Taught (Cypress Springs Trilogy Book 1)

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Taught (Cypress Springs Trilogy Book 1) Page 7

by Tarilyn Sparks

  I clung to Teddy and moaned in time to their strokes. “Oh, oh, ohhhh!” I cried, and Teddy growled his approval. The fire intensified and streaked up and down my spine, shooting out to my fingertips and toes, and back again, pooling in an ever-growing blaze.

  My heart pounded harder and I panted trying to chase and escape the orgasm barreling toward me. It just felt so good, I never wanted it to end.

  Jack and then Teddy picked up the pace, thrusting harder. Jack pounding into Teddy, and Teddy pounding into me, and I couldn’t hold back any longer. The climax ripped through me, and I was helpless to slow or stop it. I couldn’t make Teddy or Jack stop fucking me, or even slow down, and the orgasm kept coming too.

  My cries turned into screams as I rode the lava wave of pleasure. Teddy roared out, his hips pummeling mine and cock jumping and pumping inside me. Jack was close on his heels. Eventually, their motions slowed and stopped and we all held each other in a long embrace, the aftershocks of our orgasms still undulating between us.

  Afterwards, we laid together on the bed, hand in hand, with me in the middle. For the longest time, I was so completely gone that I couldn’t speak. It amazed me that they even had the strength to move when the guys both got up, pulled off their condoms, and threw them in the wastebasket.

  “Do you guys always wear condoms?” I finally asked. It wasn’t my best pillow talk, but my brain had short circuited by their expert-level fucking.

  Jack chuckled. “No, we get tested regularly and are monogamous, so we don’t with each other.

  Teddy glanced over at him. “But we always suit up with a new person,” he explained.

  He meant me. I was the new person.

  “Since Teddy wore a condom with you, I wore one with him. It just seemed fairer,” Jack said.

  I looked between them both. I couldn’t help but find their safe sex protocol cute and sweet. Instinctively, I glanced down at Jack’s cock. I wondered, would I have a chance to feel him inside me too?

  Chapter Eleven


  Kara wasn’t just fun in bed in a sexual sense. She was straight up fun in bed. Tangled in the sheets and each other, we kissed and laughed our Saturday morning away.

  My eye caught Teddy’s and he seemed to be thinking the same thing.

  “This girl’s special.”

  We’d never spent the night with a woman. She’d always gotten dressed and left after the sex was over. But even though Kara was the first one we’d stayed with all night, I couldn’t imagine the others would have been as much fun as her, and I’d never cared to find out.

  We even curled up together, like a trio of spoons, and looked at Teddy’s phone as he showed us funny dog videos on the internet. It was positively domestic.

  When someone’s stomach growled, Kara said, “Was that you?”

  Teddy shook his head. “I thought it was you.”

  They both looked at me. “I guess I'm the first to cave in to my need for food.”

  “You’ve got to fuel those muscles,” Kara teased, and slid her hands up and down my biceps.

  Teddy watched on in amusement. “He’s got the best guns,” he told Kara.

  I flexed and rolled Kara under me. She shrieked in laughter, and I kissed her neck. Teddy took the other side as we took turns kissing her.

  My stomach growled again.

  Kara tried to push me off her, but I was too strong. “Your stomach is crying uncle,” she laughed.

  “Time for breakfast,” Teddy said. “What would you like?”

  “Why am I making breakfast?” I asked, rubbing my arm where Kara had punched me.

  “Because you’re better at it,” Teddy said. “Obviously.”

  “And miss all the fun?” I looked between Teddy and Kara. I was joking, or was I? I didn’t want to miss out on a single moment.

  This was a first. Not only had a woman never spent the night before, but honestly, as soon as the sex was over, I wanted my quiet life with Teddy back. Now I couldn’t get enough of Kara, and never wanted her to leave.

  “I promise we won’t have any fun without you,” Kara said. “I’ll even come help.”

  “Aww,” Teddy said. “Now we have to put on pants.” He rocked his hips against Kara and she squealed.

  “Just put on shorts,” she said. “You’re not going to make bacon, right?”

  “I guess not anymore,” I said, grinning at them both until Teddy shook his head in amusement.

  “I’ll just wear an apron,” I said. “On one condition.”

  Teddy raised his eyebrows.

  “What’s that?” Kara said, running her fingers down the hair on my chest. I sucked in a breath and focused on what I was trying to say.

  “We will wear boxers and aprons—and nothing else, if you’ll do the same.”

  Kara threw her head back and laughed. It was the kind of laugh that makes you laugh too, the kind that comes right from the belly and the heart at the same time. She shrugged.

  “Okay. Why not?”

  I waggled my eyebrows at Teddy. We could cut fruit for a long time with that kind of view.

  “I think we have enough, don’t you?” Kara asked. Her shapely body was barely concealed under the standard issue muslin baker’s apron Kara wore over nothing but a pair of Teddy’s navy seahorse boxers.

  I loved Teddy in them, but Kara looked extra great. The navy cotton sateen set off her creamy skin and weirdly, the bagginess contrasted with her smooth nude curves to make a delectable sight in our kitchen.

  I started out stealing more than a few glances at her out of the corner of my eyes as I whisked eggs. But then after my work was in the pan and only needing minimal maintenance, I leaned against the counter and unabashedly watched Kara bend and twist in her thin little outfit.

  I glanced over at Teddy and he was doing the same—watching Kara work in our kitchen only barely dressed. His thick cock pushed against his green pineapple boxer shorts.

  “Nice pineapples,” I said to Teddy, nodding my head in the direction of his stiff cock.

  He looked down, grinned, and shifted himself. “They’re the symbol of hospitality,” he said.

  Kara glanced over. “You look pretty hospitable to me,” she said.

  Teddy slid his hand over his half-erect cock under the bright green fabric. “To you two, yes I am.”

  His eyes discovered the semi I was sporting in my shorts. “Looks like we both are here with the welcome wagon,” he said.

  “Oooh,” Kara squealed. “Does that mean I get a round three?”

  I grabbed her hand, spun her into my arms, and rocked back and forth, pressing my thickening cock against her little ass crack. “Baby, you get all the rounds you want,” I said.

  Kara laughed out loud in that easy way she had. “Awesome, but first I gotta eat.”

  “Me too,” I said, winking at Teddy. He’d gotten to taste her sweet pussy but I wanted a turn.

  We hauled our breakfast of eggs, buttered toast, and fresh fruit upstairs into the bedroom and ate cross legged on the bed, after taking a moment to strip down again. Breakfast au naturale… the breakfast of champions.

  “It’s a breakfast picnic!” Kara sighed happily as she munched on a piece of toast.

  “And we aren’t going to kick you out of bed for those crumbs either,” Teddy observed.

  “Aww,” Kara said. “I hope not. It’s much more fun in your bed than in little old mine.”

  “I find that hard to believe,” Teddy said. He leaned in close and tucked a strand of hair behind Kara’s ear. “You said you heard us fucking.”

  Kara’s breathing changed and her eyes were huge. She glanced at me and I crinkled my eyes at her as to say you’re safe with us.

  She dragged her eyes back to Teddy and bit her lip.

  “You never listened to us and slid this pretty little hand into your panties?” Teddy ran his hand down Kara’s arm and lifted her toast-free hand up under his palm.

  Kara barely moved her shoulders in a half shrug and
a smile tugged at her lips.

  Teddy stroked his fingers against Kara’s.

  “You never ran these long fingers against your clit, back and forth, until you drenched your panties?

  Kara opened her mouth to respond and Teddy pressed his fingertips against her lips.

  “Don’t answer that yet. Jack needs to finish his breakfast or he’ll get cranky.”

  “Ha,” I said, chuckling at Teddy’s audacity. We both knew it was Teddy who got grumpy if he didn’t eat his meals on time.

  Kara, whose cheeks were a blazing pink, nodded and stabbed another fork full of scrambled eggs.

  After all of our appetites were satiated, for the moment, Teddy suggested we all shower together. “It’s a big shower, Jack built it to have enough room for everyone.”

  My face went hot, despite myself, and Kara giggled.

  “You’re blushing, that’s so cute!” She exclaimed.

  I shrugged. “I guess in some ways I’m still a simple man,” and grinned at them both. I was more than just a simple man—but I also knew that being that way got me laid, and I loved playing it up.

  Teddy climbed off the bed and pulled both mine and Kara’s hands until we were upright too.

  “Let’s show Kara just how fun your custom installations can be since we’re already naked,” he pointed out with a wicked twinkle in his eye.

  He pulled us along into the bathroom, a chain of three busily touching and grabbing and laughing as we went. Teddy turned on the water and adjusted the faucet this way and that to get the temperature just right.

  Right as we were stepping into the steamy shower, the doorbell rang.

  “Ignore it,” Teddy said. “Who could it possibly be that we need to talk to right now. Nobody, that’s who.”

  But Kara twisted away from him and minced across the bathroom floor with wet slippery feet.

  “No! My Amazon Prime order is being delivered today! I got an alert on my phone yesterday saying it would be delivered today. That must be it!”

  Teddy shook his head in mock exasperation, clearly amused watching naked Kara bounce across the bathroom looking for something to put on.

  “As much as I’m enjoying the show, here, put this on,” I said. I threw her one of my old college t-shirts and a pair of my basketball shorts that were much too big for her.

  She slid them on, and they clung to her damp skin. I raised my eyebrows. This show wasn’t terrible either. Teddy raised his eyebrows at me. He was enjoying the effect too.

  “You look so small and adorable in my clothes—like a little waif,” I said. “Not at all like a woman about to get her PhD.”

  Kara’s mouth opened, from the look on her face to give me a fake retort, but then seemed to think better of it, because she stuck her tongue out at us both, and ran downstairs to get the door.

  Since she was coming right back, we climbed into the shower and got down to the business of scrubbing ourselves clean. That way when she came back we could focus on her. I pulled Teddy over to me, mid shampoo, and kissed him hard.

  His cock swung against mine and a happy jolt shot through me. I loved him, and I loved our life together, and I was loving this time we were spending with Kara.

  Enough time passed, Kara should have been able to grab her package, open it, admire whatever it was, and come right back upstairs. We finished showering for real, and then hung around in the water a while, waiting.

  Still, no Kara.

  Teddy frowned, a look of concern on his face, and he turned off the water.

  “Let’s go see what’s going on,” I said, not wanting to voice any fears about the worst-case scenario. No sense jumping to conclusions. I mean, I did watch her almost get smashed by a wrecking ball. Bad things could happen in the blink of an eye. We both knew this.

  We dried off with clean lavender scented white towels, hung them up, and tossed on some clean clothes. We were both shaking the water out of our hair as we descended the stairs and rounded the corner to look into the kitchen.

  Oh, shit.

  It was my mother. My nosy, pushy mother.

  And she had Kara sitting at the kitchen counter, next to naked aside from my old college t-shirt and basketball shorts, serving her coffee. She was probably trying to figure out what this girl’s story was, knowing Mom.

  “Mother,” I announced, and Kara turned around, a questioning smile on her face.

  “Hi Teddy! Hi Jack! Look who was at the door!”

  I stalked across the kitchen toward my mother. “Wow, would you look at that. Imagine the odds. How far did you have to drive, Mom?”

  My mom sniffed and refilled her coffee cup. “I’m only twenty miles away.”

  “Yeah, but it’s an hour drive during rush hour,” I pointed out.

  My smile felt like it was stapled on and the little spots holding it to my face were bleeding. “I see you’ve met our houseguest, Kara. She’s staying with us until her RA position in the school dorms opens up. She’s Teddy’s TA.”

  Teddy raised his hand halfway. “Good morning, Ruth.”

  My mom looked Teddy up and down and nodded. “Your TA huh?”

  Teddy nodded. “Yes, ma’am.”

  “Ruth was just telling me about your childhood,” Kara said.

  “Was she now?” I asked. My mother was full of stories, not all of them true. Though the true ones were always the most embarrassing.

  “I didn’t get that far,” my mom said. “Just getting to know your…houseguest,” she said. “Imagine my surprise ringing the doorbell and this beautiful young girl answered. I didn’t know what to make of it!”

  My mom loved drama. If she couldn’t find any, she’d make it. She also loved embarrassing me. I wasn’t about to give her the satisfaction.

  “So, what are you doing here, Mom? Not that I don’t enjoy your visits, of course.”

  My mom waved her hand like it was no matter. “I just brought a rose for Teddy.”

  Teddy sprang to life. “Ohhh, Ruth! You did? Which one?”

  “The one we talked about, silly.” She turned to Kara. “Teddy’s going to start his royal collection, so I brought him a Lady Di.” She pointed to a bundle she’d left on the chair. It literally looked like a thorny stick with a burlap bag of dirt wrapped around the bottom half of it.

  “Oooh,” Kara said. “I love roses! I don’t know much about them, but they are so beautiful.”

  My mom smiled in genuine happiness. She and Teddy had roses in common. “That’s all you need to get started—a love of roses.”

  “They are so easy to collect,” Teddy said. “I’ll get this planted today,” he told my mom.

  “I'm glad someone is glad to see me visit,” my mom raised an eyebrow at me and smirked as she gathered up her purse.

  “I’m always happy to see you, I just like to know in advance when that will be,” I said. “You know that.”

  My mom shrugged. “What’s the fun of that?”

  Kara was sitting with her elbows on the kitchen bar, her chin in her hands, watching our exchange with fascination.

  Oh yeah, her parents were gone. And so were Teddy’s. I was being a first-class jerk.

  “You’re right, Mom. I do love seeing you, and I love that you and Teddy have a shared hobby. It makes him happy, and our yard beautiful.”

  My mother nodded in regal satisfaction. “There’s the boy I raised,” she said, and I stifled the urge to roll my eyes. She turned to Kara. “It was nice to meet you, Kara,” she said.

  Kara beamed at her. “Likewise, Ruth. Thanks for making me coffee.”

  “Of course,” my mom said. “I learned how to make myself coffee in this kitchen a long time ago. You’d think my son would make it for me, but…”

  “Mom, you let yourself in when we were still at work. I don't have a house elf to do it for you.”

  My mom tipped her head back and laughed. “Now that would be a surprise. Enjoy the rose, Teddy.”

  She stepped up to him and he kissed her on the cheek. “T
hank you again for the rose, Ruth,” Teddy said.

  If anyone was the bad child around here, it was me. All because I found my mother exasperating.

  “Walk me to the door, Jack?” My mother tucked her hand into my elbow and steered me toward my own front door.

  “Yes, ma’am,” I said, noticing both Teddy and Kara beaming at her.

  Once we were out of earshot, my mother turned to me, her eyes twinkling. “Is there anything you’d like to tell me about, Jack?”

  I shook my head. Nope, there was absolutely nothing I would like to tell my mother about. No way.

  “Just an ordinary Saturday, Mom. Same old, same old.”

  I opened the door for her and walked my mother to her shining Jaguar. She loved that old boat. It was a beautiful car, if you liked big floaty machines.

  She handed me the key and I unlocked the door and opened it for her. She turned and kissed my cheek, and then patted the kiss down with her fingers.

  “Son, if you want anyone to buy that story about that girl just being a houseguest, don’t let her answer the door wearing your clothes and sporting hickeys on her neck.”

  I opened my mouth and closed it again, unable to think of a single thing to say. Kara had hickeys? When did we do that?

  My mom climbed into her car and gave a little wave as she roared away, and I realized Teddy and I had spent the last several hours fucking one of his students, and that my mother knew about it.

  Chapter Twelve


  Something about Ruth’s visit really put a damper on Jack. He came back in, muttered something about needing to go work, and left. Our magical morning was over.

  After her visit burst our bubble of whatever good juju we had going with Kara, we all scattered to our various corners. Kara retreated to the office to work on her thesis, I graded papers, and Jack worked on his truck. It wasn’t a terrible way to spend a Saturday morning, but not the great way I’d been hoping for before we got our unexpected visitor.


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