Hemispheres of globe, labels for, 34–36
Heroin addiction, Vietnam vets, 203–4
Hierarchy of needs theory, 102–20
affiliation/love motive in, 115–19
genetic survival/sexual reproduction, 103–7
safety motive in, 108–15
self-actualization in, 102, 119–120
Hindu, swastika symbol in, 52
Hitler, Adolf, 9–10, 217
Hoffman, Heinrich, 217
Holtom, Gerald, 53
and being watched, 77–79
honesty box experiment, 77–78
job applicant letters, 138–140
and mirror images, 121–22
and religious priming, 69–70
Honor, culture of, regional differences, 139–143
Hormones. See also Oxytocin; Testosterone, response to environment, 74, 104, 106
Human relationships
affiliation/love motive in, 115–19
bystander nonintervention, 95–100
competition, effects of, 93–95, 103–4
emotions, recognizing and culture, 129–131
enhancing, Liquid Trust, 115–17
and mimicry, 86–89
presence of others and performance, 89–93
and problem solving, 86–87
social comparisons, power of, 84–86
social facilitation effect, 91
social inhibition, 91
versus social isolation, 79–83
social motives, 101–24
aid donations and name of, 14–15
animals, effects on, 216
naming, 14–15
Husband, Richard, 91
Hysteria, stigma attached to, 48–49
I Ching, 201–2
Illness and disease
culture-bound disorders, 143–46
healing and nature, 185–191
pathogens and culture, 133–34
Müller-Lyer illusion, 125–28
perception, cultural differences, 125–29
created by labels, 31, 42, 43
shapes created by words, 24
Independence, money as symbol of, 62
Individualistic culture, elements of, 129, 131, 147
Individualistic versus collectivistic cultures, 129–134
and bicultural persons, 147–49
change, views of, 150–52, 201
and conformity, 131–33
pathogens/disease concentrations, 133–34
and personal relationships, 129–131
philosophical styles of, 128, 133
social events in, 148–49
Infants, mimicry by, 88
Innocence, memories and moral clarity, 120–21, 123
Intelligence assessment, bias and social labels, 32–34
darkness, adaptation to, 215
snow, names for, 29
Involuntary attention, 188
Ions, positive, and behavior, 218
Israel-Palestine conflict, flag as symbol in, 66–67
Jacobson, Lenore, 40–41
James, William, 187–88
Jensen, Victor, 140
Jet lag, 158–59, 215, 221
Jiko-shisen-kyofu, 145
Johnson, Michael, 93
Judaism, behavioral standards imposed by, 70
Jung, Carl, on meaning of names, 7, 8
Jung Ji-Hyun, 174
Kasparov, Garry, 103
Kass, Carmen, 103
Kelling, George, 200
Kennedy, Bobby, 108
Keyboard, QWERTY layout, 36–37
K Foundation, 60
King, Martin Luther, Jr., 37–38, 108
Kipling, Rudyard, 79
KLF, The, 60
Kneipp therapy, 189
Köhler, Wolfgang, 23–24
Kosteniuk, Alexandra, 103
Koval, Peter, 18–19
Kowloon Walled City, 181–82
Kuna Yala people, swastika symbol, 52
Kwan, Virginia, 54, 69, 150, 201
Labels, 26–50
and academic achievement, 40–41
and color perception, 26–29
and eyewitness memories, 44–46
images created by, 42, 43
and intelligence assessment, 32–34
and language differences, 27–29, 42–44
meaningless, acquired associations, 34–37
for mental disorders, 48–49
persons with disabilities, impact on, 46–48
racial labels, 30–32
and racism/prejudice, 37–39
and socioeconomic status, 32–34
for space and time, 43–44
words as, 29
Laham, Simon, 18–19, 197
Lam, Andrew, 146–47
Language development, and social isolation, 80
Language differences
for colors, 27–29
for directional terms, 42–43
for labels, 27–29, 42–44
and nominative determinism, 8–9, 17
for time descriptions, 43–44
La Niña, 207–8
Lap dancers, tips for, 107
Last Month Neighbor Comparison, 84–85
Latané, Bibb, 96–100
Letters of alphabet, nominative determinism, 13–16
Levinson, Stephen, 43
Levitt, Steven, 11
Light, blue-green, benef
its of, 158–59
Lightbulb, as symbol, 58–59
Lighting, 198–99
Hawthorne effect, 162
and mental processing, 198–99
Liquid Trust, 115–17
Littering, broken windows theory, 200–201
Locations, overcrowding effects, 181–85
Locke, John, 204
Loftus, Elizabeth, 44–46
brand makeovers, 71
as symbols, 55–56
“Looking Deathworthy,” 110–11
Lorenz, Edward, 223–24
human motivation for, 115–19
and pain alleviation, 118–19
red, association with, 167–170
McArthur, Stuart, 35–36
McArthur Universal Corrective projection map, 35–36
McClaren, Steve, 88
McKenzie, Bob, 108
McManus, Chris, 32
Macropsia, 165
Mahler, Gustav, 216
Maier, Norman, 86–87
Majoros, Istvan, 174
Maps, hemispheres, acquired associations for, 34–36
Maslow, Abraham, 100–102, 107
biographical information, 101, 115
hierarchy of needs theory, 102–20
Maternal deprivation, Harlow experiments, 211–12
golden ratio, 136–37
learning and culture, 135–36
human motivation for, 103–7
red, association with, 168–69
and season, 210–11
Maugham, Somerset, 61–62
Melatonin, 215
of childhood and moral clarity, 120–21
color scenes in, 170–71
of eyewitnesses, and labels, 44–46
locational tags for, 202–3
and weather, 219–220
Menezes, Jean Charles de, 113
Menstrual cycle, lap dancers and tips, 107
Mental disorders, labels, dangers of, 48–49
Mercator world map
hemispheres, label for, 34–36
McArthur alternative to, 35–36
Micropsia, 165
Miller, Ron, 2
Mimicry, 86–89
chameleon effect, 88–89
and problem solving, 86–87
unconscious, 87–88
Mirror image, and honesty, 121–22, 123
Mock, John, 51–52
Molina, Benjie, 206
associations related to, 62–64, 73
currency updates, reactions to, 72–73
pain diminished by, 63–64
as symbol, 60–64, 72–73
wealth, and Scrooge-like traits, 62–63
Mood, improving, and money, 63–64
Morality/moral clarity. See also Honesty
and childhood memories, 120–21
claims versus reality, 122–23
color associations, 177–79
judgments and fluency, 196–98