Damen (Dragons of Kratak Book 2)

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Damen (Dragons of Kratak Book 2) Page 4

by Ruth Anne Scott

  She couldn’t wait around arguing anymore. Without waiting for Haya to lead her, Reyna made her way back up the stairs to the main hall. Somewhere in the passage, Haya’s footsteps veered off, and Reyna went on to her own room.

  Chapter 4

  Overwhelming weariness pulled Reyna down on her bed. How could she carry this secret? She couldn’t reveal it even to Rose.

  She picked up her notebook and started scribbling her impressions of the planet and the people so far. She jotted down every reference she heard to family connections. She kicked herself for not asking Haya more about Clan Assan when she had the chance. Dana Barr, the genealogist on the other team, would have to get that information.

  Still, the secret of Haya’s connection with two Assan brothers was a priceless discovery. Would she ever be able to capitalize on it? She might find, in her investigations into this Clan’s history, that such a secret would be better left out of her official report to the Allied Command. The Allies already thought this male-dominated race was backward and in desperate need of an education in the proper treatment of women.

  Whoever heard of a woman falling in love with two men—and brothers, at that? Haya said Callan knew perfectly well how his wife longed for her old lover. What if the situation had been reversed? What if Warku won that fight and Callan had been driven from his home so Warku could marry Haya?

  Were there really women living on this planet, married to two men at the same time? The very idea rankled all Reyna’s sensibilities. What had the men on this planet done to their women, to twist their values so radically?

  Then again, Reyna couldn’t judge. Her own values about men and women warped the very instant she set foot on this planet. No wonder the Allies women grew bigger than their men, if bigger men made women act like this.

  She started to lie down when a light knock sounded on her door. That must be Rose, come to talk over their progress so far—not that they’d made any. When she opened the door, she found Damen standing there.

  He looked around the room. “Aren’t you going to invite me in?”

  “Do you want something?”

  “I want you to invite me in.”

  She stood back. “Come on in, if you want to.”

  He sauntered into the room. He inspected every detail like he’d never seen the place before. “What are you doing at the moment?”

  “I just got here. Haya was showing me around, and I just sat down to take a load off my feet. What are you doing at the moment?”

  “At the moment, I’m talking to you. Where did you go with Haya?”

  “She showed me another entrance to the Keep on the eastern side of the mountain, but I already knew about that. Tanner told me about it. Then she took me way down inside the lower levels of the Keep to a big dark cavern.”

  His head shot up. “She showed you that? She shouldn’t have done that.”

  “Why not? Is it secret?”

  “Not anymore, I guess.”

  She waited. “Is there some reason you wanted to see me? Is there some reason you’re here, in my private bedroom?”

  “I wanted to see you. I wanted to get near you, just like I did in the passage.”

  “Well, now you’re near me.”

  He came up close to her. “Not close enough.”

  His body radiated overpowering energy. That energy blasted into her bones. It demanded her attention. She couldn’t move away from it. She could offer only the lamest excuse. “I don’t think that’s a good idea.”

  “Why wouldn’t it be a good idea? Anyone can see the way Rohn looks at Rose. She took him back to her room under the pretext of giving him a medical examination. They’re probably doing the same thing right now in her room.”

  “Doing what same thing?”

  He laid his hand on her cheek. His touch burned into her skin. Sparks jumped across from his fingers into her flesh. Did his skin have some biological properties that made it electromagnetic?

  He ran his hand down her neck to where her cleavage showed above her shirt. “They’re touching each other, making each other hot. They’re rubbing their bodies together to please themselves.”

  Reyna’s head swam in a drunken delirium of emotions and sensations. His touch brought her body to life. Her genitals ached, and the muscles along her inner chasm pulsated with throbbing desire to join with him. Her nipples pricked up under her shirt, and he definitely saw them this time. He let his hand trace down her breast, and he stroked their sharp points through her shirt.

  “You want it, don’t you? You want me to touch you and own you. You want my body inside yours. Don’t deny it.”

  If only she could tear herself away, she could deny it all she liked. She couldn’t, though. His touch brought her to her knees. She gazed up into his eyes. He knew exactly what he was doing to her. He started this at the table where no one could see. Now he would finish it, and there was nothing under the sun she could do to stop it. She didn’t want to stop it. Her soul cried out for it.

  He growled under his breath. His other hand found its way to her hip, and he pulled her against him. “Tell me you want it. Tell me you want to scream my name.”

  She swallowed the lump in her throat. “Someone would hear us. Someone would know. Rose would know.”

  “No one can hear you through these walls. You can scream all you like.”

  “You said you heard what Whitney said through the door of your room.”

  “I lied. I was standing down the passage where you couldn’t see me.”

  That drove her away from him. He lied? “So, you weren’t in your room.”

  “My room isn’t in that part of the Keep. No one lives in that part of the Keep.”

  She stared up at him. “How could you lie like that?”

  “I wanted to get near you. I wanted to get between you and that straw man.”

  “Don’t call him a straw man. He’s smart and kind and talented.”

  “You don’t want smart and kind and talented, though, do you? He can be just as smart and kind and talented as you want him to be and still be a straw man.”

  “I don’t like you calling him that.”

  “Okay. I won’t call him that anymore. What would you like me to call him—a scarecrow?”

  “Just call him Whitney. He’s earned that much, at least.”

  “All right. Whitney.”

  “I wish you hadn’t lied to him.”

  “Do you wish I hadn’t interfered with your conversation? Do you wish I had stayed away from you?”

  “No, I guess I don’t.”

  He took a step closer. “I saw the way you looked at me when you touched my medallion. Your face changed color.”

  “Your face changed color, too.”

  “Did you like touching it? Did you like touching me?”

  Her face changed color again. “Yes.”

  “Did you like me touching you at the table? Did that excite you?”

  “Yes. It excited me, and it also confused me.”

  “Why did it confuse you?”

  “Because I liked it. I didn’t expect to like it.”

  “I wanted to do a lot more than that, but I thought perhaps Whitney wouldn’t appreciate it.”

  “No, he definitely wouldn’t. I’m surprised you considered him.”

  “I have no choice but to consider relations between my people and the Allies. My father would be furious if I offended anyone on your team.”

  “He doesn’t seem to show any scruples about offending us.”

  His eyebrows shot up. “What does that mean?”

  “He keeps arguing with Rose about the Allies’ intentions. All your people have been hostile toward us since we got here. No one will tell us anything, and none of you men will even talk to Tanner and Whitney.”

  “I talked to Whitney.”

  “You know what I mean. You won’t give us the information we need to complete our mission. You won’t rev
eal anything about your people to us.”

  “What would you like to know? You can ask me anything.”

  “You’re different. You’ve talked to me, but I can’t help thinking you’re doing that for another reason.”

  His face twisted up into a wry grin. “And what reason would that be?”

  “You just said you wanted to get close to me.”

  “I did say that, and I do want to get close to you. If answering your questions gets me closer, I’ll do it.”

  “What other way is there?”

  He loomed over her in all his massive power. “By touching you the way I did at the table—and other ways.”

  “What other ways?”

  Chapter 5

  The instant the words passed her lips, she wished she could take them back. He flew at her faster than the eye could see. He grabbed her and spun her around away from him. He pushed her two steps forward toward the window and shoved her against it hard enough to bruise her hips.

  He crushed her with his body from behind, and his hands slithered around her stomach. His fingers burrowed between her legs and mashed the sensitive lips inside her pants. “Don’t tell me you want that straw man doing this to you. Don’t tell me he lights your fire like I can.”

  She arched against him, but his fingers tickled a forgotten source of fire in her guts. She panted through parted lips. She fought against his arms, but not to get away. She had to throw herself against him, into his arms, against his hard body.

  “Take a good look. Do you see it?”

  The mountains filled Reyna’s whole view outside the window. Clouds raced across the purple sky, and the sun lit them from above. Gleaming golden highlights burnished their edges and played shadow games on the ground.

  In the far distance, a black shape moved across the sky. It soared closer, made a pass over Harkniss Keep, and landed on a nearby mountain peak. A big red dragon flexed its massive wings, and a lick of flame escaped its mouth when it yawned. It turned its glistening eyes toward the Keep and caught sight of her watching it.

  Damen bent her forward and purred into her ear. “Take a good look. Take a look and see for yourself.”

  She looked. The giant lizard curled its long body around the mountaintop to settle into its nest when another dragon swooped in from the east, from the direction of the Keep. Its skin glowed bright gold. It banked around the summit, and the red dragon lifted its spiked head and screeched at the golden visitor.

  The golden dragon swept its wings forward and extended its legs toward the ground. It touched down next to the red dragon, and the two reptiles faced each other.

  Damen’s hand rubbed Reyna’s pussy harder. He drove her hips down hard on the stone windowsill. Wave upon wave of passionate desire swept over her, but she couldn’t take her eyes off the two dragons. They gave her a message, a message from Damen. What was it? She searched her innermost soul for the answer. The answer lay somewhere in her boiling cauldron of desire. She rocked her vulva against his hand to stimulate herself, and a ragged moan croaked out of her mouth.

  He ground his bulging crotch into her ass from behind and she arched her rounded buttocks into it. She needed it between her legs. She had to pulverize her raging flesh on his prick or she would die.

  He plunged his hand into her pants, and his electric skin touched her raw opening. Her wetness surrounded his fingers and sucked him into her vacuous hole. He dabbed at her engorged cunt with a rumbling sigh. Before she could react, his fingers slipped inside.

  The dragons did a little bowing dance around each other. Their heads bobbed and weaved up and down, and their long tails whipped the air. Then, in front of Reyna’s eyes, they both sank into the ground and disappeared. The mountain itself swallowed them whole.

  Now for the first time, she beheld two people on the mountain. She hadn’t seen them before with the dragons in the way. One was a tall man, well built and powerfully muscled. The other was a slight woman with glowing blonde hair. She looked remarkably similar to Haya, but younger. The man resembled Damen, with finer features and wider shoulders like Rohn’s.

  He couldn’t be Damen, though, because Damen was, at this moment, bending her over the windowsill and murmuring into her ear. “Do you see? Do you understand now?”

  She didn’t understand. The two people sit down next to each other on the mountain. Where were the dragons? Reyna couldn’t get her mind to comprehend what happened to them. They could come back at any minute. Then those two people would be in danger. Why hadn’t they been in danger when they were up there with the dragons? Maybe they knew the dragons. Maybe the Krataks kept these dragons as pets. That would make sense.

  Reyna couldn’t think with Damen grinding into her from behind. The whole scene made so much sense to her. She couldn’t conceive it being any different. Her desire washed over her and gave the whole incident the surreal quality of a dream.

  Damen stuck his tongue into her ear. “That’s it. You like that, don’t you?”

  She sank down on his fingers, but he had other ideas. He yanked her shirt down to let her breasts swing free. They swayed to and fro with every movement of his hand. Did those people out there see her bare chest with the sun warming her nipples?

  He pushed her forward against the windowsill, but he kept his hand wedged down her pants from the front. His thick finger massaged her tortured G spot until she moaned.

  With his other hand, he pulled her pants down from behind. Her voluptuous ass stuck up in the air for his scrutiny. He ran his hand around its bright globe with a satisfied purr. Then he plunged his hand down into the crevice between her cheeks.

  Reyna sang her moaning song to the silent mountains. She sang to those mysterious people at the summit down the valley. They sat side by side in earnest conversation. They had no idea she was cracking apart on this windowsill to give birth to a different person.

  He slid his fingers up and down her slit in front. At the same time, he plowed the fingers of his other hand through her delicate furrow from behind until they met in the middle. Reyna surfed the waves of those rising and falling fingers until the rivulets of sweet syrup dripped from her lips.

  He raised his rear hand to her crack and spread her cheeks to expose the gaping orifice tilted up toward him. He forked around her opening with two fingers before investigating her secret channel with inquisitive probes.

  Reyna thrust her hips back to catch those penetrating fingers. He found her spongy and inviting, and his knuckles bumped her tissues with expert strokes. “That’s nice. Yeah, that’s real nice. Mmm, yes. That’s nice and sweet.”

  He bent down and lashed her swollen cunt with his tongue. He beat his hand in and out of her molten crevice while his other hand rolled the hood off her clitoris with every stroke.

  Reyna lifted her eyes to heaven. In reverse, the people vanished and the two dragons rose out of the ground. The golden one screeched to the red one, and the red one hissed its terrible battle cry. The golden one swooped skyward with one powerful beat of its wings and disappeared eastward over Harkniss Keep.

  In the same moment, something hard and warm touched Reyna between her legs. Damen’s fingers weren’t inside her anymore. He angled his stiff, hard tool into her cleft and stirred her vapors with its noxious tip. “Is that what you want? Do you want it that way?”

  She couldn’t answer. She could only sob in naked lust. Even facing out the window, she sensed how big and hard it really was. No man ever came near her with anything like it. Just to check, she put one hand behind her and circled it with her fingers.

  It throbbed in her grasp, mammoth, iron, monstrous. What kind of beast was this, that had her bent over and sighing for his spike? He would tear her apart with his first thrust.

  He pumped it into her hand. “Yeah, baby. You know you want that. Is that your straw man? Did he nail you with his straw cock? Did he make you cry, baby?”

  His words stung. How could he know how a small man left her sa
d and lonely after a night together? How could she betray Whitney by thinking of him with another man’s cock in her hand? It wasn’t his fault he was so much smaller that he couldn’t fill her up.

  Could she stand this? Would her body break in half when he tried to plow that thing into her? Even now, he leaned his hips into her. His tip pushed her pussy open, and his rod jammed into her hole.

  She cried out from the sheer size of it, but she had to let it go to its work. The instant she let it go, he planted his meaty hand on her back and shoved her down. The hard stone chilled her breasts, but the cold danced across her nipples and sent fireworks exploding before her eyes. He held her down flat on the windowsill and stuffed his giant meat into her waiting cunt.

  She tried to rear back, but he kept her pinned. “You’re mine. I’ll have you. I’ll make you scream. Tell it to the mountains, baby. Tell them all about how much you love it.”

  She yelped at every invasion of his prick into her twitching box. He leaned his weight on the hand against her back. The other hand he levered against the windowsill to give him the power he needed to pump her full of his burning shaft. Bright pearls of pleasure dripped from his tip and mingled with the oozing nectar of her desire.

  He knocked her free with a pounding rhythm. He drove her higher with every stroke of his piston. He nailed her to the windowsill until she sang the way he wanted her to.

  What was she? Was she an angel, fallen to this planet to understand the pleasures of the flesh? Was she a devil, to turn her back on the civilized rules of her own society? Was she a woman, who could enjoy this relentless intrusion from some rude sex machine?

  She was none of those and all of them at once. She was pure sensation, with no anchor, no connections. She was nothing but a hole that kissed the jackhammer entering it to the limit. She was a mouth crying out her existence to the stars. She shrank from his rough touch. At the same time, she called it to her, to take her and destroy that fragment of existence she once called her life. The rougher he treated her, the quicker that fragment would disintegrate and disappear.


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