Big Girls & Bad Boys: 8 Scorching Hot BBW Alpha Male Romance Novellas Box Set

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Big Girls & Bad Boys: 8 Scorching Hot BBW Alpha Male Romance Novellas Box Set Page 11

by D. H. Cameron

  “I don’t know, Penny. I’ve always wondered what it might be like to eat your pussy. If I could find it under that carpet, I might just satisfy my curiosity,” Deb said and then laughed wildly, obviously pleased with herself.

  “Shut up and wax me. You’re crazy,” I said but I couldn’t help but laugh softly along with her.

  “I diverted your attention, didn’t I?” she said and I stared at her not understanding what that had to do with anything.

  “Huh?” I wondered as Deb smiled and yanked. “Fuck! God dammit!” I shrieked as Deb ripped the thick hair from the left half of my mound.

  “There’s one,” she said and held up the strip covered in hair that was firmly attached to me just moments ago. I fell back onto her bed and hoped this would be worth all the pain.


  Steve “Wildman” Benson, pitcher for the Arizona Diamondbacks, 1.73 ERA and 67 strikeouts along with a whole bunch of other stuff I didn’t understand. He was twenty-eight. I wasn’t quite old enough to be his mom but I didn’t find that as comforting as I had hoped. He was cute though, even more so in his official photo with his uniform and cap on.

  He was clean shaven in the picture but I recognized the square jaw. His eyes were dreamy, a medium blue-gray. Listen to me. I sounded like a teenager. Dreamy? Really? I kind of felt like a stalker checking him out online like this. He wasn’t hard to find, the only pitcher on the roster named Steve. Obviously, the lighting at the Pizza Shack was pretty poor. There was no way this guy would want to go out with me if he really got a good look at me.

  Still, I felt compelled to put on something prettier. It was hot, June in Arizona always was, so I put on a pair of shorts - my legs weren’t half bad - and a sleeveless blouse over my lacy pink bra and panties and waited. By four that afternoon, two short romances and a few games of Scrabble on my tablet later, I was beginning to lose hope. Steve was humoring Deb. I didn’t think I had gotten my hopes up, but I had.

  I decided to abandon this ruse and sure enough, as soon as I had my blouse off to change into something more comfortable, the doorbell rang. I hastily slipped the blouse back on and buttoned it on the way downstairs. I was sure this was Deb or one of Josh’s friends. Audrey was in her room but Josh was watching TV in the living room and hadn’t budged.

  “Don’t worry, Josh. I’ll get it,” I said sarcastically as I walked past my son to the entry way.

  “OK,” was all he said. I shook my head and rolled my eyes. Kids! I opened the door and found myself staring directly at Steve Benson’s chest. I looked up and closed my mouth which had involuntarily fallen open. Steve was in a fine linen shirt he left untucked, cargo shorts and leather sandals. He was tanned and lean. In short, he was dreamy - well he was.

  “Uh...,” was my eloquent greeting.

  “Penny?” Steve asked. I shook my head to clear it.

  “Yeah, sorry. I’m Penny,” I said trying to recover.

  “Hi, I’m Steve. I talked with your friend Deb this morning,” Steve said. Oh yeah, that Steve. I’d totally forgotten about the hot baseball player my best friend had set me up with. The guy I had endured Deb’s shoddy wax job for. The guy I was willing to go back for seconds and thirds to make sure I was baby smooth for. I’d almost forgotten - that’s sarcasm in case you can’t tell.

  “Hi. Nice to meet you. Come in,” I said.

  “Thanks,” he replied and followed me inside to the living room.

  “Beat it, kiddo. Go watch the TV upstairs,” I told Josh and he groaned and turned off the horrid zombie movie he was watching. Josh got up but when he saw Steve, his eyes got as big as saucers and he walked to the stairs backwards. “Josh, manners,” I said and he looked from Steve to me and then retreated up the stairs. I guess Josh knew who Steve Benson was.

  “Sorry, kids. You want a beer or something,” I asked and motioned for Steve to take a seat.

  “Uh, you got water?” he asked. I did and left to get him some. Once I was out of sight, I stopped pretending I wasn’t utterly blown away that this guy really showed up. His pictures didn’t do him justice. He was gorgeous. I got a glass and filled it with ice and then water from the refrigerator. Then I composed myself and went back to the living room.

  “Thanks,” he said as I handed him the glass and I sat on the opposite side of the sectional.

  “Sure,” I said and the room went deathly quiet. Were those crickets I heard chirping? I wanted to say something but what? Steve took a drink and then set the glass on my coffee table.

  “Sorry, here’s a coaster,” I said and regretted it immediately. I’m sure Steve thought that was sexy as hell. Oh yeah, nothing got a guy hotter than being told to use a coaster. Steve dutifully took the coaster and placed it under his glass.

  “I’ve seen you around a few times. How long you lived here?” Steve asked. Thank the lord. Conversation.

  “Like ten years. I don’t get out much,” I said.

  “Well, I’m gone a lot. This is awkward. Look, I saw you last night, staring at me, and your friend said you’d like to meet me. You want to go out or something?” Steve asked. I giggled despite myself and felt like a fool for doing it.

  “Um...,” I said and in an instant the last year flashed through my mind. Carl fucking Crystal, the divorce, my depression, Deb, all of it. But Deb’s words, “What’s the worst that can happen?” echoed in my head. That was a loaded question but after finding my husband fucking his intern, how much worse could things get? “Yeah, I’d love too,” I told Steve and felt pretty damn good for doing so.

  “You free tonight?” he asked me. I could leave my kids home alone for a few hours.

  “Yes, as a matter of fact,” I told him.

  “Cool,” Steve replied. Did this sexy ball player really just ask this old, I mean experienced, curvy woman out? Was it pity? I don’t know but I dismissed my doubts and decided to play this straight. He asked me out because he found me interesting, maybe even attractive. Yeah, why not? If Carl, balding and developing a spare tire, could get Crystal to sleep with him, maybe Steve wanted me. Hey, it was my delusion and I could have it anyway I wanted.

  “Where are we going?” I wondered.

  “You like sushi?” Steve asked.

  “I love it. Let me tell my kids I’m going and call Deb to have her check in on them,” I told him. I told the kids I was going out. Josh was indifferent. Audrey wanted to know where but I just told her I was going out with a friend.

  “Deb, I left forty bucks on the counter for dinner. You’re an angel for doing this,” I told Deb when I called her.

  “What, for setting you up with the stud?” she asked.

  “Well, that too. We’ll see what happens. I’m not convinced this is for real,” I replied.

  “Whatever. He asked you out, didn’t he?” she countered.

  “Probably because he felt sorry for the old...I mean experienced woman whose husband left her,” I told Deb.

  “I hope he jumps your bones just so I can say I told you so,” Deb replied and laughed.

  “So do I,” I answered and we both giggled.

  I came back downstairs and told Steve I as ready. He drove me to a sushi place a few miles away where we got a table instead of sitting at the bar. It was nice. The waitresses were in kimonos and the chefs wore headbands. They all spoke Japanese, at least with each other. Steve offered to order for us and I let him but only if he ordered sake too. He eagerly agreed.

  “So, you’re injured?” I asked trying to make conversation.

  “Yeah, I pulled a muscle in my shoulder,” Steve told me.

  “Is it bad?” I asked.

  “Nah, I’ll be pitching again in a week or two. You like baseball?” he asked. I did though I didn’t understand all of it.

  “Sure. I’ve taken the kids to a game or two,” I said though it was their dad that took us before the episode with Crystal.

  “Remind me and I’ll get you guys some tickets,” he told me and then asked, “So what’s your story?” Wow!
That was an open ended question. Should I give this guy the full version or the short? Short!

  “I got divorced last year,” I said and wondered why that’s all I had to say. I didn’t like the idea of my divorce defining me, but I guess it did - mental note, find something else to define me.

  “Sorry to hear it. Mutual?” he asked.

  “Hardly. You don’t want hear about it,” I said and Steve frowned.

  “I didn’t mean to pry,” he offered.

  “No, it’s not that. I’ll tell you if you want,” I replied.

  “I’d like to hear,” Steve told me and I believed him.

  “OK. I got dressed up to surprise my husband at his office. He had been working late, or so he told me. I found him there with his intern...uh...,” I said trying to find a delicate way to explain the sordid porn movie I walked in on.

  “And he was fucking her,” Steve stated for me. Yep, that about summed it up. There was no delicate way of putting it.

  “Exactly, so I divorced him. He’s gets the hot redhead and I got the house and the kids,” I said trying not to sound bitter.

  “Geez, what a dick,” Steve said. I’d called Carl worse.

  “Yeah, well, life sucks. I’m moving on,” I said and the waitress brought the sake just in time. Steve poured use each a cup and I downed mine and he poured me another. I enjoyed Steve. He wasn’t what I expected. He seemed laid back and easy going. He was born in California so that fit - yes, I read his whole bio and committed it to memory, sue me. “So, why do they call you Wildman?” I asked him. Steve laughed.

  “Lots of reasons,” he said.

  “Hey, I spilled my guts. It’s your turn,” I said. I was surprised how easy it was to open up and talk with Steve, or rather how easily I found it to open up after all this time.

  “All right. I played football in high school too. Linebacker. I planned on going to college on a football scholarship but the Tigers drafted me out of high school. I decided to take the money. I wasn’t big on school anyway,” he said. Uh, last time I checked they didn’t call you Wildman because you chose baseball over football. I curled my lip and cocked an eyebrow.

  “Yeah, well. I play baseball like I used to play football. I’ve got a reputation for plunking guys. The first time I did it, I told everyone the pitch got away from me. It didn’t but the idea that I threw wild pitches stuck, hence the name. It took on a different meaning after I’d beaned a few other guys and started a few fights. In fact, I hurt my shoulder in a brawl,” he said. I knew what he was talking about. I’d heard Carl talk about pitchers hitting batters. He said it was part of the game, though unofficially.

  “You’re a thug, in other words,” I observed playfully. He laughed.

  “Yeah, I suppose so,” he said. Our plate of sushi came and we ate our fill and even ordered a few more pieces of nigiri, the rice balls with the raw fish on top, along with some more sake. I was feeling pretty mellow but something was bothering me. I had to ask. I know it sounded pitiful and desperate.

  “Steve, why did you ask me out?” I inquired and regretted it immediately. It sounded worse out loud than it did in my head.

  “I saw the way you were staring at me last night. I never thought I’d see you again but when I found out we were neighbors...,” he said leaving obvious conclusion unsaid. I wanted to believe this guy found me attractive and interesting but I just couldn’t bring myself to do it.

  “Bullshit. Look, I’m divorced and I haven’t dated since I met my ex but if this is charity...,”I replied leaving my own statement unfinished.

  “I hear what you’re saying. It’s not charity. I happen to like women like...,” Steve said and I waited for him to finish. Apparently we were already finishing each other’s thoughts but I needed to hear this one.

  “Women like what?” I asked.

  “Um, I seemed to have talked myself into a corner. You know, women like you,” he said clearly embarrassed. I wasn’t sure what he meant at first but then I think I figured it out.

  “Deb calls women like me experienced and curvy. I call them old and fat,” I said. Steve laughed and looked relieved. Then he narrowed his eyes and looked directly into mine with a sly smile on his face.

  “I like my women old and fat,” he said. The words weren’t flattering but the way he said them brought on an unfamiliar tingle between my thighs. It would have been easy to believe he was teasing me but the way he looked at me told me he wasn’t.

  “Oh, well...,” I said and giggled despite myself. Was it hot in here? Was my foot caressing his leg? Yes, I think it was.

  “You want to get out of here?” he asked meaningfully. Suddenly, I remembered I was still raw from the waxing that morning. Dammit! What was I going to say, “Sorry, I can’t sleep with you. I got waxed?”

  “I’d like that,” I replied instead. Steve slid out of the booth and offered me his hand after he tossed a hundred on the table. I took his big hand and he led me out of the bar and to his car. I wasn’t sure what was going to happen but I resolved right then I’d grit my teeth and bear it whatever it was. He didn’t take me home or to some private place to park - though I wanted him to. Instead he drove us to a bar.

  “You like to dance?” he asked.

  “You’re fucking kidding, right?” I replied half joking and half serious. Dancing? I loved dancing but Carl never would do it.

  “No, why?” he shot back.

  “I haven’t danced in years. My ex hated it,” I told Steve.

  “Well, Penny, I’m not your ex. I love to dance,” he said. Damn right you aren’t my ex! I was instantly moist and sticky and it wasn’t from the Arizona heat. Steve led me inside where a live band playing rock and roll and a few couples danced out on the floor. We walked to the bar and Steve ordered us a couple of beers. I’d never been one of those white wine girls anyway. I liked beer and whiskey now and then. Carl always said I ate and drank like a guy. Why was I upset about the divorce again?

  “I hope you like beer,” Steve said.

  “I do,” I replied and clinked my longneck bottle against his and then we both took a big sip.

  “So, you haven’t dated since your divorce? When was that?” Steve wondered.

  “It’s been nearly a year since I found Carl fucking his intern. The divorce was finalized about six months ago,” I told him.

  “That’s got to fuck with your head. Was she hot?” Steve asked.

  “Yeah, it messed up my head pretty good. Didn’t help that she’s like twenty years old, perfectly slim body, natural D-cups, china white, flawless skin, flame red hair and carpet to match,” I told Steve. He laughed.

  “You really caught them doing it? I mean, like in the act?” he wondered. I’m not sure why he was so interested, but it felt good to talk about it like it was in my past instead of the present.

  “Yes, she was on his desk, skirt up around her waist, pantyhose torn open. She was horrified. Carl just kept going until he finally figured out I was standing behind him,” I explained. Steve laughed. I guess it was kind of funny and I couldn’t help but join him. “It’s not funny,” I tried to tell him though I guess it was.

  “I’m sorry, I’ve just got this picture in my head of that girl freaking out as your ex is going to town and you’re behind him, arms crossed, tapping your foot impatiently,” he said. I laughed even harder because that’s almost exactly what happened.

  “Yes, that’s what it was like,” I told Steve as I caught my breath. I couldn’t believe I was laughing about it. Why was Steve so easy to talk to? I’d never felt this comfortable with Carl. Well not in a long time anyway. Maybe it was having kids and settling into a routine that did it. Who knows but I hadn’t felt this relaxed and carefree in a long time.

  “C’mon, young man. Let’s go dance,” I told Steve and chugged the rest of my beer. We joined the other couples on the dance floor. I hadn’t danced in public in years but I didn’t let my lack of practice stop me. I went for it. Steve may have liked to dance, but he was terrible
at it. I couldn’t help but giggle as he did the white guy dance.

  “What’s so funny?” he asked.

  “You are!” I told him and he rolled his eyes. We danced for a long time, at least a dozen songs. I was having a ball. When the band took a break we had another beer and then we hit the dance floor again when the band came back. Before I knew it, it was eleven. I had to get home before my kids called the police and reported me missing. I let Steve know and he glanced at his watch.

  “Oh shit! I had no idea. Yeah, we should get you home. I don’t want to scar your kids,” he told me. We left the bar and I wondered if Steve was OK to drive but I’d sweat out all the beer dancing and I assumed he was better at drinking than I was. For the first time, I had a chance to reflect on the evening and I was grinning from ear to ear. I hadn’t had fun like that in a long, long time.

  We entered the gated neighborhood and then pulled up in front of my house. Steve got out first and hurried around to open my door. And they said chivalry was dead. Steve, however, had ulterior motives. I got out of his car and Steve gathered me up in his arms. Well, that was unexpected and felt so good. I looked up into his eyes as Steve smiled down at me. “Can I see you again?” he said.

  “Are you for real? Yes, I’d love to see you again,” I told him. Steve gazed into my eyes for a moment and then surprised me as his lips met mine. I went stiff for a moment but then relaxed in his arms. We parted and I felt hot and was breathing hard. “Carl has the kids next weekend. I want to make you dinner. Say five on Saturday?” I told him.

  “I’ll bring the beer,” he said and then his arms slipped from me and he took a step back. I felt wobbly.

  “I’ll see you then,” I told him and headed up the walk towards my front door, never turning my back on him. Steve watched me go and I wondered if this was really happening.

  “Night, beautiful,” Steve told me and my knees went weak again. I almost invited him inside. My panties were warm and moist again. I don’t care how it sounded. He was fucking dreamy!

  “Good night,” I said and finally turned to look where I was going before I tripped over the steps along the walkway. I kept looking back over my shoulder and Steve continued to watch me go. He was so sexy. Finally, I got to the door, found it unlocked - and that should have bothered me but I was too focused on Steve - and waved before I went inside. Steve did the same and then went to get in his car. I closed the front door and rushed to the window to watch him go. I lingered there until he had turned the corner and disappeared from sight. I turned and found my kids and Deb staring at me from the sectional gathered around a Monopoly board.


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