Big Girls & Bad Boys: 8 Scorching Hot BBW Alpha Male Romance Novellas Box Set

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Big Girls & Bad Boys: 8 Scorching Hot BBW Alpha Male Romance Novellas Box Set Page 19

by D. H. Cameron

  Nothing she said was wrong. I often bathed myself in fantasy to escape my boring reality. But I wasn’t the adventurous type. I traveled but I spent my time observing instead of participating. I didn’t ski, I watched the skiers while I read. I didn’t hike but I took pictures of the mountains. I didn’t meet new people instead watching them from afar.

  However, it was hard. I wasn’t pretty or popular or outgoing. I wasn’t big on risk. I had a secure job, I saved money and I had a pension coming to me someday. I didn’t take chances. When I did spend money, it was after everything else was taken care of, all the bills paid, money put in savings. My car was the lone exception but even then I paid cash and even bought the extended warranty. I liked life safe and boring, frankly, but that’s who I was. I thought so anyway.

  “I like reading about that stuff but I could never do it,” I told Margo.

  “You can’t do it or you won’t do it?” Margo asked.

  “What’s the difference?” I wondered.

  “There’s a whole world of difference, Batgirl. A whole wide world,” Margo said and I knew she meant more than simply the difference was vast. She meant it literally. Then Margo leaned close and her hand found my knee. I inhaled sharply and she paused. Her eyes looked into mine as if she was looking right into my soul and then Margo kissed me. Softly at first but with more intensity as the seconds passed. Her other hand cupped my cheek softly.

  Oh, I resisted, if not overtly, I did internally. But the heat was too much and I could feel myself melting. Her lips were so soft, her hands so warm, her breath like a whisper. Before I knew it, I took her hand in my own and my body went limp. I allowed Margo to kiss me, I needed her too. Then she was gone and staring into my eyes again. She wore a soft smile. I wore a stunned look and my breath was shallow and ragged.

  “That’s only a promise, Emily. If you want I’ll make good on that. I’ll reveal the girl that longs for adventure and romance. I’ll expose your Bat Cave, so to speak. I’ll lure her out and she won’t ever go back inside again. You won’t want her to,” Margo said and sat back but her hand never left my knee and mine didn’t leave Margo’s hand.

  “Margo, I’m...I...I don’t like women,” I stammered. I wasn’t a lesbian. I had nothing against them but I wasn’t gay.

  “Adventure knows no sexual preference or gender. Neither does love,” was all she said and signaled for the waiter.


  Dinner was awkward, for me anyway. Margo seemed to enjoy herself and maybe even my discomfort. The ride home was just as bad. We hardly said two words but Margo was grinning each time I dared look at her. At my house, Margo hopped out of her truck and came around to open my door. She even offered me her hand, which I took but more just to be polite. She closed the door once I was on the sidewalk and turned to face me.

  “Thanks for talking to me,” I said. Margo smiled warmly.

  “Invite me inside,” she told me.

  “What?” I asked.

  “Invite me inside. Let me coax the real you out of the closet,” she said. I wasn’t sure what she meant by that. Was she insinuating I was a lesbian or did she mean the girl she claimed was trapped inside me? Maybe she meant both. And exactly how did she propose to do it? “Please?” Margo added and caressed my cheek with her hand. Why did that feel so good?

  “I suppose. Why don’t you come inside,” I said as if someone else was speaking for me. I wasn’t sure I wanted her to come in. She was scaring me again. I was scaring me. She took my hand, her fingers slipping between mine. Self-consciously I looked around for fear a neighbor might be watching.

  “Lead on,” Margo told me. I hesitated but did lead her up my walk and to my front door. I unlocked the door and we went inside. Margo walked past me as I closed the door and when I turned she was inches from me. Her hands slipped around my hips and she backed me against the front door. Her lips met mine but this time it wasn’t soft or sweet. Her tongue slipped between my lips and began to explore my mouth as one hand squeezed my behind and the other kneaded my breast.

  I struggled weakly for a moment but I melted much faster this time. I didn’t respond yet I didn’t resist either. It had been years since anyone had touched me like this and my body betrayed me. I felt a warm tingling between my thighs that I hadn’t felt in a long time. I was flushed and my heart raced. My knees buckled. Margo broke the kiss but her hands didn’t leave my body though she abandoned my breast and her hand moved down by torso and then between my legs. I gasped and she gently stroked me.

  “Let me make love to you, Emily. I promise you won’t regret it. Just one night and if you don’t want me, I’ll leave you alone. I don’t think that will be the case, however,” Margo said, her breath warm and inviting.

  “Margo, I...,” I attempted to say something but I didn’t know what. I longed for the touch of another. My body responded even as my mind reeled. I was moist and swollen and covered in goose bumps.

  “You need to say it, sweetie. Tell me you want me and I promise I’ll give you a night you won’t ever forget and if you want, it will be just the first of many,” Margo said, her lips nearly touching mine, her hand gently stroking me.

  “I’m scared,” was all I could manage.

  “Scared is good. Scared is exciting and thrilling. Scared is where I live. On the edge, one step from disaster. It’s intoxicating and satisfying. Stop watching life and start living it. Let me show you how, Emily. Let me free the wild bitch you refuse to let out. Let me make you scream. Let me give you wet, hot orgasms. Let me leave you shaking like a leaf, fulfilled beyond your wildest dreams and darkest desires,” Margo told me.

  I was already shaking like a leaf. The last shred of my resistance gave way. Maybe it was deeply buried desires, maybe it was long denied needs or maybe it was just that I was sick and tired of who and what I’d let myself become but I didn’t care if Margo was a woman. I longed for another human being to want me. I don’t know why she did and I wasn’t in the mood to ponder the reason. I needed this more than I realized and more than I could express.

  “Margo, make love to me,” was all I said. Margo stepped back and unbuttoned her blouse, shrugged it off and let it fall away exposing her naked breasts. They were full and round, probably fake but still amazing. Then she shimmied out of her skirt and revealed she wore no panties either. She stood in her high-heeled sandals and let me take in her naked body. See was tan all over and stunning. Between her thighs she was trimmed but not shaven, even allowing a tuft of her dark hair to grow free and wild above her sex.

  She held out her hand and I took it. I stared in wonder at her perfection. Why would a woman with her looks and figure want a girl like me? I hadn’t seen another person nude in years and I couldn’t take my eyes off her. Was I attracted to her? Yes! Was it because she was a woman or because I was a lesbian, I didn’t know. All I knew was she was beautiful and sexy. You’d have to be dead not to see that.

  Margo led me down my hallway and found my bedroom. That was my sanctum, the room that was me and all me. It was girly, frilly and lacy, not to mention pink. My four post bed was dressed in sheer pink fabric, the walls were pink and the window seat where I read was decorated with pink pillows. More shelves filled with more books stood against one wall. Margo sat on the end of my bed and left me standing in front of her.

  “Your turn, sexy. I want to see you naked,” Margo said. I hadn’t thought this far ahead. I wasn’t comfortable getting nude by myself much less in front of another person. I couldn’t even compare myself to Margo. She was perfect. I was pasty white, my breasts were big but pendulous unlike hers, my hips wide and my behind absolutely huge compared to Margo’s. Margo waited patiently as I hesitated. She had crossed her legs and reclined on her outstretched arms. She looked absolutely fantastic.

  Finally, it was the memory of her soft hand on my face, her tongue in my mouth and the way she stroked me through my leggings that prompted me to ignore my fear and do as she wanted. I pulled my sweater dress off and then peeled
my leggings down and stepped from them after kicking my flats off. I stood in only my bra and panties as Margo devoured me with her eyes. That’s the only way I could explain the way she looked at me, the way no one had ever looked at me before.

  I unfastened my bra and my breasts spilled free like water from a dam. Then I pulled my panties off and stood nude before Margo. I was trembling. God, how I wanted to look like Margo but that wasn’t going to happen. I may have had another girl hiding inside but even she wasn’t built like Margo. As much as I wanted to look like the woman reclining nude on my bed, I couldn’t. But I could explore her body, feel it pressed against mine and maybe even pleasure Margo’s amazing form.

  “Fucking sexy. There she is. There’s the wild bitch I saw. I can’t wait to dig my nails into your curves, Emily. You’re beautiful,” Margo said. Did she really mean that? At the moment, I didn’t care. I just wanted her to touch me and make good on her promise. I stepped forward and Margo sat up, dragged a long nail between my breasts, over my belly and then teased my soft folds with it. I inhaled sharply; the touch of another was overwhelming.

  “You’re shaking. Are you afraid?” Margo asked.

  “Absolutely terrified, Margo. Terrified to be naked, terrified of what we’re about to do and terrified of what it means,” I told her honestly.

  “I can almost feel your need. Embrace your fears, Emily. Explore them. There are no rules that aren’t of your own making. Let me show you,” Margo told me and pulled me to her. She hugged me as she pressed her head between my breasts and her warm flesh was delicious. I didn’t even know I needed to feel another’s touch so badly but I did. Margo let me go and invited me to join her on the bed. I did try to let go and just let things happen.

  “Lay down, sweetie,” she said and I did. Margo climbed over me and began kissing me. I didn’t simply accept her kiss. I responded. My tongue entwined with hers and my hands tentatively touched her hard body. Margo broke the kiss and began working her way down my body with her lips and tongue. Her touch was electric and she left goose bumps in her wake. My skin was alive after a long slumber and I couldn’t get enough.

  “Oh my goodness!” I said spontaneously. Margo laughed softly as she sucked one of my nipples into her mouth and nursed gently as she stared into my eyes. When she was satisfied, she did that same with my other nipple. After a brief moment, Margo kissed her way down my belly and then settled between my legs. Was she going to really do it? Was she going to kiss me down there?

  “Your pussy is so pretty. So soft and pink. It’s glistening with your juices,” Margo said. I swelled with lust at her words. I didn’t even trim my pubic hair but suddenly I wished I was bare. Margo apparently didn’t agree. “I love your furry little pussy. Too many girls shave bare and look like teenagers. I like a woman’s pussy. I love the way a woman’s fuzz tickles my nose when I eat her,” Margo said as she teased me with her long nails. I swear that almost made me climax. She was driving me crazy.

  “Please, Margo,” I whispered. I needed her to pleasure me more than I thought was possible.

  “You need to say it. Use the words. Don’t be ashamed. Those words were made for sex. Pussy, ass, fuck, come, all of them,” Margo said. I swallowed hard. I’d read those words in books. I’d even said them occasionally but not in this context.

  “Eat my pussy, Margo. Suck my clit. Make me come,” I begged. Margo smiled at me and then her tongue darted forth and swept through my folds. I cried out. Her lips surrounded my clit and she teased it with her tongue. I tensed and fought it for a moment. The unfamiliar feelings were shockingly intense. I’d touched myself but it never felt like this. It was never this insistent. It was never this good.

  The dam suddenly burst and I squealed and arched as the pleasure flowed through me and swept me up. Margo looked into my eyes and held my gaze as I climaxed and that simple look made it even better. I began to writhe and moan as Margo set my body ablaze. Was it her expert touch or was it my desperation? Maybe both but I’d never felt anything quite like this in my life. It was delicious, exquisite and spine-tingling. I felt a need, not physical but to express myself instead.

  “Fuck! Oh my fucking goodness! Fuck! Fuck! FUCK!” I screamed as another orgasm hit me like a hurricane. It ravaged me in ways I didn’t know were possible. The room sparkled, my nerves danced and my flesh tingled.

  “There she is. The wild bitch is coming out to play. But that was nothing sweetie,” Margo promised. She slipped a finger into my sopping tunnel. I hadn’t realized how wet I was until I felt her so easily impale me. Then Margo curled her finger and the entire world disappeared. I arched my back and screamed as another orgasm, this one different, deeper, more satisfying grabbed me and wouldn’t let go. The sensations were nearly intolerable but I loved every moment.

  “Margo, holy fuck! You’re so fucking beautiful. My God!” I shouted as soon as I was able. Margo laughed and came to my side, stroking my pussy and kissing my cheek.

  “You like that word. I like hearing you say it. Fuck! What a beautiful word, especially when you utter it,” Margo told me. I giggled. I never giggled, not like that.

  “I never talk like that,” I assured her.

  “You should. I have a feeling your wilder than even I realize,” Margo said. Suddenly, I wanted to be the wild bitch she claimed I was. I wanted to be that for her.

  “Do that again. Eat my fucking pussy you sexy lesbian. Make me come and scream and go nuts,” I pleaded. My mind was reeling and the words were forming faster than I could say them. I felt, maybe for the first time ever, alive.

  “I’ve got a better idea. Why don’t we both eat pussy,” she said. I looked down. Margo had one leg stretched out but the other was bent, her high heel resting on the bed. I could see the patch of dark hair and her soft, fuzzy mound beyond. The thought was deliciously frightening but I wanted to let her pubic hair tickle my nose. I nodded eagerly. Margo climbed over me and settled her hips down on my shoulders. She lay on top of me and immediately began lapping at my pussy.

  I stared at her beautiful pussy. Her small delicate folds, her soft dark mound, her glistening hood hiding her little nub. I wrapped my arms around her strong thighs and touched her with a finger. So sexy. I kissed her sex softly and then let my tongue explore gently. This was incredibly arousing and seemed so taboo. This was a woman. Even men were foreign to me but doing this with a woman was somehow forbidden. I liked that.

  “That feels nice, sweetie,” Margo told me. That made me want to do more, go further. I pushed my tongue between her succulent lips and let it play. Margo moaned as she did the same to me. She was taking it slow now, letting me luxuriate in her attention. That’s what it was too, like some indulgent luxury, a special treat. I followed her lead and took my time, teasing her gently. I dared slip my tongue deeper and discovered her tangy nectar.

  That caused me to delve even further and soon I wiggled my tongue in Margo’s warm tunnel. The more that was revealed to me, the more I needed to discover. I withdrew and found her swollen clit. I teased it with my tongue as I slipped a finger into Margo. I barely perceived what Margo did to me I was so caught up in pleasuring her. She began to slowly pump her hips as I thrust my finger in and out of her slippery hole.

  I bore down on her clit. Could I make her come like she had made me come? I hoped so. I sucked at and teased her clit as I fucked her pussy with my finger. Margo’s breathing quickened and I could feel her heart pounding. She moaned and sighed. I increased the pressure and her hips rocked even faster. She lifted her head and inhaled sharply.

  “Just like that, sweetie,” she urged me. I continued but quickened my pace and pressed harder. Margo’s breath came in short huffs and then she tensed. Oh my goodness! I was making her come. My tongue went crazy on her clit and my finger pumped as deeply as I could manage and Margo screamed out,” I’m coming!” I don’t know why but I spanked her and harder than I intended. Margo looked back over her shoulder at me, her eyes full of desire.

  “You wild bi
tch!” she exclaimed and then her eyelids fluttered and she came yet again. I’d never in my life seen anything sexier, anything more beautiful or anything more satisfying as seeing Margo climax from my touch. She let the orgasm take her as I continued to please her. Finally she relaxed and sighed deeply. Margo climbed from me, turned and lay next to me. I turned and she wrapped me in her arms.

  “That was amazing, Emily. Do you see what I see yet?” she asked. I nodded and we kissed. We let our hands roam and Margo never shied away from any part of me. She seemed to love playing in my lush hills and deep valleys. Her fingers kneaded my flesh eagerly. I enjoyed her touch and touching her tight, hard body. My goodness, she was amazingly beautiful.

  Suddenly after several minutes, Margo pulled away and sat between my legs. One of her long, shapely legs slid under one of legs. She wrapped the other over my other leg and she pressed her pussy against mine. She took my leg that was between hers and used it for leverage and began rubbing herself against me. That was fantastic. I took her leg and sat up and returned the favor.

  “There you go. This is how girls fuck,” she said breathlessly. Our juices flowed freely and flesh glided over flesh easily. Margo bit her lip and adjusted her angle until she was satisfied. Suddenly her clit was rubbing against mine. “That’s the spot!” she said. Was I really doing this? The reality began to sink in as we fucked. This was so foreign to me yet so familiar. I suppose this was what people did. They made love, they had sex and they fucked. It was natural, an instinct that I had been denying.

  I felt the tension build within me. It needed release but as good as fucking Margo felt, this was a slow burn. Margo stared into my eyes and I refused to look away. This wasn’t just pleasure. I was sharing something with this amazing woman. Something special and intimate. We moaned and sighed as our gyrations become more and more desperate. I wanted to come but just as badly, I wanted to make Margo come.


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