by Janette Oke
Clark reached for Marty. At first he said nothing, only looked deeply into her eyes.
“It hurts a mite, doesn’t it?” he whispered.
Marty nodded. “Isn’t she beautiful—our Missie?”
Clark’s eyes darkened with emotion. “Yeah, she’s beautiful.”
“Oh, Clark—I love her so.”
“I know ya do.” He pulled her close and his hand stroked her back. “Thet’s why yer lettin’ her go.”
Down below, the waiting neighbors were beginning a hymn. Marty knew it was time for her to take her place downstairs. Soon Clark would be coming down, too, with the radiant Missie on his arm.
She looked at Clark, silently accepting with deep appreciation the strength he offered. Then she slipped away.
She would not cry anymore—not today, Missie’s wedding day. There would be many times ahead for that. Today she would smile—would face her neighbors as the happy mother of the bride—would welcome, with love, another son.
She stopped at the top of the stairs, breathed a quick prayer, took a deep breath, and descended smiling.