Sweat (Sweetbriar Lake #1)

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Sweat (Sweetbriar Lake #1) Page 6

by Rebecca Jenshak

  His smile was back as he screwed off the top of the beer. “Oh, the usual lectures about life and responsibility. Although, I gotta thank Tori. She stole the spotlight by breaking it to Mom and Dad that she’s moving in with Luke,” he said and took a large drink of the beer.

  “Luke?” She thought back to everyone she’d met, but couldn’t place the name. And why would Tori be moving in with another man?

  Ryan looked across the room. “Oh right. You haven’t met Luke. He’s over there with Tori,” he said, pointing to a man standing next to her, a protective arm draped around her shoulders. “Luke is her boyfriend. They live in Carroll, but Tori comes down a few days a week to work at the club and check in with her awesome big brother.”

  Elle processed Luke and Tori’s body language and everything that Ryan had said. “Wait, is Tori your sister?” She failed to hide the shock in her voice, hoping it didn’t come across as relief, which it totally was.

  He lowered his head, his gaze narrowed before understanding dawned on his face. Ryan laughed. “I thought you knew. Hey…” He lifted his eyebrows, making his brown eyes appear twice as big. “…did you think Tori and I were a couple?”

  Embarrassment warmed Elle’s face, and she could only hope the dim lighting hid her blush. “Yeah, I guess I got that mixed up,” she said, shrugging her shoulders. “Nice gift.” She nodded toward Claire in the living room.

  Their hostess was handing out champagne in plastic cups, touching one of her new flutes against theirs and yelling, “Cheers!”

  Ryan shook his head and grinned at Claire. “What can I say? I know her taste. We’ve been friends a long time. I think I got her a six-pack of wine coolers for her first apartment.”

  “Well then, this is certainly a step up,” Elle said in a flirty voice, leaning closer. She breathed in the faint scent of laundry detergent and a light, citrusy cologne as her body seemed to have a mind of its own, gravitating closer against her will.

  Everything about him shouted masculinity. She desperately wanted to reach out and touch his arms to see what they felt like… or run her fingers down his abs…

  She backed up, hoping the distance would clear her head. “I think I’ve had enough wine,” she said as she rinsed her goblet in the sink. She wasn’t sure what had gotten into her tonight, but the alcohol couldn’t be helping. She felt like she was just on the brink of making a total fool of herself. It was time to go.

  “I think I better get home. I have to get up pretty early tomorrow, and it looks like Claire isn’t going to be short of people to drink with anytime soon.”

  Ryan sat down his beer and stiffened. “You okay to drive?” he asked. His serious and professional demeanor had returned.

  She took another step back to keep the distance between them. “Oh, I think I’ll just catch an Uber,” Elle said, waving him off.

  He didn’t move forward but crossed his arms and widened his stance, blocking her only exit. “Where do you live?”

  “The east side of the lake,” she said, motioning in what she hoped was the right direction. “The condos behind Whole Foods.” Elle had learned that people in Sweetbriar were always giving directions based on landmarks.

  Ryan uncrossed his arms and smiled, only the right side of his mouth turning up. “Really? I live just a couple blocks from there. I can give you a ride. I need to get up pretty early myself,” he said.

  Elle shook her head. “Oh no, that’s okay. You just got here.” It was the first excuse that came to mind.

  “No worries. I rode with Tori and Luke, so I can drive your car and walk to my place from there. That is, if you’re alright with me driving your car,” he said, stepping out of the kitchen and into the living room.

  Apparently, they were really doing this. “Yeah, sure. That’d be great,” Elle said, plastering a smile on her face while her stomach did flips.

  He hurried off, talking over his shoulder. “Be right back.”

  He winked and headed across the living room toward Tori and Luke, leaving Elle to panic at the thought of him driving her home. She couldn’t believe Tori was his sister. God, she was an idiot.

  In a daze, she walked into the guest room and gathered her things. No matter how Elle tried to reason with herself that Ryan was not the kind of guy who would be interested in her, her heart pounded an erratic beat against her chest. She chewed on her bottom lip, wondering why he was going to so much trouble for her. It didn’t make sense. Even worse, regardless of the innocence of his intentions, she definitely had a crush on him. She needed to keep reminding herself that he was off-limits to a girl like her — hot blond girlfriend or not.

  Elle found Claire and thanked her profusely for including her in the evening and then walked back to the kitchen area, giving herself a mental pep talk. It’s a ride home, not a marriage proposal!

  Ryan was waiting for her by the front door. They made eye contact across the room, and he smiled at her, watching her as she crossed. When she was standing before him, he placed an arm around her lower back and ushered her out into the dark of night.

  She walked slowly, enjoying the feel of his hand. She rummaged through her purse with one hand and pulled out the keys. She turned to place them in his outstretched hand.

  “I’m just over there,” she said, pointing to her Prius on the side street.

  He hurried in front of her and opened the passenger side door.

  Elle’s heart fluttered in her chest, and she tried to remember if anyone had ever done that for her before.

  Ryan squeezed into the driver’s seat, and she giggled as he adjusted the seat and mirrors to compensate for his big frame.

  “I feel like I’m in a clown car,” he said moving the steering wheel up to make room for his long legs.

  “You look a little like you’re in a clown car.” Elle covered the smile on her mouth.

  He shot her a playful look as he started the engine. She was thankful to hear she’d left the radio on a rock station instead of the Adele CD she had been listening to on repeat.

  Ryan headed east, and Elle tried to steady her heart rate and breathing. She felt like a teenager again, but along with those fun and giddy feelings, her insecurities all seemed to be bubbling to the surface as well.

  He was a natural driver, easily handling her car with one hand on the wheel, his body angled in her direction, asking her about where she had grown up and life before Sweetbriar.

  “How is it possible you’ve been here for six months, and I haven’t seen you around?”

  “How do you know you haven’t seen me and just don’t remember?”

  He flickered a sidelong glance her way. “I’d remember.”

  Elle’s heart did a funny little flip, and she had to admit that she would have remembered too. Their encounter outside the country club was imprinted in her mind for all of eternity.

  “I have been pretty busy with work and haven’t had a lot of time to meet people yet.” Elle stared out the window as they passed through the outskirts of downtown Sweetbriar. It was dark and quiet, the only light coming from the streetlamps shining at every corner.

  His soft chuckle put her at ease. “Claire will take care of that for you. She is the social coordinator for the whole damn town,” he said, nodding. “And what about Julia? The two of you are friends?”

  Elle assumed by the tone in his voice that he was surprised a person like her would be friends with someone as sexy and fun as Julia.

  She twisted the ring on her thumb, watching the yellow gold circle around and around. “We mostly just work together and grab the occasional happy-hour drink,” she explained.

  He laid a hand on the headrest behind her, keeping his eyes trained on the road. “I didn’t realize you worked with Julia,” he said, stealing a glance at her. “You must be the new lawyer I’ve been hearing so much about.”

  “Hopefully, they’re good things.”

  He nodded. “Absolutely,” he said in a higher-pitched voice. “My dad would have loved it if I�
�d become a lawyer. He was always pressuring me and Tori to go to law school or medical school — something more serious than fitness. Ironic, since he’s the high school football coach.”

  Elle wondered about Ryan and Tori’s parents. Her own parents had never pressured her one way or another when it came to career choices. “You’re a great trainer. It’s easy to see you love it. Besides, you could do other things. Like start your own business, write a fitness book, become a celebrity trainer…” she said, flashing a wide smile at him and trying to picture a professional athlete or Hollywood star in Sweetbriar.

  “I’ll keep those suggestions in mind.”

  His smile just about made her melt into the seat.

  As they pulled into the parking lot of her condo, Elle realized she hadn’t asked a single question about Ryan. She was enjoying being with him and yes, starting to crush on him. Hard. Developing a thing for the gym god was not going to end well, but every moment they spent together, she liked him more. He wasn’t a charmer or a flirt. He spoke genuinely and carefully. He switched between being a playful, carefree man to a serious, almost-cold version of himself. It was hard to tell what triggered this change and which was the real Ryan.

  He left the Prius running after he pulled into Elle’s parking space and put the car in park. “So, no boyfriend waiting inside to break my kneecaps then?” Ryan asked in his Mr. Playful voice.

  “No, not exactly,” she said, reaching down to the floorboard to grab her purse.

  The click of his seatbelt was her only warning before he had her pinned against the passenger seat with one hand in her hair, forcing loose strands of hair to come untucked from the neat ponytail. His mouth found hers, catching her by surprise. It took her a moment to respond, but when she did, she was shocked to find her normally timid behavior gone as she moved into his kiss and met him with the same fervor.

  In one smooth motion, he had her unbuckled and lifted onto the console. Elle thanked the make-out gods that she was so short because a taller person would not have fit so easily. And this was heaven. Remembering all the times she had wished she could feel and see this man’s body, Elle moved her hands to his chest and arms, tracing a path over the hard outline of every chiseled muscle.

  As her hands wandered over his abs, Ryan moved his down the side of her body to her waist. Elle stilled.

  Oh God, please don’t let him touch my flabby stomach. She knew it was petty and insecure, but found herself lacking when compared to this ultra-fit man.

  He seemed to sense her hesitation and immediately lifted her back to her seat. He had turned the car off and was half out the door before she realized he was leaving.

  He spoke quickly and matter-of-factly as he turned and leaned down. “I am so sorry, Elle. That shouldn’t have happened. I promise it won’t again. Have a good night.”

  And with that, he was gone, leaving Elle to sit in her car and try and figure out what the hell had just occurred.

  THE MISSOURI AUTUMN night was cold and windy as Ryan walked home. Even the light rain that had begun to come down couldn’t put out the heat radiating from him. Damnit, he couldn’t believe he had kissed Elle. He had taken it too far, but he just couldn’t seem to control himself around her.

  Seeing her tonight in that red dress had made it damn-near impossible to talk to her without dragging her into the other room and ripping it off. What had surprised him the most, though, was that tonight she had seemed more confident and carefree. He had been thinking about mussing her up since the first day he saw her in that business suit with her hair pulled back tightly in the ever-present ponytail. He was getting hard again just remembering the way she had looked up at him tonight with those big sparkling blue eyes… and the way her soft hair felt in his hands as she pressed her pliant and responsive body up against his…

  He walked faster as the rain came down harder. He had exaggerated a bit when he told her he lived only a couple blocks from her. His best guess was it was a mile or more, but he hadn’t wanted the night to end.

  He had thought their attraction was mutual until she’d gone frigid and pulled back when he kissed her. Obviously, he had misread the signs. He’d send her an apology text when he got home and then explain again in person at their next training session. Shit. He hadn’t even walked her to the damn door. What a gentleman he was. He groaned. God, he’d screwed this up. The last few sessions of her training were going to be awkward as hell. Hopefully they could put it behind them — for the sake of his pride and his business.

  His apartment complex was lively at this time on a Saturday night. The apartments were mostly rented by younger, unmarried couples or singles. The place was the cheapest rent in town and, for Ryan, the most convenient since it was only a block from the gym. He’d lived in the small two-bedroom for the last six years. He and Chris had been roommates back then, both just finishing college and starting out on their own. Chris’s construction and development business had taken off quickly, and he had moved off several years ago into a bigger place across town.

  As Ryan entered the front door that led to four separate apartments, his neighbor and friend, Jake, was locking up his place, dressed in his police uniform and holding his cap underneath his arm.

  “You look like a drowned sewer rat. Did you walk home from the gym?” Jake took in his wet clothes and the trail of water he was leaving with every step. Jake was three years older, and though they’d known of each other most their lives, it wasn’t until he had moved in last year that they had become friends.

  “Something like that,” Ryan muttered, shaking the water from his hair.

  He’d never hear the end of the tormenting if he admitted he had walked a mile home from a girl’s place.

  “You’re headed to work, I see.” Ryan nodded toward Jake’s uniform. “Probably lots of fender benders tonight, the way it’s coming down out there.”

  Jake nodded. “Nothing much more exciting than fender benders and an occasional petty theft around Sweetbriar. Makes work boring, but I suppose it’s better than the alternative. See ya, man.” He turned then paused and looked over his shoulder with one hand on the door. “Boxing with Chris tomorrow morning when I get off work?”

  Ryan smirked at his buddy as they each headed in opposite directions. “Yeah. Better squeeze a nap between important police work so we don’t wipe the floor with you.”

  Jake snorted and headed out the door.

  Ryan unlocked and entered his apartment feeling a little better about the night. In his moment of self-pity, he had forgotten how lucky he was. He had good friends and a job he loved. And unlike Jake, he hadn’t been through an ugly divorce.

  Ryan didn’t know all the details but had heard Jake’s wife had just up and decided one day that she no longer wanted to be married. Jake was tight-lipped about the whole ordeal, but gossip around Sweetbriar was an accepted part of small-town life.

  Ryan peeled off his wet clothes and started the shower. The phone he pulled from his jeans pocket was a reminder that he needed to apologize to Elle.

  Ryan: Sorry about tonight. Can we grab coffee and talk – maybe tomorrow?

  He pressed send, set his phone on the bathroom counter, and jumped in the spray. The warm water felt great against his chilled and tense body. Try as he might to not think about Elle, he found himself replaying the whole night, looking for something he’d misread. He wasn’t used to being rebuffed so easily by women.

  The truth was Elle was the first woman in a long time he had needed to put any effort into getting her attention. Women had always made it easy for him. In high school, he’d had a flock of girls wanting to date him just because he was the quarterback. First year of college was the same way until the accident.

  Elle was different. She didn’t throw herself at him. If not for the way her skin pinked when she admitted she thought Tori was his girlfriend, or the quickening of her breath as he leaned closer to her, he’d think she didn’t like him at all. And that kiss. She had met his passion with her own.<
br />
  The ding of an incoming text pulled him out of his Elle-focused trance. He grabbed a towel and dried his hands enough to work the thing.

  Elle: It was nothing. I understand. I’ll come to the gym a few minutes early on Monday.

  It was nothing? It had certainly felt like something. Apparently, they were back to client and trainer, just like that. Maybe tonight would be easily forgotten. But he realized that wasn’t what he wanted at all.


  “SO, SPILL THE details!” Claire demanded over coffee and bagels the next morning. “What happened last night? Ryan took you home?!” Claire squealed, lifting the lid off her coffee, the steam escaping.

  She had texted Elle bright and early this morning demanding to know all the details. Elle had agreed to meet for coffee. She figured she could squash any rumors about her and Ryan and use the opportunity to ask for help with Brock, too. The ball was quickly approaching, and she needed a fabulous dress to pull off her plan. The whole thing with Ryan was making it even more confusing. Was she doing the right thing, trying to win Brock back, or should she just move on, make her own life in Sweetbriar or somewhere else? She didn’t need Brock — or anyone else — to start living.

  “He just drove me home. It was no big deal,” she said sternly. “He was just being nice.” Elle took a bite of her bagel.

  Claire pursed her lips. “Hmm… I don’t buy it, missy. Nice is making sure you get in a taxi or even texting to make sure you arrived home okay. So, how did he get home anyway? Wait, did he stay at your place? Please say yes!” Claire leaned in, studying her face.

  Elle rolled her eyes. “No, of course not. He walked from my place.”

  Claire spit her coffee. “No way! Oh, Elle dear. He has got it bad. Ryan lives near the gym. That must be a least a mile from your condo! No man drives a girl home and then walks a mile to his own place just to make sure she gets there safe.”


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