Rosalee Station

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Rosalee Station Page 4

by Magro, Mandy

  Lily and Daniel were having a good old chinwag behind Sarah. Lily was leaning into Daniel’s space to talk to him, and Sarah’s gut instincts told her there must be some kind of spark there. She waited for them to stop chatting, trying to think of what to say to her brother ahead of his toughest ride yet.

  ‘You give that bull all you’ve got, Dan. I’ve got a good feeling about tonight and I just think you might ride him for the whole eight seconds,’ she said, trying to sound confident.

  ‘Thanks, Sarah. I’ll see you out on the dirt in twenty minutes. After that we’ll have a celebratory drink, I reckon.’

  Lily suddenly leant over and gave Daniel a quick peck on the cheek. Daniel blushed but quickly regained his composure. Sarah inwardly cheered at Lily’s affectionate display. And without another word, Daniel was off towards his bag to finish getting ready, spurs chinking with each step, his chaps flapping around his legs as he walked. He blended in with all the other burred-up cowboys, dressed in their boots, cowboy hats and chaps, readying themselves for the rides of their lives. Cowboys were so close to the land, with most breeding cattle for a living and also riding the bulls for sport. It gave them a raw, untamed aura that a laptop and a suit just didn’t give urban men.

  Sarah and Lily made their way to the grandstand through the hordes of people, and they exchanged an amused look as they saw the groups of dressed-up girls standing around the back of the chute area, trying to catch the attention of the riders. They were known as buckle bunnies for the simple reason that they chased bull riders, who of course competed for trophy buckles. Sarah wondered how many of them would get lucky tonight.

  The speakers boomed to life as the MC introduced the first rider and the name of the bull he was riding. Sarah felt her belly fill with butterflies.

  Daniel’s mate Jimmy Turner had drawn the bull the Wizard of Oz. Jimmy was a chopper pilot like Brad, and mustered away on the stations in Central Australia. Every second he had off from work he spent riding bulls. He lived for the sport and spoke about it constantly. Nobody had the heart to tell him how bad he was at it.

  The door of the chute flew open and out came Jimmy, hanging on with every bit of strength he had. A Garth Brooks song blared over the speakers, adding to the intensity of the scene. Jimmy looked like a rag doll thrown in midair as the bull bucked him off in three seconds flat. The rodeo clowns came running to divert the bull’s attention while Jimmy got up off the dirt and made a quick exit, launching himself straight over the fence, his hat landing on the dirt beneath him. Seconds later the bull slammed into the fence, snorting and kicking.

  ‘He made it over by the breadth of a bee’s dick!’ Lily yelled over the cheering crowd.

  The next rider drew the Joker and rode him for the full eight seconds. He made it look easy, bowing to the crowd after landing on his feet.

  And then it was Daniel’s turn. Sarah felt the gentle butterflies in her stomach become a frenzied flutter fest. Lily whooped with delight when Daniel’s name was announced and she grabbed Sarah’s hand. Sarah squeezed it so hard that Lily let out a little squeal of pain.

  Daniel was sitting high up on the bull’s back behind the gate of the chute. It was taking a bit longer then normal as Devil’s Grin snorted and kicked, letting the men know he wasn’t happy being confined to such a small area. Sarah saw Daniel nod his head to the men. Then it all happened in slow motion. The gate opened and Devil’s Grin came out hard and fast, bucking so high there were times when all his hoofs were off the ground. Daniel and the bull looked like crazy dancers, suspended in midair, performing in some elaborate Broadway show. But Daniel stayed on, swaying and moving with every buck Devil’s Grin threw at him. His form was perfect. The seconds ticked past like they were hours and Sarah found herself standing up, screaming out encouragement. The horn blew, announcing that Daniel had made the eight seconds.

  ‘Holy shit, Lily! He did it! Oh my God, he did it!’ Sarah screamed, her voice drowned out by the cheering crowd, her eyes glued on Daniel. ‘Hang on, there’s something wrong. Daniel’s hand’s stuck in the rope! He can’t get his bloody hand out!’

  Daniel was dragged along in the dirt beside the one-tonne bull while it bucked and kicked, trying to get at him. Sarah could see the panic on her brother’s face. He was pulling and yanking, trying to get his hand free. The rodeo clowns worked to help him while also trying to distract the bull. Then, to her horror, Sarah watched her brother’s body slip underneath the bull as his hand came free. Devil’s Grin bucked and stomped on top of Daniel before the clowns lured the bull away. A silence fell over the grandstand as Daniel’s body lay deathly still.

  ‘He’s not moving, Lily. This can’t be happening. Daniel!’ Sarah could feel tears pouring down her face.

  The clowns continued to divert the bull’s attention as the medics came running in with a stretcher. One knelt down in the dirt, feeling Daniel’s neck for a pulse. Sarah held her breath until he nodded to his fellow medic, indicating he’d found one. Sarah crumpled into Lily’s arms, her body shaking with relief. ‘Come on, Sarah. I’ll help you down the stairs and we’ll go and see how Daniel is. Come on, mate, just hold on to my arm and I’ll lead the way for us,’ Lily said, wiping Sarah’s tears but unable to hide her own shaking voice and trembling hands.

  Daniel tried to smile but the pain forced him to wince instead. ‘Sorry you all had to witness that. I did it, though. I bloody rode Devil’s Grin for the whole eight seconds!’ He tried to sit up.

  ‘Stay put, Dan, until we make sure you’re okay,’ Jack said firmly, his face betraying his anxiety. He was standing beside Maggie, who was deathly pale and holding onto Sarah for dear life. Lily stood next to Sarah, along with Brad, who’d come running from behind the chutes as soon as the accident had happened.

  Sarah and Lily had almost collapsed in relief when they found Daniel conscious, although in enormous pain, behind the chutes. It looked like he might have escaped with a few broken ribs and concussion, but he needed to go to hospital to make sure there was no internal bleeding.

  Maggie finally let go of her grip on Sarah and sat down on the ground beside Daniel, touching his hand gently. ‘Your dad and I are going to come to the hospital with you, okay?’

  ‘Yeah, okay, Mum. But I don’t want any of you clowns coming along,’ Daniel said weakly to Sarah, Brad and Lily.

  ‘I’ll be back to have a drink for your birthday, sis. You can count on it.’

  They watched as the paramedics slid Daniel into the back of the ambulance, shut the doors and drove away, staring at the flashing red lights until they were out of sight.

  ‘I hope he’s going to be okay, Brad,’ Sarah said, wrapping her arms around her boyfriend’s broad shoulders and burying her head into the curve of his neck. His scent was comforting, and she felt a safety in his arms that she desperately craved.

  ‘He’s one tough bloke, your brother. I’m positive he’ll be fine and back to have a drink with us like he said,’ Brad said, stroking Sarah’s hair.

  Jack took hold of Sarah’s trembling hands. ‘Love, you stay here and try to enjoy yourself – you have a lot to celebrate. Daniel’s in good hands, and I’ll call you as soon as we know any more. No use us all sitting around the hospital like a mob of stuffed chooks.’

  ‘Please call me as soon as you hear anything,’ Sarah pleaded.

  ‘We will, sweetheart. I promise,’ Maggie said reassuringly, as she and Jack headed off to the car.

  Chapter Four

  LILY hadn’t spoken since the ambulance left.

  ‘Are you okay, mate? You haven’t said a word,’ Sarah asked, concerned.

  ‘Oh, yeah, I’m okay, Sarah, I think. Its just, I dunno … What happened to Daniel really scared me. I felt emotions flooding through me I didn’t even know I had. It’s like they’ve been hidden all this time and tonight they finally got the courage to surface. I mean, of course I’ve known Daniel most of my life. He’s like a brother to me … but what I’m feeling isn’t the way you feel about a broth
er.’ Lily paused, looking extremely confused.

  Brad gave a low whistle and raised his eyebrows as Sarah smiled and wrapped her arm around Lily’s shoulders.

  ‘You sound like you’re not sure if that’s a good thing, Lil – but trust me, it is. About bloody time! I thought I’d caught glimpses of something between you two here and there, but I didn’t want to say anything.’

  ‘Well, gee whiz, Sarah Clarke,’ Lily replied, grinning shyly. ‘How did you know before me?’ Her eyes widened and she looked like she was in mild shock. ‘But I’m not the one whose brother’s in hospital. How are you doing?’

  ‘I’m calming down slowly. I’ll feel better when I’ve heard from Mum that he really is okay.’

  They decided to distract themselves while they waited by watching more of the action from the grandstand. It was dark now, and floodlights illuminated the centre ring while a blanket of stars glittered in the black sky above them like jewels. The night carried with it a chill and people were wrapped in thick coats and blankets, Akubras glued to their heads to keep them warm. The comedy clowns were halfway through their show, giving the three a much-needed laugh. Halfway through the next show, the state bull riding competition, Sarah’s phone rang.

  ‘Sarah, it’s Mum. Daniel’s going to be okay! He has a couple of fractured ribs and a sprained wrist. The doc says he’s had an amazing escape and he just needs to rest up. The doc also told him to stay away from bull riding for a while. As if that’s going to happen!’

  ‘Oh, Mum. I’m so happy to hear that. We’ve all been so wor-ried,’ Sarah replied as she gave the thumbs up to Lily and Brad.

  ‘It’s crazy, but he really wants to get back to you to celebrate. We’ll drop him off on the way past but, Sarah, please make sure he behaves himself tonight. They’ve given him some strong painkillers so he shouldn’t be drinking at all. Keep an eye on him, okay? And have a wonderful night. Love you, sweetheart.’

  ‘Love you too, Mum. Bye,’ Sarah said as she flipped her phone shut and shoved it firmly back into her jeans pocket. Lily was tapping her foot with anxious energy, waiting for the news. Brad listened intently as Sarah filled them in.

  ‘Shit, he was lucky. I’m glad he doesn’t need an operation. He’ll be sore for a while, but at least it’s nothing too serious,’ Brad said.

  ‘Thank God he had no internal bleeding. I’m looking forward to congratulating him on his ride when he gets back here,’ Lily said, her voice flooding with relief.

  ‘Poor Daniel. He’s going to be sore for weeks. But I feel like I can relax a bit now and enjoy the night,’ Sarah said.

  They sat back to watch the last half of the state bull riding competition. In the end, Queensland won, and the three of them hooted and hollered along with extra energy, born of relief, when the Queensland cowboys came out to centre ring and threw their hats up in the air in triumph.

  ‘Who’s up for a bit of grub and a drink at the bar then?’ Lily asked.

  ‘A drink sounds good to me. I’m as thirsty as a drover’s dog,’ Brad answered.

  ‘I could definitely go a burger and chips from the CWA stand. The ladies always make a ripper burger. I didn’t think I’d be able to eat, but now I know Dan is going to be okay I’m suddenly starving.’ Sarah rubbed her belly.

  Lily and Sarah got a steak burger each and shared a cup of chips smothered in salt and vinegar. Brad picked at the chips and got a playful slap over the hand from Sarah. Afterwards, Sarah bought a piece of deep-fried baked cheesecake for the three of them to share. They sat on a hay bale near the bar, devouring the fat-laden dessert, licking their lips in pleasure. It went down an absolute treat.

  Later, in the bar, Sarah and Lily were dancing like loons and didn’t see Daniel arrive.

  ‘Hey, Sarah!’ he yelled from the sideline of the bumping and grinding mob.

  ‘Daniel!’ Sarah screamed with delight. She left Brad on the dance floor with Lily and ran towards him but he put his arms up to stop her crushing whatever intact ribs he had left.

  ‘Don’t hug me too hard, sis. I’m damaged goods at the moment. You gotta treat me with care, the doc says.’

  ‘Oh, Daniel, I’m sooo proud of you. You were amazing out there tonight! I’m so glad you’re here. I love you!’ Sarah spluttered as she wiggled and bopped to the music.

  ‘Somebody’s had a few drinks, I think,’ Daniel said, laughing and wincing.

  Lily had made her way over with Brad and was waiting to get a word in.

  Daniel looked at her and seemed momentarily lost for words. ‘Lily, how are ya, mate?’ was all he could muster.

  ‘Great, Dan. But how are you, more’s the question?’ Lily flashed a seductive smile, the alcohol helping loosen those inhibitions.

  ‘I’m gonna survive. Just,’ he replied, with a cheeky grin.

  ‘What can I get you to drink? You deserve one, I think,’ Lily asked, yelling over the band that had just started.

  ‘A can of unleaded beer will do just fine. I’m not going to be drinking you under the table tonight, Lily. The doc’s told me not to drink at all.’

  Brad had mumbled something about needing the loo, so Sarah jumped in. ‘I’ll get you one, Daniel. You and Lily wait here. Maybe you can hire her as your nurse for the evening.’ Sarah gave a devilish wink.

  Before anyone could argue over who was shouting the round Sarah was gone. She returned with four beers just in time to watch, wide-eyed, as Daniel put his hand on Lily’s cheek and leant in to kiss her on the lips. The passion flew between them like a fireworks display. Sarah waited for them to pull apart and tapped Daniel on the shoulder. He came out of his trance-like state and turned to her, grinning from ear to ear.

  Lily and Daniel stood there blushing, looking like a couple of rabbits in the headlights. They reminded Sarah of two primary school kids who’d just been busted snogging behind the tuckshop by the headmistress.

  ‘Geez, what did I miss?’ Sarah asked.

  Daniel blushed, grinning wildly. ‘I asked Lily to come to Cairns with me on a date and she accepted!’

  ‘How could I say no to an injured man?’ Lily said shyly.

  ‘This is just great, you two. I’m so happy you finally got it together!’ Sarah squealed.

  Brad arrived back to hear the last part of the conversation. ‘Did you guys get together? About time, I reckon!’

  Caught up in the emotion of the moment, Sarah turned to Brad and gave him a passionate kiss. He returned it briefly before pulling away and avoiding eye contact. She was sure she could smell something strange on his breath. He was chewing on gum, though, so she couldn’t really tell. Maybe she was just drunk and imagining things. Suddenly the band started playing ‘Happy Birthday’, and the crowd turned to Sarah. Delighted and embarrassed, Sarah cracked up laughing and then held her glass of Bundy and coke up victoriously in the air, her curly blonde hair bouncing while she sang along.

  Once the song had finished, Johnny Cash and June Carter’s hit song ‘We’re Going to Jackson’ pumped out of the speakers, and Lily squealed. ‘Come on, Sarah! Your favourite song is on and we gotta dance!’

  Just as they started dancing Sarah spotted Johnny Marsh coming for her. He was blotto – he’d evidently been drinking solidly since she had seen him earlier. She ducked the incoming bear hug, causing him to stumble and collect Brad on the way down. The guys rolled on the ground in stitches of laughter, beer and whisky all over them.

  ‘You right there, Brad?’ Sarah asked, as she gave him a hand up off the ground. She could barely speak she was laughing so much.

  ‘Thanks,’ Brad replied as he clutched his groin with one hand and grabbed Sarah’s hand with the other. ‘Johnny hit me fair in the j jatz crackers!’

  Johnny grinned sheepishly as he got up.

  The four of them danced as Daniel watched, singing out tunes from Garth Brooks, Brad Paisley, Slim Dusty, the Sunny Cowgirls and Lee Kernaghan. Finally, the night was over, and as Sarah looked up into the velvety night sky at the millions of stars abov
e, she smiled to herself. It felt as though everything she had ever wanted and dreamt of was within her reach.

  Chapter Five

  THE Clarke household was up an hour before its rooster, Frank, crowed his morning wake-up call. Sarah felt the pang of sorrow the minute she opened her eyes. Today she’d be leaving her family home. But this was mixed with anticipation about her new life on Rosalee Station. She lay in bed for a few minutes, enjoying the sounds of the house coming to life as her family pottered around downstairs, staring at her wonky ceiling fan as though hypnotised by it. She knew she’d miss her family. Having them there any minute of the day was something she’d taken totally for granted. She felt tears well up and run down her cheeks, letting them fall, wanting to express the heartache she was feeling in the privacy of her room. It was going to be so hard driving away, but also thrilling to be heading towards her new adventure.

  Brad had left the morning after Sarah’s birthday, and Sarah had spent the week running around like a headless chicken, getting ready to leave. The trip itself was taken care of – Lily and Daniel had offered to drive her out to the station. Sarah was so happy her brother and best mate would be joining her on her journey – it was going to be a slow one with Victory in the heavy horse float behind the Cruiser along never-ending, unsealed roads. Lily had managed to get a week’s leave from her job at the local real estate agency, and she and Daniel were going to fly home from Mt Isa after spending a few days on the station to help Sarah settle in.

  Sarah sniffed and wiped away her tears, deciding it was time to suck it up and get out of bed. As she packed the last of her clothes into her bag, Maggie walked into her room. Sarah swallowed the huge lump in her throat, noticing Maggie’s eyes were red.

  ‘I’ve packed some food for the three of you in the esky, love,’ Maggie said as she helped Sarah zip up her bag. ‘I don’t want you getting stuck in the middle of Woop Woop without food. Who knows what your brother’s capable of if he gets hungry enough!’ Maggie’s cheeriness sounded forced.


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