Crush Alert

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Crush Alert Page 18

by Annie Bryant

  “Poor Marty,” Avery said, stooping down to pet the little doggy. “We’ve got to figure out how to snap you out of your doggy funk.”

  Charlotte sidestepped a kid on a skateboard as he zoomed past. “I don’t know what we can do. It’s as if he’s determined to stay miserable—no matter what.”

  Avery bent down, grabbed a handful of snow and threw it in the air. “Hey, Marty—want to chase some snowflakes?”

  “So I asked my dad about the date,” Charlotte admitted, to get her mind off down-in-the-dumps Marty, who ignored the snowflakes fluttering before him.

  “I asked my mom too!” Avery grinned. “So it was nothing after all.” Avery pulled a pack of gum out of her pocket and offered Charlotte a stick.

  “Yes, they were just a group of single parents trying to have a happy Valentine’s Day!” Charlotte said as she unwrapped her gum and stuck it in her mouth. “Oh, well. I guess we won’t be sisters.”

  “Well, I’m kind of glad they’re just friends, but maybe I can adopt you as a sister, anyway. That would be totally cool!” Avery cracked her gum and grinned at Charlotte.

  Avery was adopted, and sometimes she wondered if she had other brothers or sisters out there. If she did, she hoped they were happy, but she also couldn’t imagine any family other than the one she had…except maybe a new sister…a sister like Charlotte.

  “I’d like like that too!” Charlotte smiled at Avery. She often wished her BSG friends were her sisters, so if she ever had to move again, they’d come with her. If she had sisters, there would always be someone to talk to any time of night…someone to share secrets with, someone for the good times and the bad.

  “What do you think, Marty man?” Avery asked the dog. He sat down in the middle of the sidewalk, nose up and ears pricked.

  “He thinks something…but what? That is the question,” Charlotte said, gently nudging Marty with her shoe so he would keep walking.

  “What’s up, little guy?” Avery asked, noticing that Marty was sniffing in a particular direction.

  Charlotte crinkled her forehead and bent down to pet him. Just then, Marty jumped up, yanking Charlotte’s arm so hard she almost fell on the sidewalk. “Ow!”

  “Come on!” Avery shouted as Marty led them running over the packed-down snow to a familiar pink overhang. Today, it was covered with hearts and streamers.

  “Think Pink!” Charlotte exclaimed. “That’s it! He wants to see his girlfriend, La Fanny!”

  “That’s not La Fanny!” Avery pointed down the sidewalk. Coming from the other direction was Ms. Pink’s boyfriend, Zak, with his dog. The rottweiler’s brown-and-black coat gleamed in the afternoon sunshine as he pawed at the ground, his tail wagging like a windshield wiper. But when he saw Marty, he let out a low growl and bared his teeth.

  Avery and Charlotte backed away from the larger dog, their eyes widening. The huge dog was definitely someone they didn’t want to tangle with.

  “Brady,” the man chided, gripping the leash tighter, “where are your manners?”

  Charlotte gasped as Marty’s fur bristled. Suddenly, the little dude’s loud barking rang across the street as he stamped his paws and bared his teeth at Brady.

  Avery and Charlotte couldn’t help themselves. They started laughing, and so did Zak.

  “What in the world is going on out here?” Ms. Pink appeared in the doorway of her shop with La Fanny peering out from behind.

  “Hi, Razzberry,” Zak said, keeping a firm grip on Brady’s leash.

  “Marty’s acting like he’s King Kong!” Avery exclaimed.

  The tiny dog’s fur bristled with fury as he growled and snarled at the big rottweiler. It was like a canine confrontation between David and Goliath! It was all Charlotte could do to keep a grip on Marty’s leash. The rottweiler wasn’t sure what to do with the little bundle of Marty attitude either. He kept cocking his head from side to side.

  But then La Fanny let out a delicate yelp, and Marty jumped straight up in the air. Brady was so freaked out by Marty’s gymnastics that he let out this huge whine and cowered behind Zak, trying to make himself as small as possible.

  Ms. Pink’s lips twitched with amusement. “My, my, what a brave little man you are, Marty!”

  “Way to go, Marty!” Avery yelled, gazing with admiration at the little dude. “That dog is five times your size and you’re still ready to take him on!”

  Charlotte laughed and reached down to calm her pup. “No way is he going to let Brady take away his pink poodle sweetheart!”

  Zak scratched Duke behind the ears. “Cheer up, Brady. We’ll find you another girlfriend. Don’t worry.”

  Marty stood next to La Fanny as she bent her nose down in a doggy greeting.

  “Charlotte!” Avery gasped. “I know why Marty was depressed. The poor little guy was lovesick. Just look at him.”

  “You’re right, Avery,” Charlotte exclaimed as she watched Marty jump all over La Fanny. “He thought Brady had stolen her from him.”

  Marty did a flip in the air, and they all laughed.

  “He’s his old self again!” Charlotte cheered. She bent down and hugged Marty so tight, he yipped. “I’m so glad.”

  “Now that you’re all here,” Ms. Pink announced. “You just have to see what I’ve done with the store!” And they all trooped inside with the dogs.

  “Happy Valentine’s Day!” announced the eccentric young shop owner.

  Avery definitely didn’t care for the color pink as much as Maeve, but she had to admit, Ms. Razzberry Pink had done an amazing job decorating for her favorite holiday. The ceiling inside the store was strung with strands of metallic hearts and lights blinking on and off. Romantic music played quietly while helium heart balloons spun around in the air over a display of Valentine’s cards, fresh roses, and chocolates.

  “Wow!” Charlotte declared. “Amazing!”

  Zak took off his coat to reveal a hot pink T-shirt, then put on a cowboy hat from a stand near the register. “How do I look?” he asked Avery and Charlotte.

  “Um, pink?” Charlotte giggled.

  “Good!” He produced a box of chocolates from behind his back. “These are for you.” He leaned forward and gave Ms. Pink a peck on the cheek.

  Meanwhile, Marty and La Fanny were dancing around the display of roses, woofing and nuzzling.

  “Why don’t we take these crazy dogs out to the park?” Ms. Pink suggested. “I’ll just go talk to one of my assistants. I think we all need some fresh air!”

  On the way to the park, Zak talked sports with Avery while Brady, named after the famous football player, it turned out, trailed behind. La Fanny and Marty danced ahead of the group, tangling their leashes together at least every five minutes.

  Charlotte stared at the box of chocolates Ms. Pink was carrying tucked inside her jacket, and remembered the way Zak had kissed her cheek. Now I know what it feels like to be kissed! The thought buzzed inside of her like a bumblebee.

  Sharing Secrets

  After watching the canine sweethearts chase each other through the snow for fifteen minutes, Ms. Pink and her boyfriend said their good-byes.

  “I can’t leave the shop for too long on such an important day,” Ms. Pink said as she walked away with La Fanny.

  Marty tried to follow, but Avery and Charlotte distracted him with some heart-shaped dog treats Ms. Pink had shared.

  As the little dude chowed down, tail wagging and eyes bright, Charlotte cleared the snow off a nearby swing set and sat down. Avery plopped down on the swing next to her and pumped her feet back and forth, rising up into the air. “Whee!” she shouted.

  “Ms. Pink and her boyfriend are so cute together,” Charlotte commented, dragging her feet through the powdery snow.

  Avery slowed down a bit. “He’s cool, but it’s weird he wears pink.”

  “I know, it’s a little matchy-matchy.” Charlotte smiled. “But they’re perfect for each other…besides, he probably just put on the shirt for Valentine’s Day.”

sp; “Hey, Char.” Avery said, suddenly serious, “are you really going to be my adopted sister?”

  “Of course!”

  “There’s something I’ve been thinking about for a while now…it’s kind of private.”

  Charlotte was surprised. Usually, her energetic friend always told everyone exactly what she felt.

  “Remember Jason, my friend from Colorado?” Avery leaned off her swing to pack some snow into a ball.

  “Yeah,” Charlotte wondered where this was going.

  Avery threw the snowball as hard as she could, and Marty when barreling after it. “We talked on IM today, and I kind of miss him. Is that weird?”

  “That’s okay,” Charlotte said. “I mean, I miss Nick, and I just saw him this morning!”

  Avery laughed. “Really?”

  “Oh, yeah.” Charlotte sighed. Their kiss was so precious and special and important. Would it spoil the whole feeling to tell Avery? But Avery, one of her closest friends, had just shared her feelings, and some part of Charlotte was bursting inside to let hers out as well.

  Marty came running back and Charlotte reached down to scratch him behind the ears. If she really were my sister, I’d tell her.

  “Nick kissed me,” she whispered, so quietly Avery had to reach over and pull their swings close together. “He kissed me,” she repeated.

  “Where?” Avery asked, leaning her head in close to her friend’s forehead.

  Charlotte pointed to her lips and held her breath, worried that Avery might laugh or say something to make her even more embarrassed. But that didn’t happen.

  Avery just smiled at her. “Wow, Charlotte! I’m happy for you.”

  Charlotte’s eyes widened. “That’s it? I expected you to tease me at least a little bit.”

  Avery shook her head. “I don’t tease about important stuff! Have you told the rest of the BSG?”

  “No. You’re the only one I’ve told,” Charlotte confessed.

  Avery nodded, her expression suddenly serious. “Well, you’re story is safe with me. I’ll take it with me to the grave.”

  Charlotte giggled. “Well, I don’t think you need to do that. Just keep it quiet until I’m ready to share with everyone.”

  “Sure thing.” Avery hopped off her swing and threw another snowball for Marty. But he ran off in the opposite direction.

  “What now?” Charlotte shouted, racing after him.

  Love Birds?

  Marty came to a stop beside a bench. Miss Pierce and Yuri were sharing a steaming cup of tea. Miss Pierce leaned over and patted the little dog’s head, then waved to the girls.

  “Look at that,” Avery whispered to Charlotte. “Are they drinking from the same cup?” The two adults sat close together, and even from where Charlotte stood, she could see the happiness on Miss Pierce’s face. And the usually grouchy Yuri was actually smiling. That’s something you didn’t see every day—a smiling Yuri.

  Charlotte just had to know. The mystery had gone on long enough. She wanted to find out what was really going on with her landlady and the owner of Yuri’s Fruit Stand.

  “I’m going over to say hi,” Charlotte said.

  “Okay…” Avery danced from one foot to the other. “I think I’ll head back home. My mom needs my help, and I’ve got a ton of homework….”

  “You still think they’re too old, don’t you?” Charlotte joked under her breath.

  Avery giggled, then scampered off, waving to the adults on the bench. “Bye, Marty!” she shouted. The little dude raced in a circle around Yuri and Miss Pierce, barking happily. It was final: The little dude was 100 percent back to normal!

  “Glad to see Marty got his spark back,” Yuri pronounced in his funny accent when Charlotte came over to the bench. “See you ladies later? I have fruit to sell,” the grocer said, a big smile still creasing his round face.

  Charlotte watched him go, confused. “I’m sorry, Miss Pierce. I didn’t mean to scare Yuri away.”

  But Miss Pierce merely patted the bench next to her. “Don’t be silly, Charlotte, dear. I’m always happy to see you…and you didn’t run Yuri off. He has fruit to sell,” she said, and laughed.

  Charlotte wasn’t sure if Miss Pierce was being honest or just trying to make her feel better. The older woman always seemed to be concerned about making the people around her feel comfortable and safe.

  Charlotte thought back to the early days when she and her father had moved into an apartment within Miss Pierce’s Victorian house. At first, she had been a little afraid of the reclusive landlady, especially when the BSG broke her rules by exploring the Tower and letting Marty stay there. But Miss Pierce didn’t get angry. Instead, she allowed the girls to turn the beautiful Tower into their club headquarters. That’s just the type of person Miss Pierce was—incredibly kind and welcoming.

  Charlotte brushed her concerns aside and sat down on the bench.

  “Okay, Miss Pierce. Is there something going on with you and Yuri? Are you two, like, crushing on each other or something?”

  Miss Pierce chuckled. “Well, Charlotte, I’m not sure if I would call it crushing, but I’ll say this: I enjoy Yuri’s company very much. He is a kind and gentle man, with a keen intellect and a fascinating personality.

  “You know,” she whispered conspiratorially. “In Russia, Yuri was a teacher of Russian literature. He knows everything about Tolstoy and all the great Russian writers.”

  Charlotte wasn’t sure who Tolstoy was, but one thing was for sure. Miss Pierce was glowing, and she looked beautiful for an older lady.

  But Charlotte still had one question to ask. “Miss Pierce, do you mind that Yuri gets a little grouchy sometimes?”

  Miss Pierce stroked Charlotte’s hair away from her forehead. “Not at all. Did you know that Yuri loves poetry? Why, he can recite some of Pushkin from heart!”

  “Pushkin?” Charlotte rested her head on Miss Pierce’s shoulder.

  “A famous Russian poet, my dear. Listen: ‘The wondrous moment of our meeting / I well remember you appear / Before me like a vision fleeting / A beauty’s angel pure and clear.’”

  “Wow.” Charlotte breathed in and out, watching her breath cloud in the frost air.

  “How do you know if you’re in love, Miss Pierce?” she asked suddenly.

  It was a question meant to be asked in the middle of the night right before bed, when Mom comes in to tuck you in and plant a comforting kiss on your forehead. Miss Pierce will just have to do, Charlotte realized as she inhaled Miss Pierce’s perfume, which smelled of green tea and flowers.

  Miss Pierce smiled and thought for a while before answering. “I’m not a poet, but I think…Pushkin was on the right track, for the most part. Love is in the wondrous moment of meeting and recognizing yourself in someone else.”

  “What about beauty’s angel?” Charlotte asked.

  “Well, love goes beyond physical appearance…what’s most important is the person within: the beauty of the heart. People grow old. Hair fades to gray. We get wrinkles.” Miss Pierce pointed to some of the lines on her own face.

  “I don’t really notice those, Miss Pierce!” Charlotte blurted out.

  “Charlotte,” Miss Pierce said with a nod, “that’s because you already care about me. We always think the people we love are beautiful. But the people you think are beautiful do not always love you. It can get very confusing. But that’s love.”

  Charlotte thought of Nick, his smile, the way his eyes lit up when he talked about sports or a new book he was reading. The way he looked at her. The special kiss they had shared after the dance. She thought about the misunderstandings and the confusion, the tears she had cried when she thought he didn’t like her anymore. And she knew that whatever there was between Nick and her—it was something she would always keep close to her heart.

  One thing was for sure, if astronomers could fall in love with fruit sellers and mutts could fall in love with pink poodles, then she could find someone to love and who would love her back, and so coul
d Katani, Avery, Maeve, and Isabel.

  That evening, Charlotte logged on to her computer and found an e-mail from Sophie waiting in her inbox.

  To: Charlotte

  From: Sophie

  Subject: Bonjour!

  Charlotte, ma cherie, you are the most fortunate girl! I knew Nick was honorable boy. I will give you a rose to celebrate. @}~~~~ (Do you like it?) I can’t believe he kissed you! I only kissed a boy on the cheek once. Do not worry, your secret is safe with me, but you can talk to your BSG friends! They will keep your secret too. I miss you, Charlotte. Never forget me.



  To: Sophie

  From: Charlotte

  Subject: Bonjour, Mon Amie!

  Dear Sophie,

  I really miss you, too. I wish you could meet Nick, and all my new friends. I told Avery about the kiss, and I felt a little better. Less crazy, but I am still walking on air!!!! And Marty is all better too. He was lovesick over a pink poodle named La Fanny. They are such a cute couple!

  If you see Orangina, tell him I’m writing a story about his travels.

  Au revoir!


  To be continued…

  Crush Alert


  Love Potion #9 Recipe

  Trivialicious Trivia

  Charlotte’s Word Nerd Dictionary

  Book Club Buzz

  Love Potion #9 Recipe

  Remember to ask for an adult’s help and permission before trying this at home!


  1 head of red cabbage

  1 knife (or blender, or grater)

  1 pitcher

  1 coffee filter

  Several clear plastic cups (or beakers)

  Hot tap water

  Baking soda (sodium bicarbonate, NaHCO3)

  Vinegar (acetic acid, CH3COOH)

  Extra credit:


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