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Taught (Cypress Springs Trilogy Book 1)

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by Tarilyn Sparks


  A Cypress Springs Book

  Tarilyn Sparks

  An MMF Romance

  Copyright © 2018 by Tarilyn Sparks

  All Rights Reserved.

  No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without written permission from the author, except for the use of brief quotations in a book review. Any characters, locations, events or businesses are totally parts of the author's imagination and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

  Edited by Eliza Hunter

  Cover Art by Satyr Designs

  If two is better than one, three must be…perfection?

  Sign up for my mailing list to get your free bonus epilogue to Taught.


  1. Kara

  2. Jack

  3. Teddy

  4. Kara

  5. Jack

  6. Teddy

  7. Kara

  8. Jack

  9. Teddy

  10. Kara

  11. Jack

  12. Teddy

  13. Kara

  14. Jack

  15. Teddy

  16. Kara

  17. Jack

  18. Teddy

  19. Jack

  20. Kara

  21. Jack

  Coming Soon


  Chapter One


  I knew something was wrong the moment Lauren and Sydney greeted me at the door and pressed a glass of wine into my hands.

  “Oh no,” I groaned. “What is it?” My day had been bad enough dealing with Dr. Whitman, the very hot, but very grouchy abnormal psychology professor I worked for as a teaching assistant. All I wanted to do was come home, relax, and forget about my troubles, at least for a little while.

  My roommates both shook their heads, refusing to speak. Like twins in The Shining, they both pointed at the wine in my hand. I got the message. Wine first, bad news second. I swirled it for a moment and downed it like a pledge during rush week. It hit my empty stomach fast and a warm glow bloomed through me. Still, for the day I’d had, it wasn’t enough. I needed more.

  I put the glass back into Lauren’s hands as I pushed my way into our shared apartment. “Refill, please. Do we have any chocolate?”

  Before either of them could answer, I settled on what I really wanted. “Better yet, order a pizza. I’m hungry, tired, and irritable. Whatever you two have to tell me can wait until I get these heels off and change into some yoga pants.”

  “Somebody’s hangry,” Lauren said to Sydney, but she ducked away from me and scurried to refill my glass.

  “I’m way ahead of you. I already ordered pizza,” Sydney said. Of course, she had. Syd didn’t just look like a hot librarian with her long red hair twisted up into a messy bun and held with a pencil, she was the type, too. She was organized, methodical, and never waited until the last minute to do something as important as ordering food.

  “Bad day with Whitman?” Lauren asked, delivering the refilled wine glass back to me. I noticed this time she’d only poured two fingers. Spoilsport.

  “Ugh,” I said, taking the offered drink and kicking off my shoes. “He was riding my ass all day. Nothing is good enough for him, I swear.”

  “He’s so hot, though. Dr. Dickman could ride my ass any time he wanted,” Sydney said, her cheeks turning a light shade of pink. She was such a goodie-goodie, I couldn’t believe she said that—but she did blush.

  “Speaking of Dr. Dick, what do you think his is like?” Lauren flicked her long blonde hair back out of her face, her dirty question a sharp contrast to her delicate features.

  I turned to stare at her. “What?”

  For such a sweet-looking little hippie girl, Lauren had a dirty mind that came out double time when she let her guard down — or when she’d been drinking. She gulped more wine and smiled a very bad girl smile. “His dick, what do you think it’s like?”

  “Hey, Lauren! You have a boyfriend,” Syd said. “Save the hot professor for me.”

  “You’re both full of it. Besides, it would never happen,” I said, so ready to strip as soon as I hit my room. “That wouldn’t be awkward or anything. My professor dating my roommate? No big deal. Maybe he can bring papers over for me to grade while he’s at it.”

  Lauren laughed. “Maybe you just want him for yourself.”

  I coughed in outrage, downed the sample-sized glass of wine, and handed the glass back to Lauren. She raised her eyebrows at me and I ignored her as I breezed into my room and closed the door. I needed a moment to change and regroup before I faced whatever bad news those two decided merited wine at the door.

  Lauren’s words rang in my ear. Maybe you just want him for yourself. No way. I mean, my roommates weren’t wrong about one thing. Dr. Whitman was hot, like leading man in a movie hot. Like, top model hot. Like, are-you-actually-even-human hot.

  Disappointingly hot.

  Disappointing because he was all business and I swear he never cracked a smile. Once I started working with him, I stopped even thinking about fantasizing about him.

  He was that serious.

  Maybe if he got laid, he wouldn’t be such a jerk. As if anyone would be with him by choice.

  Forget Dickman. It was time to relax and go full cozy. I dug around in the basket full of clean clothes I’d washed the night before and found some yoga pants and my favorite hoodie—a big black pullover printed with a Chinese takeout box and They’re only noodles, Michael on the front. It was a Christmas gift from Syd and Lauren after I’d made them watch Lost Boys during a Thanksgiving break movie marathon.

  Out in the living room, I heard the pizza guy trying to flirt with Sydney. Good luck, dude. Sydney was too serious and too ambitious to look twice at Evan, the little freshman who delivered our pizzas. Now that we were upperclassmen, well I was a PhD student and Syd and Lauren were juniors, freshmen looked like babies. I opened my bedroom door just in time to see Sydney politely, but firmly, close the front door, and spin around with the pizza in her hands.

  “You can’t blame a guy for trying, Syd” I said. “He knows a catch when he sees one.”

  “He’s a nice guy, but it’s never going to happen,” Syd said. “Ever.”

  “Maybe you’re too picky.” I sank into my favorite corner of our thrift store couch and curled my legs under me. Lauren pointed at the end table where she’d helpfully refilled my wine.

  “I’m too picky? That’s hilarious, when was the last time you...”

  “You’re both picky, and there’s nothing wrong with that,” Lauren interjected. “You’re both just tired and hungry. Let’s eat.”

  We dug in, and my mood improved as my blood sugar rose. Lauren and Syd didn’t look like the food did them a lot of good. Whatever it was really had them down. Finally human again, I couldn’t wait any longer. “Okay guys, why do you both look like kicked puppies? I’m ready for the bad news.”

  Sydney leaned over and topped off my wine before pushing up her glasses. She gave me a sad smile and then glanced at Lauren, hesitating.

  Lauren piped in, always willing to be the peacemaker, the go between, and the bearer of bad news. “The landlord sold the building. We have thirty days to move out.”

  I sat upright. “What? He can’t do that.” I looked back and forth between them. Syd would know this was illegal, right? She was an accounting student. She knew these kinds of things. Maybe.

  Syd shook her head. “He can. Our lease is month to month, with either party having the right to cancel the agreement with thirty days’ notice. He’s given us thirty
days, so he’s within his rights.”

  “Ugh!” I moaned and threw myself back against the cushions. Could I go to bed and end this craptastic day before something else happened?

  Lauren scooted closer to me and put her hand on my leg. “Don’t worry. I’m sure something will work out. Things always work out in the end, just not always the way we’d expect them to, you know?” She nodded enthusiastically, her bracelets jangling.

  Syd, definitely the more practical of my two friends, snorted. “No hippy dippy dreamer crap tonight, Lauren. Kara needs reality. We all do. And the reality is, we need to find a new place or we’re screwed.”

  Lauren shrugged and gave us both her best Luna Lovegood smile. “I stand by what I said. Things always work out the way they’re meant to.”

  I gulped my wine and stared at them both. I just hoped we weren’t meant to be homeless.

  Chapter Two


  Before my alarm could go off, I was woken by the unmistakable prod of a stiff cock in my back. My partner Teddy was a champ of the morning erection—lucky me. I wriggled against its insistent thickness, and Teddy sighed a little snore. My sexy professor wasn’t even awake yet.

  Snuggling down under the covers I grinned to myself. What a way to wake up. I pushed back on Teddy again and he wrapped his arms around me. The crook of his elbow curled around my face, and I turned my head to inhale his spicy scent. The dark hairs on his arm tickled my cheek and I wrapped my arm behind me, around his neck and ground into him hard.

  By now my own cock was throbbing and for a moment I directed my attention to its straining plea for pressure. How long could I go without touching my cock before I couldn’t take it anymore? I rested my head on one arm, and held Teddy’s neck with this other, and made myself into the world’s most insistent little spoon.

  Teddy inhaled a long luxurious breath and let it out with a hum. “Is this my wakeup call?” His deep voice, even in a whisper, resonated, and an electric shock vibrated through me. My cock ached.

  “You woke me up—stabbing me in the back.” I tipped my head back and he kissed me, a light good morning brush on the lips. I slid back against him again, enjoying the length of his cock sliding against the crack in my ass and up against my lower back.

  Teddy pulled me closer and matched my rhythm. “How are we doing this morning?” he breathed into my ear as he reached around, expertly slid his hand down my stomach and into my pajama pants.

  I inhaled quickly and my heart pounded as he wrapped his hand around my cock. He slid his thumb up and over the tip, and little stars exploded inside me. I was so ready for his touch.

  “You like that?” he held me tighter and I ground back, thrusting against the slide of his cock in my back and into the grip of his hand with my cock.

  “Fuck yeah,” I said, pleasure rippling through me.

  Teddy rolled me toward him and pushed me flat on my back. I slid my pants off, and Teddy lowered himself over me. His dark hair fell down over his face and his deep brown eyes glittered with desire. I rocked my hips up to meet him. Our cocks slid together, pinned by the hard planes of our stomachs. I smiled to myself as I ran my hands over Teddy’s large lean muscles. Years ago, I’d introduced him to the gym, and he’d introduced me to NPR. We were both better for it.

  I slid my hands down his round firm ass. Those squats were really paying off. I thought I’d gotten the better end of that deal. I wouldn’t tell him that though or he’d make me read The Economist or The New York Review of Books.

  “Earth to Jack,” Teddy thrust his hips and all words left my mind.

  “I’m here,” I said, ripping my attention back to the tall, dark and handsome naked god before me. “Let’s frot,” as if we weren’t already doing exactly that.

  Teddy quirked his eyebrows and pulled me closer. “Fuck yeah,” he said and covered my mouth with his. His lips parted mine and our tongues grappled with pure masculine desire.

  He thrust against me and I pushed back, the feeling of his thick cock against my own felt like lover perfection; both of us feeling pleasure at the same time, both contributing to the friction. Pressure built inside me, rolling up and down my spine and down into my legs. We had this down to an art form. I knew Teddy’s body inside and out and he knew mine.

  We grunted and rutted, chasing the climax, perfectly in rhythm and precision. “Yes!” I cried, every muscle in my body headed for maximum tension. Teddy smiled against my neck and increased his speed, and I chased that feeling, higher and higher, until we both came together. Ropes of thick cum mixed on our stomachs, sealing us together, and sliding us apart.

  Teddy leaned over me and kissed me again. “That was divine,” he murmured in my ear and I grinned. I loved my professor boyfriend.

  He flopped over and laid on the bed next to me. We both stared at the ceiling, dazed in the afterglow of morning sex.

  Morning sex was the best.

  After evening sex.

  Okay, any kind of sex was the best.

  “Stay awake,” Teddy growled in my ear. “I’m not done with you yet.”

  My eyes widened and I nestled toward him. “You’re not?”

  “You’re a very dirty boy, and I need to wash you off.” He ran his hand down my chest and stomach, skimming his fingers on the sticky cum growing cold in the morning air.

  “You’re dirty too,” I countered, delighting in his game.

  He tickled his fingers down my hips and onto my thighs and back up, lightly stroking my skin. Little pinpricks of goose bumps popped up along the trail of his fingers. They weren’t the only things popping up. My cock throbbed, already coming back to life. Teddy skimmed his fingers along my length and then down around my balls, finally sliding his finger down into my ass crack.

  That did it. My cock was rock hard.

  “Shower time,” Teddy said and pulled me to sit as he edged himself off the bed. “Let’s go.”

  No matter how many times we made love, no matter how many times we fucked, no matter how many times he touched me, the prospect of more delights with Teddy, my grumpy, intellectual, sexy boyfriend, never failed to excite me. He was also a little unpredictable, and I loved that too.

  Needless to say, I put my hand in his and allowed him to drag me into the shower.

  “Do I get you today?” Teddy asked from behind his New York Times. He was the only person I knew who had the newspaper delivered—physically delivered—to his doorstep anymore.

  “Sorry, I have to go do that theater project today, remember?” I cracked some eggs into the frying pan, pushed some bread into the toaster, and watched the clock. That shower was extra long. Worth it, but definitely long.

  “Today? They need it done on a weekend?” Teddy shook the paper a little, irritation in his voice.

  “We have to do it when the campus is pretty much closed, remember? Can’t hit the college students with debris.”

  “Hmph,” Teddy said.

  “I’ll come back as soon as I can—we still have most of the weekend together,” I reminded him. Teddy acted so independent and intellectual, but he hated me gone on weekends. I didn’t love it either. Weekends were our time. We both loved our home life and together time and cherished it. But sometimes you had to go to work on a Saturday and knock down a building. That was just how it was.

  Teddy folded his paper and lined it up carefully with the rest of the folded sections. “Fine. I guess I’ll go to the farmer’s market and get some yard work done,” he grumbled. “Those weeds aren’t going to pull themselves.”

  I bit the inside of my mouth and smiled. I wanted to say, “What weeds?” but I knew better. What Teddy really wanted to do was re-trim the perfect hedge he was cultivating in front of our house. I didn’t mind. I loved having a perfect yard as much as he did.

  I slid the eggs out of the pan, put them between two slices of toast, and wrapped the whole affair up in waxed paper. Extended morning sex meant breakfast on the road. I poured coffee into a to-go coffee mug and gather
ed up my briefcase.

  “Love you,” Teddy said, tipping his head up. I kissed him on the lips and banged out the front door.

  My team was already waiting for me on the job site. I taught them well. If you were on time, you were late.

  “You’re late,” Evan, my best team lead, said as he pointedly looked at the time on his phone. I grinned at him, and he raised his eyebrows.

  “That good, huh?” he asked, chuckling.

  I grinned again, and he rolled his eyes in a good-natured way. “Lucky you,” he said.

  “Absolutely,” I shot back and turned my attention to the job in front of us. We roped off the area and made sure there were no cars or vehicles present. Once we were positive it was secure, the crane operator fired up his rig and swung the wrecking ball.

  No matter how many times I saw this, the little kid inside me loved it. The ball swung a few times, and then made impact. There was lots of loud crashing, banging, glass breaking, and wood and brick crumbling.

  This all played out in front of me like a giant surreal screen because I could barely hear it. With jobs like this, we all wore protective ear foam. One day of loud construction work wouldn’t deafen you, but many days, over time, would.

  Just as the ball was going to swing again, something moved in the corner of my eye. My heart stopped in my chest. A young brunette woman appeared in the cloud of dust. She ran out of the building with a panicked expression, wearing what looked like thin pajamas and cartoon slippers. A duffel bag was slung over her shoulder. What was she doing in the building? In her panic to escape, she was headed straight into the path of the ball.


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