Changing Lanes (Bounty County Series Book 2)

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Changing Lanes (Bounty County Series Book 2) Page 1

by Maren Lee

  Changing Lanes

  Bounty County Series: Book 2

  Maren Lee

  This book is a work of fiction. The names, characters, places, and incidents are products of the writer’s imagination or have been used fictitiously and are not to be construed as real. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, actual events, locale, or organizations is entirely coincidental.

  All rights are reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without permission, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.

  Due to profanity and graphic sexual content, this book is not intended for anyone under the age of eighteen.

  Wildcat Ranch Publishing

  P.O. Box 691

  Idaho City, Idaho 83631


  Copyright © 2017 by Maren Lee

  To everyone who wanted Jake...thanks for encouraging me.



  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21


  About Me



  One month ago…

  Fall in Imminence was different from Fall in Chicago. Everything seemed to move at a slower pace in Montana, allowing Lane the time to stop and enjoy the scenery. The leaves began changing in September, providing a stunning backdrop for an early October wedding.

  Lane was thrilled to have been asked to be a bridesmaid in Chloe and Justin’s wedding. The wedding was perfect. The look on Justin’s face when Chloe walked down the aisle toward him made Lane’s eyes well with tears. Lane wanted that. She thought she’d had it once. But life had happened instead. Lane shook her head to rid herself of those sad feelings. She’d had made good friends here. She was happy.

  Lane leaned against the log railing on the second story deck at the Sioux Lodge. The photographer had just finished pictures with the bridal party and she found herself with twenty minutes to spare before she needed to make an appearance at the reception. The air was crisp, but it felt good on her bare arms. The view of the Sioux River from the Lodge was something else. The background of large, jagged mountains, with a sea of red, orange, and yellow leaves accented by the deep green of the pines, was stunning.

  She took a cleansing breath and inhaled the fresh mountain air. Lane was still healing. She was still working on relaxing. But she was finally feeling content about making Imminence her home.

  The last two months had been a whirlwind. She and Connor had really hit it off and made the official jump to “in a relationship” status. They spent most nights at his house because he had to get up so God awful early to go chase cows or whatever the hell he did out on the ranch. He’d offered to take her with him to “show her the ropes,” but 4:30AM was just too damn early. She didn’t love the ranch. She didn’t love his old, drafty house. But she did love being woken up by him when he finished his chores. Sometimes he was quite creative. Those mornings were her favorites.

  Connor was the epitome of the perfect man. He was sexy, tall, stable, attentive, and fun as hell to be around. On paper, everything seemed perfect. But something felt like it was missing. She just couldn’t put her finger on it. Lane thought she’d been in love once before. Maybe she’d never find that again.

  Her thoughts were cut short when she was beckoned by her hot-as-sin-but-total-asshole groomsman.

  “Hey, Red. It’s time for the entrances. I’m not getting my ass chewed by the bride and groom because of your absence,” Jake bit out rudely as he approached.

  Red. God damn it. She felt tingly all over. He needs to stop with that.

  “Jesus, Hamilton. I’m coming. Don’t be so fucking dramatic.” Lane rolled her eyes.

  She turned and walked past him to head into the reception without making eye contact.

  Lane’s relationship with Jake Hamilton wasn’t friendly, even though they started hanging out with the same social crowd with some frequency. The man drove her nuts. He was always finding something to argue with her about - politics, legal theory, feminism, restaurants, wine selection, best vehicles, world geography, college football, favorite colors, daylight savings time, tax rates in Scandinavian countries - and Lane always seemed to take the bait. You’re seriously stupid, Lane.

  Because Lane had become such good friends with Justin and Chloe, she and Jake were around each other far too often. It wasn’t uncommon for them to end up in a verbal altercation. She was pretty sure half the shit he spouted he didn’t even believe. He just wanted to fight with her. It was infuriating.

  Her first impression of him, however, was quite different.

  Lane walked into the Cadillac Ranch Club and checked her watch. It was 9:00 p.m. A little late for dinner, but she’d spent all day unpacking and had no food in the house. The pub was, surprisingly, practically empty. Lane walked up to the bar and took a seat.

  “What can I get ya?” a tall, skinny brunette with teased hair and bright red lipstick asked her.

  “Is it possible to get a burger?”

  “Kitchen just closed, but I know some people,” the bartender winked.

  “Oh, I don’t want to be any trouble, but I just moved here today and I’m starving and my fridge is empty.”

  “Welcome to Imminence, my dear! As my welcome home gift to you, I’ll get you a burger. Anything to drink?”

  “Pinot grigio?”

  “Chardonnay okay?”

  “I’ll survive. Thank you so much for your hospitality.”

  “You got it, honey.” She poured her a glass of wine in a clear plastic cup and passed it to Lane. Lane didn’t care how classy the place was. She was grateful for the alcohol.

  Just then a large mass of a man pulled out the stool next to her and took a seat.

  “Jake.” The bartender gave the large man a stern ‘mom’ look. “This sweet thing just moved here. Keep her out of your crosshairs for a couple of weeks at least.”

  The man smiled. “Come on, Darla. Nothing you’ve heard about me is true. I’m a good guy.”

  “He is a good guy,” the bartender, apparently named Darla, agreed. “But he’s a slut. Stay away from him.”

  Lane laughed. “Oh, I’m not getting involved with a man in any capacity right now. Fresh wounds.” She looked over at Jake and gave him a sad smile.

  “I’d love a chance to heal you, darlin’,” he responded, nearly taking her breath away.

  “Sorry. Not happening, hot stuff. You’re not my type anyway.”

  “What is your type?”

  “Ugly. Timid. Asexual. Willing to agree with everything I say.”

  Jake laughed. His laugh was beautiful, yet manly. Lane liked him already.

  “Well, I may be ugly. But the rest of it is definitely not me. Where’d you come from, Red?” he asked.

  “Chicago. And you’re not ugly. You’re pretty hot, in that rugged, been punched in the face a few times kind of way.”

  “Definitely been punched in the face a few times. Once in this very bar.”

  Lane laughed. Stop flirting, Lane. Stop flirting.

  “Somehow that fact is not surprising to me. Darla, can I get that burger to go?

  “You’re not going to stick around, Red?” Jake asked.

  “No. You’re dangerous and I’m not falling for it. Go find another unsuspecting Chicagoan to work your charms on.” Lane gave him an acidic smile.

  “Are you serious? I thought we were hitting it off, sweetheart? I don’t even know your name.”

  Darla brought out a styrofoam box and Lane dropped a twenty dollar bill on bar counter. “Thank you, Darla. Jake, I’m sure I’ll see you around. It was nice to meet you both. Have a good night.”

  Jake looked baffled. Lane smiled. She was pretty sure he’d never had that happen to him before. She heard Darla as she exited the bar, “Didn’t catch her name, Jake. But I am sure you’ll find out.”

  “You’re goddamn right I will,” she heard his deep voice reply.

  Lane had been immediately attracted to the large, muscular man with a killer smile and delicious dimples. Broad shoulders. Biceps she didn’t even realize were possible. But being brand new in town and running from a failed engagement...she politely declined his advances. Jake didn’t seem like he was too offended. And everything probably would have been fine, but she saw him again the very next Monday at the courthouse. And that probably would have been fine too had she not been set to cross examine him on a routine DUI case. She would never forget the look on his face when he realized who she was. What she was. She’d flustered him and pretty much embarrassed him on the stand. He’d been so pissed. The memory made Lane smile. She almost felt bad for him, except for the fact that he was a massive asshole to her from that day forward. Their relationship went downhill from there. Far downhill. Oh well. She and Jake were just destined to be enemies from the start. Sure is fun getting under his skin. His hot, rugged, gorgeous, skin.

  Lane wanted to rub up against every inch of him like a cat in heat.

  God damn it. Knock that shit off, Lane. It's Jake. Like, ugh.

  Despite their volatile relationship, however, Jake and Lane had promised Justin and Chloe that they would behave like adults and remain civilized at the wedding. So far there were no problems. But the night was young and the booze was flowing. It was only a matter of time.


  Justin and Chloe forced the bridal party out on the dance floor. Lane rolled her eyes. She did a lot of that whenever Jake was involved. They danced like a couple of seventh graders with their arms stretched out, Lane’s hands on his shoulders, Jake’s on her waist.

  About halfway through the dance, Lane wondered where Connor went. He’d been traveling for cattle purposes the past few weeks, so she’d been hoping to spend time with him tonight. But every chance she had to find him, she was sidetracked by something or someone. She hadn’t seen him in over an hour.

  Jake had no problem finding his date. All he had to do was look for the nineteen year old with huge tits and braces. Chloe just shook her head and chuckled to herself. Jake was seriously such a man-child. When the song finally ended, Lane dropped her arms and turned away from him. She hoped to get away without any words between them, but hope was not on her side.

  “Hey Red, you left your broom leaning up against that chair over there,” he said in his typical “antagonize Lane” voice. Jake always thought he was so fucking funny. He. Was. Not.

  “Thanks, asshole. I don’t know what I’d do without it. Hey, you left your date at the children's table. Don’t leave her too long or someone might call CPS.”

  “Bitch,” he muttered. Lane gave him a smug grin and mentally high fived herself.

  Ha! Won that round.

  Lane walked around the entire reception -- twice -- looking for Connor. He was nowhere to be found and no one had seen him. He better not have left me here! Lane’s asshole ex had done a number on her, to the point where she was afraid she would never again trust a man. She had to stop herself from thinking that way. It really didn’t sound like something Connor would do. You've only known him for two months, can you really know anyone in that short amount of time? Lane shushed the pessimistic voice in her head and grabbed her shawl to go outside. Maybe he was at the gazebo or the stables?

  It was nearly dusk. She wandered around the grounds for a while and when she didn’t find him outside, she headed up to their room. She swiped the keycard, pushed down on the handle, and swung the door open. The room was quiet. And empty.

  What the fuck was going on? Lane started to panic. Did he fall in the river? Was he hurt somewhere? Her brain was reeling with all of the worst case scenarios. It was time she got others involved in the search.

  She opened the door and headed to the stairs. As she rounded the corner to run down the hallway, her heart paused momentarily and then she let out a huge sigh of relief. There was Connor at the other end of the hallway facing the window. Lane practically ran to him, but was stopped in her tracks when a big busted blonde came out of the room next to where he was standing and wrapped her arms around his waist.

  Lane froze. Her gut reaction was to turn and leave immediately, but she fought the urge. Maybe they’re relatives. Take a deep breath, Lane. She watched and waited. They were smiling and laughing. Connor didn't seem the least bit bothered by her comfortable affection. Lane decided to stand strong and go find out who the hell mini Barbie was. She took two steps toward them and then her heart sank. Connor leaned down and planted a passionate kiss on Barbie’s lips.

  Lane and Connor had kissed before. Hell, they’d done a lot more than kiss. But it was never like that. Everything inside of her wanted to scream. Call him a two faced sonofabitch. But she knew she couldn't do that right now. She wouldn't make a scene on Chloe's day. Not even for the perfect Mr. Connor Parish.

  And that’s how Lane ended up at the bar.


  Someone must have noticed Lane’s current “drink to forget” state, because the bartender delivered to her a whiskey ginger that she didn’t order. Lane looked around to see who was there to thank them for the drink. Nobody seemed to be staring at her. Maybe the bartender just felt bad for her? But then she looked to the end of the bar and saw him. Jake Hamilton. Motherfucker. He was so hot. God, she hated him for being so hot.

  Jake raised his glass to her. What the fuck was he doing here? Didn’t he have to get his date home before her ten o'clock curfew? Lane laughed out loud at that thought and then looked down to her drink. What the hell? She looked back to Jake and gave him the nod to come sit by her. Maybe he could distract her from the fucked up situation happening two stories up.

  Jake sat down next to her and smiled, “A whiskey ginger for my favorite ginger.”

  Silver tongued devil.

  “I must be the only ginger you know then. But thanks, Jake.”

  “Where’s your pretty farm boy?”

  “Upstairs with another woman,” she said flatly.

  “No shit?” His eyebrows lifted.

  “No. Shit.” She took a huge swig of her drink.

  “I wouldn’t think Mr. Perfect would do something like that.”

  “That makes two of us, Jake.”

  “Are you okay, honey?”

  “Well, considering I rode here with him and got a room with him, probably not. But I’ll figure something out. Don’t you have a Full House marathon to go watch with your bimbo?”

  Jake was not impressed, “Ha. Fucking. Ha. You know, Laney. Girls that age didn’t even grow up on Full House. It was like Hannah Montana or some shit.”

  “Ouch. Way to kick a gal while she’s down, Hamilton. Well, enjoy the Hannah Montana conversations. Seriously, you should go spend time with her, I’ll be fine.”

  “She already went home.” Jake took a sip of his beer.

  Lane raised her eyebrows at him. “I’d figured you would have made arrangements to have her with you all night.”

  “Things aren’t always as they seem, Red. You ought to know that.”

  “I obviously understand that in Mr. Perfect’s case, but why don’t you enlighten me as to your situation?”

  “She’s a family friend. S
he went home with her parents tonight. She’d asked me if I would be her date. I didn’t want to piss off her parents, or mine, or hurt her feelings by saying no.”

  “Oh. Shit, I’m sorry if I-”

  “Stop, don’t apologize for anything. I deserve it. I was antagonizing you, too.”

  “Why do you do that? It makes me crazy.”

  “Same reason all the boys tease girls.”

  Lane looked at him skeptically, “And why’s that?”

  “Because they have a crush on them.” Jake smiled and too another sip of his beer.

  The fuck? Lane’s brain was on overload. Did he just say he had a crush on her? She must have misunderstood.


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