A Kayak for One

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A Kayak for One Page 17

by K. L. McCluskey

  "Can you wait until I take the students over and come back? I was just heading out to do that," she said.

  They left the office to get their bags ready and said they'd wait in the porch of the cottage out of the rain. Charlene walked down to the boat. The students came running from the cottages despite their good rain gear and Dan sauntered over, his Tilley hat dripping water from the rim down his back. He smiled at Charlene and she noticed he looked rested and at peace somehow. She couldn't help but look at Ashley on the way to the parking lot in a different light. Sarah was going to come over later in the day when she had a chance to leave the office.

  Charlene got big hugs when the couple hopped onto the boat. They said they put the canoe gear in the cottage and returned the canoe to the rack. Charlene wasn't in the mood to say it would have to come off so she could check it before they left. She had the end of the season ennui. As soon as she got back from the landing, she got her laundry basket ready and went in to clean cottage #4.

  As she ran back into the laundry area with the pile of laundry, Charlene was startled to see the Porters sitting in the office by the fire. She took off her raincoat and shook it out before going in to see them.

  "What a day!" she said to them.

  "We were so lucky with the weather the whole week," Edna said.

  "Oh my God!" Charlene exclaimed. "I forgot you were checking out today! How could I forget that?! I am so sorry to keep you waiting."

  "We saw your note that you were in cottage #4. We were happy to just sit by the fire. We've only been here a few minutes," Edna said as she stretched her legs out to the warmth from the wood stove.

  "We were thinking that if the cottage was available we'd like to stay another few nights. You've been talking about that eclipse and since tonight is supposed to be the best night for viewing, we don't want to miss it. I have my tripod all set and ready to take to the dock if it clears up. Even if it doesn't, we'd like to stay longer."

  "Yes it is available and it would be great to have you here longer and the forecast is for this mess to stop by mid-day," Charlene said, relieved she wouldn't have to clean their cottage today too.

  She tried to clean the cottages as the guests left just in case someone showed up at the landing without a reservation. That happened often enough in the off seasons. If she had to leave a cottage not cleaned because she was just too busy, she at least cleaned out the garbage and took out the dirty linens. Anything less was too disgusting.

  Edna looked at Charlene for a moment. Charlene thought she was checking to see if she was sincere. She tried to keep any negative thought of Edna out of her mind so it wouldn't reflect on her face. Jack was standing just to the side and slightly behind Edna as per his usual place, and gave Charlene the thumbs up sign behind Edna's back.

  "I have been so busy with my photography and sketching, I'm afraid I haven't noticed that Jack has hardly had the time to go fishing."

  Edna turned toward Jack and gave him a beatific smile. He stepped forward and put his arm around her shoulders.

  "So we want to keep the boat too for the next few days and the rest of the holiday will be for Jack to fish when he wants," Edna said.

  Man oh man, thought Charlene. Just when you think you have someone figured out they become nice right in front of your eyes. She didn't think much surprised her anymore, but seeing the Porters as a loving couple did.

  "If you have another copy of that fishing book you gave Jack, I'd love to borrow it so I can understand what all the fishing fuss is about. Jack seems to have misplaced his."

  Chapter 55


  "Hello again, Charlie," Mr. Blake greeted Charlene as though he hadn't just seen her a few days before. Maybe that's why she liked being around him. He really got excited around people.

  "Hi Mr. Blake. Hi Stacey. Hey, thanks again for the beets. I had some last night and they were so good. Thanks Stacey," she said as Stacey passed her a small parcel and the paperwork to sign.

  "Anytime Charlie. I just took a basket over to Joe this morning."


  "Yes. Joe, your fella'. I know he was away for a day, but don't tell me you forgot about him already!" he laughed and was still laughing when he said he better get moving so he didn't stiffen from the damp and not be able to get moving.

  When Mr. Blake was out of the store, Stacey said, "Yes Joe is back. He came in just before I closed yesterday. He went to Bennett's market when he was in Hamilton and got me a basket of Northern Spy apples so I can bake some pies. He picked out a dozen for himself. I don't know why they are called 'Northern' when everyone knows you can hardly ever get them in the north."

  Did everyone know he was in Hamilton? Charlene wondered. Did everyone but her know why he was in Hamilton and why he was at his ex's house?

  "Did he say why he was in Hamilton Stacey?" Charlene asked knowing that whatever was said between them would stay between them.

  "No, just that he had some unpleasant business to see to and that he was glad to be back. I think he's making you a cake Charlie. He bought some whipping cream and eggs to make an upside down apple cake that he said he would top with the cream. I asked him to bring me a piece if there's any left."

  "Yeah right."

  "That's what he said."

  Charlene left the store in a daze. She knew Stacey noticed she was upset but was kind enough to keep quiet. She could feel the sickness in her stomach and her eyes started to burn. Tears would follow. She had to sit in her car for a minute before pulling away and driving home. What the hell was going on?

  She got back to mist rising from the lake with the sun coming out stronger and no more rain. The view from the road going into the resort was amazing. She looked down at her cell and thought about getting out and taking a shot, but thought she would just let the image of the flat water, the mist, and the trees dripping with the reds and oranges of fall colour contrasted against the white rock at the shoreline soak into her mind...an image to be retrieved when she needed a moment of beauty. Like now, she thought. The beauty almost made her forget that Joe was back and he didn't call her.

  She went into auto pilot and got onto the pontoon boat and slowly made her way back over to the resort. She tucked the small Purolator package into the top of her coat. The seats of the boat were still sopping wet. Everyone had to stand on the boat ride over to the landing in the morning and Charlene didn't like that. She had to go slowly so nobody would keel over.

  After she docked the boat, Charlene went up to the shed to get an old towel and walked back to start the tedious task of drying all the stacking chairs. As she bent over the crunching sound in her coat reminded her she had a package in her coat. She took it out and opened it up. Inside the gorgeous lilac and silver wrapping paper was a beautifully crafted round porcupine quill box with the design of a beaver on the top of the lid. The bottom was signed by the artist, a local woman from Manitoulin Island. Charlene knew they cost hundreds of dollars. She looked at a display of such boxes in Turner's of Little Current on the island. She lifted the lid. Inside nestled in soft purple velvet was a note. As she opened the paper and read the words "I love you" written in Joe's hand, she turned to the sound of approaching footsteps.

  "Hello Charlene."

  "Hello Joe.”

  After the students were picked up and the office closed for the day, they worked side by side in the kitchen chopping celery, onions, a few chunks of sweet potato, tender peas and carrots and small pieces of beef. When the meat was browned in hot oil, they put everything into the big pot on the stove and added the cut up vegetables including whole, small, new white potatoes and lots of black pepper.

  "When will dinner be ready?" Joe asked.

  "That's the beauty of stew," Charlene said.

  "It can stew."


  Chapter 56


  Charlene hopped out of bed to the parking lot phone ringing. It was down in the office instead of upstairs where she usually put
it in the evening. She threw her feet into her moccasins and ran down to answer the phone.

  "Don't tell me you forgot about me Staff!"

  "Okay I won't. Can you give me a few minutes?"

  "I see Joe's car here."

  Charlene could hear the smirk in her voice.

  Charlene ran back up to get dressed. She looked at the clock on the stove as she passed the kitchen. It was 6:30 p.m. It would be dark soon, and for sure when she took Sarah back over. Joe was out of bed and getting dressed.

  "It's Sarah. She told me she was coming today but when she didn't show up earlier I guessed it was off."

  "How about you take me over to the landing when you get her and I will go home and come back around 9:00 o'clock. How about we then have a late, well-stewed mug of dinner then check out the eclipse?" Joe asked. "I didn't bring warm enough clothes for sitting out in the night air, and I forgot something at home."

  Charlene realized she didn't even see Joe's car parked in the lot when she got back from the store.

  "By the way, how did you get over here when I was gone?" she asked Joe.

  "I was at the dock and called over. I was just about to hang up the phone when your guest Jack came over in the fishing boat. He was bailing out the boat at the dock and saw me pull up. He said he saw you leave so came over to see who I was and what I wanted. He was doing sentry duty while you were gone."

  "Ah that is so nice of him." Charlene loved having Jack at the resort. He was one of the nice guests.

  "I was going to put my boat into the lake since the fish would really be jumping today with all the rain. I was thinking of putting it in closer to my house to really surprise you but had no idea my car parked in plain sight would do the same thing." Joe smiled and pulled on his rubber boots at the same time Charlene did.

  "On this lake?"

  "Of course this lake! How else could I have surprised you?"

  "Where can you put your boat in this lake closer to your house?"

  "On the road to the reserve. You know that dirt road that goes off the highway near the village? The one that has the private property sign a little way up the road?" he asked.

  "Oh yeah. The private property road that I wouldn't think to drive up on since there is the huge private property keep out sign."

  "It's not private property right at the start of the road. There's a natural spot to back the trailer into the lake and park the truck and trailer at the side of the road."

  "I had no idea anyone could get on the lake without coming on my ramp or from one of the houses in Miner's Village," she said.

  She realized the killer didn't have to be someone on the lake already. It could be an outsider or someone who lives in the area and knows about that launching spot.

  Chapter 57


  "So, he's coming back later. I won't be long anyway. I've had a long day already and Patty is home so I should be there too," Sarah said in a manner that was clear she did not want to go home.

  Charlene knew the feeling. For many officers the long hours and the heavy responsibility of solving a murder made home just a house to go to for sleep and food. The relationship with the family came second for the most part during a serious investigation and it was often better to stay late at the office to not provoke arguments or be the cause of misunderstandings while focusing on solving a case.

  "Spill. You look better Staff. Not much, but a bit."

  "Joe was in Hamilton at his ex's house for a few reasons. The main one was that she phoned him really upset at just finding out that their son's adoption papers were final and they were the legal parents of the little guy they had been fostering."

  "That was upsetting to her?"

  "It seems so. Stuart is gay and lives with Tony. They've been foster parents to a little boy for a year and the chance came up to adopt so they started the process. Now that it's over they are ecstatic. Joe's ex is screaming like a banshee. She hasn't accepted Stuart's life choice even though he's been openly gay for over a decade. He's 34 or something now, for Pete's sake. Joe said she won't even talk to Tony and they've been married for five years and were living together for a few years before that. I think the fact they own a flower shop on Locke Street is the icing on the cake for her." Charlene laughed.

  Sarah laughed and said, "Oh man. A flower shop? Two gay guys? Tony? Italian? This just gets better and better!"

  "I know, too funny eh? Well it seems Joe's ex, Brenda, is moving to Florida and wants to sell her house the same one that used to be their house. She knows how much Joe loved that old house in a great neighbourhood just around the corner from Locke Street. It was an old cottage or something, but Joe fixed it up and it's worth a lot of money now. She offered Joe a chance to buy the house from her again. I guess she needs money. Joe got really upset because of the way she was talking about Stuart and Tony. Instead of being excited about being a grandmother for sure now, she is really upsetting them. Simon is only two now so he doesn't understand all the commotion, but he will soon if she keeps it up."

  "So is Joe going to buy the house?"

  "He said not for him, but he knows Brenda won't sell it to Stuart knowing Tony will live there too, so he is thinking of buying it and selling it to Stuart. It's a great location, walking distance to Business is Blooming, and a school and big park with lots of play stations for kids. The problem is that they don't have the kind of money to buy the house. They have a lease at their apartment that they can't break for another few months and they can't afford both. They all have to figure something out."

  "Joe couldn't get all this sorted on the phone?" Sarah asked

  "He said not. He was really excited about the adoption and loves little Simon so he went down to visit him and congratulate Stuart and Tony in person. He also said he figured Brenda couldn't be so rude to his face as she can be on the phone."

  "Why didn't he call you?"

  "He said he didn't want to tell me he was going to his ex's and get me thinking something was up."

  "That makes no sense to me."

  "It makes no sense and perfect sense to me," Charlene said, too weary to figure out what Joe was thinking, just glad he was back and they had a few hours being how they were supposed to be together.

  "Oh shoot. I almost forgot to tell you. Joe said there's a way onto the lake from a side road off the highway near the village. A trailer can be backed right into the lake."

  "I guess that means Joe could still be a suspect."

  "What! Did you talk to Mr. Blake?"

  "Yes and he can't account for the whole afternoon. All he can say is that Joe was fixing a motor for some guy, and that it was before lunch but he didn't know if Joe left the shop after that or not. He said he was busy at the front of the house by the dock for the rest of the day and Joe could have gone out. So Joe could have had his motor back and gone out to the lake.

  “Anyway, I guess that means anyone could have launched onto the lake without anyone on the lake seeing. I guess the vehicle could be seen from the highway though," Sarah added more to herself it seemed.

  Charlene could see Sarah adding that to her mental list of to dos.

  "We had a good run at your neighbour across the lake though. He was chatty and we had a good look around his property. We didn't have a warrant but he signed off in Wendy's notebook that he understood he was consenting to us looking at his boats. We thought we hit the jackpot when we saw the blue rope on his boat but It' all intact and looks old and worn so he didn't replace it recently for sure. I think bits of the rope come off every time he ties the boat to his dock, so that's probably what James picked up. He opened up his shed for us and we saw a yellow kayak like yours with the seat out. I think Wendy almost fainted at that point and actually moaned out load when she saw the box of Spider Ultracast Ultimate 10 pound fishing line. Forensics has identified that as the brand of fishing line used to kill Lori. Your neighbour, his name is Bob by the way, said he was making a little cubby hole behind the seat to store his lures. He
had a little soft tackle box on the work bench right beside the kayak and he showed us how it fit in perfectly with a plastic hatch he screwed into the top of the kayak so he could close up the tackle bag and keep it dry. He said when he paddled water went down and into the kayak right behind the seat. I've seen you with a damp bum sometimes so I think I got what he meant. He doesn't have those rubber stoppers on his paddle like you do that stops most of the water from running down the paddle into the kayak."

  "Was all the fishing line in the box?" Charlene asked.

  "He gave us the box of fishing line so we can see if it matches the cut on the fishing line we found on Blueberry Island in the fire pit. That was blood on the fishing line we found on the island by the way, and it was a match to Lori's type of blood, A positive, so not fish blood or something like that. Bob said he cut some line but he cut it in his boat. It was still in his fishing boat and he let us bag it and it looked clean."

  "What about the kayak seat? Was it there?"

  "Yup. It was in the shed."

  "Was he doing a dry run to see if a body could fit inside?" Charlene wondered.

  "Maybe. His motor runs rough he said when I asked if I could start it up. He said it skips a bit, and Wendy rolled her eyes at me and opened her mouth. I've got to teach her about poker faces. Something else is interesting though. He said he saw Dan walk up the steps to cottage #2 the day he rented a fishing boat from you. He remembered only seeing the guys on the pontoon boat that morning, so that was the day Lori was killed for sure."

  "What was Dan doing there?" Charlene asked, clearly surprised since he didn't say anything like that to her.

  "I will go talk to him before I leave here if I can get him alone or get him to come into the station tomorrow. His schedule is for all of them to be in Elliot Lake tomorrow, banging away at rocks somewhere around there, so they have to drive right past the station. The students can hang out at Horton's and wait for him."


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